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Thursday, 19 February 2004
At Elands River, Town and Country Journal, 1 September 1900
Topic: BW - Boer War

A letter from Elands River

Town and Country Journal, 1 September 1900


A fully equiped Bushman

[From: the Town and Country Journal, 24 February 1900, p. 21.]


The following is an extract from the Town and Country Journal, 1 September 1900, p. 21.


At Elands River.

Lieutenant R. E. Zouch, “A” Squadron, N.S.W. Bushmen's Contingent, writing from camp at Eland's River, July 15, says:

We are now in garrison, a dreadful place; and it is hard to say how long we may be kept here. I t is very hard that, after having done so much of regimental work, “B” and “C” Squadrons have now gone ahead of us, and have had two scrapes with the enemy - one at Rustenberg, where we had two men killed and several wounded, one of the latter being Captain Machattie. We haves, however, done good work disarming the enemy, and are keeping open the lines of communication between Mafeking and Rustenburg. This is the coldest place I have ever known; we have no fuel, and the men only one blanket, and hardly any clothes; for we lost most of our kit when we were compelled to retreat from Rustenburg. We are now trying to obtain some boots, clothing, etc, from the "powers that be" but I fear we stand a poor chance of success. All the other regiments here are splendidly equipped, especially the Queenslanders, who are now camped with us; they seem to have everything required, even horse-rugs; while our poor ,horses doing heavy work have no rugs, and are now on half rations.

 We often wonder what, our numerous friends in New South Wales would say if they could only see our present plight, and how we are treated ; we came here to light, but in stead of that we are "dumped" ,down by the way side, and, I regret to say, are sorely neglected. Our colonel and staff have done on with the two fresh squadrons, while we have to remain behind to "grin and bear" it, so that "A" squadron is not getting a fair show. We have had no letters since we left Australia (nearly six months ago), except those written a few days after we sailed. This 'is the worst hardship of all, and we are quite out of the world so far as news is concerned, and we know very little about the, war, or what has happened elsewhere. It is cruel that we have' not received letters from the dear ones in Australia, written so many months ago, too. A few days ago we got hold of a Melbourne paper, about, three months old, and we all enjoyed reading it. There was a call to arms a day or two ago, at 4 o'clock in the morning, when we had to stand out on the breast works until sunrise, and afterwards work all day until half-past 4, building forts. I went on duty at 6 p.m., was about all night, and had very little to eat, but I am glad to say that I have felt splendid.

This place cannot be made very strong, as there is very little good material for that purpose, the ground being a mass of slaty chips, but it is the general opinion that the enemy will hardly attack us at present. I am writing, this letter on the walls of an old Zulu fort; there are many such about here. This is a poor country in the winter, but evidently a, fine place in summer. The cattle are a very common lot; their horns are the largest part of them; and I really think the animals are made of leather, as the meat is, something awful. We get enough of this so-called beef, but other articles of diet are scarce - often no sugar nor tea - and all of a most inferior quality. Tobacco is a great luxury, and we have been compelled to use the Boer production, which is as coarse and dry as chaff. A message has been forwarded to Mafeking for our mail to be forwarded here. When it arrives it will be a "red letter day” indeed. It is heart-breaking not to hear from, one's relations and friends, and far harder to bear than all we have gone through. I will send this letter by our cyclist, but it may never reach you, perhaps, as one of our postmen was captured yesterday, and this may share the same fate.




1. The letter's author, Lieutenant R. E. Zouch, “A” Squadron, N.S.W. Bushmen's Contingent.

New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent, Richard Essington Zouch


2. Thomas Alfred Machattie.

New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent, Thomas Alfred Machattie


Further Reading:

New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Elands River, Town and Country Journal, 1 September 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 11:01 AM EADT
Wednesday, 18 February 2004
A Letter Home, Town and Country Journal, 24 November 1900
Topic: BW - Boer War

A Letter Home

A Sydney Nurse in South Africa.


Town and Country Journal, 24 November 1900, p. 43.


The letter published in the Town and Country Journal is quite prescient in its predictions regarding the longevity of the war. The above extract is transcribed below.


A Sydney Nurse in South Africa.

The following extracts are taken from an interesting letter received by a private friend in Sydney from one of the nurses in camp near Ladysmith:

"'The Camp,' Ladysmith, October 3.

"My dear M.,-When I wrote last the war was at full tide; now I write again when it is at low ebb. Between then and now lie ten months of work at such high pressure that to-day I feel worn out; so deadly sick of everything military that nothing appeals to me like a stray sketch of a cottage covered with roses, a hayrack on a farm, or an old-fashioned garden. For spring is in the air, and with the return of spring the homesick feeling in many hearts grows strong. A photo of General Christian De Wet lies before me. When I look at the keen alert face, I am apt to become dubious over the probable end of the war in three weeks or a month. De Wet says quite cheerfully he intends to fight while he has ten men left, and the general opinion is that until the brilliant Dutchman surrenders, or is caught, the air must still be full of uncertainties. At any moment he may bob up serenely in some new and unexpected quarter, or tear up a mile or two of railway lines; tend so far he has been able to set at nought Lord Roberts and all the other Generals.

"A cloud of dull apathy lies over the land, and a regiment might march through Ladysmith with the band playing 'Soldiers of the Queen,' and never a shopkeeper would pause in the act of measuring tea or sugar, to run to the door and cheer, for the 'gentleman in khaki' is simply a common Tommy once more, no longer an interesting novelty. 'The Camp,' where we are stationed at present, lies three miles beyond Ladysmith. It consists of rows and rows of corrugated iron sheds, placed on the open veldt with no signs of a tree or shrub in sight. I have only to go to the door of my quarters to look at Waggon Hill and Bulwana, while King's Post, with its trenches and breastworks, lies but a stone's throw away.

"At present the hospital is half empty, for there are no big battles now, and the fever season has not yet set in. Sometimes we take a day off, and roam over such a battlefield as 'Pieter's' or 'Spion Kop,' from which we return in the evening very weary, and occasionally very sad, for a fragment of a letter, or a bit of an old paper, picked up in a trench has taken our thoughts back tab those awful days of fighting before, the relief of LadySmith. There is a mania existing at present for collecting curios. The battlefields have been almost swept clean, and the prices asked for a pom-pom shell or a `Long Tom' which has been used in action are most exorbitant. In my ward at present I have the tailor who made suits of broadcloth for President Kruger for the past nine years. At times my poor tailor, who is an orderly, grows quite melancholy. 'If I only had kept the old dopper suit the President gave me for a pattern,' he said yesterday, 'I might have shaken hands with myself; but, alas, I gave it to a Kaffir!' "I cannot tell you how I long to come across some of the men from New South Wales. I have nursed 'Devons,' 'Yorke,' `Lancashires,' 'Gloucesters,' 'Inniskillings,' `Gordons,' and others, a New Zealander, and a South Australian, but never a man from Sydney. The anxiety of some of the poor fellows among the reserves to get 'home' is very pitiful. A bad case pronounced unfit" for further service yesterday received the verdict with a smile of delight. The man is going home with death beside him; nevertheless he is quite content, for, according to his idea, 'better a grave in the old churchyard without a stone than a tomb with a monument in South Africa.' Owing to the fearful rush of work at first. I have forgotten the names of the majority of the men I nursed, but I can never forget their heroism and courage in hardships and difficulties. I always seem to see them stepping past in great companies, just as if I had known them in dreams. Had I had the experience of a siege I might have attempted a book, but the siege did not fall to my lot.

"I shall always be glad of the experience I have had in this campaign. The little things which used to trouble me are mere nothings brought face to trice with big realities. Yet here, where a few months ago such issues hung in the balance, a nursing Sister is fretting because her hair is losing its colour, and another Sister is perfectly miserable because the coolie washes her linen so badly. The army will probably soon disband the civilian doctors and nurses, as they have a full supply of their own staff, equal to the sick in hospitals at present. I, with many others, am looking forward eagerly to the day when we can say thankfully, 'Our services being no longer required, we intend returning home.' "



Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: A Letter Home, Town and Country Journal, 24 November 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 11:04 AM EADT
Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, 1902
Topic: Militia - LHT - 12/26


Tasmanian Mounted Infantry


Tasmanian Mounted Infantry [1900 - 1903]
12th (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
26th (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1921]
22nd (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1921 - 1930]
3rd (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1930 - 1933]
22nd (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1933 - 1942]
22nd (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Motor Regiment [1942 - 1943]

Pro Rege et Patria - for King and country




Honorary Colonel  


Commanding Officer  

Captain AH Rigall, DSO.


Captain AWM Percival.



Medical Officer


"A" Hobart - Kingston - Brighton - Sorell Squadron

Captain LFS Hore, 12 September 1902

Lieutenant DC Lewis, 30 March 1900

Lieutenant E St L Lewis, 19 November 1901

Lieutenant EF Lucas, 12 September 1902


"B" Ulverston Squadron

Lieutenant EL Mays, 20 March 1901


"C" Ross Squadron 

Captain AH Rigall, DSO, 8 November 1897



Previous: Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, 1901

Next: Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, June 1903


Further Reading:

12th/26th Australian Light Horse

Tasmanian Militia

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, 1902

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 6:32 PM EADT
Tuesday, 17 February 2004
Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, June 1903
Topic: Militia - LHT - 12/26


Tasmanian Mounted Infantry

June 1903

Tasmanian Mounted Infantry [1900 - 1903]
12th (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
26th (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1921]
22nd (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1921 - 1930]
3rd (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1930 - 1933]
22nd (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1933 - 1942]
22nd (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Motor Regiment [1942 - 1943]

Pro Rege et Patria - for King and country




Honorary Colonel  


Commanding Officer  

Captain AH Rigall, DSO.


Major W Brown.



Medical Officer




"A" Hobart - Kingston - Brighton - Sorell Squadron

Captain LFS Hore, 12 September 1902

Lieutenant DC Lewis, 30 March 1900

Lieutenant E St L Lewis, 19 November 1901

Lieutenant EF Lucas, 12 September 1902


"B" Ulverston Squadron

Lieutenant EL Mays, 20 March 1901


"C" Ross Squadron 

Captain AH Rigall, DSO, 8 November 1897


Previous: Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, 1902

Next: 12th (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, December 1903 


Further Reading:

12th/26th Australian Light Horse

Tasmanian Militia

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation: Tasmanian Mounted Infantry, June 1903

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 6:36 PM EADT
Monday, 16 February 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, 6th New Zealand Contingent
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War - New Zealand

6th New Zealand Contingent


The following Nominal Roll is extracted from the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives. The record of the ten contingents of New Zealand's soldiers in the Boer War are listed in the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

The 6th New Zealand Contingent, was known as the "Silent Sixth", embarked on the SS “Cornwall”, 30 January 1901.


6th New Zealand Contingent

3204 Private Arthur ALEXANDER

3580 Private John ALEXANDER

3287 Private Richard ALLAN

3702 Private Eustace Frank ALLEN

3464 Private Joseph ALLPORT

3338 Private Henry ANDERSON

Captain Albert William ANDREW

3202 Private Robert Alexander ANDREWS

3339 Private Francis John ARMSTRONG

3203 Corporal Caldwell ASHWORTH

3703 Private William James ATKIN

3340 Private Thomas Henry ATKINS

3201 Private Walter Newman ATTWOOD

3341 Private Ivanhoe BAIGENT

3469 Private Owen Thomas BAIGENT

3593 Private Frank Ernest BAILEY

3348 Private Arthur Capel Valentine BAINES

3472 Private John William BAKER

3208 Private Valentine Henry BAKER

3828 Private Price BALLANTYNE

3211 Sergeant George Perkham BANKS

Lieutenant Colonel BANKS

3205 Private Maurice Fitzgerald BARLOW

3342 Private William BARRETT

3584 Private George BATEMAN

3829 Private Francis Harry BAYLISS

3207 Private Herbert Harris BAYLY

3343 Private Francis Evanson BEAMISH

3457 Sergeant Ernest BEARDMORE

3704 Private John Thomas BEATTIE

3212 Private John BEATTY

3344 Private Archibald BENTON

3345 Private John BERNTSON

3473 Private Arthur Benjamin BIRKETT

3707 Lance Corporal Joseph BISHOP

3588 Private Thomas BLAKELY

3591 Private Frederick William BLANK

3589 Private Charles James BLATHWAYT

Lieutenant Charles BLINKHORN

3346 Private Lewis William BLUNDELL

3582 Private Matthew Thomas BLYTH

3347 Private Adrian Reginald BODDINGTON

3474 Private Alfred BOLSTAD

3475 Private Frederick BOURNE

3306 Private Percy BOWERS

3470 Private Walter Frederick BOYES

3471 Private Franklin Thomas BRIGGS

3706 Private Glenalvon BRITTENDEN

3476 Private Edward BROWN

3466 Private Harry Percy BROWN

3478 Private James William Mason BROWN

3705 Private John Patrick BROWN

3708 Private Richard BROWN

3586 Private Thomas Henry BROWN

3477 Private Thomas BROWN

3590 Private John BRYDON

3210 Private James Charles BRYERS

3583 Private Charles Lionel BURKE

3587 Private Douglas Inglis Scott BURNES

3581 Private Alexander BURNS

3209 Private Charles James BURR

3465 Private Frederick John BURRELL

3468 Private John BURROUGHS

3467 Private Herbert BUSHNELL

3592 Private Thomas Edward BUTCHERS

3206 Private William BUTLER

3585 Private George BUTT

3602 Corporal John CABOT

3349 Private William Henry CALLAGHAN

3350 Private Allen CAMERON

3719 Private Ewen Duncan CAMERON

3222 Private William CAMERON

3480 Private William CAMERON

3479 Private James CAMPBELL

3351 Private Robert CARLEY

3714 Private Edward CARNAGY

3597 Private Daniel Arthur CASSIDY

3596 Private John CASSIDY

3595 Private Joseph CHADWICK

3601 Private W J CHAMBERLAIN

3562 Private Manson Waterson CHANT

3218 Sergeant Thomas Aubrey CHAPPI-HALL

3352 Private Henry James William CLARK

3718 Private Wyatt Matthew CLARK

3221 Private Alfred Samuel CLARKE

3709 Private James Llewellyn CLARKE

3712 Sergeant Harry COATMAN

3717 Private James COCHRANE

3220 Private Robert COLHOUN

3721 Bugler George Leonard COLLINS

3219 Private Theodore COLLINS

3482 Private Herbert CONNELL

3215 Private William James CONNER

3483 Private Harold CONNOP

3716 Lance Corporal Walter COOK

3600 Private Herbert COOLING

3594 Private John COOLING

3830 Private Charles Henry Garrett COOPER

Captain and quartermaster David COSSGROVE

3481 Private Francis Richard COTTON

3216 Private Alfred COUBROUGH

3720 Private William James COWIE

3217 Sergeant Charles Crossley COX

3713 Private James COX

3454 Sergeant Major Sydney Herbert William CRAWFORD

3598 Private George Nelson CRESSWELL

3213 Private James CROMWELL

3710 Farrier Sergeant Wiliam James CROZIER

3353 Private Charles CUFF

3599 Private William CULLEN

3354 Lance Corporal William Alfred CULLEN

3355 Private Horace CUNDY

3715 Corporal Charles CUNNINGHAM

3711 Private Torrance CURLE

3356 Private James Joseph CURRAN

3223 Private Stanley Archibald DAILEY

3723 Private Samuel DALE

3603 Private Frederick James DARBY

3361 Private Harry Joseph DARROCH

3357 Private William DAVEY

3831 Private Alfred James DAVIDSON

3832 Private Harry Frederick DAVIES

3833 Private Nathaniel Hirst DAVIS

3722 Private William John DAVIS

3484 Private Cecil DE LATOUR

3456 Sergeant Peter Augustus DE LOREE

3358 Private James DELANEY

3359 Private John DERMOTT

3834 Private Clement Camm DERRETT

3725 Private Peter Robert DEWAR

3305 Private Benjamin Charles DOEL

3605 Private Peter DOHERTY

3360 Private Charles DONOHOE

3604 Private A DORWOOD

3226 Private Hugh DOUGLAS

3225 Private Egbert John DOWSON

3224 Sergeant Francis DRAKE

3724 Corporal Edgar DUNCAN

3835 Private James Malcolm DUNCAN

3728 Private Alexander EARL

3362 Private James EDEN

3726 Private James EDWARDS

3607 Private James Henry EDWARDS

3363 Private James EGAN

3606 Private Charles ELLEN

3486 Private William Charles ELLIS

3227 Private William Thomas ELLIS

3364 Private Carl Gothrik ENGSTROM

3485 Private Alfred Samuel ERICKSON

3487 Private Dafydd Pugh EVANS

3365 Private Reginald Langdale EVATT

3727 Private James EWART

3228 Private Patrick FAHEY

3731 Private James Hawdon FALCONER

3729 Private Peter FARQUHAR

3608 Private Pressney J FARROW

3366 Lance Corporal Thomas FERGUSON

3560 Private Jacob FINCH

3437 Private Claud Thain FLYGER

3730 Private William FORBES

3609 Private John FORD

3836 Private John FORSYTH

3367 Private George Alexander FRASER

3488 Private Thomas FRASER

3610 Private Albert Howard FREE

3330 Sergeant Fred. Wackett FREEMAN

3489 Private William Knowledges FREEMAN

3229 Corporal David GALLAGHER

3837 Private John GARBUTT

3230 Private Arthur Edward GARNER

3613 Private Alfred William GAULLER

3733 Private Thomas GAWN

3734 Private Robert John GEARY

3614 Private John GEBBIE

3615 Private David William GEBBIE

3736 Private George GEDDES

3493 Private John Percy GIBBONS

3612 Private Samuel GILBERT

3616 Private Edward GILLANDERS

3490 Private Henry William GILLIES

3732 Private Hugh Cameron GILLIES

3463 Bugler Cyril Stead GIRDLESTONE

3231 Private Frederick GLADDING

3492 Private Charles GLASS

3233 Private James GLEESON

3494 Private Robert James GLEN

3232 Private Quinton John GOLDER

3368 Private John GOOD

3738 Private Frederick GOODE

3491 Private John Mallory GRAYSON

3735 Private William GREEN

3737 Lance Corporal Charles Ernest GRIFFITHS

3501 Private John HACKETT

3739 Private Charles Humphrey HALL

3619 Private John HALL

3684 Private Frederick John HANLON

3741 Private Walter William HARLEY

3496 Private Patrick Edward HARNEY

3234 Private Albert Charles HARRIS

3242 Private Arnold Thomas HARRIS

3495 Private Frederick HARRIS

3618 Private Thomas HARRIS

3617 Private Michael HARRISON

3620 Private Ernest George Loveday HART

3742 Private Henry HARVEY

3405 Private Samuel HASLETT

3503 Private Robert HAYES

3406 Private James Henry HAYWARD

3374 Private James HEADIFEN

3225 Private James Alexander HEARLING

3502 Private George Stewart HEBBERD

3504 Private Herbert John Frederick HELEY

3236 Private Frank HEMPHILL

3237 Private Robert Mckenzie HENDERSON

3371 Private Benjamin Robert HENLEY

3370 Private William HEPBURN

3372 Lance Corporal Marcus Reynolds HERBERT

3497 Private George Douglas HEWITT

3745 Private William Alfred HEWSON

3838 Private Geoffrey Crosby HILL

3373 Private Harry George HIRTZELL

3839 Private Bertie Leonard HODGSON

3744 Private Edward Gray HODGSON

3240 Private George HOLDEN

3238 Private Albert John HONE

3243 Private Leonard Richard HOOKE

3746 Private George Henry HORAN

3375 Private William John HORNE

3376 Private William Francis HORNIG

3241 Private Onesimus HOWE

3377 Private Claud Hayward HULME

3500 Private Guy HUMPHREY

3239 Private Henry George HUNT

3743 Private William Edward HUNT

3747 Private Joseph HUNTER

3499 Private Ernest Charles HURREY

3498 Private Irving Stanley HURREY

3840 Private Vernon Montgomerie HUTTON

3740 Private Thomas HYNES

3332 Sergeant Joseph IRWIN

3621 Sergeant George Kail JACKSON

3245 Private Ralph Henry JACKSON

3378 Lance Corporal William Johnstone JAFFRAY

3508 Private August William JENSEN

3460 Corporal John JICKELL

3244 Sergeant Major John Waller JOHNS

3688 Private Charles JOHNSON

3507 Private Leonard Alonzo JOHNSON

3379 Private Walter JOHNSON

3622 Private Frederick Thomas Alexander JOHNSTONE

3748 Sergeant Albert Henry JONES

3686 Sergeant Major Alfred Henry JONES

3380 Private Edwin JONES

Lieutenant Mostyn Humphrey Innis JONES

3334 Sergeant Arthur Sylvester JONSON

3381 Private Carl JOSEPHSON

3246 Private Robert Morris KELLY

3623 Private John Neil KELLY

3751 Private James KENNARD

3382 Private Edmund KENNY

3752 Private John Andrew KEY

3750 Private Frederick William KING

3690 Private William John KING

3461 Private Alfred Thomas KITNEY

3749 Corporal Harry KOPPERT

3755 Private Albert LABES

3512 Private Edward William LAHMAN

3383 Private Leonard John LAW

3509 Private Albert LAW

3625 Private Francis Joseph LAWRENCE

3384 Private Frederick Hamilton LAWRENCE

3557 Private William Christian LAWRIE

3624 Private James Philip LE GROS

3754 Private James Gun LECKIE

3513 Corporal Leonard Frederick LEECH

3247 Private Arthur Ernest LENNARD

3459 Private John Norman LESLIE

3386 Private John Mclaren LETT

3248 Private Ralph LETTS

3756 Corporal Charles Montague LEWIN

3510 Private Charles Norman LEWIS

3387 Private Charles Mountford LINDOP

3758 Private Thomas Archibald LINDSAY

3511 Private Joseph LINKLATER

3251 Lance Corporal Cuthbert LITTLE

3249 Private James Stapelton LOPDELL

3759 Sergeant William LORIGAN

3250 Private Ernest Victor LOVEGROVE

3388 Private Thomas Martyn LUCY

3841 Private Charles William Francis LUKIS

3252 Private William John LUTHER

3389 Private Percy LUXFORD

3753 Private John LYALL

3639 Corporal Archibald Morten MACINTOSH

3528 Private William MADDOCK

3304 Private Percy MADEN

3263 Private James MADILL

3327 Sergeant Major John William MALCOLM

3253 Private John MALONE

3435 Corporal Lionel Walker MANNING

3398 Private John MANSON

Captain Nigel S MARKHAM

3524 Private Eric Everett Swayne MARSH

3640 Private William Edward MARSH

3633 Private Walter MARSHAL

3777 Private Edward MARSHALL

3254 Private Henry Frederick (frank) MARSHALL

3632 Private Charles MARTIN

3776 Lance Corporal John MARTIN

3641 Private William James MARTIN

3400 Private John MARTINDALE

3259 Private Ernest MASON

3260 Private Nathaniel MASSOLENE

3262 Private Alister MATHESON

3766 Private Lewis MATHIESON

3631 Private William MATTHEWS

3515 Private Robert Thomas MCCALLUM

3627 Private William MCCLEARY

3775 Private Alexander MCCLENNAN

3516 Private Alexander William MCCMILLAN

3642 Private William Davey MCCOLL

3268 Private Robert MCCRACKEN

3630 Private Edward Cuthbert MCCULLOUGH

3514 Private James Fraser MCCUTCHEON

3779 Private John MCDONALD

3773 Private Ronald MCDONALD

3760 Private William MCDONALD

Lieutenant John MCDONALD

Veterinary Surgeon MCEACHREN

3458 Sergeant John MCGOLDRICK

3763 Private Donald MCINNES

3842 Private Alexander Henry MCKAY

3643 Private John MCKAY

3767 Private John MCKAY

3772 Private John MCKAY

3264 Private Alexander MCKENZIE

3628 Private John MCKENZIE

3768 Private Robert MCKENZIE

3761 Private Robert Forrest MCKENZIE

3266 Private William Sutherland MCKENZIE

3519 Private Arthur MCKEOWN

3770 Private John MCKINLAY

3518 Private James MCKINLEY

3629 Private Robert Reid MCKNIGHT

3769 Private James MCLAREN

3337 Bugler Nigel Alexander MCLEAN

3265 Private Roderick MCLEOD

3778 Private James MCMEEKEN

3267 Private Harry Gordon MCMILLAN

3517 Private David MCNIVEN

3529 Private George Lewis MEAD

3636 Sergeant Dedrick MEHERTENS

3843 Private George MEHRTENS

3638 Private John James MELTON

3530 Lance Corporal Herbert MENCE

3520 Private Christopher James METCALFE

3390 Private Ernest Arthur Gladstone MICKLE

3521 Private Allen MILLAR

3391 Private Frederick Alfred MILLER

3392 Private Herbert John MILLER

3762 Private John MILLER

3393 Private Lewis Peter MILLER

3394 Private Albert Edward MILTON

3225 Private John MINNS

Lieutenant James MITCHELL

3256 Private James Alexander MITCHELL

3326 Quartermaster Sergeant John Layman MITCHELL

3764 Private William MITCHELL

3765 Private Herbert William MONK

3523 Private Alfred MOONEY

3261 Private Isaac Webb MOORE

3526 Private James Arthur MOORE

3634 Private Walter Hugh MOORE

3844 Private William John MOORE

3635 Private William MOORE

3525 Private John Glynn Parry MORGAN

3395 Private Albert MORRIS

3257 Private Charles MORRIS

3527 Lance Corporal William James MORRISH

3637 Private James Henry MORRISON

3522 Private John Walter MORRISON

Lieutenant W C MORRISON

3258 Private Alfred Bishop MORTON

3771 Private Thomas MOSES

3396 Bugler Percy MOWLEM

3397 Private Howard James MURDOCH

3780 Private Arthur Hayward MURRAY

3399 Private Daniel MURRAY

3774 Private Thomas MURRAY

3333 Private William Anthony NATHAN

3270 Private William NEIL

3401 Private George Frederick NELSON

3531 Private Frank NEWCOMBE

3781 Private George NICOL

3269 Private George NORRIS

3532 Private William Edward O'DONNELL

3782 Private Peter Joseph O'HAGHAN

3783 Private Alexander O'KEEFE

Surgeon Captain Eugene O'NEILL

3271 Corporal James O'NEILL

3533 Private Leonard O'NEILL

3402 Private Frederick ONYON

3272 Private George Philip OSBORNE

3276 Private John Robert PAGE

3536 Private Francis E PAHL

3274 Private John PARKINSON

3403 Private Robert PARKINSON

3786 Private George PARRY

3404 Private Leonard PARSONS

3646 Private William Charles Edward PARTRIDGE

3649 Private Traffford PATERSON

3647 Private Walter PAYNE

3273 Private Allen Campbell PEARSON

3438 Private Charles Arthur Saxton PERHAM

3405 Private Justin Alfred PESCINI

3644 Private Percival Ernest PETHRICK

3785 Private Alfred Ernest PETTIT

3534 Private John James PHILLIPS

3275 Private William Stephen PHILLIPS

3406 Private John PHILP

3407 Private William Henry PIKE

3787 Private Herbert POPHAM

3648 Lance Corporal Raymond George PORTER

3537 Private Robert Hugh PORTER

3535 Private Albert POWELL

3784 Private William PULLAR

Surgeon Captain John Smith PURDY

3645 Private Samuel James PYE

3650 Private Edward QUILL

3455 Farrier Sergeant John QUINLAN

3689 Private Charles QUINN

3789 Private Francis RAPER

3277 Private William Frederick RAYNES

3408 Private Frank REEVE

3539 Private John REID

3410 Private Edward Lloyd RICHARDS

3278 Private James RICHARDS

3538 Private Joseph Foote RICHARDS

3653 Private John Blanchard RIPPINGALE

3652 Private Joseph Woodhead RIPPINGALE

3651 Private William Henry RIPPINGALE

3411 Private James ROBERTSON

3655 Lance Corporal Noel Douglas ROBERTSON

3788 Private Robert Mackay ROBERTSON

3654 Private Guy Fosbery RONALDS

3279 Private William John ROONEY

Lieutenant Alfred Barnes ROSE

3540 Private John Donald ROSS

3791 Private Robert James ROSS

3790 Private Charles William ROUFFE

3656 Farrier Sergeant William George ROUSE

3280 Private Edward John RYAN

3412 Private John L RYAN

3281 Private William RYAN

3845 Private Charles Henry SALT

3846 Private Jasper William George SALT

3666 Private Frederick William SAUER

3668 Private Alan Bruce SAUNDERS

3663 Private George Rowdell Fysh SAYLE

3287 Private Otho SCHERIFF

3545 Private Arthur SCOT

3670 Private James SCOTT

3794 Private Samuel John SELL

3413 Private James SEYMOUR

3667 Sergeant Philip Tresilian SHAND

3664 Private John SHANNON

3328 Farrier Sergeant George SHAW

3414 Private William SHEARMAN

3289 Private William James SHEATHER

3658 Private Harvey SHEILDS

3282 Private Charles George SIDFORD

3415 Private William Allardice SIMMONDS

3793 Private John Johnston SIMPSON

3543 Private Ernest Albert SKEET

Surgeon Major Sidney SKERMAN

3660 Private Selby Willcott SLATER

3661 Private Alfred SMALL

3416 Private Christopher SMITH

3657 Sergeant Ernest George SMITH

3847 Private Frank SMITH

3659 Private Fred Barmer SMITH

3544 Private George SMITH

3848 Private George SMITH

3797 Sergeant Major Harold SMITH

3331 Sergeant Sidney SMITH

3417 Private Thomas SMITH

3687 Corporal George SMYTH

3541 Private Allwood SNOSWELL

3418 Private James SPENCE

3421 Private Edward John Stuart SPENCER

3662 Private George SPRING

3548 Private Thomas STAFFORD

3288 Private William Levi STANTON

3796 Private Charles Leggat STARK

3665 Private Basil Edward St STEPHENS

3792 Private Herbert Joseph STEPHENS

3547 Private Horace STEPHENS

3419 Private Caleb Whiteford Courtenay STEWARD

3420 Private Charles STEWART

3669 Private John STEWART

3795 Private William Henry STOCK

3283 Lance Corporal Frederick Henry STOCKLEY

3284 Private John Young STORER

3422 Private Horace STRANGE-MURE

3423 Private Henry STRAWBRIDGE

3546 Private John STREET

3424 Private Frank STRINGER

3285 Private James Edward STUART

3336 Corporal George Herbert STUBBS

3542 Private Rudolph Charles STURM

3425 Private Michael SULLIVAN

3286 Private John SWEENEY

Lieutenant Francis Bernard SYKES

3672 Private George Cecil TALBOT

3550 Private William Kells TAPLIN

3561 Private Charles Borland TASKER

3671 Private Ernest Edgar TATAM

3292 Private Alfred Widden TATTON

3799 Private Alexander Fletcher TAYLOR

3426 Private George Ernest TAYLOR

3801 Sergeant James Lewis TAYLOR

3549 Private Ernest TERRILL

3551 Private Ernest THEOBALD

3552 Private Frederick George THOMAS

3291 Private William Alfred THOMAS

3800 Private Robert THOMPSON

3427 Private Charles Cornelius THOMSON

3436 Private William THOMSON

3290 Private Walter THORP

3553 Private Walter Robert TIPLER

3428 Private John Henry TRENEARY

3798 Private William TUCKER

3429 Private Alfred John TURNER

3329 Corporal Daniel TURNER

3554 Private Ernest James TURVEY

3335 Corporal Albert Edward URWIN

3674 Lance Corporal John VALENTINE

3673 Private Thomas VINCENT

3804 Private Charles Hunter WALKER

3293 Lance Corporal George Ernest WALKER

3677 Private Ernest Arthur WALL

Lieutenant William Fletcher WALLIS

3556 Private Albert WALSH

3430 Private Lawrence WALSH

3676 Private Matthew John WARD

3294 Private Arthur Oscar WARWICK

3555 Private Henry William WATKINS

3683 Private John George WATSON

3300 Private Edward William WATT

3675 Private Ernest Frederick WEST

3432 Private Matthew Alexander WEST

3299 Corporal Andrew WHITE

3679 Private Frank William WHITE

3680 Private Peter WHITE

3295 Private Frederick WHITTAKER

3678 Private Alfred WICKS

3301 Private Frederick Horatio WILKINSON

3302 Private John Henry WILL

3807 Private Ernest Frank WILLIAMS

3303 Private Henry Hugh Haswell WILLIAMS

Lieutenant Reginald Mcdowell WILLIAMS

3557 Private John Douglas WILLIAMSON

3849 Private Arthur WILLIS

3682 Lance Corporal Edward WILLIS

3803 Private Alexander WILSON

3805 Private Andrew WILSON

3558 Private George WILSON

3806 Private James Tweedie WILSON

3296 Private William Joseph WINTER

3433 Private Bertram Hay WINTHROP

3850 Private George WITHERS

3681 Private George Henry WOOD

Lieutenant WOOD

3802 Private James WOOD

3298 Private Richard WOODLEY

3297 Private Ernest WOOLLER

3434 Private Hercules Richard WRIGHT

3559 Private Herbert Rainsford YOUNG


Previous: Boer War - New Zealand, 5th New Zealand Contingent 

Next: Boer War - New Zealand, 7th New Zealand Contingent 

Further Reading:

Boer War - NZ


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, 6th New Zealand Contingent 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 1 May 2010 7:34 PM EADT

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