Topic: AIF - 3B - 3 LHB
The Jifjafa Raid
Sinai, 10 - 14 April 1916
Continuation of Operation Order No. 6
Continuation of Operation Order No. 6 by Brigadier General JM Antill, CB, GOC, 3rd ALH Brigade
The transcription:
Third Light Horse Brigade
Continuation of Operation Order No. 6
By Brigadier General JM Antill, CB, GOC, 3rd ALH Brigade
1. Information and Intention
Aeroplane reconnaissance reports that Jifjafa is probably temporarily abandoned, although tents and gear at Wells are still in possession.
Wells may have dried up, so finding water cannot be depended upon.
The head of a good Motor Road is known to run from Hassana to within 8 - 10 miles north east of Jifjafa.
Latest reports show the garrison of posts in the neighbourhood to be as follows:-Hassana - 900
Bir el Hamma - 50
Nekhl - 200
No extended reconnaissance is required north or east of Jifjafa, but information gleaned of the country towards Rodh Salem will be of much value in connection with any future possible objective in that direction.
The 9th Corps will provide a Column at Bir el Giddi on the night of 12th and 13th April - this Column will assist in deceiving the enemy and also provide against any flanking movement by the enemy against our right and right rear.
This Column may probably be accompanied by a detachment of the Bikanir Camel Corps.
Wells or erections calculated to be of subsequent use to us are NOT to be blown in or damaged, but all gear and stores to be destroyed or brought away. Information on the following points will also be reported upon:-(a) Accurate information as regards all wells and other sources of water supply.
(b) Samples of water.
2. Time of Starting
Camel Train will leave Starting Point at 1700 - 10 April 1916, but will not pass through Front Line until dark.
3. Wireless
Lieutenant Eggar, Royal Engineers, is in Command of the Detachment. All messages to 3rd Light Horse Brigade from the Column will be prefaced by the letter "Z".
4. Ammunition
Reserve of 10,000 Small Arms Ammunition to be carried (Camel Transport).
5. Maps
Four of Suez (1/250,000) issued to Officer Commanding Column.
6. Wirecutters
One cutter per section to be carried.
7. Horses
Officer Commanding 10th Light Horse will supply the following additional horses:-10 for Engineers
2 for Guides
1 for Officer Commanding Wireless Detachment
These horses will accompany the Column leaving on 11 April 1916.
8. Field Dressing
To be carried by all ranks.
9. Relief
The Commanding Officer 10th Light Horse will be prepared to have ONE Squadron (120 all ranks) ready if called upon to co-operate in these operations. This will not (if at all) be required until, at earliest, the morning of the 13th inst., and instructions will be issued from Brigade Headquarters before the Unit receives preparatory Orders. Transport, if required, will be arranged and the Orders regarding the Column will generally apply to this party.
Signed CC Dangar, Captain
Brigade Major, 3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade.
Further Reading:
Reconnaissance to Muksheib by Captain Wearne
The Jifjafa Raid, Sinai, April 10 to 14
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: The Jifjafa Raid, Sinai, April 10 to 14, 1916, Continuation of Operation Order No. 6