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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Australian Service Personnel, Photograph Albums, NSW Citizens Bushmans Contingent, Contents
Topic: AAC-Photo Albums

Australian Service Personnel

Photograph Albums

NSW Citizens Bushmans Contingent, Contents


Lieutenant Colonel Henry Parke AIREY


The NSW Citizens Bushmans Contingent Album contains the photographs of nearly all the men who were listed as having embarked for service to South Africa with this unit. Other men are listed who did not embark but had their photographs included in the publication.

The New South Wales Citizens Bushmans Contingent embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on 28 February 1900 and returned on 11 June 1901.

These photographs were extracted from the Sydney Mail, 3 March 1900, pp. 506 - 516.

The album may be accessed here:

NSW Citizens Bushmans Contingent Album  


Notes about the Collection:

* The quality of the pictures vary due to the nature of the original medium which was microfilm. The page images came directly from a microfilm image and so tend to be blurry and grainy. That can't be helped but the images are presented as best as possible.

* The original images appeared in the Sydney Mail, 3 March 1900, and consequently the art of newspaper picture publishing was not as sophisticated as today. So the original source was poor in the first place.

* Compounding this was the poor collation of the collection by the Sydney Mail, which has resulted in photographs being duplicated, faded and illegible copy or poorly named and so rendering the image of the soldier as unidentified. Throughout the album, the duplications are identified. In addition, at the end of the album, unidentified pictures are placed followed by those identified but who did not embark with the NSW Citizens Bushmans Contingent.

* The presentation of each entry is as follows:

All men - listed with their rank on embarkation, their first names if known or if unknown, the initials followed by the family name which is capitalised. Each name is linked to the photograph entry in the album. 

Officers - Since they were not issued with a Service Number, they have been listed in order of rank.

Other Ranks - Listed in order of Service Number.

An alphabetical listing of Family Names follows the page lisings.

* As additional photographs come into our possession from other sources, they will be added to Pages 49 and beyond. The names will be also added to the alphabetical listing.


Listings per Album Page

Page 1: 

Lieutenant Colonel Henry Parke AIREY

Captain Arthur Brander BAKER

Captain Charles Stuart FRASER

Captain James Francis THOMAS

Captain Thomas Alfred MACHATTIE

Lieutenant Arthur E Montague BATTYE

Lieutenant Charles Scarvall CAPE

Lieutenant D William COPE

Lieutenant John Ellesmere WESTGARTH

Lieutenant Thomas Henry R ROUSE


Page 2:

Lieutenant Thomas Lane MULLINS

Lieutenant William Bell ALLEN

Second Lieutenant Charles CORNWALL

Second Lieutenant Henry Bertram CHRISTIE

Second Lieutenant Henry Richardson POCKLEY

Second Lieutenant Richard Essington ZOUCH

Second Lieutenant Thomas Joseph LYNCH

Second Lieutenant Thomas Mitchell MOORE

1 Trooper Donald MACKENZIE

2 Trooper Ernest Edward BRIGDEN


Page 3:

2 Trooper Ernest Edward BRIGDEN

4 Trooper George William ELLY

7 Trooper Alfred Charles WHERRATT

8 Trooper Allan MACDONALD

9 Trooper Charles Joseph HURTZ

10 Trooper Tom ILLIFE

11 Lance Corporal Alfred POUNCEBY

12 Trooper Claude BARNES

13 Trooper Joseph William BARNES

14 Sergeant Charles Hafed Conrad DRUITT


Page 4:

15 Sergeant Frank V WEIR

16 Corporal William Nivison KELMAN

17 Trumpeter Alfred Herbert MCKOY

18 Trumpeter Robert THRELFALL

19 Trumpeter Arthur Thornton BROWN

21 Trumpeter Rupert de Lacey PEEK

22 Trumpeter William Henry MANKEY

23 Trumpeter George William PRESTON

24 Trumpeter Abert Edward MASON

25 Trooper Arthur Thomas NEVILLE


Page 5:

26 Trooper Fergus Stewart FRATER

27 Trooper Harry Zouch WILSON

28 Trooper Ernest THOMAS

29 Trooper Frederick William MARKS

30 Trooper Frank Lomas DAVIDSON

31 Trooper Robert HODGE

32 Lance Corporal Henry Otto BOHLSEN

33 Trooper Robert WHITE

34 Trooper James Daniel DUFF_Pic 260

34 Trooper James Daniel DUFF_Pic 403


Page 6:

35 Trooper Frederick ELLIOTT

36 Trooper Arthur Hilton FARNELL

37 Trooper Lewis Gore ORMSBY

38 Trooper Richard William Peard BURROW

39 Lance Corporal Thomas Reuben Hamilton GIBB

40 Sergeant John Barber SPROAT_Pic 353

40 Sergeant John Barber SPROAT_Pic 447

41 Trooper John Theodore BRUNNING_Pic 7

41 Trooper John Theodore BRUNNING_Pic 34

42 Trooper George CHARLES


Page 7:

43 Trooper Edwin SMITH

44 Trooper Thomas SUTTON

45 Trooper Philip DICKINSON

46 Sergeant Walter MYERS

47 Trooper Neil RANKIN

48 Trooper Herman HOLM

49 Trooper Allen DOUGLAS

50 Trooper Leslie William ROSEN

51 Trooper James Thomas STRUCK

52 Trooper Beresford Frederick CAMPBELL


Page 8:

54 Trooper Sydney James TAYLOR

55 Farrier Sergeant John WHITE

57 Trooper George WILLIAMS

59 Trooper George John BARNES

61 Trooper John Carlton AITCHESON

62 Trooper Charles WINNETTE

63 Trooper Walter ROBB

64 Trooper John William HEWITT

65 Trooper George SHEPHERD

67 Corporal George Reginald MCGUINNESS 


Page 9:

68 Trooper James Miles LOGAN

69 Trooper Patrick PERRIN

70 Trooper Albert John EASTAUGHFFE

71 Trooper Edward Christopher ANDERSON

72 Trooper David LEES

73 Trooper James Edmund Rowland CLARKE

74 Trooper Alfred PRUSSING

75 Trooper James Edwin WALKER

76 Trooper Claude Malcolm MCPHEE

77 Corporal Lionel George MACARTHUR


Page 10:

78 Trooper Adam MURRAY

79 Trooper John Archibald STOPPELBEIN

80 Trooper Edwin ROBINSON

81 Trooper Thomas BORLASE

82 Trooper Donald FRASER

83 Trooper Charles AUSLING

84 Trooper Kelvedon GULSON

85 Trooper Robert George DAVENPORT

86 Trooper William Joseph CUMMINGS

87 Trooper Ernest Noel MILLS


Page 11:

88 Trooper William Paul MCLEAN

89 Trooper John Edward Henry EASTCOTT

91 Trooper William Edmund CORBETT

93 George Alfred DUBERLY

94 Trooper Ernest SALISBURY

95 Trooper Charles Peter Stanislaus SLOEY

96 Trooper William Francis HUNT

97 Corporal Thomas Evans KEENE

98 Trooper Charles James MANSERGH

99 Corporal Edwin James MORROW


Page 12:

101 Trooper William SHANNON

103 Trooper Michael SMITH

104 Trooper Daniel Peter MEEHAN

105 Trooper Ernest CAMPBELL

106 Sergeant Erskine North RAYMOND

107 Trooper Patrick BURKE

108 Trooper Angus McLeod BUCHANAN

109 Trooper Joseph Michael CUSACK

110 Trooper Frederick John MURRAY

112 Trooper Hedley Vicars DOWE


Page 13:

113 Trooper Wilfred Stuart PATEMAN

114 Sergeant Thomas HURLEY

115 Corporal Fitzroy Augustus BUCKLETON

117 Trooper George Tindall TURNER

118 Trooper Osman Frederick Hume MIDDLETON

120 Trooper William Wallace BUNTON_Pic-75

120 Trooper William Wallace BUNTON_Pic-299

126 Trooper George Henry RALSTON

127 Trooper George Henry Flood GIBSON

128 Trooper James KNOX


Page 14:

129 Lance Corporal James REYNOLDS

130 Lance Corporal Harold Edwin MCCULLOUGH

131 Sergeant John QUINLIVAN

132 Sergeant George Henry WHEELER

134 Trooper Henry Arthur ALPHEN

136 Trooper Jack Andrew BURR_Pic 371

136 Trooper Jack Andrew BURR_Pic 451

137 Trooper William O'MALLEY

138 Trooper Oswald Victor WATSON

140 Transport Sergeant Buckwell Lionel WENTWORTH


Page 15:

141 Trooper George ROLLEY

142 Trooper Sidney Charles EVANS

143 Trooper Ernest MATTHEWS

144 Trooper Peter STEWART

145 Trooper Edward John DUFF

147 Trooper John LAYBURN

148 Sergeant Ernest G FOSTER

149 Trooper Joseph RUSSELL

150 Lance Corporal Frank P NANCE

151 Trooper Vincent NEWELL


Page 16:

153 Trooper Ernest BINGHAM_Pic 100

153 Trooper Ernest BINGHAM_Pic 464

154 Trooper Lewis Perryman MARSHALL

156 Trooper Herbert William WADDELL

157 Trooper Harry Alfred HUDSON

158 Trooper William LEATHART

159 Trooper William Alfred TOUGH

160 Trooper William Henry GLISSAN

161 Trooper Thomas CONRICK

162 Trooper Frederick Hutchinson WYSE


Page 17:

163 Trooper George Arthur COBBY

165 Trooper Henry SHEPPARD

166 Trooper John Eyres MILLIGAN

167 Trooper Vernon George ANDERSON

168 Trooper William Frederick ROWLAND

169 Trooper James SMITH

170 Trooper Archibald MCCOLL

173 Trooper Ferdinand Francis DUVAL

174 Corporal James Reuben DE LORE

175 Trooper William Joseph KING


Page 18:

176 Trooper Charles CAUVIN

177 Trooper Francis William DUVAL

179 Trooper Walter Hearns BALDWIN

181 Trooper Edward Michael DUFFY

182 Trooper Robert LEVETT

183 Trooper John CHARLTON

185 Trooper John ELLIS

186 Trooper James Joseph DUNN

189 Sergeant John Henry PAYNE_Pic 68

189 Sergeant John Henry PAYNE_Pic 367


Page 19:

190 Trooper William Wallace MACDONALD

191 Trooper Robert MCMILLAN

192 Trooper Frank KING

194 Corporal Hurtle E DE MESTRE

194 Trooper JS GORDON

195 Corporal Walter MURRAY

196 Lance Corporal Ernest William REECE

199 Trooper William QUINLAN

201 Trooper Arthur Percy Briton GREY

202 Trooper Thomas MCPHAIL


Page 20:

203 Trooper William Myles AYRE

204 Trooper Ernest BROAD

206 Trooper Joseph Charles CORDWELL

208 Trooper Frederick William TYRELL

209 Trooper William Edward HOLMES

210 Trooper Wilfred Valentine RUDDER

211 Trooper Walter Davidson HOME

212 Trooper James Edward BODKIN

213 Trooper Arthur Joseph NEICH

214 Trooper William Joseph BOOTH


Page 21:

216 Trooper James MANNING

217 Corporal Roderick MACKINNON_Pic 141

217 Trooper Roderick MACKINNON_Pic 59

219 Trooper Arthur HOUCHEN

220 Sergeant William Joseph KERR

221 Trooper Frederick VON HAMMER

222 Trooper John MOTTASHAW

223 Trooper George Edward Mitchell WOODLEY

224 Trooper Leslie HOWARD

226 William John GIDDINS


Page 22:

227 Trooper Charles Lewis CARTWRIGHT

228 Trooper Duncan Kennedy MCINTYRE

229 Trooper Percy William CORDEROY_Pic 223

229 Trooper Percy William CORDEROY_Pic 356

230 Trooper Albert Henry CHANDLER

231 Trooper Laurence HOY

232 Trooper Harold Rome TREATT

233 Sergeant Walter HUON

234 Trooper Lewis EMERY

235 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant John Leonard SHAYLER_Pic 142


Page 23:

235 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant John Leonard SHAYLER_Pic 392

236 Sergeant Joseph BENNETT

237 Lance Corporal Adam PARKES

239 Sergeant Godfrey George GEARY

240 Trooper Henry George PUTNEY

242 Trooper Frederick Egerton Pigon WEAVER

243 Trooper Paul James GUY

244 Trooper Henry Francis BURNE

246 Trooper Neil Patrick GILLIES

247 Trooper Thomas Wilson SERGEANT


Page 24:

248 Trooper William James WATSON

249 Lance Corporal Gilbert LEGH

250 Trooper Fred STIBBARDS

251 Trooper Albert Edward QUICK

252 Trooper John Frederick SADLER

253 Trooper Frederick Theodore WITTS

254 Trooper Edward SWEENEY

254 Trooper J MATTHEWS

255 Trooper William Albert WISE

256 Sergeant Clive Condor WESTON


Page 25:

258 Trooper George CARPENTER

260 Trooper Patrick Albert RYAN

261 Trooper Charles Eastaway HUNT

262 Trooper Henry George STEVENS

263 Trooper John Andrew WILLMOTT

264 Trooper Harry Stewart MACDONALD

266 Trooper Mark Faucett STOREY

268 Trooper Edward Alexander SMITH

269 Trooper Charles BIDDLECOMBE

270 Trooper John MCDOUGALL


Page 26:

271 Trooper Matthew BLANCHE

272 Trooper Richard William SPRAGGS

273 Trooper Joseph Arthur PORTER

274 Trooper Christopher Owen FORBES

275 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant John Nathaniel WALTON

276 Corporal Horace C Philip WATERS

277 Trooper Arthur Henry FORTESCUE

278 Trooper William Antill MCPHERSON

279 Corporal Arthur Frederick FITZHARDINGE

280 Lance Corporal Percival Fyam CORTIS_Pic 149


Page 27: 

280 Lance Corporal Percival Fyam CORTIS_Pic 456

281 Trooper Duncan MAGUIRE

282 Trooper Henry THOMPSON

283 Trooper William James GREGORY

284 Trooper Robert YOUNG

285 Trooper Thomas Henry Cyril DRUITT

286 Trooper Albert Owen TINDALE

287 Trooper Harold DRINKWATER

288 Trooper Frederick Clement DRUITT

289 Trooper Charles Edward KELLEHER


Page 28:  

291 Trooper William Miller MUIR

292 Trooper Alexander Henry MILLER

293 Trooper Thomas BEWERS

294 Trooper Thomas DARLING

295 Trooper George SUTHERLAND

296 Trooper Frank Herbert HOLDEN

297 Trooper William Richard COX

298 Trooper William James POUND

299 Trooper Edwin POUND

300 Trooper John Andrew GLENNON_Pic 322


Page 29:

300 Trooper John Andrew GLENNON_Pic 389

301 Trooper William Scott MEARES

302 Trooper Charles Frederick Holes MONK

304 Trooper Samuel LUCKIE

306 Trooper Henry Roderick REID

307 Trooper Oscar Patrick STAUNTON

308 Trooper Albert LYALL

309 Trooper Archibald James MIDDLETON

309 Trooper Eugene AHERN

310 Trooper Charles LAWES


Page 30:

311 Trooper Arthur EMERY

313 Trooper John Norton LORD

314 Squadron Sergeant Major Oswald Bruce RYRIE

315 Orderly Room Sergeant Charles Macken SHERRIFS

318 Trooper Aubrey George RATTEN

319 Corporal Reginald Naylor CADDEN

321 Sergeant Harold SEALE

322 Lance Corporal Mavon John MAY

323 Corporal Percy Henry COBCROFT

324 Lance Corporal James AITKEN


Page 31:

325 Trooper James FINNIGAN

327 Trooper John WADDELL

328 Trooper Leslie FERGUSON_Pic 119

328 Trooper Leslie FERGUSON_Pic 404

329 Trooper Charles Frederick FOSTER

331 Trooper William Alfred MALING

332 Trooper Richard James MORRIS

333 Lance Corporal Edward Brown CHESHER

334 Trooper Frank TOOHEY

335 Trooper James GODFREY


Page 32:

336 Corporal Arthur Peter EGAN

337 Trooper William Joseph O'CONNELL

338 Trooper John Campbell ROBERTSON

339 Sergeant John Ernest MULLAMPY

340 Trooper Edward ROBERTSON

341 Sergeant Hubert CURR

342 Trooper Arthur Frederick BATTYE

344 Sergeant George William DAVIDSON

346 Trooper James Joseph COLLINS

347 Trooper Ernest CLEMENTS


Page 33:

348 Trooper Frederick MCSPADDEN

349 Trooper Edward A LIDSTER

351 Trooper Frederick W BENTLEY_Pic 105

351 Trooper Frederick W BENTLEY_Pic 374

352 Trooper Frederick G BULLOCK

353 Lance Corporal John BURNS

355 Trooper Arthur INGREY

356 Trooper Herbert Charles MONK

357 Trooper Thomas Edward WOOTTEN

358 Trooper Thomas HARDY


Page 34:

359 Trooper Duncan SINCLAIR

360 Trooper Reginald Montagu SMITH

361 Trooper Alexander MCLEOD

362 Trooper Ralph Seymour Arthur BILLSBOROUGH

363 Trooper Charles Lawrence STOKES

364 Trooper Frank GALWEY

365 Trooper Charles RITCHIE_Pic 326

365 Trooper Charles RITCHIE_Pic 396

367 Trooper Joseph HALL

368 Trooper William WATT


Page 35:

369 Trooper Sydney Francis RHALL_Pic 268

369 Trooper Sydney Francis RHALL_Pic 388

370 Trooper Sydney Alfred MARTIN

372 Trooper Harold BLACKMAN

373 Trooper Ernest HOWARTH

374 Trooper Richard Stanley VIGORS

376 Trooper William BAKER

377 Trooper Ewart Aaron AYSHFORD

379 Sergeant Henry George F AIREY

379 Trooper John WATERS


Page 36:

380 Lance Corporal Henry James Drepas MAIR

381 Trooper Charles STEVENSON

382 Trooper John Rendell STREET

383 Trooper Francis Ernest JENSEN

384 Trooper Samuel ROWLEY

385 Trooper Hugh Morton HOLT

387 Corporal Albert John BELL

388 Trooper James WILKINSON

389 Trooper Godfrey KLEIN

391 Trooper Thomas ALLISON


Page 37:

393 Trooper Robert Edward STEVENSON

394 Trooper Robert Patrick Quinn BOYD

395 Trooper Walter LONG

396 Trooper John Theodore BRETT

398 Trooper Benjamin Joseph QUIGLY

400 Trooper Bertie John THOMSON

401 Trooper Robert FREER

403 Trooper George Henry CHOWN

404 Lance Corporal Samuel HEATH

405 Trooper Angus NICHOLSON_Pic 123


Page 38:

405 Trooper Angus NICHOLSON_Pic 434

406 Trooper Thomas Patrick MIDDLEMUS

407 Trooper Roland John EGGLETON

408 Trooper Frederick Charles RUSSELL

409 Trooper James RUSH

410 Trooper George Frederick COX

411 Trooper John Patrick CAREY

413 Lance Corporal Alexander William MAIR

414 Lance Corporal Charles ANDREWS

415 Trooper Arthur DUCKETT


Page 39:

416 Trooper James Richard HOCKING

417 Trooper Philip Penrose CUMMINS

418 Trooper Edward Augustus CUMMINS

420 Trooper William BURKE

421 Trooper Reginald Venables JAMES

422 Lance Corporal John SCOTT

423 Trooper Robert Joseph DARCEY

424 Corporal Charles Richard Campbell LLOYD

425 Trooper Alfred James MCGOWAN

427 Trooper Thomas Neville GUNTER


Page 40:

428 Trooper John MACDONALD

429 Trooper Thomas RYAN

431 Trooper Charles BUTLER

432 Trooper Joseph TAYLOR

433 Corporal William ATKINSON

434 Trooper Edwin Patrick HICKEY

436 Trooper Gustave LIBBESSON_Pic 308

436 Trooper Gustave LIBBESSON_Pic 380

438 Trooper Donald MACKENZIE

439 Trooper Arthur Ernest HAYES


Page 41:

441 Sergeant Richard John HOLMES

442 Corporal Frederick DOWNING

443 Trooper Patrick COLLINS

444 Trooper Thomas Morris MCWILLIAMS

445 Farrier Sergeant Benjamin TOWNER_Pic 305

445 Farrier Sergeant Benjamin TOWNER_Pic 383

446 Farrier Sergeant Martin Joseph GRACE

447 Trooper Edmund DWYER

448 Trooper George Frederick DUNCAN

450 Farrier Sergeant Frederick William STEWART


Page 42:

451 Trooper AH BROWN

453 Trooper George BAILEY

454 Trooper Joseph BENTLEY

455 Trooper Robert P BLACK

457 Trooper Albert BEAUMONT

458 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant Felix James BROINOWSKI

461 Trooper William Johnstone GRAHAM

462 Trooper William Martin HUGHES

463 Trooper Walter JONES

464 Trooper James William JACKSON_Pic 272


Page 43:

464 Trooper James William JACKSON_Pic 272

465 Trooper Horatio KING

466 Trooper Thomas KENNEDY

467 Trooper John KIRBY

468 Trooper William Francis MCCUSKER

469 Trooper Francis Richard Homer MANNSER

471 Trooper John William MCGRATH

472 Trooper Archibald Patrick MOONEY

473 Trooper John NICHOLSON

474 Trooper Michael O'BRIEN


Page 44:

477 Trooper Joseph Henry PAYNE

479 Trooper Richard GEORGE

480 Trooper William Edward John THORPE

482 Trooper Ernest Robert SMALLHORN

483 Trooper William John SUTHERLAND

484 Trooper William Matthew WALSH

485 Trooper Thomas Henry WALTHER

489 Trooper John Henry QUINE

494 Trooper John Joseph FITZPATRICK

496 Trooper Albert GRUBEL


Page 45:

500 Trooper Daniel Cooper GREEN

501 Trooper Frederick Vincent NICHOLLS

502 Trooper Alexander William ALLEN

503 Trooper Thomas Edward WOODS

504 Trooper John Smith FOX

505 Alfred Ernest ROWE

507 Trooper William Knibb JEFFREY

508 Squadron Sergeant Major James MITCHELL

510 Trooper Percy Arnold HAYBITTLE

513 Trooper Andrew SPROULE


Page 46:

514 Trooper Henry JONES_Pic 344

514 Trooper Henry JONES_Pic 391

517 Trooper Richard Thomas WALKER

520 Trooper Ignatius Loyola SMITH

522 Trooper Walter Charles DODD

533 Trooper Harry Horace DAVIS

723 Trooper JP HASSELL

PIC 345

PIC 346

PIC 347


Page 47:

PIC 357

PIC 358

PIC 359

PIC 360

Standish Baldwin DOWE

Frederick Talbot WOODS



Frank Joseph GALL



Page 48:



Lindsay Ernest RUDDER


Albert Ernest LEWIS


Trooper Basil Brookes WRENFORD





Page 49:

Trooper CB EVAN


Trooper Edward M WENNERBORN

Trooper F FARMER


Trooper RAMAGE_Pic 252

Trooper RAMAGE_Pic 383

Trooper WC PODER

53 Trooper Patrick John FOWLER

90 Trooper Henry PLOENGES


Page 50:

125 Trooper Andrew THOMPSON

102 Trooper Ernest MCDOUGALL

60 Trooper William MCGRATH

121 Trooper Richard SHANNON

7 Trooper Alfred Charles WHERRATT

92 Trooper James TARVIS

3 Trooper Frederick William STANTON

100 Trooper Albert Edward ONUS

116 Trooper John O'CONNELL

66 Trooper Alfred MAYNE


Page 51:

238 Trooper William Timbrel TROTMAN

188 Trooper Frederick William MCKINNON

Trooper JH RYRIE

135 Corporal Wallace RYRIE

197 Sergeant Sidney Thomas NICHOLSON

Trooper EJ BROWN

437 Trooper James LAMB

152 Corporal Walter Laishley SPIER 

164 Trooper Lachlan MCRAE

198 Lance Corporal Herbert DAVIS


Page 52:

139 Trooper Leslie Thomas Anderson DENNIS

178 Trooper Samuel Jones LAWER

155 Trooper George William AITCHESON

180 Trooper Gavin LOW

171 Trooper Alexander Kenneth ALSTON

Trooper Patrick John FOLEY

187 John Melville CRAYFORD

207 Trooper Charles John MANSER

200 Trooper Benjamin SLOANE

184 Trooper John GRAHAM


Page 53:

Trooper BLYTHE

205 Trooper Archie RUDDER

Trooper Frederick Charles GRAY

215 Trooper Thomas EDWARDS

Trooper R LOVETT

461 Trooper William Johnstone GRAHAM

Second Lieutenant Arthur William HUTTON

Trooper H KERR


290 Corporal George Robert MCKINNON


Page 54:

Trooper Frank Joseph GALL

Staff Sergeant JENNER

Trooper C PLUTOW

305 Trooper William Andrew PARR

320 Trooper Robert CAMERON

312 Trooper Charles COTTRELL

419 Corporal Duncan Campbell OSBORNE

481 Trooper William John THOMSON

478 Trooper Joseph RYAN



Page 55:

476 Trooper Harold Athleston PERROTT

Trooper James NORTON

528 Trooper Charles Andrew GARDNER

399 Trooper Granville Thomas COOPER


375 Trooper Robert WILSON

Trooper A BROWN

371 Trooper Arthur Francis SPRING

Trooper David Hugh SPRING

530 Squadron Sergeant Major Henry PEARCE


Page 56:

397 Sergeant Dennis Joseph BARRETT

460 Trooper Thomas Francis GUNNING

452 Trooper George Thomas BAKER

Trooper Joseph MANSFIELD

387 Trooper George MANNS

345 Trooper Victor Herman Herbert DUFFY



Alphabetical Listing


309 Trooper Eugene AHERN

379 Sergeant Henry George F AIREY

Lieutenant Colonel Henry Parke AIREY

155 Trooper George William AITCHESON

61 Trooper John Carlton AITCHESON

324 Lance Corporal James AITKEN

502 Trooper Alexander William ALLEN

Lieutenant William Bell ALLEN

391 Trooper Thomas ALLISON

134 Trooper Henry Arthur ALPHEN

171 Trooper Alexander Kenneth ALSTON

71 Trooper Edward Christopher ANDERSON

167 Trooper Vernon George ANDERSON

414 Lance Corporal Charles ANDREWS

Trooper George ARCHER

433 Corporal William ATKINSON

83 Trooper Charles AUSLING

203 Trooper William Myles AYRE

377 Trooper Ewart Aaron AYSHFORD


453 Trooper George BAILEY

Captain Arthur Brander BAKER

452 Trooper George Thomas BAKER

376 Trooper William BAKER

179 Trooper Walter Hearns BALDWIN

12 Trooper Claude BARNES

59 Trooper George John BARNES

13 Trooper Joseph William BARNES

397 Sergeant Dennis Joseph BARRETT

Lieutenant Arthur E Montague BATTYE

342 Trooper Arthur Frederick BATTYE

457 Trooper Albert BEAUMONT

387 Corporal Albert John BELL

236 Sergeant Joseph BENNETT

351 Trooper Frederick W BENTLEY_Pic 105

351 Trooper Frederick W BENTLEY_Pic 374

454 Trooper Joseph BENTLEY

293 Trooper Thomas BEWERS

269 Trooper Charles BIDDLECOMBE

362 Trooper Ralph Seymour Arthur BILLSBOROUGH

153 Trooper Ernest BINGHAM_Pic 100

153 Trooper Ernest BINGHAM_Pic 464

455 Trooper Robert P BLACK

372 Trooper Harold BLACKMAN

271 Trooper Matthew BLANCHE

Trooper BLYTHE

212 Trooper James Edward BODKIN

32 Lance Corporal Henry Otto BOHLSEN

214 Trooper William Joseph BOOTH

81 Trooper Thomas BORLASE

394 Trooper Robert Patrick Quinn BOYD

396 Trooper John Theodore BRETT

2 Trooper Ernest Edward BRIGDEN_Pic 19

2 Trooper Ernest Edward BRIGDEN_Pic 20

204 Trooper Ernest BROAD

458 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant Felix James BROINOWSKI

Trooper A BROWN

451 Trooper AH BROWN

19 Trumpeter Arthur Thornton BROWN

Trooper EJ BROWN

41 Trooper John Theodore BRUNNING_Pic 7

41 Trooper John Theodore BRUNNING_Pic 34

108 Trooper Angus McLeod BUCHANAN

115 Corporal Fitzroy Augustus BUCKLETON

352 Trooper Frederick G BULLOCK

120 Trooper William Wallace BUNTON_Pic 75

120 Trooper William Wallace BUNTON_Pic 299

107 Trooper Patrick BURKE

420 Trooper William BURKE

244 Trooper Henry Francis BURNE

353 Lance Corporal John BURNS

136 Trooper Jack Andrew BURR_Pic 371

136 Trooper Jack Andrew BURR_Pic 451

38 Trooper Richard William Peard BURROW

431 Trooper Charles BUTLER


319 Corporal Reginald Naylor CADDEN

320 Trooper Robert CAMERON

52 Trooper Beresford Frederick CAMPBELL


105 Trooper Ernest CAMPBELL

Lieutenant Charles Scarvall CAPE

411 Trooper John Patrick CAREY

258 Trooper George CARPENTER

227 Trooper Charles Lewis CARTWRIGHT

176 Trooper Charles CAUVIN

230 Trooper Albert Henry CHANDLER


42 Trooper George CHARLES

183 Trooper John CHARLTON

333 Lance Corporal Edward Brown CHESHER

403 Trooper George Henry CHOWN

Second Lieutenant Henry Bertram CHRISTIE

73 Trooper James Edmund Rowland CLARKE

347 Trooper Ernest CLEMENTS

163 Trooper George Arthur COBBY

323 Corporal Percy Henry COBCROFT

346 Trooper James Joseph COLLINS

443 Trooper Patrick COLLINS


161 Trooper Thomas CONRICK

399 Trooper Granville Thomas COOPER

Lieutenant D William COPE

91 Trooper William Edmund CORBETT

229 Trooper Percy William CORDEROY_Pic 223

229 Trooper Percy William CORDEROY_Pic 356

206 Trooper Joseph Charles CORDWELL

Second Lieutenant Charles CORNWALL

280 Lance Corporal Percival Fyam CORTIS_Pic 149

280 Lance Corporal Percival Fyam CORTIS_Pic 456

312 Trooper Charles COTTRELL

410 Trooper George Frederick COX

297 Trooper William Richard COX

187 Trooper John Melville CRAYFORD

86 Trooper William Joseph CUMMINGS

418 Trooper Edward Augustus CUMMINS


417 Trooper Philip Penrose CUMMINS

341 Sergeant Hubert CURR

109 Trooper Joseph Michael CUSACK



423 Trooper Robert Joseph DARCEY

294 Trooper Thomas DARLING

85 Trooper Robert George DAVENPORT

30 Trooper Frank Lomas DAVIDSON

344 Sergeant George William DAVIDSON

533 Trooper Harry Horace DAVIS

198 Lance Corporal Herbert DAVIS

174 Corporal James Reuben DE LORE

194 Corporal Hurtle E DE MESTRE

139 Trooper Leslie Thomas Anderson DENNIS

45 Trooper Philip DICKINSON

522 Trooper Walter Charles DODD

49 Trooper Allen DOUGLAS

112 Trooper Hedley Vicars DOWE

Standish Baldwin DOWE

442 Corporal Frederick DOWNING

287 Trooper Harold DRINKWATER

14 Sergeant Charles Hafed Conrad DRUITT

288 Trooper Frederick Clement DRUITT

285 Trooper Thomas Henry Cyril DRUITT

93 Trooper George Alfred DUBERLY

415 Trooper Arthur DUCKETT

145 Trooper Edward John DUFF

34 Trooper James Daniel DUFF_Pic 260

34 Trooper James Daniel DUFF_Pic 403

181 Trooper Edward Michael DUFFY

345 Trooper Victor Herman Herbert DUFFY

448 Trooper George Frederick DUNCAN

186 Trooper James Joseph DUNN

173 Trooper Ferdinand Francis DUVAL

177 Trooper Francis William DUVAL

447 Trooper Edmund DWYER


70 Trooper Albert John EASTAUGHFFE

89 Trooper John Edward Henry EASTCOTT

215 Trooper Thomas EDWARDS

336 Corporal Arthur Peter EGAN

407 Trooper Roland John EGGLETON

35 Trooper Frederick ELLIOTT

185 Trooper John ELLIS

4 Trooper George William ELLY

311 Trooper Arthur EMERY

234 Trooper Lewis EMERY

Trooper CB EVAN

142 Trooper Sidney Charles EVANS


Trooper F FARMER

36 Trooper Arthur Hilton FARNELL

328 Trooper Leslie FERGUSON_Pic 119

328 Trooper Leslie FERGUSON_Pic 404

325 Trooper James FINNIGAN

279 Corporal Arthur Frederick FITZHARDINGE

494 Trooper John Joseph FITZPATRICK

Trooper Patrick John FOLEY

274 Trooper Christopher Owen FORBES

277 Trooper Arthur Henry FORTESCUE

329 Trooper Charles Frederick FOSTER

148 Sergeant Ernest G FOSTER


53 Trooper Patrick John FOWLER

504 Trooper John Smith FOX

Captain Charles Stuart FRASER

82 Trooper Donald FRASER

26 Trooper Fergus Stewart FRATER

401 Trooper Robert FREER


Trooper Frank Joseph GALL

Trooper Frank Joseph GALL

364 Trooper Frank GALWEY

528 Trooper Charles Andrew GARDNER

239 Sergeant Godfrey George GEARY

479 Trooper Richard GEORGE

39 Lance Corporal Thomas Reuben Hamilton GIBB

127 Trooper George Henry Flood GIBSON

226 Trooper William John GIDDINS

246 Trooper Neil Patrick GILLIES

300 Trooper John Andrew GLENNON_Pic 322

300 Trooper John Andrew GLENNON_Pic 389

160 Trooper William Henry GLISSAN

335 Trooper James GODFREY

194 Trooper JS GORDON

446 Farrier Sergeant Martin Joseph GRACE

184 Trooper John GRAHAM

461 Trooper William Johnstone GRAHAM_Pic 525

461 Trooper William Johnstone GRAHAM_Pic 416

Trooper Frederick Charles GRAY

500 Trooper Daniel Cooper GREEN


283 Trooper William James GREGORY

201 Trooper Arthur Percy Briton GREY

496 Trooper Albert GRUBEL

84 Trooper Kelvedon GULSON

460 Trooper Thomas Francis GUNNING

427 Trooper Thomas Neville GUNTER

243 Trooper Paul James GUY


367 Trooper Joseph HALL

358 Trooper Thomas HARDY

723 Trooper JP HASSELL

510 Trooper Percy Arnold HAYBITTLE

439 Trooper Arthur Ernest HAYES

404 Lance Corporal Samuel HEATH

64 Trooper John William HEWITT

434 Trooper Edwin Patrick HICKEY

416 Trooper James Richard HOCKING

31 Trooper Robert HODGE

296 Trooper Frank Herbert HOLDEN

48 Trooper Herman HOLM

441 Sergeant Richard John HOLMES

209 Trooper William Edward HOLMES

385 Trooper Hugh Morton HOLT

211 Trooper Walter Davidson HOME

219 Trooper Arthur HOUCHEN

224 Trooper Leslie HOWARD

373 Trooper Ernest HOWARTH

231 Trooper Laurence HOY

157 Trooper Harry Alfred HUDSON

462 Trooper William Martin HUGHES

261 Trooper Charles Eastaway HUNT

96 Trooper William Francis HUNT

233 Sergeant Walter HUON

114 Sergeant Thomas HURLEY

9 Trooper Charles Joseph HURTZ

Second Lieutenant Arthur William HUTTON


10 Trooper Tom ILLIFE


355 Trooper Arthur INGREY


464 Trooper James William JACKSON_Pic 272

464 Trooper James William JACKSON_Pic 272

421 Trooper Reginald Venables JAMES

507 Trooper William Knibb JEFFREY

Staff Sergeant JENNER

383 Trooper Francis Ernest JENSEN

514 Trooper Henry JONES_Pic 344

514 Trooper Henry JONES_Pic 391

463 Trooper Walter JONES


97 Corporal Thomas Evans KEENE

289 Trooper Charles Edward KELLEHER

16 Corporal William Nivison KELMAN

466 Trooper Thomas KENNEDY

Trooper H KERR

220 Sergeant William Joseph KERR

192 Trooper Frank KING

465 Trooper Horatio KING

175 Trooper William Joseph KING

467 Trooper John KIRBY

389 Trooper Godfrey KLEIN

128 Trooper James KNOX


437 Trooper James LAMB

178 Trooper Samuel Jones LAWER

310 Trooper Charles LAWES

147 Trooper John LAYBURN

158 Trooper William LEATHART

72 Trooper David LEES

249 Lance Corporal Gilbert LEGH

182 Trooper Robert LEVETT

Trooper Albert Ernest LEWIS

436 Trooper Gustave LIBBESSON_Pic 308

436 Trooper Gustave LIBBESSON_Pic 380

349 Trooper Edward A LIDSTER

424 Corporal Charles Richard Campbell LLOYD

68 Trooper James Miles LOGAN

395 Trooper Walter LONG

313 Trooper John Norton LORD

Trooper R LOVETT

180 Trooper Gavin LOW

304 Trooper Samuel LUCKIE

308 Trooper Albert LYALL

Second Lieutenant Thomas Joseph LYNCH


77 Corporal Lionel George MACARTHUR

8 Trooper Allan MACDONALD

264 Trooper Harry Stewart MACDONALD

428 Trooper John MACDONALD

190 Trooper William Wallace MACDONALD

Captain Thomas Alfred MACHATTIE

1 Trooper Donald MACKENZIE

438 Trooper Donald MACKENZIE

217 Trooper Roderick MACKINNON_Pic 59

217 Corporal Roderick MACKINNON_Pic 141

281 Trooper Duncan MAGUIRE

413 Lance Corporal Alexander William MAIR

380 Lance Corporal Henry James Drepas MAIR

331 Trooper William Alfred MALING

22 Trumpeter William Henry MANKEY

216 Trooper James MANNING

387 Trooper George MANNS

469 Trooper Francis Richard Homer MANNSER

207 Trooper Charles John MANSER

98 Trooper Charles James MANSERGH

Trooper Joseph MANSFIELD_Pic 553

Trooper Joseph MANSFIELD_Pic 467

29 Trooper Frederick William MARKS

154 Trooper Lewis Perryman MARSHALL

370 Trooper Sydney Alfred MARTIN

24 Trumpeter Abert Edward MASON

143 Trooper Ernest MATTHEWS

254 Trooper J MATTHEWS

322 Lance Corporal Mavon John MAY

66 Trooper Alfred MAYNE

Trooper Reuben MCCANN

170 Trooper Archibald MCCOLL

130 Lance Corporal Harold Edwin MCCULLOUGH

468 Trooper William Francis MCCUSKER

102 Trooper Ernest MCDOUGALL

270 Trooper John MCDOUGALL

425 Trooper Alfred James MCGOWAN

471 Trooper John William MCGRATH

60 Trooper William MCGRATH

67 Corporal George Reginald MCGUINNESS 

228 Trooper Duncan Kennedy MCINTYRE

188 Trooper Frederick William MCKINNON

290 Corporal George Robert MCKINNON

17 Trumpeter Alfred Herbert MCKOY

88 Trooper William Paul MCLEAN

361 Trooper Alexander MCLEOD

191 Trooper Robert MCMILLAN

202 Trooper Thomas MCPHAIL

76 Trooper Claude Malcolm MCPHEE

278 Trooper William Antill MCPHERSON

164 Trooper Lachlan MCRAE

348 Trooper Frederick MCSPADDEN

444 Trooper Thomas Morris MCWILLIAMS

301 Trooper William Scott MEARES

104 Trooper Daniel Peter MEEHAN

406 Trooper Thomas Patrick MIDDLEMUS

309 Trooper Archibald James MIDDLETON

118 Trooper Osman Frederick Hume MIDDLETON

292 Trooper Alexander Henry MILLER

166 Trooper John Eyres MILLIGAN

87 Trooper Ernest Noel MILLS

508 Squadron Sergeant Major James MITCHELL

302 Trooper Charles Frederick Holes MONK

356 Trooper Herbert Charles MONK

472 Trooper Archibald Patrick MOONEY

Second Lieutenant Thomas Mitchell MOORE

332 Trooper Richard James MORRIS

99 Corporal Edwin James MORROW

222 Trooper John MOTTASHAW

291 Trooper William Miller MUIR

339 Sergeant John Ernest MULLAMPY

Lieutenant Thomas Lane MULLINS

78 Trooper Adam MURRAY

110 Trooper Frederick John MURRAY

195 Corporal Walter MURRAY

46 Sergeant Walter MYERS


150 Lance Corporal Frank P NANCE

213 Trooper Arthur Joseph NEICH

25 Trooper Arthur Thomas NEVILLE

151 Trooper Vincent NEWELL

501 Trooper Frederick Vincent NICHOLLS

405 Trooper Angus NICHOLSON_Pic 123

405 Trooper Angus NICHOLSON_Pic 434

473 Trooper John NICHOLSON

197 Sergeant Sidney Thomas NICHOLSON

Trooper James NORTON


474 Trooper Michael O'BRIEN

116 Trooper John O'CONNELL

337 Trooper William Joseph O'CONNELL

137 Trooper William O'MALLEY

100 Trooper Albert Edward ONUS

37 Trooper Lewis Gore ORMSBY

419 Corporal Duncan Campbell OSBORNE


237 Lance Corporal Adam PARKES

305 Trooper William Andrew PARR

113 Trooper Wilfred Stuart PATEMAN

189 Sergeant John Henry PAYNE_Pic 68

189 Sergeant John Henry PAYNE_Pic 367

477 Trooper Joseph Henry PAYNE

530 Squadron Sergeant Major Henry PEARCE

21 Trumpeter Rupert de Lacey PEEK

69 Trooper Patrick PERRIN

476 Trooper Harold Athleston PERROTT

PIC 345

PIC 346

PIC 347

PIC 357

PIC 358

PIC 359

PIC 360

90 Trooper Henry PLOENGES

Trooper C PLUTOW

Second Lieutenant Henry Richardson POCKLEY

Trooper WC PODER

273 Trooper Joseph Arthur PORTER

11 Lance Corporal Alfred POUNCEBY

299 Trooper Edwin POUND

298 Trooper William James POUND

23 Trumpeter George William PRESTON

Trooper Andrew PRINGLE

74 Trooper Alfred PRUSSING

240 Trooper Henry George PUTNEY


251 Trooper Albert Edward QUICK

398 Trooper Benjamin Joseph QUIGLY

489 Trooper John Henry QUINE

199 Trooper William QUINLAN

131 Sergeant John QUINLIVAN


126 Trooper George Henry RALSTON

Trooper Archie RAMAGE_Pic 252

Trooper Archie RAMAGE_Pic 383

47 Trooper Neil RANKIN

318 Trooper Aubrey George RATTEN

106 Sergeant Erskine North RAYMOND

196 Lance Corporal Ernest William REECE

306 Trooper Henry Roderick REID

129 Lance Corporal James REYNOLDS

369 Trooper Sydney Francis RHALL_Pic 268

369 Trooper Sydney Francis RHALL_Pic 388

365 Trooper Charles RITCHIE_Pic 326

365 Trooper Charles RITCHIE_Pic 396

63 Trooper Walter ROBB

340 Trooper Edward ROBERTSON

338 Trooper John Campbell ROBERTSON

80 Trooper Edwin ROBINSON

141 Trooper George ROLLEY

50 Trooper Leslie William ROSEN

Lieutenant Thomas Henry R ROUSE

505 Alfred Ernest ROWE

168 Trooper William Frederick ROWLAND

384 Trooper Samuel ROWLEY

205 Trooper Archie RUDDER

Trooper Lindsay Ernest RUDDER

210 Trooper Wilfred Valentine RUDDER

409 Trooper James RUSH

408 Trooper Frederick Charles RUSSELL

149 Trooper Joseph RUSSELL

478 Trooper Joseph RYAN

260 Trooper Patrick Albert RYAN

429 Trooper Thomas RYAN

Trooper JH RYRIE

314 Squadron Sergeant Major Oswald Bruce RYRIE

135 Corporal Wallace RYRIE


252 Trooper John Frederick SADLER

94 Trooper Ernest SALISBURY

422 Lance Corporal John SCOTT

321 Sergeant Harold SEALE

247 Trooper Thomas Wilson SERGEANT

121 Trooper Richard SHANNON

101 Trooper William SHANNON

235 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant John Leonard SHAYLER_Pic 142

235 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant John Leonard SHAYLER_Pic 392


65 Trooper George SHEPHERD

165 Trooper Henry SHEPPARD

315 Orderly Room Sergeant Charles Macken SHERRIFS

359 Trooper Duncan SINCLAIR

200 Trooper Benjamin SLOANE

95 Trooper Charles Peter Stanislaus SLOEY

482 Trooper Ernest Robert SMALLHORN

268 Trooper Edward Alexander SMITH

43 Trooper Edwin SMITH

520 Trooper Ignatius Loyola SMITH

169 Trooper James SMITH

103 Trooper Michael SMITH

360 Trooper Reginald Montagu SMITH

152 Corporal Walter Laishley SPIER 

272 Trooper Richard William SPRAGGS

371 Trooper Arthur Francis SPRING

Trooper David Hugh SPRING

40 Sergeant John Barber SPROAT_Pic 353

40 Sergeant John Barber SPROAT_Pic 447

513 Trooper Andrew SPROULE

3 Trooper Frederick William STANTON

307 Trooper Oscar Patrick STAUNTON

262 Trooper Henry George STEVENS

381 Trooper Charles STEVENSON

393 Trooper Robert Edward STEVENSON

450 Farrier Sergeant Frederick William STEWART

144 Trooper Peter STEWART

250 Trooper Fred STIBBARDS

363 Trooper Charles Lawrence STOKES

79 Trooper John Archibald STOPPELBEIN

266 Trooper Mark Faucett STOREY

382 Trooper John Rendell STREET

51 Trooper James Thomas STRUCK

295 Trooper George SUTHERLAND

483 Trooper William John SUTHERLAND

44 Trooper Thomas SUTTON

254 Trooper Edward SWEENEY


92 Trooper James TARVIS

432 Trooper Joseph TAYLOR

54 Trooper Sydney James TAYLOR

28 Trooper Ernest THOMAS

Captain James Francis THOMAS

125 Trooper Andrew THOMPSON

282 Trooper Henry THOMPSON

400 Trooper Bertie John THOMSON

481 Trooper William John THOMSON

480 Trooper William Edward John THORPE

18 Trumpeter Robert THRELFALL

286 Trooper Albert Owen TINDALE

334 Trooper Frank TOOHEY

159 Trooper William Alfred TOUGH

445 Farrier Sergeant Benjamin TOWNER_Pic 305

445 Farrier Sergeant Benjamin TOWNER_Pic 383

232 Trooper Harold Rome TREATT

238 Trooper William Timbrel TROTMAN

117 Trooper George Tindall TURNER

208 Trooper Frederick William TYRELL


374 Trooper Richard Stanley VIGORS

221 Trooper Frederick VON HAMMER


156 Trooper Herbert William WADDELL

327 Trooper John WADDELL

75 Trooper James Edwin WALKER

517 Trooper Richard Thomas WALKER

484 Trooper William Matthew WALSH

485 Trooper Thomas Henry WALTHER

275 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant John Nathaniel WALTON

276 Corporal Horace C Philip WATERS

379 Trooper John WATERS

138 Trooper Oswald Victor WATSON

248 Trooper William James WATSON

368 Trooper William WATT

242 Trooper Frederick Egerton Pigon WEAVER

15 Sergeant Frank V WEIR

Trooper Edward M WENNERBORN

140 Transport Sergeant Buckwell Lionel WENTWORTH

Lieutenant John Ellesmere WESTGARTH

256 Sergeant Clive Condor WESTON


132 Sergeant George Henry WHEELER

7 Trooper Alfred Charles WHERRATT

7 Trooper Alfred Charles WHERRATT

55 Farrier Sergeant John WHITE

33 Trooper Robert WHITE

388 Trooper James WILKINSON

57 Trooper George WILLIAMS

263 Trooper John Andrew WILLMOTT

27 Trooper Harry Zouch WILSON

Trooper Ira WILSON

375 Trooper Robert WILSON

62 Trooper Charles WINNETTE

255 Trooper William Albert WISE

253 Trooper Frederick Theodore WITTS

223 Trooper George Edward Mitchell WOODLEY

Trooper Frederick Talbot WOODS

503 Trooper Thomas Edward WOODS

357 Trooper Thomas Edward WOOTTEN

Trooper Basil Brookes WRENFORD

162 Trooper Frederick Hutchinson WYSE


284 Trooper Robert YOUNG


Second Lieutenant Richard Essington ZOUCH



Further Reading:

New South Wales Citizens Bushmans Contingent

New South Wales Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Service Personnel, Photograph Albums

Australian Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Service Personnel, Photograph Albums, NSW Citizens Bushmans Contingent, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 5 August 2011 11:43 PM EADT

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A note on copyright

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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