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Saturday, 12 January 2008
Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, 9th Infantry Battalion, AIF, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Gallipoli

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16

9th Infantry Battalion


Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the 9th Infantry Battalion who gave their lives during the Gallipoli Campaign - 1915 - 1916.


Roll of Honour


193 Private Robert AIRD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

236 Sergeant William Wallace Bentley ALLEN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


159 Sergeant Robert Hamilton BAILLIE, Killed in action, 29 May 1915.

91 Private Richard Hamilton BAKER, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

87 Corporal Robert Douglas BALDIE, Killed in action, 8 May 1915.

1516 Private Stanley Neville BARLOW, Killed in action, 19 May 1915.

1104 Private Joseph George BARNES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

736 Private Stephen James BARNWELL, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1103 Private Cecil Thomas BARRACK, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

118 Private Andrew BELL, Killed in action, 8 May 1915.

218 Private William Charles BELSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

561 Private Archibald BIGGS, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

916 Corporal Walter Henry BLAKE, Killed in action, 2 November 1915.

414 Private Edward BOUGHEN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

327 Private William John BRADLEY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

785 Private Lowry Mcclelland BRISBIN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

559 Private James BRUTON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1519 Corporal John William BURRELL, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

73 Private Stephen Henry David BURTON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

216 Private Thomas BUSH, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1317 Private John Henry BYRNE, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.


900 Private Edward Augustine CAHILL, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

733 Private William CAMMACK, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

48 Private Fred CAMPBELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1111 Private Thomas CAREY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

679 Corporal Thomas George Roy CHAMPION, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.

499 Private Victor Clarence CLANCY, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

433 Private George CLARK, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

871 Sergeant Harry CLARK, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

686 Private Ferdinand William CLIFTON, Died of Disease, 26 August 1915.

1738 Private John COLLIER, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

942 Lance Corporal Percival Thomas CONLAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

349 Private Reuben COOP, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

Lieutenant Joseph William COSTIN, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.

307 Private Thomas Joseph COURTNEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2069 Private George Fulwar Llewellyn CRAVEN, Died of wounds, 29 June 1915.

555 Private Thomas Alfred CRITCHER, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


275 Private Frederick DANN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1335 Private Joseph Alfred DARVILL, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

81 Private John DAVEY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

412 Private John Firmin DEAZELEY, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

738 Private Frederick DELLAR, Died of wounds, 31 December 1915.

1120 Private Eric DEUCHAR, Died of wounds, 10 May 1915.

2128 Private Arthur Seymour DICKER, Died of wounds, 30 August 1915.

1123 Private James DOBSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

634 Private James DONAGHER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

79 Lance Corporal Edward Richard DOWTON, Killed in action, 18 May 1915.


357 Private Roy Hamilton EGGINS, Died of wounds, 19 August 1915.

98 Private Stephen Francis EUGARDE, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

354 Private Walter Seccombe EWIN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


1764 Private Arthur George William FARRANTS, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

912 Private John Thomas FARRELL, Killed in action, 22 May 1915.

150 Private James FIELDING, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

288 Private Joseph Vincent FIELDING, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

880 Lance Corporal Joseph William FISHER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

392 Corporal Thomas Walter FORD, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

842 Lance Corporal James FORSYTH, Died of wounds, 25 July 1915.

1759 Private Hurtle FOSSEY, Died of wounds, 30 August 1915.

71 Sergeant Herbert Howard Kentwell FOWLES, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1951 Private Albert Henry FOX, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

817 Private Robert Reid FRASER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

783 Corporal Alfred Garnett FREEMAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


622 Private Eric Briggs GABITES, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1135 Private Robert GEMMELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

350 Private John Woodside GIBSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

703 Private Edward John GILMORE, Killed in action, 29 May 1915.

1955 Lance Corporal James Campbell GILMOUR, Killed in action, 29 July 1915.

1775 Private David GLENNIE, Killed in action, 28 May 1915.

306 Private George GRACEY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

154 Private Harry John GRAHAM, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

57 Lance Corporal Robert William GRAHAM, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

762 Sergeant Thomas Anthony GRAHAM, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

120 Private James Joseph GRANT, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

512 Lance Corporal Clarence Brownlie GRAY, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.


22 Driver Jack HALL, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1660 Sergeant John HAMILTON, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

625 Private Charles Stewart Parnell HANLEY, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1786 Private Cecil Bertram HANSON, Died of wounds, 10 June 1915.

829 Lance Corporal John William HARNEY, Died of wounds, 13 June 1915.

188 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Frederick HARVEY, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1142 Private Wallace HAYES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Lieutenant Frank Granville HAYMEN, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.

527 Corporal Thomas Patrick HEFFERAN, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

491 Private Peter HENDERSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

584 Lance Corporal Nathan HEPBURN, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

111 Private William Albert HOBSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1147 Driver Joseph Charles HOWES, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1146 Private Leonard Leslie HUNT, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

360 Corporal James Graham HUNTER, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.


867 Private Ernest JACKSON, Died of wounds, 2 May 1915.

1149 Private Henry JACKSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1572 Private John JACKSON, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1567 Private Percy JEFFERY, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1150 Private Louis Victor JOHNSON, Killed in action, 8 May 1915.

721 Private Alfred Ernest JOHNSTON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

407 Lance Corporal William JOHNSTON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


523 Private James KAY, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

431 Private Frank KELLER, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1198 Private James KENT, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

Second Lieutenant Henry George KER, Died of wounds, 16 July 1915.

220 Private Leo James KERSWILL, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

31 Corporal Alfred KIRBY, Killed in action, 8 May 1915.


147 Private Edgar LADLAY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1584 Private George Albert LANCASTER, Killed in action, 13 August 1915.

1579 Private John LAVERCOMBE, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1580 Private George Frederick LEE, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

453 Private George LILLIE, Killed in action, 5 May 1915.

1158 Private Leo LINDLEY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1976 Private David LINDSAY, Died of wounds, 17 July 1915.

1374 Private Thomas LOCK, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

303 Sergeant James Muncaster LOVATT, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

56 Corporal Joseph Edward LUCKETT, Died of wounds, 2 July 1915.


863 Private John Robert MACDONALD, Died of wounds, 16 November 1915.

380 Private Frederick Dennis MANGAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1380 Private Alexander MANN, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1037 Private Frederick William MANN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

701 Private Richard James MATHIESON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

740 Private Harold Francis MAXWELL, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

957 Private James McAHAN, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

600 Private Duncan McCALLUM, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

425 Private David Joseph McCARTHY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

15 Lance Corporal Eric Harland McCULLAGH, Died of Disease, 21 August 1915.

557 Private Terence McGEOCH, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

695 Private Volney George McINNES, Killed in Action, 24 June 1915.

1593 Private William McKAY, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

Major James Whiteside Fraser McMANAMEY, Killed in action, 5 September 1915.

556 Private Alexander MILLER, Killed in action, 23 October 1915.

683 Private James Spence MILNE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

27 Private Edward John MITCHELL, Died of wounds, 2 July 1915.

1195 Private Keith MITCHELL, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1001 Private Robert MITCHELL, Died of wounds, 31 August 1915.

1063 Private Lawrence Felix MOBILIA, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

408 Private Joseph Russel MOIR, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

693 Private William Henry MONEY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1822 Private Arthur MOORE, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1383 Private Patrick Francis MORSCHEL, Killed in action, 18 October 1915.

1164 Private George William MOSS, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1130 Private Patrick James MOYNIHAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

947 Private John MUDIE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


202 Lance Corporal George Alfred NICOLL, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

835 Private Ernest Edward NORBURY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.


183 Private Phillip O'BRIEN, Died of wounds, 7 May 1915.

1546 Private Patrick Joseph O'KEEFE, Killed in action, 24 July 1915.

Second Lieutenant Cecil Claude OLIVER, Killed in action, 22 September 1915.

12 Private John OMAN, Killed in action, 8 May 1915.

420 Private Michael John O'SULLIVAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


439 Private Montague John Durnford PACEY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1628 Private John Wallace PARKER, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

129 Private William Thomas PAYNE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

528 Private Henry Hathaway PEARCE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1609 Lance Corporal Thomas PENTECOST, Killed in action, 29 May 1915.

221 Private Lewis George PESCOD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

838 Private William PETERSON, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1414 Private George PLATT, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

316 Private William POLLOCK, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1170 Private Charles Frederick PRATT, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

572 Private Geoffrey Allison Congdon PRESTON, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

259 Private George PRINGLE, Died of wounds, 7 July 1915.


854 Private Alan Arthur RADCLIFFE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

Lieutenant William John RIGBY, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.

Lieutenant John Powe ROBERTS, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

Major Sydney Beresford ROBERTSON, Killed in action, 28 April 1915.

1045 Private George Alfred RUSH, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


502 Private Victor Joseph SANDERS, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

977 Private Colin SAUNDERS, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1018 Private George Henry SCOONES, Died of wounds, 28 June 1915.

797 Private James Henry SCOTT, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

709 Private Leonard SELMON, Killed in action, 29 May 1915.

238 Private Edward SEWELL, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

253 Private William Haswell SHELTON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

206 Private Godfrey John SHERMAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

199 Private Raymond Ferres SHIRLEY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

436 Corporal Herbert Thomas Joseph SINCLAIR, Killed in action, 24 September 1915.

7 Staff Sergeant Major James SINCLAIR, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

972 Private Guy Rosevear SLOGGATT, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

323 Private Richard SMITH, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

2016 Private Thomas SMITH, Killed in action, 1 October 1915.

184 Private George SPENCE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

472 Private Edgar Norman Fulton SPILSBURY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

560 Private Bert STANFORD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

792 Private Charles STEPHENS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

406 Private George STEVENSON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1431 Private William STOKES, Killed in action, 31 August 1915.

1179 Corporal Joseph STRATFORD, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1418 Private Walter STYLES, Died of wounds, 28 July 1915.

1039 Private William James SULLIVAN, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

310 Private Charles Joshua SUSSEX, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


1051 Private Arthur John TAYLOR, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

471 Private Charles Thomas TAYLOR, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

464 Private Frederick John THOMPSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

234 Private Edward James THRUM, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

676 Private Thomas TURNBULL, Died of wounds, 28 April 1915.

820 Private Henry Francis Charles TURNER, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

213 Private William TURTON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

631 Private Harry James TYRRELL, Killed in action, 8 May 1915.


1443 Private Frederick VANZA, Died of wounds, 14 September 1915.

1442 Private Harry Blanchard VIZE, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.


1186 Private William Frederick WALKER, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

100 Private William John WALSH, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

581 Private Albert Percy WARNES, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1188 Private James Thomas WATSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

816 Private Walter WATSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1447 Private John Joseph WAYTE, Killed in action, 18 October 1915.

1004 Private Norman Reginald WEBB, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

848 Private Joseph WEIR, Died of wounds, 19 May 1915.

831 Private Walter WESTRUPP, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1049 Private Alfred Ernest WHITE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

620 Private Edward Geoffrey WHITE, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

39 Private George WILCOX, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

554 Private Charles Llewellyn WILLIAMS, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

616 Private Alexander Kyle WILSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

479 Lance Corporal Stuart Mcillwraith WILSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

125 Private Thomas WINDLE, Killed in action, 8 May 1915.

139 Private Arthur Edward WISE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

735 Sergeant William Augustus WOODHOUSE, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1848 Corporal Joseph WOODSBEY, Killed in action, 28 June 1915.

1625 Private John Cecil WORTABET, Died of wounds, 14 May 1915.

363 Private Charles D'arcey WRIGHT, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1446 Private Arthur WRIGLEY, Killed in action, 29 May 1915.

12 Private Allan James Noel WYLIE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


759 Private Allen Patrick YEATMAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


575 Private Albert ZARNKE, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.


Lest We Forget



Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Rolls, AWM8.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

AWM Roll of Honour

Commonwealth War Graves Commission


Finding more about a service person.

See: Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Further Reading:

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, Unit Casualties, AIF, Roll of Honour

Light Horse Battles

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920

Citation: Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, 9th Infantry Battalion, AIF, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 22 July 2011 1:06 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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