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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Monday, 20 December 2004
New South Wales Lancers, 1900
Topic: Militia - LHN - 1/7/1


New South Wales Lancers


New South Wales Lancers [1895 - 1903]
1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1903-1912]
7th (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1912-1918]
1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1919-1929]
1/21st Australian Light Horse [1929-1935]
1st (Royal New South Wales Lancers) Light Horse Machine Gun Regiment [1936-1942]
1st (Royal New South Wales Lancers) Armoured Regiment [1942-1948]
1st Royal New South Wales Lancers [1948-1956]
1/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers [1956- ]

[The elephant's head used on the badges is taken from the family crest of Lord Carrington, Governor of New South Wales from 1885 - 1890 and was appointed Honorary Colonel of the Regiment from 1885 until 1928.]

Tenax in fide - Steadfast in Trust

Honorary Colonel

The Right Honorable CR Carrington, Baron, PC, GCMG, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding 3rd Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 9 February 1886

Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel J Burns, 1 January 1898

Staff Officer and Adjutant

Captain GL Lee, 19 December 1892; Local Major 14 September 1895 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

(Acting) Lieutenant FC Timothy, 22 November 1899


First Lieutenant JM  Purves, 8 November 1890 (Honorary Captain, 27 November 1893)


Captain TF Knox, 1 January 1890, Honorary Major, 9 January 1896, Seconded as Aide de Camp to the General Officer Commanding, Major General GA French, CMG.



Number 1, Sydney Squadron

Major Commanding, Major WL Vernon, 26 October 1899

First Lieutenant FH King, 15 January 1897

First Lieutenant FC Timothy, 15 January 1897

Second Lieutenant CWFP Roberts, (Supernumerary), 21 July 1899- Absent, South African Contingent duties.
Second Lieutenant J Lyne, (Supernumerary), 30 April 1900

Second Lieutenant JCM See, 30 April 1900

Second Lieutenant J McMahon, 11 August 1900


Number 2, Parramatta Squadron
Captain FH Cox, 11 November 1897- Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Captain JS Brunton, 22 September 1900

First Lieutenant RC MacKenzie, 11 August 1900

Second Lieutenant FSD'A MacQueen, (Supernumerary),  21 July 1899

Second Lieutenant J Burns, (Supernumerary), 30 April 1900

Number 3, West Camden - Berry Squadron

Captain Commanding, Captain R McEvilly, 16 May 1895


Number 3, West Camden Half Squadron
Captain R McEvilly, 16 May 1895

First Lieutenant JD Wood, 13 May 1896
Second Lieutenant JB Wilson, 18 November 1898


Number 3, Berry Half Squadron
Captain A Hay, 11 August 1900, On Probation.
First Lieutenant HM Osborne, 1 July 1896

Second Lieutenant SF Osborne, 28 February 1899 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Number 4, Maitland - Singleton Squadron

Captain Commanding, Captain WC Markwell, 16 May 1895


Number 4, Maitland Half Squadron

Captain WC Markwell, 16 May 1895

First Lieutenant CE Nicholson, 1 July 1895 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Second Lieutenant WG Welch, 19 February 1900


Number 4, Singleton Half Squadron
Captain AS Bowman, 16 May 1895

First Lieutenant GH Allan, 1 January 1894 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

First Lieutenant RH Dangar, 1 January 1894

Number 5, Lismore - Casino Squadron

Captain Commanding, Captain CE Taylor, 17 March 1891


Number 5, Casino Half Squadron
Captain FG Fanning, 8 August 1892
First Lieutenant CJ McRae, 28 October 1892


Number 5, Lismore Half Squadron
Captain CE Taylor, 17 March 1891, Honorary Major, 26 October 1899.

First Lieutenant TB Osborne, 11 August 1900

Second Lieutenant RM Heron, 27 January 1899 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.
Number 6, Windsor - Richmond Squadron

Number 6, Windsor Half Squadron
Captain P Charley, 11 August 1900

Number 6, Richmond  Half Squadron
Second Lieutenant B Hall, 11 August 1900

Number 6, Newcastle Half Squadron
Second Lieutenant J Harris, (Supernumerary), 11 October 1900


Cadet, Parramatta Half Squadron


Previous: New South Wales Lancers, 1899

Next: New South Wales Lancers, 1901


Further Reading:

1st/7th/1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse

New South Wales Lancers, Boer War Contingent

Militia Light Horse, New South Wales

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: New South Wales Lancers, 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Thursday, 1 July 2010 2:37 PM EADT
1st Australian Horse, 1900
Topic: Militia - LHN - 3/11/7


Australian Horse


1st (Volunteer) Australian Horse [1897 - 1903]
1st Australian Horse (Boer War) [1899 - 1901]
3rd (Australian Horse) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
11th (Australian Horse) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1918]
7th (Australian Horse) Australian Light Horse [1919 - 1935]
7th/21st (Australian Horse) Australian Light Horse [1936-1937]
7th (Australian Horse) Australian Light Horse [1937 - 1942]
7th (Australian Horse) Australian Motor Regiment [1942 - 1943]
7th/21st (Australian Horse) Recce Regiment 1948 - 1949]
7th/21st Australian Horse [1949 - 1957]

Hearth and Home



Southern New South Wales



Honorary Colonel 

The Right Honorable W Earl Beauchamp, KCMG

Commanding Officer 

Lieutenant Colonel Honorable JAK Mackay - On Boer War Service

Captain WH Wood, temporary Commanding Officer  from 5 June 1900.
Major AFH Ferguson

Major TW Brand, The Honorable Captain, 10 Prince of Wales Own Royal Hussars


Lieutenant R.R. Thompson - On Boer War Service

Lieutenant WV Dowling, Acting Adjutant

Honorary Chaplain

The Reverend HD Vidal-Sealy 



Medical Officer

Captain G Read

Veterinary Officer

Lieutenant H Bowker





"A" Southern Squadron,  Murrumburrah - Harden - Cootamundra - Gundagai - Adelong

Lieutenant JK Bourke

Lieutenant WT Griffin

Lieutenant W Miller
Second Lieutenant CW Russell
"B" South Eastern Squadron, Goulburn - Bungendore - Braidwood - Araluen - Michelago - Bredbo
Lieutenant JE Mackellar

Lieutenant  JBN Osborne

Lieutenant G de L Ryrie

Second Lieutenant WM Ryrie

Lieutenant JE Wray

"C" Northern Squadron, Gunnedah - Boggabri - Scone - Belltrees

Lieutenant R Clark

Lieutenant THH Goodwin

Lieutenant RHE Upton

Lieutenant AG White

Lieutenant Thomas Leslie Willsallen, 1 January 1899
"D" Western Squadron, Mudgee - Lue - Cudgegong - Rylestone - Quirindi.
Lieutenant AE Cox

Lieutenant WV Dowling

Second Lieutenant AJ Cox

Second Lieutenant PD Cox

Second Lieutenant P Crossing

Second Lieutenant WV Dowling

Previous: 1st Australian Horse, 1899

Next: 1st Australian Horse, 1901


Further Reading:

3rd/11th/7th Australian Light Horse

Militia Light Horse, New South Wales

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: 1st Australian Horse, 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 3 July 2010 11:20 AM EADT
New South Wales Mounted Rifles, 1900
Topic: Militia - LHN - 2/9/6


New South Wales Mounted Rifles


New South Wales Mounted Rifles [1888 - 1903]
2nd (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
9th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1918]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1918 - 1941]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Motor Regiment [1941 - 1943]
6th Australian Armoured Car Regiment [1941 - 1943]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Motor Regiment [1948 - 1949]
6th New South Wales Mounted Rifles [1949 - 1958]
Royal New South Wales Regiment [1958 - 1960]

Toujours pret - Always Ready

March - The Kynegad Slashers


Honorary Colonel 
Major General Sir Edward Hutton, CB, ADC to the Queen, former Colonel of Her Majesty's 60th Rifles, South African War Veteran.
Commanding Officer 
Lieutenant Colonel JW Macarthur Onslow, South African War Veteran.
Captain JM Antill, South African War Veteran, 25 June 1894, Absent on South African War duties.

Acting AdjutantCaptain AJO Thompson, 16 May 1895.
Honorary Second Lieutenant WA Newman, South African War Veteran, 24 August 1898.
Medical Officer

Veterinary Officer


Honorary Chaplains

Reverend CJ King, MA, 20 August 1896.

Reverend WJ Dunstan, 28 February 1899.

Number 1, Molong - Bathurst Squadron.

Captain Commanding, Captain C Smith, 13 February 1893.  
Number 1, Molong Half Squadron.
Captain C Smith, 13 February 1893. 

Second Lieutenant MF Dalton, 30 December 1898.
Number 1, Bathurst Half Squadron.
Captain TA Machattie, South African War Veteran, 31 January 1896.

Lieutenant CGS Lydiard, South African War Veteran, 1 July 1899.

Second Lieutenant WHC Ranken, 29 March 1899.
Number 2, Picton - Camden Squadron.
Captain Commanding, Captain AJO Thompson, 16 May 1895.
Number 2, Picton Half Squadron.
Lieutenant GMM Onslow, 26 February 1896.

Lieutenant FAM Onslow, 1 July 1899.

Second Lieutenant DKL Tooth, South African War Veteran, 22 March 1898.
Number 2, Camden Squadron.
Captain AJO Thompson, 16 May 1895.

Lieutenant AJM Onslow, South African War Veteran, 1 July 1899. 

Second Lieutenant HR Pockley, South African War Veteran, 16 March 1900. 

Number 3, Bega - Forbes Squadron.

Captain and Honorary Major Commanding, F Bland, 23 October 1888.
Number 3, Bega Half Squadron.
Captain F Bland, 23 October 1888.

Lieutenant WE O'Brien, South African War Veteran, 26 April 1898.

Second Lieutenant FCB Bland, 1 October 1897.
Number 3, Forbes Half Squadron.
Captain WL Wilcox, 31 December 1898.

Lieutenant GH Legge, South African War Veteran, 1 July 1899.

Second Lieutenant AEM Battye, South African War Veteran, 1 July 1899.

Second Lieutenant AL Robertson, Supernumerary, 11 October 1900.

Number 4, Tenterfield - Inverell Squadron.

Major Commanding, AS Menzies.

Number 4, Tenterfield Half Squadron.
Captain JF Thomas, South African War Veteran, 16 May 1895

Lieutenant CA Lee, South African War Veteran, 3 October 1896.

Second Lieutenant WF Everett, 6 May 1900.  
Number 4, Inverell Half Squadron.
Captain JF Thomas, South African War Veteran, 16 May 1895

Lieutenant CA Lee, South African War Veteran, 3 October 1896.

Second Lieutenant WF Everett, 6 May 1900.  

Previous: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, 1899

Next: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, 1901


Further Reading:

2nd/9th/6th Australian Light Horse

Militia Light Horse, New South Wales

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 2 July 2010 3:21 PM EADT
1st Light Horse Field Ambulance, AIF, Embarkation Roll, 16th Reinforcement
Topic: AIF - 1B - 1 LHFA


1st Light Horse Field Ambulance

Embarkation Roll, 16th Reinforcement


HMAT A53 Itria


1st Light Horse Field Ambulance, AIF, 16th Reinforcement, embarked from Melbourne, Victoria on board HMAT A53 Itria 18 April 1916.

The HMAT A53 Itria weighed 5,318 tons with an average cruise speed of 10 knots or 18.52 kmph. It was owned by the British India SN Co Ltd, London, and leased by the Commonwealth until 17 June 1917.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Finding more about a service person.

See: Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Embarkation Roll


9856 Private Walter Mervyn CARNE, a 29 year old Botanist from Beecroft, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 August 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.


9861 Private Arthur DUGGAN, a 29 year old Accountant from Lakemba, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 July 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.


9857 Private James Kingsley GORRELL, a 23 year old Bank clerk from Unanderra, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 July 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.


9858 Private Paul Joseph HARKER, a 19 year old Printer from Paddington, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 August 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 August 1916.


9862 Private Alexander Noel MAGNUS, a 19 year old Medical student from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.


9859 Private Alfred James NIXON, a 30 year old Blacksmith striker from Erskineville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 3 August 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


9860 Private Horace Henry RICHES, a 32 year old Builder from Glen Brook, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 August 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 August 1916.


9863 Private Percy SMITH, a 24 year old Meter reader from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 19 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.


Previous:  15th Reinforcement

Next: 19th Reinforcement


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

1st Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance, AIF

1st Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance, AIF, Embarkation Roll, 16th Reinforcement

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 27 March 2010 9:21 AM EADT
Sunday, 19 December 2004
New South Wales Lancers, 1901
Topic: Militia - LHN - 1/7/1


New South Wales Lancers


New South Wales Lancers [1895 - 1903]
1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1903-1912]
7th (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1912-1918]
1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse [1919-1929]
1/21st Australian Light Horse [1929-1935]
1st (Royal New South Wales Lancers) Light Horse Machine Gun Regiment [1936-1942]
1st (Royal New South Wales Lancers) Armoured Regiment [1942-1948]
1st Royal New South Wales Lancers [1948-1956]
1/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers [1956- ]

[The elephant's head used on the badges is taken from the family crest of Lord Carrington, Governor of New South Wales from 1885 - 1890 and was appointed Honorary Colonel of the Regiment from 1885 until 1928.]

Tenax in fide - Steadfast in Trust

Honorary Colonel

The Right Honorable CR Carrington, Baron, PC, GCMG, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding 3rd Oxfordshire Light Infantry, 9 February 1886

Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Colonel J Burns, 1 January 1898

Staff Officer and Adjutant

Captain GL Lee, 19 December 1892; Local Major 14 September 1895 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

(Acting) Lieutenant FC Timothy, 22 November 1899


First Lieutenant JM  Purves, 8 November 1890 (Honorary Captain, 27 November 1893)


Captain TF Knox, 1 January 1890, Honorary Major, 9 January 1896, Seconded as Aide de Camp to the General Officer Commanding, Major General GA French, CMG.



Number 1, Sydney Squadron

Major Commanding, Major WL Vernon, 26 October 1899

Captain FH King, 21 December 1900

First Lieutenant FC Timothy, 15 January 1897

Second Lieutenant CWFP Roberts, (Supernumerary), 21 July 1899- Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Second Lieutenant J Lyne, (Supernumerary), 30 April 1900

Second Lieutenant JCM See, 30 April 1900

Second Lieutenant J McMahon, 11 August 1900


Number 2, Parramatta Squadron
Captain FH Cox, 11 November 1897- Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Captain JS Brunton, 22 September 1900

First Lieutenant RC MacKenzie, 11 August 1900

Second Lieutenant FSD'A MacQueen, (Supernumerary),  21 July 1899

Second Lieutenant J Burns, (Supernumerary), 30 April 1900

Number 3, West Camden - Berry Squadron

Captain Commanding, Captain R McEvilly, 16 May 1895


Number 3, West Camden Half Squadron
Captain R McEvilly, 16 May 1895

First Lieutenant JD Wood, 13 May 1896
Second Lieutenant JB Wilson, 18 November 1898


Number 3, Berry Half Squadron
Captain A Hay, 11 August 1900, On Probation.

First Lieutenant HM Osborne, 1 July 1896

Second Lieutenant SF Osborne, 28 February 1899 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Second Lieutenant EA Blow, 21 December 1900 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Number 4, Maitland - Singleton Squadron

Captain Commanding, Captain WC Markwell, 16 May 1895


Number 4, Maitland Half Squadron

Captain WC Markwell, 16 May 1895

First Lieutenant CE Nicholson, 1 July 1895, Honorary Captain, 25 February 1901 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Second Lieutenant WG Welch, 19 February 1900


Number 4, Singleton Half Squadron
Captain AS Bowman, 16 May 1895

First Lieutenant GH Allan, 1 January 1894 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

First Lieutenant RH Dangar, 1 January 1894

Number 5, Lismore - Casino Squadron

Captain Commanding, Captain CE Taylor, 17 March 1891


Number 5, Casino Half Squadron
Captain FG Fanning, 8 August 1892

First Lieutenant CJ McRae, 28 October 1892

Second Lieutenant TWL Spencer, 21 December 1901


Number 5, Lismore Half Squadron
Captain CE Taylor, 17 March 1891, Honorary Major, 26 October 1899.

First Lieutenant TB Osborne, 11 August 1900

Second Lieutenant RM Heron, 27 January 1899 - Absent, South African Contingent duties.

Number 6, Windsor - Richmond Squadron

Captain Commanding, Captain P Charley, 11 August 1900, On Probation.


Number 6, Windsor Half Squadron
Captain P Charley, 11 August 1900, On Probation.
Number 6, Richmond  Half Squadron
Second Lieutenant WT Charley, 21 December 1900

Number 6, Newcastle Half Squadron

Second Lieutenant J Harris, (Supernumerary), 11 October 1900


Cadet, Parramatta Half Squadron

Second Lieutenant FE Stowe, (Supernumerary), 21 December 1900


Previous: New South Wales Lancers, 1900

Next: New South Wales Lancers, 1902


Further Reading:

1st/7th/1st (New South Wales Lancers) Australian Light Horse

New South Wales Lancers, Boer War Contingent

Militia Light Horse, New South Wales

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: New South Wales Lancers, 1901

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Thursday, 1 July 2010 2:35 PM EADT

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