Topic: AAA Volunteers
Voluntary Work Support
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre
The Archive
At the present moment, while the archives of the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre are extensive, they are not publicly available. The only available material is that which appears on the site which at present moment is less than 1% of the total archive.
As a volunteer, you will have access to the archives to assist with your specific project. To date we do not have an online service as the archive has yet to be ordered to allow such an event to occur.
However on an ask basis, we are able to pass on the specific information or source documents you may be seeking in your work.
Items on the Archive
Births, Deaths and Marriage records for:
New South Wales
South Australia
Commonwealth Military Orders
The complete set of the Commonwealth Military Orders from 1905 - 1920
State District Orders
Complete sets where possible. To date they include:
Routine Orders
All available Routine Orders for the various light horse formations in the AIF.
War Diaries
This includes a collection of those publicly available and many that will never appear online.
Personal Diaries
A large collection of personal diaries is held to allow additional study. These are not posted on this site due to restrictions placed upon them by relatives.
Private Letters
A substantial collection of private correspondence exists which gives good insight into the daily lives of the men in the various military formations over the two decades.
Rare and difficult to obtain books on all aspects of the Australian military involvement. Those in languages other than English are usually accompanied by translations. Included in this collection are all the published and unpublished unit histories.
Many thousands of photographs are available in the collection relating to many different subjects.
The newspaper collection includes most available Australian and New Zealand newspapers from the major metropolitans to the little country town newspaper. The collection deals with specific time frames.
We have the largest private digital map holding in Australia with maps produced during this specific period relating to the light horse.
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has one of the largest and most comprehensive archives relating to the Light Horse period of the first two decades in Australia.
The Scope
To assist volunteers in their work, a look up of specific information service exists, thus allowing each individual volunteer to overcome an information problem due to distance and access. This service is specifically reserved for volunteers and not publicly available except at a price.
Do you want to explore your own story?
By volunteering to produce content for the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre web site, you are exploring your own historical roots. It is a fascinating journey which produces personal satisfaction with the discovery and helps many others understand their own story. It is a win win situation.
By becoming a volunteer, you can make this happen.
Drop a note to us at:
We will chat about getting you started.
Further Reading:
Volunteering with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre
Volunteering with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, Contents
Citation: Volunteer Support