Topic: MilitiaRC - Qld
Queensland Militia - Rifle Clubs
Queensland Rifle Club List, 1910
One of the most important adjuncts to the militia system from 1903 to the re-organisation of 1912 was the role played by the Rifle Club movement in Australia. At the time, these clubs were seen as the reservoir of manpower for a potential guerrilla force should any invasion occur. The doctrine was almost a copy of that pursued by the Boer forces in South Africa which successfully held the Imperial Army at bay for nearly three years. For Australia, the invasion fear was uppermost in the minds of the population. This fear found its articulation in a novel written by Charles H Kirmess (the nom de plume for Frank Fox) called "Commonwealth in Crisis" which was first serialised in the "Lone Hand" magazine which was largely funded by the Commonwealth Government via Alfred Deakin. The story was about a Japanese invasion of the Northern Territory in 1912 requiring the Commonwealth to resist with a guerrilla force of irregulars trained through the rifle clubs.
So important were the rifle clubs for the defence of Australia that the Commonwealth provided the training staff, rifles and ammunition so the clubs could function. Members were drilled, wore uniforms and practised all the basic skills of soldiering as well as target shooting.
Below is the list of Rifle Clubs which existed in every town throughout Queensland in 1910. The towns and cities are in alphabetical order. This particular date is the high point of the Rifle Club movement in Australia. With the coming of universal military training in 1912 and the Great War in 1914, the Rifle Clubs saw a decline in their importance within the Australian defence scheme.
Alberton - Rifle Club
Allora - Rifle Club
Atherton - Rifle Club
Ayr - Rifle Club
Barcaldine - Rifle Club
Beaudesert - Rifle Club
Beenleigh - Rifle Club
Biggenden - Burnett Rifle Club
Black Ridge - Rifle Club
Boonal - Rifle Club
Bororea - Rifle Club
Bouldercomb - Mount Usher Rifle Club
Bowen - Rifle Club
Australian Natives Association Rifle Club
Brisbane Rifle Club
Brisbane Tramways Rifle Club
City of Brisbane Rifle Club
Qld Frontiersmen's Rifle Club
Qld Irish Rifle Club
Qld Police Rifle Club
Railway and Public Works Rifle Club
Speedwell Rifle Club
The Press Rifle Club
Bundaberg - Rifle Club
Bundaraba - St Helen's Rifle Club
Cairns - Rifle Club
Canungera - Rifle Club
Charleville - Rifle Club
Charters Towers - Rifle Club
Childers - Rifle Club
Chillagoe - Rifle Club
Chinchilla - Rifle Club
Clermont - Rifle Club
Clifton - Rifle Club
Cloncurry - Rifle Club
Coen - Rifle Club
Cooktown - Rifle Club
Coomera - Rifle Club
Cooran - Rifle Club
Cordalba - Rifle Club
Crow's Nest - Rifle Club
Croydon - Rifle Club
Cunnamulla - Rifle Club
Dalby - Rifle Club
Doctor's Creek - Rifle Club
Emerald - Rifle Club
Engelsburg - Rifle Club
Esk - Esk Gordon Rifle Club
Eton - Rifle Club
Finch-Hatton - Rifle Club
Forest Hill - Rifle Club
Qld Agricultural College Rifle Club
Rifle Club
Gayndah - Rifle Club
Geham - Rifle Club
Georgetown - Rifle Club
Geraldton - Rifle Club
Gin Gin - Rifle Club
Gladstone - Rifle Club
Golden Gate - Rifle Club
Goodna - Gooodna District Rifle Club
Gramzow - Rifle Club
Greenmount - Rifle Club
Gympie - Rifle Club
Halifax - Rifle Club
Hambledon - Rifle Club
Hampden - Rifle Club
Helidon - Rifle Club
Herberton - Rifle Club
Howard - Rifle Club
Hughenden - Flinders Rifle Club
Ingham - Herbert River Rifle Club
Ipswich Railway Rifle Club
Ipswich Rifle Club
Irvinebank - Rifle Club
Ithica - Rifle Club
Kilkivan Junction - Rifle Club
Killarney - Rifle Club
Kingaroy - Rifle Club
Koorboora - Rifle Club
Laidley - Rifle Club
Leyburn - Rifle Club
Loganlea - Forest Rangers Rifle Club
Longreach - Rifle Club
Mackay - Rifle Club
Manly - Manly and Wynnum Rifle Club
Marburg - Rifle Club
Mareeba - Rifle Club
Maryborough - Maryborough City Rifle Club
Meadowvale - Fairymead Rifle Club
Moore - Rifle Club
Mossman - Rifle Club
Mount Campbell - Rifle Club
Mount Elliott - Rifle Club
Mount Molloy - Rifle Club
Mount Morgan - Rifle Club
Mount Perry - Rifle Club
Mungana - Rifle Club
Murgon - Rifle Club
Murray's Creek - Rifle Club
Nambour - Rifle Club
Nanango - Rifle Club
Nerang - Rifle Club
Normanton - Rifle Club
North Pine - Rifle Club
Nudgee - St Joseph's College Rifle Club
O.K. - Rifle Club
Oakey - Rifle Club
Pamona - Rifle Club
Piabla - Rifle Club
Pimpama - Rifle Club
Pinkenba - Qld Meat Export and Agency Company Rifle Club
Pittsworth - Rifle Club
Plane Creek - Rifle Club
Port Douglas - Rifle Club
Port Moresby (Papua) - Rifle Club
Pratten - Rifle Club
Proserpine - Rifle Club
Raglan - Rifle Club
Ravenswood - Rifle Club
Central Railway Rifle Club
Rockhampton Rifle Club
Roma - Rifle Club
Rosewood - Rifle Club
Samaralia (Papua) - Rifle Club
Samsonvale - Rifle Club
Selhelm - Rifle Club
Silver Spur - Rifle Club
South Kolan - Bingera and South Kolan Rifle Club
Southbrook - Rifle Club
Pacific Cable Rifle Club
Southport Rifle Club
Springsure - Rifle Club
St George - Rifle Club
St Helena - Rifle Club
Stannary Hills - Rifle Club
Stanthorpe - Rifle Club
Tallebudgera - Rifle Club
Thane's Creek - Rifle Club
The Leap - North Side Rifle Club
Thursday Island - Torres Straits Rifle Club
Toogoolawah - Rifle Club
Toowoomba - Darling Downs Rifle Club
North Queensland Railway and Civil Service Rifle Club
Townsville Rifle Club
Wallumbilla - Rifle Club
Warwick - Rifle Club
Waterford - Rifle Club
Watsonville - Rifle Club
Winton - Rifle Club
Wondai - Rifle Club
Yandaran - Rifle Club
Yangan - Rifle Club
Yeulba - Rifle Club
Zillmere - JC Hutton and District Rifle Club
Further Reading:
Queensland Militia - Rifle Clubs
Citation: Queensland Rifle Clubs 1910