Topic: BW - NSW - NSWMR_A
"A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles
Nominal Roll
In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.
Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 33 - 34.
"A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles
15 Private William John ABRAHAMS, Killed in Action, Abraham's Kraal, 10 March 1900.107 Private Herbert AGLAND.
116 Private George Edward ALEXANDER, Invalided to Australia, 2 June 1900.
10 Corporal Alfred Edward Elkington ALLEN, Wounded in Action, Spruitfontein, 6 April 1900 Died of Enteric fever at Pretoria, 18 October 1900.
Major John Macquarie ANTILL.
9 Corporal James APPS.
106 Private Reginald Thomas ARNOLD, Discharged in Cape Town, 30 November 1900.
85 Private Francis William AXAM.
69 Private Samuel BALL.
70 Private Thomas BALL, Wounded in Action, Klip Kraal, 17 February 1900, invalided to England. Returned to South Africa, August 1900.
5 Sergeant William Henry BARHAM.
82 Corporal Amos Albert BATEUP, Invalided to Australia, 3 July 1900 .
16 Private Reginald Richard BATTYE, Invalided to Australia, 7 July 1900.
17 Private William BENDER, Died of Enteric Fever, Bloemfontein, 4 April 1900.
18 Private Arthur Thomas BENNETT, Killed in Action, Palmietfontein, 19 July 1900 .
19 Private Thomas George BIRD, Invalided to Australia, 3 November 1900.
86 Private James BLACKWOOD.
78 Private Arthur BODE, Invalided to Australia, 3 November 1900 .
87 Lance Corporal Albert John BOLLARD.
20 Private William BOND, Wounded in Action, Paardeberg, 22 February 1900.
21 Private Ed. Counde BULL.
117 Private Walter BULL, Invalided to Australia, 2 August 1900 .
88 Private Michael Joseph BURKE, Invalided to Australia, 12 July 1900 .
89 Private Arthur Albert BUTLER.
108 Private Patrick James BYRNE, Attached to Royal engineers, 18 June 1900 .
113 Lance Corporal Hugh James CAMERON.
23 Private George CHESHER, Wounded in Action, Paardeberg, 19 February 1900 .
90 Private Ed. Thomas CLEARY, Invalided to Australia, 14 July 1900 .
91 Private George CLIFFORD, Invalided to Australia, 13 August 1900 .
77 Private Herbert CORBETT, Invalided to Australia, 2 June 1900 .
25 Private Austin Clarendon COX, Invalided to Australia, 23 October 1900 .
24 Private William Sydney CRIPPS.
37 Bugler Verdi Robert DALY, Died of Enteric Fever, Bloemfontein, 11 June 1900.
26 Private Charles John DARKEN, Invalided to Australia, 3 November 1900 .
27 Private Walter Henry DAWSON, Invalided to Australia, 12 July 1900 .
7 Farrier Sergeant J DENNY, Invalided to Australia, 14 July 1900 .
28 Corporal Dugald DRUMMOND.
102 Private John FIELD, Invalided to Australia, 3 July 1900 .
29 Private Clive FLINT, Wounded in Action, Klip Drift, 16 February 1900. Died of Enteric fever, Winburg, 24 June 1900.
30 Farrier Sergeant Hubert GARLICK.
122 Private Henry George GATES, Returned to Australia, 15 November 1900.
8 Lance Sergeant John Robert GILFILLAN, Invalided to England, 31 July 1900.
31 Private Charles GOSPER, Invalided to Australia, 15 May 1900.
32 Private Ernest James HACKETT.
33 Private Edwin George HAWES.
81 Sergeant John Martin HAWKEY.
120 Private Frederick St. Ledger HAYES, Invalided to Australia.
123 Private Michael Henry HEALEY, Invalided to Australia, 2 June 1900 .
Warrant Officer Richard Charles HOLMAN.
43 Private James HOPKINS.
103 Private John HUGHES, Invalided to Australia, 17 August 1900.
34 Private Arthur Herbert JAMES.
115 Private Herbert William JENKYNS.
126 Private Charles Richard KELAHER.
36 Private John KELLY.
35 Private Wilfred John KIRKLAND, Died of Enteric fever, Bloemfontein, 20 May 1900.
37 Corporal Charles Arthur LEE, Promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to Mounted Infantry.
38 Private Gifford Caleb LEETE.
39 Private Edward James LINDSAY.
104 Private William George LLOYD, Invalided to Australia, 13 August 1900.
45 Private Joseph Henry MAPLES, To hospital, 3 February 1900 and on discharge to General Hutton's Staff. Invalided to Australia, 3 November 1900.
114 Private Charles MARKS.
108 Private George MASON, Invalided to Australia, 23 October 1900.
74 Private George MAXTED, Invalided to England, 31 July 1900 .
119 Private Alfred MAXWELL, Wounded in Action, Thaba N’chu, 30 April 1900 Invalided to England, 27 November 1900.
92 Private John MAXWELL.
2 Squadron Sergeant Major Adam MCALLISTER, Wounded in Action, Zand River, 7 May 1900.
44 Corporal David MCALLISTER.
124 Private Alexander MCALPINE.
40 Private Alexander MCDONALD, Returned to Australia, 3 November 1900.
41 Private John MCDONALD.
42 Private Norman MCGREGOR.
43 Private Peter MCGREGOR, Returned to Australia, 3 November 1900.
Lieutenant Harold MCINTOSH.
Captain Archibald Alexander MCLEAN.
105 Private William MCLEOD, Invalided to Australia, 3 November 1900.
46 Corporal Charles Robert MILLAR, To Hospital, 8 May 1900. Pay Sergeant Colonial Forces, Cape Town. Regimental Sergeant Major Maitland Camp, 13 December 1900.
47 Private Christian MILLER, Invalided to Australia, 3 July 1900.
14 Trumpeter Charles George MILLS, Invalided to Australia, 26 June 1900.
93 Private Patrick Thomas MOORE.
49 Private Michael George MOSS.
50 Private James MULLAMPY, Returned to Australia, 3 November 1900.
51 Private George MURRAY, Wounded in Action, Diamond Hills, 12 June 1900.
94 Sergeant Robert John NETHERY.
Lieutenant Joseph NEWMAN.
Lieutenant Arthur John Macarthur ONSLOW, Wounded in Action, near Heilbron, 21 May 1900.
83 Corporal Edmund OSBORNE, Wounded in Action, Zand River, 7 May 1900.
12 Corporal Frank Patrick OWENS, Wounded in Action, Paardeberg, 19 February 1900.
101 Private Wellington Henry PEARCE, Invalided to Australia, 3 July 1900.
125 Private James PERRITT, Invalided to Australia, 14 July 1900.
76 Private Walter Frank PITT, Invalided to England, 19 July 1900.
53 Private Pembroke POTTS, Invalided to Australia, 5 May 1900.
54 Private William Cuff QUINN, To hospital, 30 April 1900, afterwards to Ceylon with Boer prisoners.
127 Private Frederick William RAFTER, Invalided to Australia, 14 July 1900.
128 Private Edwin Horace RANSLEY, Died Sterkstroom, 27 April 1900.
48 Private Alfred John REEVES, Attached to Royal Engineers from 18 June 1900. Enteric fever.
95 Private Phillip John REILLY, Died of Enteric Fever at Bloemfontein, 30 April 1900.
129 Private Samuel Geekie ROBINSON.
130 Private James ROSS.
79 Private Wilfred SAVAGE, Invalided to England, 31 July 1900.
96 Private Henry SHARPE, Invalided to Australia, 5 May 1900.
97 Private Robert SHARPE.
58 Private Albert Edward SMITH, Died of Enteric fever, Bloemfontein, 30 May 1900.
60 Corporal Rex SMITH.
98 Private Benjamin Charles SPEARING, Invalided to Australia, 2 June 1900.
110 Private Robert William STAINES.
109 Private Watson Augustus STEEL.
75 Private Graham STEWART, Invalided to Australia, 3 July 1900.
61 Private Harold Bruce SUTTOR, Invalided to Australia, 12 July 1900.
56 Private James Henry SWAN, Invalided to England, 21 October 1900.
57 Lance Corporal Richard SWAN.
62 Private Michael James SYMONDS, Invalided to Australia, 5 May 1900.
Lieutenant Douglas Keith Lucas TOOTH, Wounded in Action, Palmietfontein, 19 July 1900. Commissioned 9th Lancers. Left Squadron 13 December 1900 for England.
63 Private George Spurway TREVITT, Invalided to Australia, 3 July 1900.
99 Private William George TWEEDIE, Wounded in Action, at Klip Kraal, 17 February 1900. Wounded in Action, at Thaba N’chu, 30 April 1900.
72 Private George WAITE.
64 Private John WALKER, Deserted to Hammesberg, 29 May 1900. Sentenced by Court Martial to 2 years imprisonment for theft.
84 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant John WARDROBE.
80 Sergeant Major John WASSON.
65 Private Lous Charles WATERSON, Invalided to Australia, 23 October 1900.
71 Sergeant Albert Ernest WEARNE, Invalided to Australia, 17 August 1900 .
104 Sergeant James WEBSTER.
11 Lance Sergeant Sydney WEEKES.
66 Private Leslie WEST.
458 Private John WILSON.
67 Private Richard Stephen WILSON.
121 Private Ernest WINDEYER.
100 Private William Edward WINTLE.
68 Private Horace YOUNG, Invalided to Australia, 3 November 1900.
111 Private Ernest ZGLINCKI, Invalided to Australia, 3 July 1900.
To access the full roll with all actions and medals listed, go to:
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Colin Renshaw who provided Medal Roll information and corrections to the drafts.
Further Reading:
New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron
New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: "A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles, Nominal Roll