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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 27 August 2008
9th LHR, AIF, Roll of Honour, Carew Reynell
Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR

9th LHR, AIF

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Roll of Honour

Carew Reynell


Carew Reynell's name on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial


Carew Reynell

Rank: Lieutenant Colonel [Lt Col]

Unit: 9th Australian Light Horse

Service: Army

Conflict: 1914-1918

Date of death: 28 August 1915

Cause of death: Killed in action

Cemetery or memorial details: GALLIPOLI 16. Hill 60 Cemetery

War Grave Register notes: REYNELL, Lt. Col. Carew. 9th Australian Light Horse. Mentioned in Despatches. Killed in action 28th Aug., 1915. Age 32. Son of the late Walter and Emily Reynell; husband of May Reynell, of Reynella, South Australia. Native of Rostrevor, Magill, S. Aust. Sp. Mem. 4.

Source: AWM145 Roll of Honour cards, 1914-1918 War, Army.


Carew Reynell


A brief military biography of Carew Reynell from The AIF Project:

Date of birth16 September 1883
AddressReynella, South Australia
Marital statusMarried
Age at embarkation31
Next of kinWife, Mrs Mary M Reynell, Reynella, South Australia
Enlistment date16 December 1914
Rank on enlistmentMajor
Unit name9th Light Horse Regiment, Headquarters
AWM Embarkation Roll number10/14/1
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board Transport A10 Karroo on 11 February 1915
Rank from Nominal RollLieutenant-Colonel
Unit from Nominal Roll9th Light Horse Regiment


Unit: 9th Light Horse
Promotion date:
16 December 1914
Recommendations (Medals and Awards)

Mention in Despatches

Awarded, and promulgated, 'London Gazette', Supplement, No. 29354 (5 November 1915); 'Commonwealth Gazette', No. 12 (27 January 1916).
FateKilled in Action 28 August 1915
Age at death from cemetery records32
Place of burialHill 60 Cemetery (Special Memorial No. 4), Gallipoli, Turkey
Panel number, Roll of Honour,
  Australian War Memorial
Miscellaneous information from
  cemetery records
Parents: Walter and Emily REYNELL; husband of May REYNELL, Reynella, South Australia. Native of Rostrevor, Magill, South Australia
Other details

War service: Egypt, Gallipoli

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal

Additional Material


Christmas Day 1906.

[From left to right: Walter Reynell; Carew Reynell; Eversley Thomas; and, Ian Reynell.

From the personal diary of Carew Reynell 

27 August 1915

I hear we are to be withdrawn in a day or two and replaced by some of the 5th Brigade. It seems possible that we may be sent to Imbros or Lemnos for a few days rest. We can all do with a rest I think. Personally I am pretty run down and had a cold for a long time and am lousy.


Last photograph of Carew Reynell picking lice out of his clothes (chatting) prior to the assault on Hill 60.



Adelaide Observer, 11 September 1915, p. 41


The transcript of the article is below:


The Late Major Carew Reynell

The happy and peaceful little village of Reynella was suddenly made sad and sombre on Tuesday by the receipt of a message from the military headquarters to the effect that Major Carew Reynell, the eledest son of Mr Walter Reynell, had been killed in action on the Gallipoli Peninsular. The well-known southern winery was immediately closed, and on all sides were manifested genuine grief and sympathy with the relatives, among whom are a widow and two children. The deceased officer was one of Nature's gentlemen, and a man who always "played the game" whatever the consequences might be. He made staunch friends wherever he went, and was held in high esteem, especially in the southern districts where the name of Reynell has been a household word almost since the foundation of the State.

Keen for the Front

On the outbreak of the war Major Reynell was anxious to volunteer for active service. Responsibilities, however, prevented him from gratifying his desire until toward the end of last year. He was then gazetted second in command of the 9th Light Horse Regiment of the 2nd Expeditionary Force. Having made military work a hobby for many years, and kept himself informed in modern tactical methods, he was eminently fitted for the high post. He fulfilled his duties with skill and ability, notwithstanding his comparative youth - he was only in his thirty-second year - and he wond the confidence of his men, who would follow him anywhere.

Rapid Promotion

A characteristic of the late officer was his enthusiasm in whatever work he undertook. He joined the light horse as a private, and climed to his high rank. He received his first commission while serving with the 16th Australian Light Horse, and two years later gained the rank of Lieutenant in the 7th Light Horse. In 1912 he passed, with flying colours, the examination for the position of captain; after which he joined the 22nd Light Horse. In the same year he was promoted to the rank of major, the status which he held at the time of volunteering for the front. The deceased was a fearless and accomplished horseman. For three years he was master of the Adelaide Hunt Club, and during the term the club progressed conspicuously.

Biticulturalist and Winemaker

Major Reynell promised to become, and his father has been for many years. one of the Stat's foremost viticuluralists and winemakers. After having left St Peter's College, he began the study of vinegrowing and wine production in all their phases. Blessed with a natural scientific bent, quick perception, and good judgment, his studies advanced rapidly. His contreires hailed him as a man who, in the near future, was destined to play an important part in safeguarding and developing the industries along the best possible lines. Mr Reynell was particularly interested in the influences of different methods of cultivation and varied applications of manures in connection with viticulture and two or three years ago initiated at Reynella a series of experiments which have already revealed striking results.

From Fighting Stock

The deceased officer, whose younger brother, Dr WR Reynell (a Rhodes Scholar) has been at the front almost since the outbreak of the war, came from fighting stock. Many of his ancestors fought for their country, but none of them was more distinguished than his grand uncle, Lieut. Gen. Thomas Reynell, CB, who commanded the 71st Regiment (Highland Light Infantry) at Waterloo. The regiment was grigaded with a battalion of the 52nd (Oxfordshire Light Infantry) and two battalions of the 85th Rifles and formed part of Gen Adam's Brigade. They specially distinguished themselves at Quatre Bras. At one period of the battle the Duke of Wellington was in the square formed by the regiment when charged by French cavalry. At the close of the day the 71st took part in the final charge on Napoleon's Imperial Guard. Sir Thomas Reynell, who was dangerously wounded during the fight, was singled out for special honours when the awards were made.

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

Hill 60, Gallipoli, 1915

9th Light Horse Regiment, AIF

Citation: 9th LHR, AIF, Roll of Honour, Carew Reynell

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 8 June 2009 7:16 PM EADT

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