Topic: BW - NSW - 3ACH
3rd ACH (NSW)
3rd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse New South Wales
Nominal Roll
In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.
Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 177 - 183.
3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse New South Wales
1710 Trooper Seymour ALDERSON
1459 Saddler Robert B ALDRIDGE
1484 Trooper George ALLEN
1470 Trooper William ANDREWS
1552 Sergeant William EL ANTWIS
1708 Trooper Harold A ARNOLD
1467 Trooper Arthur ATKINS
1673 Trooper Norman E BARBER
1434 Trooper Charles BARKER
1756 Trooper Samuel C BEEHAG
1562 Trooper John Thomas BELL
1827 Farrier WJ BELL
1628 Trooper Peter A BEYER
1605 Trooper John BIBBEY
1641 Trooper James T BIDDLE
1822 Trooper Frank G BIGNELL
1813 Company Sergeant Major John BLACK
1777 Trooper William J BLACK
1441 Corporal RT BLACKWELL
1745 Trooper Henry R BONSFIELD
1683 Trooper JC BOWKER
1818 Trooper John BOYD
1617 Trooper Clifford BRADLEY
1742 Trooper Thomas H BRATTAN
1468 Trooper Joseph B BRIGGS
1445 Trooper William E BROOK
1485 Trooper Alick BROWN
1640 Trooper Norman BROWN
1443 Trooper Samuel BROWN
1732 Sergeant Michael J BURKE
1524 Trooper D CAMPBELL
1775 Trooper Horace GC CAMPBELL
1678 Trooper Walter CARDWELL
1785 Trooper Alfred S CARPENTER
1659 Trooper Henry I CARROLL
1436 Trooper James CASTRAY
1748 Trooper Daniel CAVANAGH
1723 Trooper Arthur CHAMBERS
1727 Trooper William CHAMBERS
1527 Trooper AF CHISHOLM
1743 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Charles E CLARK
Major Walter J CLARK
1666 Trooper James CLIFF
1452 Trooper Richard COADY
1677 Trooper Alfred COCKROFT
1495 Trooper George COLLESS
1808 Trumpeter Norman L COLLINS
1662 Trooper Charles J COMBES
1721 Trooper Daniel CONNELL
Lieutenant John Bartholomew CONNOLLY
1812 Farrier Sergeant Francis CONNORS
1772 Trooper Francis F COOK
1720 Trooper William E CORBETT
1728 Trooper Leslie M CORBY
1810 Trooper Sydney C CORDEROY
Lieutenant George Charles CORY
1800 Trooper John F COWX
Captain Reginald Charles CREER
1469 Trooper Edmond H CRISPE
1834 Trooper T CRONIN
Lieutenant Edwin Herbert CROSS
1679 Trooper TH CROSS
1479 Trooper MB CROZIER
1423 Trooper William McCarthy CURTIN
1779 Lance Corporal Percy HM CURTIS
1474 Sergeant Joseph George DALZIEL
1784 Trooper William I DAWSON
1795 Trooper Charles E DE SMET
1407 Trooper George DEAN
1569 Trooper Rupert C DENSHIRE
1820 Trooper John B DEVANE
1680 Trooper Andrew DOCHERTY
Lieutenant RV DOUDNEY
1663 Trooper Robert DOUGLAS
Captain Frederick Allan DOVE
1704 Trooper AE DRURY
1500 Trooper WA DYER
1505 Trooper James EATHER
1408 Corporal John Robert EGGLETON
1688 Trooper J ELLIS
1633 Trooper Harry EVANS
1674 Trooper Ralph EVANS
1420 Lance Corporal Frederick A EVERETT
1816 Trooper DD FINCH
1594 Trooper Alexander FINDLAY
1638 Trooper Frederick F FITZPATRICK
1491 Trooper Thomas FOREMAN
Lieutenant William Alfred FORSYTHE
1653 Trooper William C FRANCIS
1462 Trooper Benjamin D FRASER
1624 Trooper Daniel FRAWLEY
1761 Trooper George G FREEMAN
1492 Trooper John B FURBER
1499 Trooper Frederick GANNONI
1471 Trooper John S GARDINER
1817 Trooper William J GARVAY
1463 Trooper August GAUDIN
1684 Trooper WH GILBERT
1623 Lance Corporal Edward GILHAM
1406 Farrier Sergeant Wallaa T GILLIES
1453 Trooper William H GIRDLER
1596 Trooper Alexander J GLASGOW
1712 Trooper David B GOURLAY
1630 Trooper Arthur A GRIBBLE
1405 Trooper Arthur GUNN
1568 Farrier Stephen J GUTTERSON
1584 Trooper Joseph HALL
1631 Trooper Harry W HAMPSON
1790 Trooper Herbert HANDLEY
1489 Trooper John A HANNA
1573 Farrier Sergeant George HANSON
1738 Trooper Edward HARDIE
1451 Trumpeter Corporal Edward H HARDWICK
1768 Farrier Thomas HARLAND
1454 Trooper Robert HARMAN
1724 Trooper Herbert HART
1599 Trooper George H HAY
1556 Trooper W HAY
1829 Trooper Joseph HEALEY
1819 Trooper Reginald HEMME
1806 Farrier Richard HENRY
1501 Trooper Harry T HERBERTON
1735 Trooper David HIBBERD
1437 Trooper Arthur J HICKIE
1801 Trooper George C HILLIS
1622 Trooper John A HINDMARSH
1611 Trooper John HOGAN
1551 Lance Corporal Charles H HOGG
1824 Trooper Alfred E HOWARD
1613 Farrier William HOY
1746 Corporal George E HUCKSTOPP
1642 Sergeant Thomas J HUMPHREYS
1715 Trooper Sam FH HUNTER
1497 Trooper Richard HURN
1410 Trooper Robert ISHERWOOD
1435 Trooper James H JACK
1650 Trooper Edward J JACOBS
1466 Trooper Frank JACOBS
1433 Trooper Charles H JEFFREYS
1654 Trooper Luke JOHNSON
1670 Trooper AG JOHNSTON
1660 Trooper Stanley G JOHNSTON
1647 Trooper Daniel A JOINER
1671 Trooper Charles JONES
1759 Trooper Edmond O JONES
1799 Lance Corporal George JONES
1830 Trooper Robert JONES
1807 Trumpeter Harry George JULIUS
1595 Trooper William M KELLY
1523 Trooper Thomas KENNEDY
1809 Trooper Francis T KENNY
1563 Trooper Edward R KING
1634 Corporal James H KNIGHT
1425 Trooper GJHG KNUDSON
1581 Trooper Charles W KUHNE
1455 Trooper HW LAGERLOW
1589 Corporal James LAMB
1627 Trooper Herbert S LAUGHTON
1444 Trooper Charles LAWS
1711 Corporal John LAYBURN
1737 Trooper Archibald LEA
1780 Trooper Robert LEA
1528 Trooper William LEATHART
1656 Trooper Thomas C LEE
1477 Trooper Thomas T LEE
1802 Trooper Beale LEES
1519 Trooper JT LEIGH
Captain John Black LEITCH
1448 Trooper Thomas SH LEMON
1583 Trooper Walter LEONARD
1570 Trooper WC LEWIS
1529 Trooper Herbert Edward LOCKE
1625 Trooper David J LOGAN
1751 Corporal Edward D LOGAN
1576 Trooper William LUCAS
1739 Trooper George LYNCH
Lieutenant Lionel George MACARTHUR
1716 Trooper George MACE
1586 Trooper Allan H MAIR
1587 Company Quartermaster Sergeant HJ MAIR
1776 Trooper Albert MALCOLM
1646 Corporal Arthur C MANN
1750 Trooper William E MANNING
1831 Trooper Charles MANSERGH
1513 Trooper John Alexander MANSON
1461 Trooper Thomas G MARSH
1426 Trooper John H MARSHALL
1717 Trooper Arthur H MARTIN
1427 Company Sergeant Major William H MARTIN
1458 Trooper John E MASON
1643 Trooper James MATHER
1685 Trooper David MCCOMB
1758 Trooper Albert J MCDONALD
1486 Sergeant Henry S MCDONALD
1449 Lance Corporal AW MCDOUGALL
1635 Trooper F MCDOUGALL
1550 Trooper Victor J MCDUFF
1718 Trooper Edward MCEVOY
1417 Trooper Henry MCGRATH
1778 Trooper Charles MCKAY
1431 Trooper William F MCKEE
1480 Trooper MC MCKENZIE
1752 Trooper AK MCLEAN
Lieutenant Murdock Evan MCMILLAN
1416 Company Sergeant Major James MCRAE
1592 Lance Corporal William C MEDCALF
1510 Trooper Frederick MERRIMAN
Lieutenant Godfrey William MILLARD
1456 Trooper Montague C MILLER
1676 Trooper OTB MILLER
1447 Trumpeter George MILWAIN
1705 Trooper Frank A MOLLOY
1421 Trooper William MOON
1561 Trooper Thomas T MOONEY
1804 Farrier Martin MORAN
1672 Trooper Frank MORRIS
1798 Lance Corporal Frank A MORRIS
1832 Trooper E MORROW
Major Pembroke Lathrop MURRAY
1753 Trooper TE MYCHAEL
1598 Trooper Charles E NAUGHTON
1490 Trooper William NEIL
1821 Trooper William H NEWHAM
Captain Sydney Howard NICHOLSON
1707 Trooper Daniel NOLAN
1669 Trooper Charles NORTON
1792 Trooper Eugene O'DONNELL
1803 Farrier Timpthy O'KEEFE
1713 Trooper John G ONUS
1165 Trooper James ORGAN
1755 Trooper Thomas OSBORNE
1482 Trooper WE PARKES
1730 Trooper Robert PARKHILL
1637 Trooper William Frederick PARSONS
1618 Trooper Albert W PEASE
165 Trooper Henry PENO
1553 Trooper Thomas PERCY
1508 Trooper George PERRY
1657 Trooper Albert PHILLIPS
1511 Trooper Sydney POOLEY
1526 Trooper Henry POTTER
1481 Trooper Waverley G POWE
1760 Trooper William GA POWELL
1661 Trooper George PRESTON
1781 Trooper William J PRITZLER
1794 Trooper Henry G PUTNEY
1560 Trooper William John PYE
1774 Trooper Charles O QUINN
1709 Trooper Michael Joseph QUINN
1619 Trooper Patrick J QUINN
1590 Trooper Murray M REED
1749 Trooper Archibald H REID
1558 Trooper Claude O REYNOLDS
1687 Trooper FM REYNOLDS
1424 Corporal James REYNOLDS
1825 Trooper William REYNOLDS
1507 Trooper William C RIDDLE
1686 Trooper Francis G ROBERTS
1557 Trooper Thomas ROBERTS
1667 Lance Corporal H ROBERTSON
1733 Corporal William O ROBINSON
1736 Trooper Edm. A ROE
1488 Trooper Ernest ROSE
1796 Trooper James T ROSEWELL
1682 Trooper Edwin A ROSS
1603 Sergeant Alexander ROSTRON
1502 Corporal Morris H ROUSE
1412 Corporal Harold RUSSELL
1418 Company Quartermaster Sergeant James RYAN
1460 Trooper Charles SAUNDERS
1786 Trooper Frederick SAVORY
1823 Trooper Christian SCHADE
1620 Trooper Alfred C SCHROEDER
1521 Trooper Robert F SCOTT
1652 Trooper George H SEATON
Captain Reinhold SHADLER
1597 Trooper Frederick SHAW
1601 Trooper Henry SHAW
1766 Lance Corporal George H SHEAD
1565 Trooper Michael SHEEDY
1509 Trooper Henry Robert SHERRINGHAM
1413 Trooper Frederick R SHERWOOD
1530 Trooper Oscar Julius SIMPSON
1681 Trooper F SKILLEN
1762 Trooper Albert J SLADE
1465 Trooper William SMEDLEY
1609 Corporal Arthur SMITH
1805 Farrier Dan O SMITH
1439 Trooper D'Arcy SMITH
1566 Corporal Edward SMITH
1487 Trooper Frederick W SMITH
1442 Trooper Harry P SMITH
1575 Trooper Henry J SMITH
1402 Trooper Samuel SMITH
1496 Trooper Thomas W SMITH
1580 Trooper Richard SNEDDON
1503 Trooper Mervyn SPENCE
1764 Trooper William E SPRING
1476 Trooper Robert E ST. GEORGE
1432 Trooper Harold M STANTON
1600 Saddler Leo J STOCKALL
1494 Trooper Sam STOREY
1657 Trooper Ephraim C STUBBS
1754 Sergeant William J STUBBS
1621 Trooper Edward JN SULLIVAN
1457 Trooper Frederick W SULLIVAN
1473 Farrier David B SULTER
1814 Trooper JD SUTTON
1773 Trooper William P SWAN
1706 Trooper Bernard SWEEP
1428 Trooper Hugh TALBOT
1747 Trooper Edwin W TARRANT
1604 Trooper Joseph J TATTERSALL
1757 Corporal Herbert S TEBBUTT
1478 Farrier Archibald THOMPSON
1607 Trooper DA THOMSON
1664 Trumpeter Phillip TIDESWELL
1593 Trooper John G TOMS
1833 Trooper John TOOVEY
1572 Lance Sergeant Alfred B TRAFFORD
1787 Trooper John TURNER
1771 Trooper Henry E TWIST
1719 Trooper WG UPTON
1578 Trooper Percy M VALE
1701 Trooper John A VERCOE
1626 Trooper Frank E WALCOTT
1629 Trooper Ninian WALKER
Lieutenant Colonel Robert WALLACE
1767 Trooper ME WALSH
1450 Trooper Thomas E WALTERS
1483 Lance Sergeant George WARD
1765 Trooper James B WARD
1734 Trooper John J WARD
1665 Trumpeter Leslie WAUGH
1797 Trooper William T WEBB
1610 Trooper John WELLS
1411 Sergeant Thomas WEST
1555 Trooper Joe H WESTON
1729 Sergeant AC WHEREAT
1414 Corporal Eustace WHIDDON
1518 Trooper George WHITE
1498 Sergeant WH WHITNEY
1520 Trooper FJ WILLIAMS
1788 Trooper Frederick M WILLIAMS
1606 Trooper George G WILLIAMS
1577 Trooper Arthur WILLIAMSON
1740 Corporal Charles F WILSON
1574 Trooper Herbert F WILSON
1741 Sergeant Thomas WILSON
1789 Trooper John A WINCH
1648 Trooper William F WOLSTENHOLME
Lieutenant Harris B WOODS
1506 Trooper James W WOODS
1722 Trooper William WOOF
1639 Lance Corporal Sydney H WORTHINGTON
1649 Trooper George WRIGHT
1571 Trooper Edward WYBORN
1608 Trooper Herbert T WYLD
Captain George WYNNE
1504 Trooper James YOUNG
Further Reading:
3rd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse New South Wales
3rd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse New South Wales, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: 3rd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse New South Wales, Nominal Roll