Topic: AIF - 2B - 5 LHR
el Qatiya
Sinai, 23 April 1916
Wilson Account
The Transcription:
5th Light Horse Regiment, AIF, Dueidar, 26th April 1916.
Report of Operations of Regiment from 22nd to 26th April 1916. (Inclusive)
22 April 1916
Regiment moved from Salhia at 0545 to Kantara by road, arrived 1300. Transport waggons, horses and personnel by rail. I reported to Headquarters 52nd Division and was instructed to proceed to Dueidar next morning, leaving transport at Kantara.
23 April 1916
About 0700 received instructions to send one squadron to report to 155th Brigade at Hill 40, as Dueidar being attacked. At 0800 "C" Squadron moved out under Major Cameron. He reported to Hill 40 to Lieutenant Colonel Leggett who instructed him to march to Dueidar and pursue the enemy who were reported as retiring in a south easterly direction and to endeavour to turn his southern flank and throw the enemy on to the Yeomanry, who it was expected were operating against them from Romani and Katia. "C" Squadron arrived at Dueidar at 1215 at which time a few rifle shots were being fired into the oasis. The Squadron moved out south east at 1230 a distance of 8 miles but did not get in touch with the enemy other than two armed men who were taken prisoners.
The remainder of the Regiment less transport moved from Kantara at 0850 and as instructed reported at Hill 70 to Lieutenant Colonel Leggett. "B" Squadron and the Machine Gun Section remained at Hill 70. "A" Squadron and the Regimental Headquarters came on with Lieutenant Colonel Leggett and two companies of Infantry to Dueidar, "A" Squadron supplying a screen and a right flanking guard of the column. On arrival of the party at Dueidar I was instructed to take all available men and pursue the enemy. "A" Squadron accordingly moved easterly, a distance of 5 miles and subsequently got touch with "C" Squadron on the right. This ("A") Squadron saw no enemy other than two armed unwounded men and one unarmed wounded man - these were taken prisoners. Both Squadrons ("A" & "C") returned to Dueidar at dusk. Numerous recent tracks of camels and men were observed by both Squadrons and it is estimated as representing a force of 500 men. "B" Squadron and the Machine Gun Section left at Hill 70 rejoined the Regiment at Dueidar at about 2000.
24 April 1916
Four patrols of one Officer and 20 Other Ranks each were sent out at 0345, returning after dawn. Four patrols were sent out at 0830 returning shortly after noon. These patrols went out a distance of about 6 miles each, south east, east, east north east, and north east north. The left one gained touch with Railhead - East north east patrol picked up 8 Engineers (Signallers) from Katia. Three patrols were sent out in the afternoon in the same directions, one picked up a wounded Turkish Officer and a camel driver. An Observation Post, signallers attached, was established at dawn on Hill 383, three miles south east of this Post, this post remains there daily from dawn till dusk.
25 April 1916
Similar patrols were sent out as on 24th. One picked up Lance Corporal Slater of the Warwick Yeomanry and 15 camel drivers between here and Katia. Touch obtained with Railhead. Command of this Post handed over to me, Lieutenant Colonel Leggett and 1 Company of the 5th Royal Scottish Fusiliers returning to Hill 40. The Regiment started a communication trench between the Oasis and Main Redoubt. One of the camel transport drivers picked up reported that when he left Katia that morning there were four English wounded soldiers and four wounded camel drivers left there. I telephoned this information to 2nd Light Horse Brigade at Romani and received a reply that they would send a Doctor with a patrol to Katia the following morning. (I was subsequently advised that they did so and recovered 5 wounded English soldiers.)
Three Officers Patrols sent out at 0345 one of which gained touch with Railhead. Four other patrols sent out during the day, one of which reached Bir el Dhaba, 7 miles east of here. A patrol of 7 of Bikanir Camel Corps with one of our Officers moved south a distance of about 8 miles to Hill B2, 10 miles east of Ballah Bunnion. Our Observation Post on Hill 383 is in Heliograph communication with Railhead, Romani, and Hill 70. They could get in touch with Hill B2 if the latter Post had the necessary helio. No enemy has been seen by any of the patrols of this Regiment other than those mentioned above as having been taken prisoner.
Signed: LC Wilson, Lieutenant Colonel Commanding 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Further Reading:
5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF
5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour
el Qatiya, Sinai, 23 April 1916
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: el Qatiya, Sinai, 23 April 1916, Wilson Account