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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 26 November 2003
"A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles, Antill Letter, 15 April 1900
Topic: BW - NSW - NSWMR_A


"A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles

Antill Letter, 15 April 1900


Antill Letter, 15 April 1900


The following transcript is of a letter written by Captain John Macquarie Antill, Officer Commanding the New South Wales Mounted Rifles contingent to South Africa to the New South Wales Chief Staff Officer and Assistant Adjutant General Colonel Henry Douglas Mackenzie.

Karee Kloop
Near Bloemfontein


Since my last advice, I have to report the death from Enteric of Private W Bender on the 4th Inst. of which I was only advised last night from Bloemfontein. This man took ill 3 weeks ago and was sent to hospital there. He was a most excellent man in every respect and his loss is greatly felt by his commander. I have advised by letter of this date his next of kin.

During a skirmish last week Corporal Allen was dangerously wounded - shot through the right lung but he is progressing favourably and being a strong man has good chance of recovery.

I report to say that in the result of the bad water at Paardeberg, several of the men have contracted fever among them being Lieutenant Lees (lately appointed to Colonel Knight's command from my squadron) and Corporal Wearne. The remainder being:

Private Miller, Enteric;
Private Sharpe, H, Enteric, (since convalescent);
Private Spearing, Enteric;
Private Pearce, Enteric, (severe);
Private Corbett, Enteric;
Private Maxted, Enteric, (nearly convalescent);
Private Sutton, dysentery;
Private Young, fever;
Private Davison, fever;
Private Field, fever.

The bulk of the Mounted Infantry and local irregulars have been re-organised. I enclose this disposition as affecting the NSW Troops, excepting the Lancers and Australian Horse which remain as at present in the 1st Cavalry Brigade.

I have the honour to be

Your obedient servant
JM Antill,
Commander, NSWMR   



Previous:  Antill Letter, 22 March 1900

Next:  New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron


War Diaries and Letters

All War Diaries and letters cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, War Diaries and Letters, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:

Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, War Diaries and Letters, Site Transcription Policy 



Further Reading:

New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron

New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: "A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles, Antill Letter, 15 April 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 May 2011 1:55 PM EADT
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent
Topic: BW - NSW - NSWCBC

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent

Roll of Honour

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


William Myles AYRE, Died of Disease, 16 November 1900.


Dennis Joseph BARRETT, Died of Disease, 16 February 1901.


Robert CAMERON, Killed in Action, 22 July 1900.

Edward Brown CHESHER, Killed in Action, 2 September 1900.

Granville Thomas COOPER, Killed in Action, 14 October 1900.

William Jospeh CUMMINGS, Died of Disease, 4 August 1901.


George William DAVIDSON, Died of Disease, 7 March 1901.

Harold DRINKWATER, Died of Disease, 1 February 1901.

James Daniel DUFF, Killed in Action, 17 August 1900.


James FINNIGAN, Killed in Action, 12 January 1901.

Donald FRASER, Killed in Action, 26 February 1901.


George Henry Flood GIBSON, Killed in Action, 16 August 1900.

Arthur Percy Briton GREY, Died of Disease, 9 November 1900.


Walter JONES, Died of Disease, 15 April 1901.


James LAMB, Died of Disease, 16 November 1900.

James Miles LOGAN, Died of Disease, 13 January 1901.


George MANNS, Died of Disease, 16 November 1900.

George Reginald MCGUINNESS, Killed in Action, 1 March 1901.

Daniel Peter MEEHAN, Died of Disease, 18 January 1901.

James MITCHELL, Killed in Action, 17 August 1900.

Walter MURRAY, Killed in Action, 7 July 1900.

Walter MYLES, Died of Disease, 24 April 1900.


Benjamin Joseph QUIGLEY, Died of Disease, 20 December 1900.


Claude William ROBERTSON, Killed in Action, 22 July 1900.

Joseph RUSSELL, Killed in Action, 7 July 1900.


Walter Laishlty SPIER, Died of Disease, 23 January 1901.


William Edward John THORPE, Died of Disease, 30 June 1900.

Frank TOOHEY, Killed in Action, 16 October 1900.


Patrick VERDON, Died of Disease, 17 January 1901.


Herbert William WADDELL, Killed in Action, 22 September 1900.

John WADDELL, Killed in Action, 4 August 1900.

James Edwin WALKER, Killed in Action, 17 August 1900.

John Nathanial WALTON, Died of Disease, 22 May 1900.


Lest we forget



Further Reading:

New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent

New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 31 July 2011 12:01 AM EADT
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: HER to HOD
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: HER to HOD



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: HER to HOD


152 Private Harry Roy HERTH, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1235 Sergeant Henry Richmond HESKETH, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

560 Private John Smith HESKETH, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Sergeant HESLER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2929 Gunner E HESSIAN, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

1896 Private Peter Joseph HESSIAN, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

24 Private Thomas HESSIAN, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

Private Edwin Sydney Thomas HESSION, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

607 Farrier Sergeant Thomas Frank HESSION, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

349 Private Cecil Somerville HETHERINGTON, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

311 Sergeant Christopher HETHERINGTON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

46 Private Ernest HETLEY, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

1451 Trooper Godfrey Davanant HEUCHMAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Trooper J. HEUSTON, NSW Lancers.

419 Corporal SA HEVEY, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

554 Trooper Thomas HEWES, Damant's Horse.

1402 Private John T HEWETT, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1455 Private Herbert Vincent HEWINS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Trooper T HEWIS, Brabant's Horse.

175 Private Arthur Reginald HEWITT, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

170 Private Elmslie Fayrer HEWITT, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

241 Trooper Frank Rupert HEWITT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

295 Corporal Hector Norman Simson HEWITT, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2728 Acting Bombadier I HEWITT, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

1220 Private John HEWITT, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

64 Trooper John William HEWITT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

277 Private Walter HEWITT, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

1019 Sergeant Thomas Henry HEY, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

12 Corporal Tom Henry HEY, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

3303 Trooper George Thomas HEYDON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

338 Trooper Sydney Charles HEYMOURE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

64 Trooper Charles HEYNE, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

Major HEYSEN, South African Light Horse.

538 Private Frederick HEYWOOD, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

600 Private Frederick HEYWOOD, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

313 Private Percy George HEYWOOD, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

1062 Shoeing Smith John Henry HEZLETT, 1st Australian Horse.

41034 Trooper JSB HEZLETT, 2nd Scottish Horse.

2583 Gunner Claude HIBBERD, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

1277 Sergeant Claude Wilfred HIBBERD, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth - NSW.

1735 Trooper David HIBBERD, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

3462 Trooper Joseph HIBBERD, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2201 Private William Frederick HIBBERD, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

20 Trooper Daniel Richard HIBBERT, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

434 Trooper Edwin Patrick HICKEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

41005 Trooper F HICKEY, 2nd Scottish Horse.

Trooper F HICKEY, Cape Railway Pioneer Regt..

1242 Private Henry HICKEY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

41033 Trooper J HICKEY, 2nd Scottish Horse.

3141 Driver J HICKEY, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

969 Private John HICKEY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

57 Private John Francis HICKEY, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

2852 Trooper Michael James HICKEY, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1657 Private Timothy HICKEY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2851 Gunner Walter HICKEY, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

Trooper HICKEY, Roberts' Horse.

1437 Trooper Arthur J HICKIE, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

29 Private Charles James HICKS, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

115 Trooper George HICKS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2667 Bombadier George HICKS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

1117 Corporal George Bertrand HICKS, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

495 Private John Alexander HICKS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

1240 Corporal Sydney James HICKS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2345 Sergeant Thomas John HICKS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

4019 Trooper Thomas John HICKS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

21 Private William HICKS, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

HICKS, Cape Railway Pioneer Regt..

252 Trooper T HICKSON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

475 Private Charles HIERONS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2274 Trooper Frederick Harold HIGGINS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

24 Trooper J HIGGINS, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

Trooper J HIGGINS, Prince of Wales' Light Horse.

285 Private Leslie Lyndhurst HIGGINS, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

777 Private Leslie Lyndhurst HIGGINS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2523 Corporal Richard HIGGINS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

Lieutenant HIGGINS, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

399 Private Charles Bingham HIGGINSON, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

403 Private Irlam HIGGINSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

45 Private John Bingham HIGGINSON, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant John Bingham HIGGINSON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

274 Private Edmund HIGGS, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

1331 Private Ernest Alexander HIGGS, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

1331 Private Ernest Alexander HIGGS, Australian Army Medical Corps, South Australia.

1050 Trumpeter Horace HIGGS, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

404 Private James HIGGS, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

210 Trooper Joseph Matthew HIGHAM, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant John HIGSON, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

417 Private Walter Herbert HILBRICK, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

335 Corporal J HILCKE, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Trooper FM HILDEBRANDT, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

276 Private George Gerald HILDYARD, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

Trooper A HILL, South African Light Horse.

30804 Trooper AH HILL, 2nd Scottish Horse.

585 Trooper Alexander HILL, 1st Australian Horse.

382 Sergeant Alexander HILL, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2797 Trooper Alexander James HILL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

196 Private Alexander William HILL, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

559 Private Archibald Usher HILL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2730 Trooper Arthur HILL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

158 Trooper Arthur HILL, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2774 Gunner Arthur Chilton HILL, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

488 Trooper AW HILL, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

221 Trooper Charles HILL, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

231 Private Charles HILL, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant Charles HILL, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

2510 Trooper Christopher HILL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

225 Trooper Compton Thomas HILL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

429 Private Ebenezer HILL, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

134 Trooper Edwin Henry HILL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1007 Private Frederick Dorset HILL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

177 Private George William HILL, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

113 Private GF HILL, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

40 Private Harry HILL, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

229 Lance Corporal James HILL, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

321 Trooper James Henry HILL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

307 Trooper James Henry HILL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

280 Private John HILL, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

31615 Trooper John Joseph HILL, 2nd Scottish Horse.

56 Private Leslie Charles HILL, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant Norton Gordon HILL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

213 Private Onslow Frederick Stanley HILL, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

636 Private Onslow Frederick Stanley HILL, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

61 Private R HILL, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

2710 Corporal Robert HILL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

155 Private Ronald HILL, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

386 Trooper Ronald Loughton HILL, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

115 Private Stephen HILL, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

158 Trooper Sydney Edward HILL, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

75 Sergeant Thomas John HILL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

201 Sergeant Thomas John HILL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

125 Private Vutor Austin HILL, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2133 Trooper William HILL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

465 Trooper William George HILL, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

2505 Trooper William Henry HILL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

189 Private William Henry HILL, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

2306 Private William Henry HILL, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1212 Private George Thomas HILLARD, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

48 Private Walter Herbert HILLBRICK, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Captain Maurice Alfred HILLIARD, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

137 Private Albert George HILLIER, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.

485 Private Joseph Frederick HILLIER, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

Trooper S HILLIER, Brabant's Horse.

1801 Trooper George C HILLIS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

958 Trooper George Charles HILLIS, NSW Lancers.

68 Trooper William H HILLIS, NSW Lancers.

352 Private Alfred Ernest HILLMAN, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

39 Trooper Alfred Stanley HILLMAN, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

129 Trooper Albert HILTON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

139 Trooper Clarence AGA HILZINGER, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Trooper Solomon HIMMELHOCK, South African Light Horse.

Lance Corporal R HINBACH, 2nd Scottish Horse.

31622 Lance Corporal Robert Hawkins HINBACK, 2nd Scottish Horse.

257 Private Thomas HINCKS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

327 Private Albert Joseph HIND, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

19 Trooper Herbert HINDLE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

9 Sergeant Alfred J HINDMARSH, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

364 Trooper George HINDMARSH, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

899 Trooper Henry Ernest HINDMARSH, NSW Lancers.

Trooper JJ HINDMARSH, South African Light Horse.

1622 Trooper John A HINDMARSH, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2647 Gunner Alfred HINDS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

176 Private Joseph HINDS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2649 Gunner Joseph HINDS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

319 Private William Robert HINDS, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

2671 Private Charles Henry HINE, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

44 Trooper Gilbert Edward HINE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

121 Private Ellis Elijah HINES, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Nursing Sister Frances Emma HINES, Army Medical Corps, Victorian Nurses.

2402 Trooper Herbert Edward HINES, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

320 Private Thomas HINKLEY, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

39710 Trooper H HINLEY, 2nd Scottish Horse.

110 Trooper Herbert Gerald HINTON, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

272 Private John Edward HINTON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1664 Private William John HINTON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1860 Private August Henry HINZ, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

324 Trooper Sydney William HINZE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

Captain Malcolm GP HIPWELL, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

965 Trooper Thomas HIRD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

431 Trooper Fred. William HIRTH, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1226 Trooper Edward HISCOCK, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

214 Sergeant Henry James HISCOCK, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1320 Trooper John HISCOCK, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

512 Private Percy Herbert HISCOCK, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

1062 Private Frederick James HISGROVE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

242 Trooper James Scott Hunter HISLOP, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

190 Private John Henry HITCHCOCK, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

57 Private Ernest HITCHENS, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

82 Private Frederick James HITCHINGS, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

41 Private George Hay HIVES, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

750 Private Aubrey George Denniston HOAD, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

2316 Private Fred JS HOAD, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Colonel John C HOAD, Special Service Officer.

994 Private William Thomas HOAD, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

6 Nursing Sister Emily HOADLEY, Army Medical Corps, NSW Nurses.

533 Private John Richard HOARE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

22 Trooper MP HOBAN, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

417 Private Minchen James HOBART, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

222 Trooper Edwin HOBBS, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

33540 Trooper SW HOBDAY, 2nd Scottish Horse.

221 Trooper Arthur Albert HOBDEN, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

445 Private John Henry HOBOURN, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2347 Trooper Charles William HOBSON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

477 Private Edgar Septimus HOBSON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

3639 Trumpeter Frank Foley HOBSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

333 Trooper George Louis HOBSON, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

3681 Corporal John Charles HOBSON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

18 Private John Ernest HOBSON, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Lance Corporal L HOBSON, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

3708 Trooper Mark HOBSON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1226 Private Richard Francis HOBSON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

81 Private Edward HOCKEY, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

28 Sergeant Frederick James HOCKEY, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

313 Sergeant E HOCKING, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

416 Trooper James Richard HOCKING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

367 Trooper John Abraham HOCKING, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

416 Trooper JR HOCKING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

2088 Trooper Albert Charles HOCKINGS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant Edwin Morton HOCKINGS, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

220 Private Frank HOCKINGS, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

47 Private John Abraham HOCKINGS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1230 Private Bertram HOCKLEY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1076 Trooper Charles Edward HOCKLEY, 1st Australian Horse.

736 Sergeant Walter Norman HOCKLEY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

436 Private Oliver Foster HODDEN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Trooper George HODER, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

20 Trooper Edward HODGE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

70 Trooper EP HODGE, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

1417 Trooper Philip HODGE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

31 Trooper Robert HODGE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

356 Private William HODGE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

266 Private Alfred John HODGES, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1252 Private Charles Albert HODGES, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

304 Trooper Frederick HODGES, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1063 Private Frederick Charles HODGES, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

296 Private George Douglas HODGES, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

1247 Saddler Sergeant Harry HODGES, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1247 Private Henry HODGES, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

782 Corporal Herbert Ernest HODGES, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

2305 Shoeing Smith George Ernest HODGINS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

95 Private Arthur Frederick HODGKINSON, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

68 Trooper Walter Frank Cecil HODGKINSON, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

145 Private William George HODGKINSON, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

5 Sergeant William George HODGKINSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Captain William Oswald HODGKINSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

2026 Private Vincent Lade HODGMAN, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: HER to HOD

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 30 April 2010 11:45 AM EADT
Tuesday, 25 November 2003
Enlistment ages for the Boer War - A Case Study
Topic: BW - NSW - NSWCBC


New South Wales Citizens Bushmans Contingent

Enlistment ages - A Case Study


"Bushie" and Battye.


Enlistment ages for the Boer War - a case study of the New South Wales Citizens Bushmen’s Contingent 


The Problem

Contemporary newspapers of the day during the Boer War vied with each other to find a superlative to describe the actions of a particular person or formation. The contemporary description of 1012 Trooper Geoffrey Hamlyn HARRIS from the 1st Australian Horse illustrates clearly the problem. Originally from Tumut, NSW, and at just 19, was thought to be the youngest Australian to enlist and fight in the Boer War.

To ascertain the veracity of the claim, an examination of a single New South Wales formation where all the substantially information is available regarding the dates of birth of the various members.

Only one unit, the NSW Citizens' Bushmen, had almost complete records. In the following list are the members and the declared age at or after enlistment. In view of the younger men, it was obviously discovered after the event.

The list as best as can be constructed for the NSW Citizens' Bushmen, with the sorting from the youngest member to the oldest. Where the age is similar, the age cohort is arranged in an alphabetical format. The date of birth utilised was supplied after service from the Commonwealth and New South Wales rolls regarding this formation. The later rolls were constructed to ascertain potential and real pension liabilities of the two governments in relation to the men who served.

  • 17 Trumpeter Alfred Herbert MCKOY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 16 years old.
  • 19 Trumpeter Arthur Thornton BROWN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 17 years old.
  • 21 Trumpeter Rupert de Lacey PEEK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 18 years old.
  • 194 Corporal Hurtle E DE MESTRE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 139 Trooper Leslie Thomas Anderson DENNIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 84 Trooper Kelvedon GULSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 231 Trooper Laurence HOY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 383 Trooper Francis Ernest JENSEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 436 Trooper Gustave LIBBESSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 24 Trumpeter Abert Edward MASON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 228 Trooper Duncan Kennedy MCINTYRE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 305 Trooper William Andrew PARR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 543 Trooper George RAWLINGS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 54 Trooper Sydney James TAYLOR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 19 years old.
  • 376 Trooper William BAKER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 12 Trooper Claude BARNES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 214 Trooper William Joseph BOOTH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 539 Trooper Reginald CANTWELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 546 Trooper John Leydon CHARLTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 443 Trooper Patrick COLLINS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 112 Trooper Hedley Vicars DOWE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 288 Trooper Frederick Clement DRUITT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 89 Trooper John Edward Henry EASTCOTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 535 Trooper Herbert James FIMISTER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 277 Trooper Arthur Henry FORTESCUE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 225 Aubrey FULLFORD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 226 William John GIDDINS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 461 Trooper William Johnstone GRAHAM, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 385 Trooper Hugh Morton HOLT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 395 Trooper Walter LONG, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 60 Trooper William MCGRATH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 74 Trooper Alfred PRUSSING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 318 Trooper Aubrey George RATTEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 141 Trooper George ROLLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 295 Trooper George SUTHERLAND, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 92 Trooper James TARVIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 400 Trooper Bertie John THOMSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 20 years old.
  • 83 Trooper Charles ANSLING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 453 Trooper George BAILEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 536 Saddler Henry BUCHBACK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 73 Trooper James Edmund CLARKE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 163 Trooper George Arthur COBBY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 161 Thomas CONRICK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 229 Trooper Percy William CORDEROY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 548 Trooper Joseph Dudley CORKHILL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 312 Trooper Charles COTTRELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 14 Sergeant Charles Hafed Conrad DRUITT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 285 Trooper Thomas Henry Cyril DRUITT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 185 Trooper John ELLIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 509 Trooper William James FOGARTY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 479 Trooper Richard GEORGE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 246 Trooper Neil Patrick GILLIES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 335 Trooper James GODFREY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 495 Trooper Arthur Charles Gordon GOURLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 496 Trooper Albert GRUBEL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 9 Trooper Charles Joseph HURTZ, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 192 Trooper Frank KING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 175 Trooper William Joseph KING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 182 Trooper Robert LEVETT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 330 Trooper Joseph LOVATT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 438 Trooper Donald MACKENZIE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 1 Trooper Donald MACKENZIE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 278 Trooper William Antill MCPHERSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 356 Trooper Herbert Charles MONK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 197 Sergeant Sidney Thomas NICHOLSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 113 Trooper Wilfred Stuart PATEMAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 63 Trooper Walter ROBB, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 268 Trooper Edward Alexander SMITH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 262 Trooper Henry George STEVENS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 393 Trooper Robert Edward STEVENSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 363 Trooper Charles Lawrence STOKES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 484 Trooper William Matthew WALSH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 485 Trooper Thomas Henry WALTHER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 15 Sergeant Frank V WEIR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 255 Trooper William Albert WISE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 223 Trooper George Edward Mitchell WOODLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 21 years old.
  • 134 Trooper Henry Arthur ALPHEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 5 Trooper Herbert James BAKER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 2 Trooper Ernest Edward BRIGDEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 456 Trooper Alfred John BRYANT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 420 Trooper William BURKE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 136 Trooper Jack Andrew BURR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 38 Trooper Richard William Peard BURROW, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 52 Trooper Beresford Frederick CAMPBELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 516 Trooper Norman CAMPBELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 230 Trooper Albert Henry CHANDLER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 403 Trooper George Henry CHOWN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 410 Trooper George Frederick COX, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 418 Trooper Edward Augustus CUMMINS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 49 Trooper Allen DOUGLAS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 407 Trooper Roland John EGGLETON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 311 Trooper Arthur EMERY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 142 Trooper Sidney Charles EVANS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 274 Trooper Christopher Owen FORBES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 160 Trooper William Henry GLISSAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 184 John GRAHAM, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 460 Trooper Thomas Francis GUNNING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 209 Trooper William Edward HOLMES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 224 Trooper Leslie HOWARD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 355 Trooper Arthur INGREY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 289 Trooper Charles Edward KELLEHER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 313 Trooper John Norton LORD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 154 Trooper Lewis Perryman MARSHALL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 67 Corporal George Reginald MCGUINNESS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 76 Trooper Claude Malcolm MCPHEE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 338 Trooper John Campbell ROBERTSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 50 Trooper Leslie William ROSEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 505 Alfred Ernest ROWE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 384 Trooper Samuel ROWLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 210 Trooper Wilfred Valentine RUDDER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 124 Edward Henry RUSSELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 101 Trooper William SHANNON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 169 Trooper James SMITH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 272 Trooper Richard William SPRAGGS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 513 Trooper Andrew SPROULE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 3 Trooper Frederick William STANTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 266 Trooper Mark Faucett STOREY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 125 Trooper Andrew THOMPSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 481 Trooper William John THOMSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 286 Trooper Albert Owen TINDALE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 267 Trooper James J TREWEEK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 374 Trooper Richard Stanley VIGORS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 368 Trooper William WATT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 357 Trooper Thomas Edward WOOTTEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 22 years old.
  • 457 Trooper Albert BEAUMONT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 122 Sergeant John Cuthbert BURROW, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 183 Trooper John CHARLTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 198 Lance Corporal Herbert DAVIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 181 Trooper Edward Michael DUFFY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 447 Trooper Edmund DWYER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 404 Lance Corporal Samuel HEATH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 64 Trooper John William HEWITT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 434 Trooper Edwin Patrick HICKEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 462 Trooper William Martin HUGHES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 366 Trooper Frederick Joseph JACKSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 220 Sergeant William Joseph KERR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 147 Trooper John LAYBURN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 264 Trooper Harry Stewart MACDONALD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 22 Trumpeter William Henry MANKEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 322 Lance Corporal Mavon John MAY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 130 Lance Corporal Harold Edwin MCCULLOUGH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 361 Trooper Alexander MCLEOD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 348 Trooper Frederick MCSPADDEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 166 Trooper John Eyres MILLIGAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 291 Trooper William Miller MUIR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 46 Sergeant Walter MYERS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 100 Trooper Albert Edward ONUS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 298 Trooper William James POUND, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 23 Trumpeter George William PRESTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 251 Trooper Albert Edward QUICK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 126 Trooper George Henry RALSTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 103 Trooper Michael SMITH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 117 Trooper George Tindall TURNER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 517 Trooper Richard Thomas WALKER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 379 Trooper John WATERS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 354 Trooper Vivian WATSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 518 Trooper Theodore Alfred WOODS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 23 years old.
  • 61 Trooper John Carlton AITCHESON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 71 Trooper Edward Christopher ANDERSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 203 Trooper William Myles AYRE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 179 Trooper Walter Hearns BALDWIN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 212 Trooper James Edward BODKIN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 41 Trooper John Theodore BRUNNING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 206 Trooper Joseph Charles CORDWELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 93 George Alfred DUBERLY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 515 Trooper Leslie George EYRE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 328 Trooper Leslie FERGUSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 26 Trooper Fergus Stewart FRATER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 528 Trooper Charles Andrew GARDNER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 524 Trooper John Charles HARRISON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 296 Trooper Frank Herbert HOLDEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 96 Trooper William Francis HUNT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 10 Trooper Tom ILLIFE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 421 Trooper Reginald Venables JAMES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 465 Trooper Horatio KING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 304 Trooper Samuel LUCKIE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 77 Corporal Lionel George MACARTHUR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 207 Trooper Charles John MANSER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 370 Trooper Sydney Alfred MARTIN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 302 Trooper Charles Frederick Holes MONK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 25 Trooper Arthur Thomas NEVILLE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 419 Corporal Duncan Campbell OSBORNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 240 Trooper Henry George PUTNEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 398 Trooper Benjamin Joseph QUIGLY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 429 Trooper Thomas RYAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, Regimental Staff; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 314 Squadron Sergeant Major Oswald Bruce RYRIE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 65 Trooper George SHEPHERD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 520 Trooper Ignatius Loyola SMITH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 40 Sergeant John Barber SPROAT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 450 Farrier Sergeant Frederick William STEWART, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 24 years old.
  • 502 Trooper Alexander William ALLEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 13 Trooper Joseph William BARNES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 269 Trooper Charles BIDDLECOMBE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 153 Trooper Ernest BINGHAM, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 258 Trooper George CARPENTER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 227 Trooper Charles Lewis CARTWRIGHT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 280 Lance Corporal Percival Fyam CORTIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 30 Trooper Frank Lomas DAVIDSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 448 Trooper George Frederick DUNCAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 449 Trooper Alfred Herbert FACKENDER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 201 Trooper Arthur Percy Briton GREY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 427 Trooper Thomas Neville GUNTER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 158 Trooper William LEATHART, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 190 Trooper William Wallace MACDONALD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 98 Trooper Charles James MANSERGH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 143 Trooper Ernest MATTHEWS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 170 Trooper Archibald MCCOLL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 188 Trooper Frederick William MCKINNON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 301 Trooper William Scott MEARES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 332 Trooper Richard James MORRIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 37 Trooper Lewis Gore ORMSBY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 340 Trooper Edward ROBERTSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 426 Trooper Richard STANLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 381 Trooper Charles STEVENSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 250 Trooper Fred STIBBARDS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 254 Trooper Edward SWEENEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 138 Trooper Oswald Victor WATSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 248 Trooper William James WATSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 503 Trooper Thomas Edward WOODS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 488 Trooper Gustavus Henry ZACCHEUS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 25 years old.
  • 379 Sergeant Henry George F AIREY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 155 Trooper George William AITCHESON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 324 Lance Corporal James AITKEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 236 Sergeant Joseph BENNETT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 271 Trooper Matthew BLANCHE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 204 Trooper Ernest BROAD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 107 Trooper Patrick BURKE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 45 Trooper Philip DICKINSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 4 Trooper George William ELLY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 239 Sergeant Godfrey George GEARY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 529 Orderly Room Clerk Edward Phillip GRAHAME, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 367 Trooper Joseph HALL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 219 Trooper Arthur HOUCHEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 261 Trooper Charles Eastaway HUNT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 467 Trooper John KIRBY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 310 Trooper Charles LAWES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 469 Trooper Francis Richard Homer MANNSER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 90 Trooper Henry PLONGES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 252 Trooper John Frederick SADLER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 359 Trooper Duncan SINCLAIR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 307 Trooper Oscar Patrick STAUNTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 20 Trumpeter Sidney John TAYLOR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 159 Trooper William Alfred TOUGH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 256 Sergeant Clive Condor WESTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 388 Trooper James WILKINSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 263 Trooper John Andrew WILLMOTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 26 years old.
  • 309 Trooper Eugene AHERN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 391 Trooper Thomas ALLISON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 59 Trooper George John BARNES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 105 Trooper Ernest CAMPBELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 411 Trooper John Patrick CAREY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 346 Trooper James Joseph COLLINS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 417 Trooper Philip Penrose CUMMINS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 522 Trooper Walter Charles DODD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 148 Sergeant Ernest G FOSTER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 331 Trooper William Alfred MALING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 309 Trooper Archibald James MIDDLETON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 87 Trooper Ernest Noel MILLS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 369 Trooper Sydney Francis RHALL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 483 Trooper William John SUTHERLAND, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 28 Trooper Ernest THOMAS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 519 Trooper William Charles Frederick THOMAS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 480 Trooper William Edward John THORPE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 232 Trooper Harold Rome TREATT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 27 years old.
  • 414 Lance Corporal Charles ANDREWS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 2371 Arthur William ARMSTRONG, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 387 Corporal Albert John BELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 351 Trooper Frederick W BENTLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 372 Trooper Harold BLACKMAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 115 Corporal Fitzroy Augustus BUCKLETON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 319 Corporal Reginald Naylor CADDEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 109 Trooper Joseph Michael CUSACK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 36 Trooper Arthur Hilton FARNELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 504 Trooper John Smith FOX, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 401 Trooper Robert FREER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 243 Trooper Paul James GUY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 114 Sergeant Thomas HURLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 128 James KNOX, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 424 Corporal Charles Richard Campbell LLOYD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 180 Trooper Gavin LOW, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 66 Trooper Alfred MAYNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 471 Trooper John William MCGRATH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 191 Trooper Robert MCMILLAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 151 Trooper Vincent NEWELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 405 Trooper Angus NICHOLSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 259 Trooper Albert Edward NOLAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 137 Trooper William O'MALLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 476 Trooper Harold Athleston PERROTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 131 Trooper John QUINLIVAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 365 Trooper Charles RITCHIE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 315 Orderly Room Sergeant Charles Macken SHERRIFS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 382 Trooper John Rendell STREET, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 51 Trooper James Thomas STRUCK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 221 Trooper Frederick VON HAMMER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 276 Corporal Horace C Philip WATERS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 57 Trooper George WILLIAMS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 28 years old.
  • 397 Sergeant Dennis Joseph BARRETT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 323 Corporal Percy Henry COBCROFT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 91 Trooper William Edmund CORBETT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 187 John Melville CRAYFORD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 174 Corporal James Reuben DE LORE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 186 Trooper James Joseph DUNN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 364 Trooper Frank GALWEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 39 Lance Corporal Thomas Reuben Hamilton GIBB, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 510 Trooper Percy Arnold HAYBITTLE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 48 Trooper Herman HOLM, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 157 Trooper Harry Alfred HUDSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 428 Trooper John MACDONALD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 506 Sqn.QMSgt. Murdoch Evans MCMILLAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 164 Trooper Lachlan MCRAE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 213 Trooper Arthur Joseph NEICH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 189 Sergeant John Henry PAYNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 168 Trooper William Frederick ROWLAND, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 422 Lance Corporal John SCOTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 200 Trooper Benjamin SLOANE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 412 Trooper James WALKER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 27 Trooper Harry Zouch WILSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 375 Trooper Robert WILSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 29 years old.
  • 167 Trooper Vernon George ANDERSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 353 Lance Corporal John BURNS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 297 Trooper William Richard COX, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 336 Corporal Arthur Peter EGAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 53 Trooper Patrick John FOWLER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 300 Trooper John Andrew GLENNON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 500 Daniel Cooper GREEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 389 Trooper Godfrey KLEIN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 541 Trooper James MACFARLANE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 281 Trooper Duncan MAGUIRE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 202 Trooper Thomas MCPHAIL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 406 Trooper Thomas Patrick MIDDLEMUS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 118 Trooper Osman Frederick Hume MIDDLETON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 222 Trooper John MOTTASHAW, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 110 Trooper Frederick John MURRAY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 474 Trooper Michael O'BRIEN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 512 Trooper George Busby PIDDINGTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 299 Trooper Edwin POUND, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 199 Trooper William QUINLAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 106 Sergeant Erskine North RAYMOND, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 409 Trooper James RUSH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 44 Trooper Thomas SUTTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 18 Trumpeter Robert THRELFALL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 140 Trumpeter Sergeant Buckwell Lionel WENTWORTH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 132 Sergeant George Henry WHEELER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 62 Trooper Charles WINNETTE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 284 Trooper Robert YOUNG, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 30 years old.
  • 171 Trooper Alexander Kenneth ALSTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 454 Trooper Joseph BENTLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 293 Trooper Thomas BEWERS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 394 Trooper Robert Patrick Quinn BOYD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 527 Trooper Joseph John BRENNAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 244 Trooper Henry Francis BURNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 430 Corporal Harry CAPELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 423 Trooper Robert Joseph DARCEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 294 Trooper Thomas DARLING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 442 Corporal Frederick DOWNING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 415 Trooper Arthur DUCKETT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 35 Trooper Frederick ELLIOTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 439 Trooper Arthur Ernest HAYES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 416 Trooper James Richard HOCKING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 440 Corporal Digby Noy JOHNS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 468 Trooper William Francis MCCUSKER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 56 Trooper John NICHOLLS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 473 Trooper John NICHOLSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 196 Lance Corporal Ernest William REECE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 408 Trooper Frederick Charles RUSSELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 94 Trooper Ernest SALISBURY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 235 Sqn.QMSgt. John Leonard SHAYLER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 282 Trooper Henry THOMPSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 162 Trooper Frederick Hutchinson WYSE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 31 years old.
  • 433 Corporal William ATKINSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 525 Trooper Alfred Ernest Arthur BENSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 81 Trooper Thomas BORLASE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 120 Trooper William Wallace BUNTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 341 Sergeant Hubert CURR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 85 Trooper Robert George DAVENPORT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 173 Trooper Ferdinand Francis DUVAL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 234 Trooper Lewis EMERY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 494 Trooper John Joseph FITZPATRICK, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 193 Lance Corporal Thomas Spencer GORDON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 523 Trooper William Profit HORSEMAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 507 Trooper William Knibb JEFFREY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 466 Trooper Thomas KENNEDY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 380 Lance Corporal Henry James Drepas MAIR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 216 Trooper James MANNING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 88 Trooper William Paul MCLEAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 78 Trooper Adam MURRAY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 501 Trooper Frederick Vincent NICHOLLS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 337 Trooper William Joseph O'CONNELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 489 Trooper John Henry QUINE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 121 Trooper Richard SHANNON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 371 Trooper Arthur Francis SPRING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 79 Trooper John Archibald STOPPELBEIN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 432 Trooper Joseph TAYLOR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 242 Trooper Frederick Egerton Pigon WEAVER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 32 years old.
  • 108 Trooper Angus McLeod BUCHANAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 33 years old.
  • 177 Trooper Francis William DUVAL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 33 years old.
  • 97 Corporal Thomas Evans KEENE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 33 years old.
  • 72 Trooper David LEES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 33 years old.
  • 472 Trooper Archibald Patrick MOONEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 33 years old.
  • 116 Trooper John O'CONNELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 33 years old.
  • 69 Trooper Patrick PERRIN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 33 years old.
  • 362 Trooper Ralph Seymour Arthur BILLSBOROUGH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 431 Trooper Charles BUTLER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 42 Trooper George CHARLES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 526 Trooper Alexander Urquhart FRYER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 102 Ernest MCDOUGALL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 270 Trooper John MCDOUGALL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 237 Lance Corporal Adam PARKES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 475 Trooper George PAYNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 530 Squadron Sergeant Major Henry PEARCE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 47 Trooper Neil RANKIN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 205 Trooper Archie RUDDER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 238 Trooper William Timbrel TROTMAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 34 years old.
  • 452 Trooper George Thomas BAKER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 396 Trooper John Theodore BRETT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 211 Trooper Walter Davidson HOME, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 308 Trooper Albert LYALL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 8 Trooper Allan MACDONALD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 290 Corporal George Robert MCKINNON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 99 Corporal Edwin James MORROW, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 477 Trooper Joseph Henry PAYNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 491 Trooper George Thomas REID, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 165 Trooper Henry SHEPPARD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 275 Sqn.QMSgt. John Nathaniel WALTON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 253 Trooper Frederick Theodore WITTS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 35 years old.
  • 329 Trooper Charles Frederick FOSTER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 36 years old.
  • 425 Trooper Alfred James MCGOWAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 36 years old.
  • 43 Trooper Edwin SMITH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 36 years old.
  • 360 Trooper Reginald Montagu SMITH, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 36 years old.
  • 532 Trooper James Oca CHRISTIANSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 37 years old.
  • 458 Sergeant Frederick William Sloper COX, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 37 years old.
  • 86 Trooper William Joseph CUMMINGS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 37 years old.
  • 498 Trooper John ELLIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, Regimental Staff; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 37 years old.
  • 82 Trooper Donald FRASER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 37 years old.
  • 283 Trooper William James GREGORY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 37 years old.
  • 195 Corporal Walter MURRAY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 37 years old.
  • 33 Trooper Robert WHITE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 37 years old.
  • 446 Farrier Sergeant Martin Joseph GRACE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 38 years old.
  • 133 Squadron Sergeant Major Archibald MASON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 38 years old.
  • 478 Trooper Joseph RYAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 38 years old.
  • 58 John WHEATLEY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 38 years old.
  • 55 Farrier Sergeant John WHITE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 38 years old.
  • 545 Trooper Reginald Heber COPELAND, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 39 years old.
  • 215 Trooper Thomas EDWARDS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 39 years old.
  • 31 Trooper Robert HODGE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 39 years old.
  • 514 Trooper Henry JONES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 39 years old.
  • 217 Trooper Roderick MACKINNON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 39 years old.
  • Charles Henry BLAND, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 40 years old.
  • 490 Trooper Wright HAMPSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “D” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 40 years old.
  • 444 Trooper Thomas Morris MCWILLIAMS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 40 years old.
  • 339 Sergeant John Ernest MULLAMPY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 40 years old.
  • 80 Edwin ROBINSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 40 years old.
  • 321 Sergeant Harold SEALE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 40 years old.
  • 247 Trooper Thomas Wilson SERGEANT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 40 years old.
  • 445 Farrier Sergeant Benjamin TOWNER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “B” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 40 years old.
  • 11 Lance Corporal Alfred POUNCEBY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 42 years old.
  • 129 Lance Corporal James REYNOLDS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “A” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 45 years old.
  • 342 Trooper Arthur Frederick BATTYE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen, “C” Squadron; known age at enlistment, February 1900 - 52 years old.

The last man on the list and the oldest man to serve with the NSW Citizens' Bushmen is 342 Trooper Arthur Frederick BATTYE. His biography is featured on the blog at:

"Bushie" and Battye

In addition, there is a growing compilation of members from this formation accompanied by a picture and brief biography. The list with links is here:

The New South Wales Citizens Bushmen’s Contingent

As to the specifics, there are 458 men on this list. The youngest is 16 while the oldest is 52. The average age is 26.83 years on enlistment.


Further Reading:

"Bushie" and Battye

New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent

New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, Roll of Honour  

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Enlistment ages for the Boer War - A Case Study

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 11 May 2010 10:03 PM EADT
"A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles, Prieska, 31 December 1899
Topic: BW - NSW - NSWMR_A


"A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles

Prieska, 31 December 1899



During their tour of South Africa, "A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles participated in many different actions as part of the British force. One of the actions occurred at Prieska, 31 December 1899. The following is a list of all members of the squadron who took part in this action.


Prieska, 31 December 1899


15 Private William John ABRAHAMS

10 Corporal Alfred Edward Elkington ALLEN

Major John Macquarie ANTILL

9 Corporal James APPS

85 Private Francis William AXAM


70 Private Thomas BALL

69 Private Samuel BALL

5 Sergeant William Henry BARHAM

82 Corporal Amos Albert BATEUP

16 Private Reginald Richard BATTYE

17 Private William BENDER

18 Private Arthur Thomas BENNETT

19 Private Thomas George BIRD

86 Private James BLACKWOOD

87 Lance Corporal Albert John BOLLARD

20 Private William BOND

21 Private Ed. Counde BULL

88 Private Michael Joseph BURKE

89 Private Arthur Albert BUTLER


23 Private George CHESHER

90 Private Ed. Thomas CLEARY

77 Private Herbert CORBETT

25 Private Austin Clarendon COX

24 Private William Sydney CRIPPS


37 Bugler Verdi Robert DALY

26 Private Charles John DARKEN

27 Private Walter Henry DAWSON

7 Farrier Sergeant J DENNY

28 Corporal Dugald DRUMMOND


102 Private John FIELD

29 Private Clive FLINT


30 Farrier Sergeant Hubert GARLICK

8 Lance Sergeant John Robert GILFILLAN


32 Private Ernest James HACKETT

33 Private Edwin George HAWES

81 Sergeant John Martin HAWKEY

Warrant Officer Richard Charles HOLMAN

43 Private James HOPKINS


34 Private Arthur Herbert JAMES


36 Private John KELLY

35 Private Wilfred John KIRKLAND


37 Corporal Charles Arthur LEE

38 Private Gifford Caleb LEETE

39 Private Edward James LINDSAY

104 Private William George LLOYD


45 Private Joseph Henry MAPLES

74 Private George MAXTED

44 Corporal David MCALLISTER

2 Squadron Sergeant Major Adam MCALLISTER

41 Private John MCDONALD

40 Private Alexander MCDONALD

42 Private Norman MCGREGOR

43 Private Peter MCGREGOR

Lieutenant Harold MCINTOSH

Captain Archibald Alexander MCLEAN

46 Corporal Charles Robert MILLAR

47 Private Christian MILLER

14 Trumpeter Charles George MILLS

93 Private Patrick Thomas MOORE

49 Private Michael George MOSS

51 Private George MURRAY


94 Sergeant Robert John NETHERY

Lieutenant Joseph NEWMAN


Lieutenant Arthur John Macarthur ONSLOW

12 Corporal Frank Patrick OWENS


76 Private Walter Frank PITT

53 Private Pembroke POTTS


79 Private Wilfred SAVAGE

97 Private Robert SHARPE

60 Corporal Rex SMITH

58 Private Albert Edward SMITH

28 Private Benjamin Charles SPEARING

75 Private Graham STEWART

61 Private Harold Bruce SUTTOR

56 Private James Henry SWAN

57 Lance Corporal Richard SWAN

62 Private Michael James SYMONDS


Lieutenant Douglas Keith Lucas TOOTH

99 Private William George TWEEDIE


64 Private John WALKER

84 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant John WARDROBE

80 Sergeant Major John WASSON

11 Lance Sergeant Sydney WEEKES

66 Private Leslie WEST

67 Private Richard Stephen WILSON

100 Private William Edward WINTLE


68 Private Horace YOUNG


Sources: All information on this page is sourced from Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 28 - 40A; and, an undated compilation of the activities of “A” Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles produced by Major JM Antill and subsequently published by the Government Printer. 



Further Reading:

New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron

New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: "A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles, Prieska, 31 December 1899

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 3 May 2011 1:58 PM EADT

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