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Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 3, XX CORPS
Topic: AIF & MEF & EEF

Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918

Part 3,  XX CORPS


As part of the Official British War History of the Great War, Captain Cyril Falls was commissioned to produce a commentary on the Sinai, Palestine and Syrian operations that took place. In 1930, his finished work, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, produced in two parts, was published in London. The book included Appendix 2 which specifically detailed the Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, October 1917 and is extracted below. Falls makes the comment that this Order of Battle was not as comprehensive as that produced in the earlier volume.

Falls, C, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, Part II, London, 1930, Appendix 3 pp. 668 - 669:



G.O.C. -

Lieut. General Sir P. W. Chetwode, Bt., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O.

Br.-General, General Staff -

Br. General A. P. Wavell, M.C.

Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster-General -

Br. General C. W. Pearless, C.M.G., D.S.O.

G.O.C. Royal Artillery -

Br. General A. H. Short, C.B., C.M.G.

Chief Engineer -

Br. General R. L. Waller, C.M.G.


10th Division.

G.O.C. -

Major General J. R. Longley, C.B., C.M.G.

29th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General C. L. Smith, V.C., M.C.


1/Leinster Regt.
1/54th Sikhs (F.F.).
1/101st Grenadiers.
2/151st Indian Infantry.

30th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General F. A. Greer, C.M.G., D.S.O.


1/R. Irish Regt.
38th Dogras.
1/Kashmir I.S. Infantry.
46th Punjabis.

31st Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General E. M. Morris, C.M.G.


2/R. Irish Fusiliers.
74th Punjabis.
2/101st Grenadiers.
2/42nd Deoli Regt.


LXVII Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
LXVIII Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
263rd Brigade R.F.A. (75th, [Attached Chaytor's Force for operations.] 424th, and "C" Btys. ).


66th and 85th Field Coys. R.E.
18th Coy. Sappers and Miners.


2/155th Pioneers.



53rd Division.

G.O.C. -

Major General S. F. Mott, C.B.

158th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General H. A. Vernon, D.S.O.


5/6th R. Welch Fusiliers.   
3/153rd Indian Infantry.
4/11th Gurkha Rifles.
3/154th Indian Infantry.



159th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General N. E. Money, D.S.O.


4/5th Welch Regt.   
1/153rd Indian Infantry.
3/152nd Indian Infantry.
2/153rd Indian Infantry.



160th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General V. L. N. Pearson.


1/7th R. Welch Fusiliers.
1/17th Infantry.
1/21st Punjabis.
1st Cape Corps.



Artillery -

265th Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
266th Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
267th Brigade R.F.A. (" A," " B," and 439th Btys.).


Engineers -

436th and 437th Field Coys. R.E.
72nd Coy. Sappers and Miners.

Pioneers -

1/155th Pioneers.


Corps Troops.

Mounted Troops -

1/1st Worcester Yeo.

Artillery -

Note - The artillery here shown is not that normally attached to the XX Corps, but merely that proportion under its command for the operations of the 19th September. The bulk had been transferred to the XXI Corps, and will be found under that heading.
XCVII Brigade R.G.A. (421st Siege Bty., 1 Gun 387th Bty.).
Note - Sufficient personnel was available to man 2 captured 150-mm, howitzers, 2 captured 105-mm. howitzers, and 2 captured 75-mm. guns, under the command of the XCVII Brigade.
103rd Brigade R.G.A. (10th Heavy Bty., 205th and 392nd Siege Btys., 387th Siege Bty. less 1 Gun.).
39th Indian Mountain Bty.
Note - Directly under the orders of the 53rd Division.
Hong Kong and Singapore Mountain Bty.
Note - Directly under the orders of the 10th Division.


Previous: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 2,  Desert Mounted Corps 

Next: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 4,  XXI CORPS


Further Reading:

AIF & MEF & EEF, Contents 

AIF, MEF and the EEF


Citation: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 3,  XX CORPS

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 20 July 2009 12:02 PM EADT
Monday, 18 May 2009
South Coast Rifle Association Council meeting, 15 August 1900
Topic: MilitiaRC - NSW

South Coast Rifle Association Council

Meeting, 15 August 1900


South Coast Rifle Association 400 yard range on Kendall's Beach.

[From: Town and Country Journal, 23 June 1900, p. 26.]


The following item was extracted from the Town and Country Journal, 25 August 1900, p. 54.



The first meeting for the year of the South Coast Rifle Association's Council was held at Kiama on August 15, Major H. H. Honey presiding, and there being also present: Lieutenant Stevensen, Sergeant Bales and G. Knight (Kiama) ; Messrs. G. Lindsay and C. W Prott (Wollongong); and Mr. J. Sharpe (Gerringong). The treasurer's statement showed a credit balance of £217, which, considering the difficulties surrounding a first prize meeting, is most satisfactory. The membership of the association (915) is a record for a provincial association, and there was also a record number of competitors at the prize meeting. Major Honey was elected chairman for the year, and Lieutenant Stevensen hon. treasurer. The dates for the next prize meeting were fixed for March 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 1901. The association decided to place £200 at fixed deposit in the Government Savings Bank. It was resolved to at once apply to the Minister for Defence for the current year's grant of £250, and to ask him to push on with the resumption of the land for the range. Mr. R. O. Kendall and Miss C. Kendal were granted an honorarium of £5 for allowing the association to proceed with a prize meeting before the land was resumed.

 The Coolamon Rifle Club promises to be a success, and already about 40 persons have signified their intention joining, including many of the leading men of the town.



1. The South Coast Rifle Association Council was formed at Kiama in June 1899.

2. For information about C. W Prott (Wollongong), see:

Charles William Prott, 1851 - 1926

3. Coolamon Rifle Club was eventually formed on 27 August 1900, and affiliated with “G” Company, 1st Infantry Regiment which was located at Wagga Wagga.


Further Reading:

New South Wales Rifles Clubs, 1893 - 1901

New South Wales Rifles Clubs


Citation: South Coast Rifle Association Council meeting, 15 August 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 10:42 AM EADT
Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 4, XXI CORPS
Topic: AIF & MEF & EEF

Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918

Part 4,  XXI CORPS


As part of the Official British War History of the Great War, Captain Cyril Falls was commissioned to produce a commentary on the Sinai, Palestine and Syrian operations that took place. In 1930, his finished work, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, produced in two parts, was published in London. The book included Appendix 2 which specifically detailed the Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, October 1917 and is extracted below. Falls makes the comment that this Order of Battle was not as comprehensive as that produced in the earlier volume.

Falls, C, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, Part II, London, 1930, Appendix 3 pp. 669 - 672:



G.O.C. -

Lieut. General Sir E. S. Bulfin, K.C.B., C.V.O.

Br.-General, General Staff. -

Br. General H. F. Salt, D.S.O.

Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster General -

Br. General St. G. B. Armstrong.

G.O.C. Royal Artillery -

Br. General H. A. D. Simpson Baikie, C.B., C.M.G.

Chief Engineer -

Br. General R. P. T. Hawksley, D.S.O.

3rd (Lahore) Division.

G.O.C. -

Major-General A. R. Hoskins, C.M.G., D.S.O.

7th Brigade   

G.O.C. -

Br. General S. R. Davidson, C.M.G.


1/Connaught Rangers.
27th Punjabis.
2/7th Gurkha Rifles.
91st Punjabis.

8th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General S. M. Edwardes, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.


1/Manchester Regt.

59th Scinde Rifles (F.F.).

47th Sikhs.

2/124th Baluchistan Infantry.

9th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General C. C. Luard, C.M.G.


2/Dorsetshire Regt.

93rd Infantry.

1/1st Gurkha Rifles.

105th Mahratta L.I.


IV Brigade R.F.A. (7th, 14th, B/69th Btys.).
VIII Brigade R.F.A. (372nd, 373rd, and 428th Btys.).
LIII Brigade R.F.A. (66th, 374th, and 430th Btys.).


65th Field Coy. R.E.
20th and 21st Coys. Sappers and Miners.


1/34th Sikh Pioneers.

7th (Meerut) or "(Indian)" Division.

G.O.C. -

Major General Sir V. B. Fane, K.C.I.E., C.B.

19th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General G. A. Weir, D.S.O.


1/Seaforth Highlanders.
92nd Punjabis.
28th Punjabis.
125th Napier's Rifles.

21st Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General A. G. Kemball.


2/R. Highlanders.
20th Punjabis.
1st Guides Infantry.
1/8th Gurkha Rifles.

28th Brigade (F.F.)

G.O.C. -

Br. General C. H. Davies, C.M.G., D.S.O.


2/Leicestershire Regt.
53rd Sikhs (F.F.).
51st Sikhs (F.F.).
56th Punjabi Rifles (F.F.).


261st Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
262nd Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and 438th Btys.).
264th Brigade R.F.A. (422nd, 423rd, and "C" Btys.).


522nd Field Coy. R.E. 3rd and 4th Coys. Sappers and Miners.


121st Pioneers.


54th (East Anglian) Division.

G.O.C. -

Major General S. W. Hare, C.B.


161st Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General H. B. H. Orpen-Palmer, D.S.O.


1/4th Essex Regt.

1/5th Essex Regt.

1/6th Essex Regt.

1/7th Essex Regt.


162nd Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General A. Mudge, C.M.G.


1/5th Bedfordshire Regt.

1/10th London Regt.

1/4th Northamptonshire Regt.

1/11th London Regt.



163rd Brigade

G.O.C. - Br. General A. J. McNeill, D.S.O.


1/4th Norfolk Regt.

1/5th Suffolk Regt.

1/5th Norfolk Regt.

1/8th Hampshire Regt.

Artillery -

270th Brigade R.F.A. ("A" and "C" Btys.).

271st Brigade R.F.A. ("A" and "B" Btys.).

272nd Brigade R.F.A. ("B" and "C" Btys.).


Engineers -

484th, 486th, 495th Field Coys. R.E.



60th Division.

G.O.C. -

Major General J. S. M. Shea, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.


179th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General E. T. Humphreys, D.S.O.


2/13th London Regt.   
2/19th Punjabis.
3/151st Punjabi Rifles.
2/127th Baluchi L.I.

180th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General C. F. Watson, C.M.G., D.S.O.


2/19th London Regt.
2/30th Punjabis.
2nd Guides Infantry.
1/50th Kumaon Rifles.

181st Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General E. C. Da Costa, C.M.G., D.S.O.


2/22nd London Regt.
2/97th Deccan Infantry
130th Baluchis.
2/152nd Indian Infantry.


301st Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
302nd Brigade R.F.A. (" A," " B," and 413th Btys.).
303rd Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).


519th and 521st Field Coys. R.E.
No. 1 Coy. Sappers and Miners.


2/107th Pioneers.

75th Division.

G.O.C. –

Major General P. C. Palin, C. B., C.M.G.

232nd Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. Br. General H. J. Huddleston, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.C.


1/4th Wiltshire Regt.
2/3rd Gurkha Rifles.
72nd Punjabis.
3rd Kashmir I.S. Infantry.



233rd Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General the Hon. E. M. Colston, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.V.O.


1/5th Somerset L.I.
3/3rd Gurkha Rifles.
29th Punjabis.
2/154th Indian Infantry.



234th Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General C. A. H. Maclean, D.S.O.


1/4th Duke of Cornwall's L.I.
58th Vaughan's Rifles (F.F.).
123rd Outram's Rifles.
1/152nd Indian Infantry.

Artillery -

XXXVII Brigade R.F.A. (389th 390th, and 405th Btys.).
172nd Brigade R.F.A. (391st, 392nd, and 406th Btys.).
1st S. African F.A. Brigade ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).

Engineers -

496th Field Coy. R.E., 10th and 16th Coys. Sappers and Miners.


2/32nd Sikh Pioneers.


Détachement Français de Palestine et Syrie.

[Note: Under the orders of G.O.C. 54th Division.]

Commander -

Colonel P, de Piépape, C.B.


Régiment de Marche de Tirailleurs
7me Bn. 1er Tirailleurs Algériens.
9me Bn. 2me Tirailleurs Algériens.

Régiment de Marche de la Légion d'Orient

1 er and 2me Bns. Arméniens.
Also 1 Territorial Bn., 1 Coy. Syrians, 1 Sqdn. dismounted Spahis.


1 x 80-mm., 1 x 75-mm., and 1 x 65-mm. (mountain) Btys.


Corps Troops.

Mounted Troops -

Composite Regt.
1 Sqdn. Duke of Lancs. Yeo.,
2 Sqdns. 1/1st Herts. Yeo.

Artillery -

XCV Brigade R.G.A. (181st Heavy Bty., 304th, 314th, 383rd, and 422nd Siege Btys.) And 1 section captured 150-mm. howitzers.
XCVI Brigade R.G.A. (189th and 202nd Heavy Btys., 378th and 394th Siege Btys.)
100th Brigade R.G.A. (15th Heavy Bty., 134th and 334th Siege Btys., 1 Section [1 x 6-in. gun] 43rd Siege Bty., 1 Section
300th Siege Bty.). Also 1 improvised 4.7-in. battery.
102nd Brigade R.G.A. (91st Heavy Bty., 209th, 380th, 440th Siege Btys., 1 Section [1 6-in. gun] 43rd Siege Bty., 1 Section 300th Siege Bty. )
VIII Mountain Brigade R.G.A. (11th [3.7-in. hows.], 13th [3.7-in. hows.], and 17th [2.75-in.] Btys.).
Note: Attached 54th Division on the 19th September, and 7th Division on the 20th.
IX Mountain Brigade R.G.A. (10th [3.7-in. hows.], 12th [3.7-in. hows.], and 16th [2.75-in.] Btys.).
Note: Attached 54th Division on the 19th September, and 3rd Division on the 20th.



Previous: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 3,  XX CORPS 

Next: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 5, Chaytor's Force


Further Reading:

AIF & MEF & EEF, Contents 

AIF, MEF and the EEF


Citation: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 4,  XXI CORPS

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 21 November 2009 5:50 AM EAST
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 5, Chaytor's Force
Topic: AIF & MEF & EEF

Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918

Part 5, Chaytor's Force


As part of the Official British War History of the Great War, Captain Cyril Falls was commissioned to produce a commentary on the Sinai, Palestine and Syrian operations that took place. In 1930, his finished work, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, produced in two parts, was published in London. The book included Appendix 2 which specifically detailed the Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, October 1917 and is extracted below. Falls makes the comment that this Order of Battle was not as comprehensive as that produced in the earlier volume.

Falls, C, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, Part II, London, 1930, Appendix 3 p. 673:

Chaytor's Force.

G.O.C. -

Major-General Sir E. W. C. Chaytor, K.C.M.G., C.B.
(With Staff of A. and N.Z. Mounted Division.)


Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division.


1st Australian Light Horse Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General C. F. Cox, C.B.


1st Regt. A.L.H.
2nd Regt. A.L.H.
3rd Regt. A.L.H.


2nd Australian Light Horse Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General G. de L. Ryrie, C.M.G.


5th Regt. A.L.H.
6th Regt. A.L.H.
7th Regt. A.L.H.


New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General W. Meldrum, C.B., D.S.O.


Auckland M.R. Regt.
Canterbury M.R. Regt.
Wellington M.R. Regt.


Artillery -

XVIII Brigade R.H.A. (Inverness, Ayr, and Somerset Btys.).


Engineers -

A. and N.Z. Field Sqdn.


20th Indian Brigade

G.O.C. -

Br. General E. R. B. Murray.


Alwar I.S. Infantry.
Patiala I.S. Infantry.
Gwalior I.S. Infantry.
110th Mahratta L.I.


38/R. Fusiliers.
39/R. Fusiliers.
1/British West Indies Regt.
2/British West Indies Regt.


75th Bty. R.F.A.,
[Note: From 10th Divisional Artillery.].
29th and 32nd (2.75-in.) Indian Mountain Btys..
195th Heavy Bty. R.G.A.,
[Note: Also 2 Sections captured 75-mm. guns and 1 Section 150-mm. howitzers.].


Previous: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 4,  XXI CORPS 

Next: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 6, General Headquarters Troops


Further Reading:

AIF & MEF & EEF, Contents 

AIF, MEF and the EEF


Citation: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 5, Chaytor's Force

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 20 July 2009 11:57 AM EADT
Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Formation
Topic: AIF & MEF & EEF

Egyptian Expeditionary Force



The following is extracted from the seminal work of Major A. F. Becke, R.F.A. (Retired), Hon. M.A. (Oxon.) which now is the Great War British standard reference called: History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence: Order Of Battle, Part 4, the Army Council, G.H.Q.s, Armies, and Corps, 1914-1918, published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1945, from pp. 33 - 34.

This entry is presented "as is". A table of abbreviations employed is found at the commencement of this section. Additionally, where necessary regarding Becke's understanding of Australian units is inaccurate, an explanatory note is added.




In August, 1914, Turkey was still regarded by Egypt as the suzerain power, although for some years there had been a British occupation of the country. When war broke out between England and Germany on the 4th August [Two days previously Germany and Turkey signed an offensive and defensive treaty.] the British Force in Egypt was 1 Cavalry Regiment, 1 R.H.A. Battery, 1 Mountain Battery, R.G.A., 1 Field Company R.E., 4 Infantry Battalions, and detachments of A.S.C., R.A.M.C., A.V.C., A.O.C., and Military Mounted Police. [The units were: 3/Dragoon Gds., "T" Battery (XI Bde. R.H.A.), No. 7 Mtn. Bty. R.G.A., No. 2 Fd. Coy. R.E., 2/Devon., 1/Worc., 2/North'n., and 2/Gordon H. Since 30 October 1912 the Force in Egypt had been commanded by Major-General Hon. J. H. G. Byng. On 8 September 1914 Lieut.-General Sir John G. Maxwell took over command of the Force in Egypt and Maj.-Gen. Byng then returned to England, and proceeded to raise the 3rd Cavalry Division at Ludgershall; this Cavalry Division disembarked at Ostend on 8 October 1914.] In addition, one Battalion [1/Suffolk Regt.] and detachments of R.G.A., A.S.C., and R.A.M.C. were stationed at Khartoum, under the command of General Sir F. R. Wingate, Governor-General of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. This Battalion furnished half-a-company to garrison Cyprus.

Relations with Turkey soon became strained, and on the 30th October the Allies presented an ultimatum to her, and at the same time severed diplomatic relations. On the 5th November a formal declaration of war followed.

The Khedive of Egypt was openly pro-Turk, and he had been in Turkey since August, 1914. In order to secure Egypt and retain control over the all-important Suez Canal, the British Government deposed the Khedive on the 18th December, declared a protectorate over Egypt, and raised the Khedive's Uncle to the throne, with the title of Sultan of Egypt. At the same time the title of the British Representative was changed from Consul-General to High Commissioner.

Briefly, this was the sequence of events which led, as troops became available, to the gradual building-up of a considerable expeditionary force in this near-eastern theatre of war, and led in turn to Egypt, Sinai, and eventually Palestine and Syria becoming battle-grounds in the Great War.

At the end of August the Egyptian Camel Corps was moved to the eastern boundary to cover the Suez Canal. When early in September the Lahore Division passed through the Canal on its way from India to France it dropped the III Mountain Artillery Brigade and the Sirhind Infantry Brigade to reinforce the garrison of the Canal Zone. It became possible, therefore, to release the seasoned regular units which had formed the peacetime garrison, and they all returned to England and joined new divisions, which were assembling there, prior to reinforcing the B.E.F. on the Western Front. [3/Dgn. Gds. joined 3rd Cavalry Division; "T" R.H.A. and 2/Gordon H. the 7th Division; 2nd Fd. Coy. R.E., 2/Devon., 1/Worc., and 2/North'n. the 8th Division; and the 1/Suffolk the 28th Division.] On the 25th September, 42nd (East Lancashire) T.F. Division [Received the number 42nd on 26 May 1915.] reached Alexandria. The division was sent to Egypt for two reasons: to strengthen the garrison and to complete its war-training. Some six weeks later the Indian troops allocated for the defence of Egypt began to disembark at Suez : Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade, Bikanir Camel Corps Lucknow Infantry Brigade (from Lucknow Division), and the Imperial Service Infantry Brigade. This released the Sirhind Infantry Brigade, which left to rejoin the Lahore Division in France. The Indian garrison in Egypt was now organized in two divisions (10th & 11th Indian), and the defence of the Canal was entrusted to them and the Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade, together with 3 mountain batteries from India, two field artillery brigades of the 42nd Division, a pack-gun battery from the Egyptian Army, and the guns of those English and French warships which were anchored in the canal to serve as floating batteries. Early in December a partly trained Australian and New Zealand contingent also reached Egypt and reinforced the hurriedly assembled garrison.

Meanwhile, during November, 1914, the Turks occupied el 'Arish (in Sinai), and the immediate threat to the Canal line was only too clear ; whilst in Southern Arabia the opposing forces had already clashed. From this time onwards the British forces which were assembled in Egypt were continuously engaged: at first in localized operations to cover that country and the Canal Zone; then, in 1917, in delivering those blows which, by the end of the following year, resulted in Turkey suing for peace.

Further Reading:

AIF and the EEF


Citation: Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Formation

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 20 May 2009 7:39 PM EADT

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