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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre aims to present an accurate history as chroniclers of early Australian military developments from 1899 to 1920.

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Monday, 4 May 2009
Grobelaar Recht, South Africa, May 15, 1901, Contents
Topic: BatzB - Grobelaar

Grobelaar Recht

South Africa,  15 May 1901



Grobelaar Recht, near Carolina in the eastern Transvaal, was the scene of a severe engagement on 15 May 1901 involving Boers and a British column commanded by Lieut.-General Sir Bindon Blood which included the Fifth and Sixth West Australian Mounted Infantry contingents.



The battle outline

Grobelaar Recht, South Africa, May 15, 1901 


Sabretashe Article

The action at Brakpan - Max Chamberlain 


Times contemporaneous reports

Grobelaar Recht, First Report of Battle, Times 18 May 1901, p. 7. 

Grobelaar Recht, Full description of Battle, Times 20 May 1901, p. 7.  

Grobelaar Recht, Summary of the situation, Times 21 May 1901, p. 5. 

Further Reading:

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Grobelaar Recht, South Africa, May 15, 1901, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:10 PM EADT
Updated: Monday, 4 May 2009 12:12 PM EADT
New Look
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: A Latest Site News



Almost a year has passed since the beginning of the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre. The site has evolved accordingly with the look altering as time has passed. With the kind assistance of Steve Butler, the man who designed the new header, the site has a more vibrant look.

Apart from the new graphic as the header, the search box has been moved to the margin.

Descriptions have been altered to fit in with the new look. They have been drastically cut down to allow ease of access to the vital information.

Despite all the changes, the usual items are still available. On the left hand side, all the threads (some 220) are detailed. In each thread is a "Contents" listing of all items contained within that thread.

The threads are placed in a logical order and grouping, with each group containing a seperate overall description and table of contents.

Each of these modifications is aimed at assisting each person to find exactly the information they are seeking.

Every day new information is being added. To date, there are 2,200 entries containing over a million words and many thousands of illustrations.  This will grow rapidly in the next year.

Good historising.


Citation: New Look

Posted by Project Leader at 12:48 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 4 May 2009 12:50 AM EADT
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Grobelaar Recht, South Africa, May 15, 1901
Topic: BatzB - Grobelaar

Grobelaar Recht

South Africa,  15 May 1901


Grobelaar Recht, near Carolina in the eastern Transvaal, was the scene of a severe engagement on 15 May 1901 involving Boers and a British column commanded by Lieut.-General Sir Bindon Blood which included the Fifth and Sixth West Australian Mounted Infantry contingents. During this action the WAMI lost five men killed (one account says seven) and eight wounded, one of whom later died.

The fighting continued next day near Brakpan, at one stage during which the British right flank was forced to retire. Withdrawing under heavy fire, Lieut. Frederick Bell of the Sixth WAMI contingent noticed a wounded man without a horse and returned to take him up behind him. The horse collapsed under their combined weight, whereupon Bell sent the man back on the horse alone and covered his escape by rifle-fire until he was out of danger. For this action Bell was awarded the Victoria Cross.

Roll of Honour

385 Private Francis Thomas Adam, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry, Killed in Action, 15 May 1901

111 Sergeant Frederick Francis Edwards, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry, Killed in Action, 15 May 1901

335 Private Benjamin Fisher, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry, Killed in Action, 15 May 1901

Lieutenant Anthony Alexander Forrest, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry, Killed in Action, 15 May 1901               

201 Corporal Richard Joseph Furlong, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry, Killed in Action, 15 May 1901

341 Private Frank Page, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry, Killed in Action, 15 May 1901

403 Private John Semple, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry, Killed in Action, 15 May 1901

Lest we forget

Extracted from the book produced by Chris Coulthard-Clark, Where Australians Fought - The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1998, pp. 90-92.


Additional References cited by Chris Coulthard-Clark:

R.L. Wallace (1976) The Australians at the Boer War, Canberra: Australian War Memorial & Australian Government Publishing Service.


Further Reading:

The action at Brakpan - Max Chamberlain 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Grobelaar Recht, South Africa, May 15, 1901

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 4 May 2009 12:50 PM EADT
North Russian Campaign, Contents
Topic: BatzO - Emptsa

North Russian Campaign

The Times contemporary accounts
Emptsa, North Russia, Brief details of Emptsa, The Times, 3 September 1919
Emptsa, North Russia, Outline of situation in Russia, The Times, 5 September 1919

Emptsa, North Russia, Colonel Ward speaks on the withdrawal, The Times, 10 September 1919 

Emptsa, North Russia, Report on Fighting up and to 8 September, The Times, 11 September 1919

Emptsa, North Russia, Withdrawal Policy Statement, The Times, 12 September 1919

Emptsa, North Russia, The withdrawal of British Troops from Archangel, The Times, 29 September 1919

Emptsa, North Russia, Sullivan VC, The Times, 1 October 1919

Emptsa, North Russia, Awards for Gallantry in Russia, The Times, 6 October 1919

Emptsa, North Russia, Pearse VC, The Times, 24 October 1919 



North Russian Campaign, 3153 Private Ernest Gaffey

North Russian Campaign, 61464 Private Wilfred John Robinson

Further Reading:
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920 

Citation: North Russian Campaign, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 12 August 2009 1:13 AM EADT
Friday, 1 May 2009
Victorian Militia Unit Location, 1910
Topic: Militia - Inf - Vic

Victoria Militia - Infantry



Towns throughout Victoria with a Militia Unit, 1910

Below is an alphabetical list of all towns in Victoria where a Militia Unit was located. These are all the units excluding the Australian Light Horse Regiments and Rifle Clubs which have their own particular lists. 

Ararat - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "D" Company (part)
Ballarat - 2nd Australian Infantry Brigade  Staff
Ballarat - 7th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion and Machine Gun Section
Ballarat - Australian Army Medical Corps No 3 Light Horse Field Ambulance
Beaufort - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "D" Company (part)
Bendigo - 8th Australian Infantry Regiment 2nd Battalion 2 Companies
Buangor - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "D" Company (part)
Castlemaine - 8th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion Headquarters and 3 Companies
Cheltenham - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
Donald - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "B" Company (part)
Dunolly - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "F" Company (part)
Echuca - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "E" Company (part)
Geelong - Australian Garrison Artillery No 1 and No 2 Victorian Company
Horsham - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "C" Company (part)
Inglewood - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "F" Company (part)
Jung Jung - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "C" Company (part)
Kerang - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "H" Company (part)
Keyneton - 8th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion "B" Company
Koondrook - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "H" Company (part)
Maryborough - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "F" Company (part)
Melbourne - 5th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion and Machine Gun Section
Melbourne - 6th Australian Infantry Regiment 1st Battalion and Machine Gun Section
Melbourne - Australian Army Medical Corps No 2 Field Ambulance
Melbourne - Australian Army Medical Corps No 4 Light Horse Field Ambulance
Melbourne - Australian Army Medical Corps Victorian Garrison Ambulance
Melbourne - Australian Army Supply Corps No 2 Infantry Transport and Supply Column
Melbourne - Australian Army Supply Corps Victorian Garrison Company
Melbourne - Australian Corps of Signallers No 3 Company and No 4 Company
Melbourne - Australian Field Artillery Staff, No 1, No 2, and No 5 Victorian Batteries
Melbourne - Australian Garrison Artillery Staff, No 3, No 4, No 6 and No 7 Victorian Companies
Melbourne - Australian Intelligence Corps Victorian District
Melbourne - District Headquarters Staff
Melbourne - Ordnance Department
Melbourne - Pay Branch
Melbourne - Royal Australian Artillery "C" Instructional Cadre and One Company
Melbourne - Royal Australian Engineers Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Melbourne - Royal Australian Engineers Commonwealth of Australia Staff
Melbourne - Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Electric Company
Melbourne - Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Field Company
Melbourne - Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Fortress Company
Melbourne - Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Submarine Mining Company (part)
Melbourne - Royal Australian Engineers No 3 Field Troop
Melbourne - Victorian Rangers, 1st Battalion Headquarters
Melbourne - Victorian Rifles
Melbourne - Victorian Scottish Regiment, 1st Battalion
Murton - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "C" Company (part)
North Brighton - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
Port Phillip Heads - Royal Australian Artillery Staff and 3 Companies
Port Phillip Heads - Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Submarine Mining Company (part)
Queenscliff - Royal Australian Engineers No 2 Submarine Mining Company (part)
Somerville - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "G" Company (part)
St Arnaud - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "B" Company (part)
Stawell - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "A" Company (part)
Swan Hill - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "H" Company (part)
Warracknabeal - Victorian Rangers 1st Battalion "C" Company (part)
Warrnambool - Australian Field Artillery No 4 Victorian Battery
Williamstown - Australian Garrison Artillery No 5 Victorian Company

Further Reading:

Militia Unit Locations in Australia in 1910

Australian Militia activity location list 1910 

Militia Structure in Australia from 1903 to 1914


Citation: Victorian Militia Unit Location, 1910

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 30 May 2009 12:45 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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