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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 15 September 2004
"H" Coy, 2nd Btn, VMR and the 1893 Queensland Flood
Topic: Militia - LHV - 11/20/4

11th/20th/4th ALH

11th/20th/4th Australian Light Horse

The Queensland Flood Appeal, 1893

In February 1893, "H" Company Second Battalion, Victorian Mounted Rifles was located in Hamilton, western Victoria. The town of Hamilton had heard the calamitous news about a massive flood in Queensland. Below is an exchange which illustrates the Australian ethos of helping out the people in need at a time of crisis. 

The first item is a story published in the The Brisbane Courier on Friday, 3 February 1893, while the event was still unfolding. The reason for this is to illustrate the immediate nature of the commentary in the article. The reporting of the event is only a few hours old and told by a person who was witnessing the events as they were occurring.


The Brisbane Courier, Friday, 3 February 1893


A transcript of the article follows:


Any hopes that may have been entertained as to an improvement in the weather yesterday were doomed to disappointment, for the rain in Brisbane proved heavier than on any preceding day since it began. During tho twenty-four hours ended at 9 o'clock yesterday morning 3.18in. were registered at Wickham-terrace Observatory, but at Bulimba the record was 4.80in, and at Bowen Park 4.41in. At 9 o’clock last evening Wickham-terrace reported 2.66in. for the preceding twelve hours, and the rain was then falling at the rate of 0.35in. per hour.

The most serious aspect of last evening’s news lay in the reports of heavy rains and high floods in the Upper Brisbane and its tributary the Stanley. As will be seen from tho telegrams published below, the high flood mark of 1890 must have been reached if not exceeded, and the water was still rising. Every preparation must, therefore, be made for a severe flood in the city, as a few hours will bring these waters past our doors. The only relieving feature appears to be that the Bremer and other southern tributaries of the Brisbane are not likely to swell the volume of flood waters so much as they sometimes do. In Brisbane yesterday morning the tide was only 18in. above high-water springs; but every preparation was made by wharf owners and others as far as possible to remove property beyond reach of the water. In the Booroodabin Division Mr. Leney, tho board's clerk, went round last evening and warned tho people in threatened localities. He was able, through the kindness of Mr. G.C. Horstmann and Mr. H.J. Oxley, to offer them shelter in vacant houses on high ground, and some availed themselves of the offer last night. It may be hoped that the example thus set will be followed while there is yet time, and that much suffering may thus be avoided. Many owners of vacant houses on high land would, doubtless, be glad to place them at the service of tho local authorities in such a time of need.

The heaviest rain appears to have been experienced oh the coast between Moreton Bay and Keppel Bay, and the high figures of the preceding day at Yandina and Landsborough were thrown into insignificance by the record of 20in. in twenty-four hours at Yeppoon. Ten inches wore registered at Emu Park.

Gympie, Maryborough, and Bundaberg have all suffered more or loss severely, but tho state of the telegraph lines makos it impossible to get details at present. Mr. Wragge's experiences on board the Buninyong off the Northumberland Islands, between Mackay and Keppel Bay, are thus described in a telegram sent by him to Brisbane yesterday:-

"Passed through centre of terrible hurricane when off Northumberland group of islands; barometer at sea level and corrected about 28.6in. Providential escape, due to most skilful navigation; never seen such awful weather before."


The response from Hamilton

Following the floods, committees all around Australia sprang up to donate funds to assist the stricken Queenslanders. Eventually over £50,000 was raised throughout Australia within the month.

We then travel to Hamilton, a small town in the western portion of Victoria. The letter needs little explanation as the details of their activities are clearly spelt out.


"H" Company Second Battalion, Victorian Mounted Rifles letter of Monday, 27 February 1893.

[Click on letter for larger version.]

A transcript of the letter follows:

"H" Company
Second Battalion VMR

From the Officer Commanding "H" Company
To the Adjutant, VM Rifles


At a meeting held in the Town Hall last Thursday evening to consider what steps should be taken to assist the sufferers in the great flood in Queensland.

It was resolved that each Club, Society and Station be written to asking them to do their share in making the contribution as large as possible.

"H" Company of Mounted Rifles wish to do what they can in the matter by holding a Tournament in aid of the above object, but their efforts would be useless unless free passes were issued to outside competitors, as we have to depend on the other branches of the force to make it a success.

Could this not be made a special case and passes granted to bonafide competitors from a distance?

I have the honour to be Sir
Your Obedient Servant
RA Algie
Sgt Major
For Officer Commanding "H" Coy
2nd Battalion VMR.


Dates referred to in letter

Thursday, 23 February 1893

Monday, 27 February 1893



"H" Company Second Battalion, Victorian Mounted Rifles.  In 1903 it became 4th Squadron, 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment and then after 1912, "C" Squadron with the 20th Australian Light Horse Regiment.


Further Reading:

11th/20th/4th Australian Light Horse

11th/20th/4th Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: "H" Coy, 2nd Btn, VMR and the 1893 Queensland Flood

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 25 June 2010 4:53 PM EADT
29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Leonard Farrell, 1914
Topic: Militia - LHV - 29

29th ALH

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse

Leonard Farrell, 1914


Leonard Farrell


Leonard Farrell


"B" Squadron

Born 31 July 1883

Commissioned Second Lieutenant 16 June 1913 with the 29th Australian Light Horse.

Promoted to Lieutenant, 1 July 1915 with the 29th Australian Light Horse. 



Further Reading:

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Leonard Farrell, 1914

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 11:17 PM EADT
Tuesday, 14 September 2004
29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Hector Norman Milne, 1914
Topic: Militia - LHV - 29

29th ALH

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse

Hector Norman Milne, 1914


Hector Norman Milne
Hector Norman Milne
"B" Squadron 
Born October 1880
Spouse Linda Milne
Enlisted in 1905 with the 7th Infantry Regiment, "C" Company.
Transferred 1908 to the 11th Australian Light Horse.
Commissioned Second Lieutenant 10 April 1911 with the 11th Australian Light Horse. 
Transferred as Second Lieutenant 1 July 1912 with the 29th Australian Light Horse. 
Regimental number953
Addressc/o G Petrie, Griffiths Bros., George Street, Sydney
Marital statusMarried
Age at embarkation34
Next of kinWife, Mrs Linda Milne, c/o G Petrie, Griffiths' Bros., George Street, Sydney
Enlistment date17 December 1914
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit name7th Light Horse Regiment, 5th Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number10/12/2
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Newcastle, New South Wales, on board HMAT A58 Kabinga on 21 May 1915
Rank from Nominal RollPrivate
Unit from Nominal Roll7th Light Horse Regiment
FateReturned to Australia 20 January 1916


Further Reading:

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Hector Norman Milne, 1914

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 11:18 PM EADT
Monday, 13 September 2004
29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Benjamin Ernest Aloys Kerr, 1914
Topic: Militia - LHV - 29

29th ALH

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse

Benjamin Ernest Aloys Kerr, 1914

Benjamin Ernest Aloys Kerr


Benjamin Ernest Aloys Kerr

"B" Squadron

Born 22 June 1888

Enlisted 1909 with the 10th Australian Light Horse.

Promoted to Corporal 1912 with the 10th Australian Light Horse. 

Transferred 1 July 1912 to the 29th Australian Light Horse.
Promoted to Sergeant 1913 with the 29th Australian Light Horse.

Commissioned Second Lieutenant 1 July 1913 with the 29th Australian Light Horse.
Promoted to Lieutenant, 1 July 1915 with the 29th Australian Light Horse.

Promoted to Captain, 30 September 1918 with the 29th Australian Light Horse. 


AddressBeach Road, Whittlesea, Victoria
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation26
Next of kinMrs R Kerr, Beach Road, Whittlesea, Victoria
Enlistment date29 March 1915
Rank on enlistmentLieutenant
Unit name13th Light Horse Regiment, C Squadron
AWM Embarkation Roll number10/18/1
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A34 Persic on 28 May 1915
Rank from Nominal RollLieutenant
Unit from Nominal Roll8th Light Horse Regiment
FateReturned to Australia 23 August 1919
Other details

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal

Date of death9 February 1972



Further Reading:

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Benjamin Ernest Aloys Kerr, 1914

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 11:19 PM EADT
29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Harold Michael Horan, 1914
Topic: Militia - LHV - 29

29th ALH

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse

Harold Michael Horan, 1914


Harold Michael Horan


Harold Michael Horan


"A" Squadron

Born 13 March  1891

Enlisted 1909 with the 10th Australian Light Horse.

Promoted to Sergeant 1912 with the 10th Australian Light Horse.
Transferred 1 July 1912 to the 29th Australian Light Horse.
Commissioned Second Lieutenant 1 July 1913 with the 29th Australian Light Horse.
Promoted to Lieutenant, 1 July 1915 with the 29th Australian Light Horse.


Date of birth13 March 1891
ReligionRoman Catholic
Address'Templarville', Rupert Street, Collingwood, Victoria
Marital statusMarried
Age at embarkation25
Next of kinWife, Mrs Violet Catherine Horan, 'Templarville', Rupert Street, Collingwood, Victoria
Previous military service29th ALH
Enlistment date5 February 1916
Date of enlistment from Nominal Roll1 February 1916
Rank on enlistmentLieutenant
Unit name

8th Light Horse Regiment

8th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement

AWM Embarkation Roll number10/13/4
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A43 Barunga on 7 April 1916


Unit: AFC
Promotion date:
1 February 1916

Temporary Captain

Promotion date:
12 June 1917
FateReturned to Australia 15 June 1919
Miscellaneous details (Nominal Roll)4th Light Horse Regiment



Further Reading:

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse

29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Roll of Honour

Victoria Militia - Light Horse 

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 29th (Port Phillip) Australian Light Horse, Harold Michael Horan, 1914

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 11:18 PM EADT

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