The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at Gallipoli and gave their lives in service of the Ottoman Empire during The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915. The names are compiled from the Turkish Book of Martyrs commonly known as Sehitlerimiz
ABDULLAH, also known as “MOLLAMUSA OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of MEHMET, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
ABDURRAHMAN, also known as “KOCA SEFER OĞULLARI”, the son of SEFER, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
AHMET, the son of AHMET, 21st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 7th Company.
AHMET, the son of ALİ, 16th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Company.
AHMET, also known as “YAKUP OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of BEKİR, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Unknown Company.
AHMET, also known as “HACI OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of HACI HÜSEYİN, 25th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 2nd Company.
AHMET, the son of İBRAHİM, 10th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 1st Company.
AHMET, the son of MEHMET, 71st Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 10th Company.
AHMET, also known as “KÖSE OĞULLARI”, the son of MUSTAFA, Unknown Regiment, Unknown Battalion, Unknown Company.
AHMET, the son of NURİ, 17th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 1st Company.
AHMET, also known as “KARABEY OĞULLARI”, the son of OSMAN, 125th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Unknown Company.
AHMET, the son of SÜLEYMAN, 16th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Company.
AHMET, the son of YAKUP, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
ALİ, the son of AHMET, 11th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 4th Company.
ALİ, also known as “ALİ ABBAS OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of ALİ MEHMET, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 2nd Company.
ALİ, the son of BEŞE, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Unknown Company.
ALİ, the son of DURMUŞ, 14th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 12th Company.
ALİ, also known as “BEŞOĞULLARINDAN”, the son of HALİL, Unknown Regiment, Unknown Battalion, Unknown Company.
ALİ, the son of HASAN, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 8th Company.
ALİ, the son of HASAN, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Unknown Company.
ALİ, also known as “DELİ AHMET OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of HÜSEYİN, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Unknown Company.
ALİ, the son of SÜLEYMAN, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
ARİF, the son of İSMAİL, 25th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 4th Company.
BEYTULLAH, the son of ÖMER, 20th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 4th Company.
DURMUŞ, also known as “ALİCİK OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of İBRAHİM, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Unknown Company.
EYÜP, the son of HALİL, 17th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 4th Company.
FAHRİ, the son of MAHMUT, 12th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 2nd Company.
FERHAT AĞA, the son of MUSTAFA, 55th Regiment, Unknown Battalion, Unknown Company.
FEYZİ, the son of MUSTAFA, 1st Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company.
HALİL, also known as “GÖK HÜSEYİN OĞULLARI”, the son of ALİ, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 8th Company.
HALİL, the son of HALİL, 20th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company.
HALİL, the son of HASAN, 39th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 8th Company.
HALİL, the son of İBRAHİM, 126th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 4th Company.
HAMDİ, the son of ABDULLAH, 19th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 4th Company.
HASAN, the son of HALİL, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 1st Company.
HASAN, the son of RECEP, 124th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 2nd Company.
HASAN, the son of SELİM, 12th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company.
HASAN FEHMİ EFENDİ, the son of HÜSEYİN, Unknown Regiment, Unknown Battalion, Unknown Company.
HASAN HÜSEYİN, the son of SÜLEYMAN, 17th Regiment, 4th Battalion, Unknown Company.
HÜSEYİN, the son of AHMET, 11th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 5th Company.
HÜSEYİN, the son of KAMİL, 38th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 1st Company.
HÜSEYİN, the son of MEHMET, 10th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company.
HÜSEYİN, the son of MUSTAFA, 11th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company.
HÜSEYİN, the son of MUSTAFA, 70th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 5th Company.
İBRAHİM, the son of HÜSEYİN, 3rd Regiment, 1st Battalion, 2nd Company.
İBRAHİM, also known as “NALBANT OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of MEHMET, 47th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 4th Company.
İSA, also known as “SARIÖMER OĞULLARI”, the son of MEHMET EMİN, 17th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company.
İSMAİL, also known as “YUSUF OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of MEHMET, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Unknown Company.
KASIM, the son of MEHMET, 57th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Company.
KASIM, the son of MEHMET, 57th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Company.
MEHMET, also known as “PENBE SANCAKDAR OĞULLARI”, the son of AHMET, Unknown Regiment, Unknown Battalion, Unknown Company.
MEHMET, the son of AHMET, 124th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 11th Company.
MEHMET, the son of HACI HASAN, 57th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 11th Company.
MEHMET, also known as “KARASÜLEYMAN OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of HÜSEYİN, Unknown Regiment, 1st Battalion, 17th Company.
MEHMET, the son of HÜSEYİN, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
MEHMET, the son of HÜSEYİN, 11th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 8th Company.
MEHMET, the son of HÜSEYİN, 11th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 8th Company.
MEHMET, the son of HÜSEYİN, 46th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 4th Company.
MEHMET, the son of İBRAHİM, 12th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company.
MEHMET, the son of İBRAHİM, 18th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 4th Company.
MEHMET, the son of KASIM MUSTAFA, 124th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 1st Company.
MEHMET, also known as “GARİP OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of MAHMUT, 5th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 4th Company.
MEHMET, the son of MAHMUT, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Unknown Company.
MEHMET, the son of MEHMET, 10th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 6th Company.
MEHMET, the son of MEHMET, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
MEHMET, the son of MUSTAFA, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 7th Company.
MEHMET, the son of ÖMER, 10th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 12th Company.
MEHMET, the son of YUSUF, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Company.
MEHMET, the son of YUSUF, 124th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 1st Company.
MEHMET ALİ, the son of AHMET, 34th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 1st Company.
MEHMET ALİ, also known as “EMİN EFENDİ OĞULLARI”, the son of HASAN, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 8th Company.
MEHMET ALİ, the son of MEHMET, 25th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 1st Company.
MEHMET BURHAN, the son of HACI HALİL, 16th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Unknown Company.
MEVLÜT, the son of ABDUL, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 14th Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of ABDULLATİF, 10th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 6th Company.
MUSTAFA, also known as “ARAP OĞULLARI”, the son of AHMET, 126th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company.
MUSTAFA, also known as “HALİLBEY OĞULLARI”, the son of EMİN, Unknown Regiment, Unknown Battalion, Unknown Company.
MUSTAFA, also known as “HALİLBEY OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of EMİN, 16th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Unknown Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of HASAN, 11th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 10th Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of HASAN, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 5th Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of HÜSEYİN, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 6th Company.
MUSTAFA, also known as “DELİBEKİR OĞULLARI”, the son of İBRAHİM, 19th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of İSMAİL, 20th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of MEHMET, 10th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of MEHMET, 127th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 4th Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of MEHMET ALİ, 10th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 11th Company.
MUSTAFA, the son of VELİ, 126th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 5th Company.
NİYAZİ, the son of YUSUF, 11th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
NURİ, the son of EMİN, 17th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 1st Company.
ÖMER, the son of İBRAHİM, 20th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 2nd Company.
ÖMER, the son of MEHMET, 10th Regiment, Unknown Battalion, 14th Company.
OSMAN, the son of ALİ, 29th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Company.
OSMAN, the son of MUSTAFA, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
OSMAN, also known as “ÇOMUŞ OĞULLARI”, the son of OSMAN, Unknown Regiment, Unknown Battalion, Unknown Company.
RAMAZAN, also known as “MEMİŞ”, the son of MEHMET ALİ, 41st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 6th Company.
RAMAZAN, also known as “SEVAHİLLİ OĞULLARI”, the son of MEHMET ALİ, 41st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 6th Company.
RASİM, the son of HASAN, 12th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 4th Company.
ŞABAN, the son of ALİ, 12th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Company.
SAİM, the son of AHMET, 12th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company.
SAİT, the son of MUHTAR, 10th Regiment, 4th Battalion, 15th Company.
SALİH EFENDİ, the son of HASAN, 72nd Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 5th Company.
ŞERAFETTİN, the son of ŞABAN, 71st Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company.
SIDKI, the son of KAMİL, 124th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 5th Company.
SÜLEYMAN, the son of HÜSEYİN, 31st Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 9th Company.
SÜLEYMAN, the son of MEHMET, 34th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 1st Company.
SÜLEYMAN, the son of MEHMET, 34th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Company.
SÜLEYMAN, the son of ÖMER, 14th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 11th Company.
SÜLEYMAN, also known as “OSMAN OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of ŞAMİL, 38th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 1st Company.
TALİP, the son of MUSTAFA, 17th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 12th Company.
TURAN, also known as “AĞRIS OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of SAMUR, 60th Regiment, 1st Battalion, Unknown Company.
YUSUF, also known as “RECEP OĞLU”, the son of ABDULLAH, 12th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company.
YUSUF, also known as “HATİP OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of MEHMET, 57th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 12th Company.
YUSUF, also known as “KÖR HASAN OĞULLARINDAN”, the son of MUSTAFA, 20th Regiment, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Company.