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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Monday, 24 March 2003
8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Outline
Topic: BW - WA - 8ACH

8th ACH (WA)

8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia



Map illustrating the activities of the Australian Commonwealth Horse in South Africa, 1902.

[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, p. 437.


Eighth Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse


Western Australian Unit.

This was "D" Squadron of the 8th Battalion, Australian Commonwealth  Horse, which comprised two South Australian squadrons, one Western Australian, and one Tasmanian.

For particulars of pay, clothing, equipment, conditions of enrolment, organization, etc., vide 5th Battalion, Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales, page 184.

No. 1 Troop comprised 29 N.C.O.'s and men, who were enrolled at Military Head-Quarters, Perth; No. 2 Troop of similar strength, enrolled at Geraldton (6), Bunbury (14), Northam (8), and Albany (3); Nos. 3 and 4 Troops, each of strength stated, at the Eastern Goldfields; enrolling centre, Kalgoorlie. Preference was given to men belonging to existing military units, to those who had served in South Africa, and to civilians that possessed most military qualities.

Horses fit for service were selected by local committees, at prices not exceeding £20; Preference Wing given to horses brought by the man enrolled. Height, 15 to 15.3 hands; age, 5 to 12 years.
For service, vide 8th Battalion, Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia. There were not any casualties. Promotions as per nominal roll.

Departure and Return

The Squadron embarked on the transport St. Andrew (which had on board the battalion staff and the other Squadrons), at Fremantle, and June, 1902, and arrived at Durban on the 19th. Strength:- 4 officers, 116 others, with 120 horses. Forty seven N.C.O.'s sad men were struck off in South Africa; 4 officers, 69 others returned to Australia.


Further Reading:

8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 2 May 2010 4:07 PM EADT
Sunday, 23 March 2003
8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - WA - 8ACH

8th ACH (WA)

8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 437 - 440.


8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia

387 Trooper Ernest William ABBOTT

385 Trooper William AIRY

401 Trooper Robert ARNOLD

450 Trooper Edward John BARRETT

473 Trooper James BARRY

481 Trooper Charles John BEATTIE

458 Trooper Edgar Bruce BEAUMONT

451 Trooper Charles Edgar BENNETT

389 Trooper Harry Linden BINCE

463 Sergeant Major Walter Richard BIRCH

474 Lance Corporal Peter BRANOBERGER

397 Corporal Walter James David BRICKHILL

477 Trooper William Henry BRISTOWE

486 Trooper John Clifford BRITTON

378 Trooper Alex. John BROADBENT

422 Trooper Timothy BROWN

376 Sergeant Walter BROWNE

466 Trooper Hugh Francis Arnund BUCKLE

475 Trooper Gordon Angelo BURGESS

436 Corporal John BUTLER

472 Trooper David George BYNON

470 Trooper Joseph Lot CARLILINI

445 Private George Johnston CARROLL

448 Trooper Frank CARTHEW

438 Trooper Henry CASTLE

452 Trooper John CAVIN

430 Trooper William Frederick CHALLINGER

395 Private James CHAPMAN

471 Trooper Jason COULTER

465 Trooper Francis Richard DAWKINS

392 Sergeant Frederick John DOIG

406 Trooper Sydney DYSON

388 Trooper James EADEN

425 Trooper Thomas EADIE

403 Lance Corporal Leonard Douglas EDWARDS

Lieutenant Herbert FARMER

462 Lance Corporal Kenneth John Stuart FINCH

482 Trooper Richard Augustus FLANAGAN

453 Trooper Arthur John FLATT

480 Trooper James Patrick FLEMING

421 Trooper Marshall FLOWER

382 Trumpeter Ernest FLOYD

383 Corporal Arthur FORD

424 Trooper Edward Amor FOSTER

411 Trooper Henry Fletcher GALLAHER

390 Trooper James Edwin GARE

398 Private John Edward GRANT

399 Private Alfred James HAMPSHIRE

412 Trooper James HAWKINS

Lieutenant Walter James HEALEY

386 Trooper Ronald Loughton HILL

432 Trooper Chandos HOSKYNS

384 Private George HOWARD

441 Private William JOHN

404 Quartermaster Sergeant George JOHNSTON

459 Trooper Niel LAMONT

431 Trooper Charles John LANGLANDS

487 Corporal James Charles LARKIN

420 Trooper William LAW

443 Private John LETHLEAN

467 Trooper Lionel Taylor LLOYD

476 Trooper Charles LOCKE

414 Trooper Ernest William LOWTHER

434 Trooper Joseph Ithiel LYON

394 Private Jack MANY

460 Trooper Samuel James MCILRAITH

449 Trooper Donald James Sommerville MCKINNON

415 Trooper Donald MCNABB

433 Trooper Angus MCNEIL

391 Trooper Alexander MCRAE

407 Trooper Henry Charles MERRETT

Lieutenant William Checkley MILLS

468 Trooper Henry MOHR

405 Private Charles Main MOIR

483 Trooper Horace George MOORE

381 Trooper James MORRAH

439 Private Thomas MOXHAM

410 Trooper Norman David McLeod MURDOCH

490 Trooper Robert John NESLON

419 Trooper George NINNIS

428 Trooper William O'NEIL

456 Trooper John Peter O'NEILL

442 Private Michael Joseph O'SULLIVAN

489 Trooper Henry PAGE

402 Private Ralph Von PALESKE

437 Trooper Frederick John PEARCE

427 Trooper Joseph PERKS

444 Private Thomas Matthews PHILLIPS

416 Trooper William John PRATT

461 Trooper Charles William PRICE

447 Trooper David PRISK

446 Private Oliver Henry PRISK

454 Corporal Edward Dudhope RAMSAY

380 Corporal Joseph George Wharton RANK

400 Sergeant Matthew Henry ROBERTS

Captain Stephen Robert Harrick ROBERTS

478 Trooper Charles ROBINSON

426 Trooper John Moore ROBINSON

408 Trooper John ROWE

479 Trooper Albert Edward ROWLAND

435 Trooper Charles William RUTHVEN

409 Trooper George Butters SAYER

429 Trooper Alfred SCHOLES

455 Trooper Valentine SHAKES

413 Trooper Eugene Best SMALPAGE

488 Trooper Thomas Richard STEPHENS

396 Sergeant George Dexter STOTTER

451 Trooper John Lawrence SULLIVAN

393 Trooper John Drinkwater SYERS

484 Trooper Albert Charles THOM

485 Trooper William THOM

417 Trooper John THOMPSON

423 Trooper William Laing THOMSON

418 Lance Corporal Charles Moon TREAGUS

464 Trooper Charles William VINE

491 Trumpeter John WEBBER

469 Trooper Henry Morton WESTH

379 Lance Corporal Arthur WILLIAMS

377 Trooper Arthur WILLIAMSON

440 Private Frank WILLIAMSON



Further Reading:

8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 2 May 2010 12:34 PM EADT
Thursday, 20 March 2003
2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Contents
Topic: BW - WA - 2ACH

2nd ACH (WA)

2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia






2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Outline


Nominal Roll

2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Nominal Roll



Roll of Honour

No 2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, casualties.

Lest we forget


Further Reading:

2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 2 May 2010 4:47 PM EADT
Wednesday, 19 March 2003
2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Outline
Topic: BW - WA - 2ACH

2nd ACH (WA)

2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia



Map illustrating the activities of the Australian Commonwealth Horse in South Africa, 1902.

[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, p. 431.


Second Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse Western Australian Unit.

This was "E" Company (or half Company) of the 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, composed of Western Australians. For pay, clothing, equipment, organization, service, etc, vide 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Those who desired to join the Company were required to have had experience of country life in Australia, management of horses, and bush travelling; and to be of good character.

A captain, a corporal, and six privates of the Australian Army Medical Corps, Western. Australian section, furnished that quota of the Commonwealth Army Medical Corps Contingent. Nominal roll subjoined. For service vide Army Medical Corps, New South Wales, (Murray) p. 16.

There were no promotions of officers, nor casualties. Promotions of N.C.O.'s and man will be found in nominal mil. A proportion of them had served in previous Australian Contingents, or in South African Horse.

Departure and Return

The Company left on the 26th February, 1902, consisting of 2 officers, 58 others, having in reality only the strength of about a half-Company. Sixty harass were taken. Fifteen N.C.O.'s and men were struck off in South Africa; 2 officers, 43 others returned to Australia.


The Company embarked on the transport Manchester Merchant at Fremantle, 28th February, 1902, the South Australian Company being also on board. Arrived at Durban on 14th March, and entrained for Newcastle, where they joined the Victorians on the 18th; Lieut.-Colonel M'Leish, C.M.G., in command. On 8th April, marched to Volksrust and entrained to Klerksdorp, where the battalion became portion of Colonel De Lisle's Australian Brigade, included in Lieutenant General Ian Hamilton's Mobile Force. They too part in ensuing operations, including the "drive" (7th to 11th May), between Noitverwecht and the Kimberley Mafeking railway line (Leeuwspruit, about 4 miles from Devondale Siding), the success of which contributed so much to the conclusion of the war. (Vide 2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria).

The Company officers, of course, participated in the operations, and received Queen's Medal with clasps. Lieutenant and Quartermaster B. H. Andrews had men previous service with 3rd Contingent. Lieutenant H. N. Venn, Paymaster, 1st and 2nd Battalions, who had formerly served in 4th Western Australian Contingent, returned to Australia by the Drayton Grange, 11th July; he was subsequently promoted Captain, and returned again to South Africa for final settlement of Australian accounts.

The Company embarked at Durban on 5th July, 1902, in the transport Norfolk, with the South Australians; arrived at Albany on the 25th, and were disbanded shortly afterwards.


Further Reading:

2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 2 May 2010 12:01 PM EADT
Tuesday, 18 March 2003
2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - WA - 2ACH

2nd ACH (WA)

2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 431 - 433.


2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse (Western Australia)

Lieutenant and Quartermaster Benjamin Henry ANDREWS

1136 Private Alfred ARMSTRONG

1104 Private Thomas ASHMORE

1107 Private William Thomas BATTYE

1158 Private Edgar Watson BELL

1145 Private William James BELL

1156 Private John BITTON

1122 Private Henry Ernest BRADBURY

1118 Corporal John Samuel BRIDGEMAN

1139 Private Albert James BUTLER

1111 Private George Percival CAHILL

1140 Private Walter CAHILL

1110 Private William CAVANAGH

1115 Private James CHARTERIS

1152 Lance Corporal George Frederick CLARKE

1123 Private George Lawrence CLARKE

1114 Private George Henry COATMAN

1126 Private James Jnr. COLLINS

1129 Private John Edwards COLLINS

1102 Quartermaster Sergeant Thomas John COPELAND

1157 Private Robert CROUCH

1358 Private Alexander Vincent CUNNINGHAM

Lieutenant Charles DAVIES

1143 Private Henry Stuart DAY

1101 Private Mathew William DUNN

1147 Private Frederick GRASS

1108 Private John GRIMES

1155 Private Walter Edgar HEARMAN

1117 Corporal George Bertrand HICKS

1150 Private Patrick Percy HUGHES

1109 Private Sydney Broderick JAGO

1357 Corporal John Patrick JEFFERS

1125 Private Oscar Charles JOHNSON

1149 Private David Henry JONES

1146 Private Robert KELLS

1124 Private Henry KILMURRAY

1121 Private Frank Alderley KING

1119 Private John KNOWLER

1153 Private Ed. LEE

1105 Private George MAIN

1116 Trumpeter Wilfred MARTIN


1133 Private James Harold MATTHEWS

1137 Private John MCCARTHY

1142 Private Archibald MCCOLL

1120 Private Ernest John MESSENGER

1135 Private George MONGER

1103 Lance Corporal George MOORE

1141 Farrier Sergeant John NICHOLLS

Captain Arthur John NYULASY


1154 Private Thomas O'CONNELL

Lieutenant Edward Percival PRETTY

1361 Private Sylvanus REYNOLDS

1159 Private Alfred George RIDD

1128 Private Walter Vatian ROWLEY

1113 Sergeant Michael James SHEA

1269 Private Jesse SHRIMPTON

1138 Private James SMITH

1132 Private Walter James SMITH

1144 Private Adolf George SOMMER

1131 Lance Corporal Henry Harold TRATHAN

1360 Private Frederick Thomas Samuel WATERMAN

1127 Private Robert Thomas Pearson WILEY

1134 Private John Forsaith WILLIAMSON

1130 Private William WILSON

1106 Private WOODS

1148 Private Joseph William WYATT

1267 Private Frederick YANN

1112 Corporal Gustavus Henry ZACCHEUS



Further Reading:

2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 2 May 2010 12:03 PM EADT

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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