Topic: AIF - 1B - 1 LHMGS
The Battle of Rafa
Sinai, 9 January 1917
1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron War Diary Account
1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, War Diary Account
The following is a transcription of the 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, War Diary Account detailing their role at the Battle of Rafa, Sinai, 9 January 1917.
El Arish 9 January 1917
The month of January 1917 has been an uneventful period - with the exception of 9th inst. when the Machine Gun Squadron (in conjunction with the Regiments and Division) was engaged in the raid at Rafa, Prior to the engagement the officers concerned were taken and shown the enemy positions and four guns were detailed and sent with the 1st Light Horse Regiment which was to open this Brigade's part in the attack - two more guns were detailed to afford protection on the left flank of the same Regiment. When the 2nd and 3rd Regiments were ordered to reinforce the firing line the balance (less one) of guns were attached to these regiments and all guns assisted materially in the advance and final capture of the position. Casualties - Killed Other Rank one - died of wounds - Other Rank one - wounded Officers 3 - Other Ranks - Eight. The remainder of the month occupied in fitting up guns etc; training and start work on musketry on 31st inst.
War Diaries
All War Diaries cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy
Further Reading:
1st Australian Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, AIF
1st Australian Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, Roll of Honour
The Battle of Rafa, Sinai, 9 January 1917
The Battle of Rafa, Sinai, 9 January 1917, Roll of Honour
The Palestine Campaign, 1917 - 1918
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: The Battle of Rafa, Sinai, 9 January 1917, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, War Diary Account