Topic: Militia - LHN - 1/7/1
New South Wales Lancers
New South Wales Lancers [1895 - 1903]
1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1903-1912]
7th (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1912-1918]
1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1919-1929]
1/21st Australian Light Horse [1929-1935]
1st (Royal New South Wales Lancers) Light Horse Machine Gun Regiment [1936-1942]
1st (Royal New South Wales Lancers) Armoured Regiment [1942-1948]
1st Royal New South Wales Lancers [1948-1956]
1/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers [1956- ]
[The elephant's head used on the badges is taken from the family crest of Lord Carrington, Governor of New South Wales from 1885 - 1890 and was appointed Honorary Colonel of the Regiment from 1885 until 1928.]
Tenax in fide - Steadfast in Trust
Honorary Colonel
The Right Honorable CR Carrington, Baron, PC, GCMG, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding 3rd Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 9 February 1886
Major Commanding
Major JJ Walters, 28 April 1894
Staff Officer and Adjutant
Captain GL Lee, 19 December 1892
First Lieutenant JM Purves, 8 November 1890 (Honorary Captain, 27 November 1893)
Number 1, Sydney - Parramatta Squadron
Captain Commanding, Captain J Burns, 17 July 1891
Number 1, Sydney Half SquadronCaptain WL Vernon, 17 July 1893First Lieutenant JH Clark, 17 July 1893Second Lieutenant FH King, 17 July 1893
Number 1, Parramatta Half SquadronCaptain J Burns, 17 July 1891Second Lieutenant F Weston, 1 March 1894Second Lieutenant FH Cox, 11 March 1894
Number 2, Illawarra - West Camden Squadron
Captain Commanding,
Number 2, Illawarra Half Squadron
First Lieutenant CE Eglese, 28 March 1892
Number 2, West Camden Half SquadronFirst Lieutenant R McEvilly, 1 January 1890Second Lieutenant RM Graham, 1 January 1890
Number 3, Hunter River - Singleton Squadron
Captain Commanding
Number 3, Hunter River Half SquadronFirst Lieutenant WC Markwell, 12 June 1891Second Lieutenant CE Nicholson, 12 June 1891
Number 3, Singleton Half SquadronFirst Lieutenant AS Bowman, 1 January 1894First Lieutenant GH Allan, 1 January 1894Second Lieutenant RH Dangar, 1 January 1894
Number 4, Richmond River - Lismore Squadron
Captain Commanding, Captain EC Taylor, 17 March 1891
Number 4, Richmond River Half SquadronCaptain FG Fannin, 8 August 1892First Lieutenant CJ McRae, 28 October 1892Second Lieutenant WE O'Brien, 22 May 1892
Number 4, Lismore Half SquadronCaptain EC Taylor, 17 March 1891Second Lieutenant F Weston, 1 March 1894Second Lieutenant FH Cox, 11 March 1894
Previous: New South Wales Lancers, outline 1895 - 1903
Next: New South Wales Lancers, 1896
Further Reading:
1st/7th/1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse
New South Wales Lancers, Boer War Contingent
Militia Light Horse, New South Wales
Australian Militia Light Horse
Citation: New South Wales Lancers, 1895