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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Thursday, 11 December 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, "A" Battery, Royal Australian Artillery, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - NSW - A Bty RAA

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

"A" Battery, Royal Australian Artillery

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the "A" Battery, Royal Australian Artillery and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the "A" Battery, Royal Australian Artillery or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour




Bernard GOWING




Lest we forget


Further Reading:

"A" Battery, Royal Australian Artillery

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: "A" Battery, Royal Australian Artillery, New South Wales, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 10 May 2010 6:24 PM EADT
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: DAY to DOD
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: DAY to DOD



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: DAY to DOD


Lieutenant Albert Thomas DAY, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Arthur DAY, Bushveldt Carbineers.

11 Trooper Arthur Thomas DAY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Hon.Captain CVP DAY, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

73 Trooper Edward Waldron DAY, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

38 Farrier Sergeant George DAY, 3rd West Australian Bushmen.

1143 Private Henry Stuart DAY, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

35 Lance Corporal Leo DAY, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

224 Lance Corporal Leonard Mitchell DAY, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

838 Private William Gregory DAY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

864 Private Joseph Henry DAYE, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Trumpeter DAYLES, 2nd Scottish Horse.

101 Trooper Arthur Shorer DAYMAN, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

2669 Private Frederick Hastelow DAYMAN, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

376 Private Ernest Charles Hill DE BAUGH, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

1413 Private Henry DE BOOS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

311 Private Harry Norman DE BUDE, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant John DE CASTILLA, 2nd West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Captain Thomas L DE HAVILAND, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

414 Sergeant Thomas Lyttleton DE HAVILAND, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

39 Private Albert Henry DE KUYPER, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

Private DE LA MARR, South African Constabulary.

301 Lance Corporal Horace Charles Caspar DE LAINE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

19 Private Nowell Barnard DE LANCEY-FORTH, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

420 Trooper Charles DE LONGVILLE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

174 Corporal James Reuben DE LORE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

Lieutenant Hurtle DE MESTRE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

194 Corporal Hurtle E DE MESTRE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

Captain William DE PASSEY, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

1 Regimental Sergeant Major William DE PASSEY, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

Trooper C DE REY, Scottish Horse.

31842 Corporal C DE REYA, 2nd Scottish Horse.

Lieutenant Gordon DE REYHER, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

62 Trooper Gordon DE REYHER, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1795 Trooper Charles E DE SMET, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

218 Private Charles Emanuel DE SMET, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1584 Corporal George Samuel DE TRACY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1027 Private Harold DE VALLE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

40075 Corporal Herbert Arthur DE VALLE, 1st Scottish Horse.

39 Private Nivel DE VERDON, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Trooper TE DE WARDT, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

30720 Trooper Thomas Ewan DE WARDT, 1st Scottish Horse.

554 Private Thomas Ewan DE WARDT, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1075 Saddler Charles DEACON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

256 Private Charles Edwin DEACON, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Major William Thomas DEACON, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

48 Trooper John William DEAL, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

40101 Trooper G DEAN, 2nd Scottish Horse.

1407 Trooper George DEAN, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Trooper J DEAN, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

Melbourne DEAN, Kitchener's Horse.

1969 Shoeing Smith Patrick Silvester DEAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Thomas Standen DEAN, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

140 Private William James DEAN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Private DEAN, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

3197 Trooper Albert George DEANE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

123 Trooper Albert Joseph DEANE, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1357 Private Albert Joseph DEANE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

256 Sqn.Sgt.maj. Harry DEANE, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1573 Driver Morgan Robert Fitzmaurice DEANE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

31590 Trooper Jessie DEANS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

321 Private James DEAR, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

889 Corporal John Thomas DEAR, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

967 Saddler Thomas DEARDEN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

140 Private Ernest DEARLOVE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

272 Private George Ross DEBNEY, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

8 Private Thomas Fox DECENT, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2713 Gunner James DECLOUET, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

9776 Trooper Henry James DEEGAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

557 Sergeant Leslie DEEGAN, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Driver Leslie DEEGAN, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Private DEEGAN, Kitchener's Horse.

381 Private Joseph Alonza DEELEY, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

305 Trooper Louis DEERS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

Trooper E DEGAN, Commander in Chief's Body Guard.

521 Private Cumming AAB DEGNER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

2286 Private Francis Carl August DEGNER, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

9 Corporal Arthur Robert DEIGHTON, 3rd West Australian Bushmen.

2758 Trooper Walter Henry DEIN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

387 Private James DELAHUNTY, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

3463 Trooper James DELANEY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

136 Private John DELANEY, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

560 Private Thomas Stephen DELANY, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

2029 Lance Corporal William Vernon DELITTLE, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

36954 Shoeing Smith WGL DELL, 1st Scottish Horse.

Hon. Lieutenant. Henry Charles M DELOHERY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

366 Trooper John DEMERY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

40103 Trooper JE DEMPSEY, 2nd Scottish Horse.

26 Squadron Sergeant Major JI DEMPSEY, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

180 Private Robert DEMPSTER, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1137 Private William Granville DENECKER, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

47 Private James DENEEFE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

10 Corporal Alexr. Charles DENHOLM, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

353 Private John Taylor DENISON, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

38 Trooper E DENMAN, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

23 Private Emanuel DENMAN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

35 Trooper HR DENMAN, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

296 Trooper William Rowan DENMAN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

296 Corporal William Rowan DENMAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

298 Trooper Percy Loftus DENMEAD, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1464 Private John DENNEHY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

450 Trooper John DENNETT, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

70 Private Arthur Walter DENNIS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

306 Private Charles Stanley DENNIS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

11 Corporal F DENNIS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

216 Private George DENNIS, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

224 Driver George DENNIS, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

574 Shoeing Smith George Edward DENNIS, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1395 Private Hubert James DENNIS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1644 Trooper John DENNIS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

134 Trooper Leslie Thomas A DENNIS, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

139 Trooper Leslie Thomas Anderson DENNIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

599 Private Stanley Fred Jenner DENNIS, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

2206 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Stanley Fred Jenner DENNIS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

2104 Trooper Walter DENNIS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

221 Private Thomas E DENNISON, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

437 Private Henry DENNY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1569 Trooper Rupert C DENSHIRE, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2019 Corporal Charles Edwin DENT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Trooper H DENT, Kitchener's Horse.

467 Private Osmond DENT, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1594 Corporal Robert DENT, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

38242 Trooper S DENT, 2nd Scottish Horse.

40997 Trooper A DENYER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

321 Private J DERMOODY, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

331 Private Walter DERRETT, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

492 Sergeant Walter DERRETT, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1043 Private Robert Francis DERRICK, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

26 Private David DERRILL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

508 Private Wallace Victor DESCHAMP, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

38 Private Arthur Popham DESHON, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

237 Private Andrew DESMOND, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant John DESMOND, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

539 Private LH DESTREE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

108 Private Percy George DETMOLD, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

372 Private Frederick DEUBLE, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1820 Trooper John B DEVANE, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

18 Private Gilbert DEVENEY, 3rd West Australian Bushmen.

401 Private Nicholas DEVERY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

41025 Trooper EJ DEVESON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

105 Private Arthur Ernest DEVINE, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

269 Private Donald DEVINE, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

130 Private William John DEVINE, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

177 Trumpeter William DEVITT, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

36 Private William Francis DEVITT, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

408 Private John R DEVON, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

389 Private Robert DEVON, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

87 Private MJ DEW, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

2847 Private Frank DEWAR, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

519 Trooper Thomas William DEWSON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3350 Trooper James DHU, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

527 Private Roderick DHU, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

273 Private Henry Adam DIACK, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

337 Private CH DIAMOND, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

690 Private Thomas William DIAMOND, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

156 Trooper William DIAMOND, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Captain TB DIBBS, Special Service Officer.

1673 Private Thomas DIBBS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

159 Private FAJ DICK, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Lieutenant James Adam DICK, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

31589 Trooper John DICK, 2nd Scottish Horse.

Trooper E DICKENS, South African Light Horse.

170 Private John DICKENS, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Trooper R DICKENS, South African Light Horse.

Alister DICKENSON, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

4390 Private Alston T DICKINSON, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

45 Trooper Philip DICKINSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

54 Private Charles DICKMAN, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

243 Trooper R DICKMAN, 1st Scottish Horse.

1325 Trooper George Llewellyn DICKS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant BB DICKSON, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

36 Lance Sergeant C DICKSON, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

113 Private Charles DICKSON, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

E DICKSON, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

31 Trooper George Isaac DICKSON, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

49 Corporal George Jennings DICKSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

90 Shoeing Smith James DICKSON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

520 Trooper Thomas A DICKSON, NSW Lancers.

445 Private William DICKSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

244 Trumpeter William Robert Edgar John DICKSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Private DIDDLE, Kitchener's Horse.

1620 Squadron Sergeant Major Arthur Edward DIGBY, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Frank DILLON, Brabant's Horse.

773 Private Harry James DILLON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

3455 Trooper TH DILLON, Brabant's Horse.

263 Private Leonard DIMMICK, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

246 Trumpeter Thomas DIMMOCK, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1220 Private Arthr Ernest DINEEN, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

515 Farrier Cornelius Patrick DINEEN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2152 Private Frederick William DINEEN, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

151 Private John DINNAR, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

65 Private Daniel Joseph DINNEEN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

274 Private Christopher Henry DIPPEL, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

425 Private Ernest Norman Vere DITCHBURN, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

118 Private Ernest NV DITCHBURN, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

165 Private T DITCHFIELD, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

475 Private William DIVALL, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

3413 Trooper Arthur Edward DIX, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

525 Private Richard Thomas DIXIE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

354 Private Alexander McCully DIXON, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

517 Private Ambrose DIXON, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

2289 Private Charles Harold DIXON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

33484 Trooper F DIXON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

302 Private Frederick DIXON, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Sqn.QMSgt. James DIXON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

798 Company Quartermaster Sergeant James DIXON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

31585 Trooper Robert DIXON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

150 Sergeant Robert DIXON, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

412 Trooper William DIXON, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

157 Private Christopher DOAK, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

1741 Trooper James DOAK, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1284 Trooper William DOAK, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

2250 Trooper Edward Ernest DOBBIE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

269 Lance Corporal Robert DOBBIE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

Captain William Wood DOBBIN, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

510 Private Henry DOBE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

80 Private John DOBE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

6 Corporal GAC DOBS, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

457 Private Charles Hill DOBSON, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

Lieutenant D DOBSON, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

209 Private David DOBSON, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

17 Trumpeter Ernest Anthony DOBSON, 1st Australian Horse.

99 Private Ernest Street DOBSON, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

653 Private Frank Leslie DOBSON, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

98 Private John DOBSON, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

88 Private John James DOBSON, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

2672 Trooper Leslie DOBSON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3706 Trooper Sydney DOBSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

151 Private William Michael Henry DOBSON, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

1680 Trooper Andrew DOCHERTY, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

48 Sergeant John DOCHRELL, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

1012 Quartermaster Sergeant John DOCKRELL, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

195 Sergeant William Maynard DOCKRELL, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

124 Private Arthur William DODD, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

634 Private Arthur William DODD, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1042 Private Fleming William DODD, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

1302 Private Henry George DODD, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1873 Private John DODD, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

2292 Corporal Joseph Allen DODD, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

522 Trooper Walter Charles DODD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: DAY to DOD

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 10:07 PM EADT
Wednesday, 10 December 2003
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: DOD to DUC
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: DOD to DUC



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: DOD to DUC


290 Private Edward Swain DODDS, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

49 Private Edward Swayne DODDS, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

195 Private Harold Nicholas DODDS, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

12 Trooper Herbert Sydney DODDS, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

4007 Trooper James S DODDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

54 Private Sydney Richard DODDS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Captain Thomas H DODDS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

275 Private Sydney DODGSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Lieutenant George Archibald Cowan DODS, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

6 Private George Archibald Cowen DODS, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Captain Joseph Espie DODS, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1613 Private Frank DODSON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2 Sergeant HP DOHERTY, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

Trooper James DOHERTY, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

309 Private Patrick J DOHERTY, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

3346 Trooper Patrick Joseph DOHERTY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

627 Trooper RJA DOHERTY, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

Lance Corporal DOHERTY, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

8 Private Frederick John DOIG, 2nd West Australian Mounted Infantry.

392 Sergeant Frederick John DOIG, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

711 Private Henry DOLAN, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

1011 Private Charles John DOLLEY, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

197 Trooper Charles John DOLLEY, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1073 Trooper Frederick William DOLMAN, 1st Australian Horse.

134 Corporal Herbert Henry DOLMAN, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

93 Trooper Vincent Gerald Jos. DONAGHY, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

115 Corporal Herbert Bede DONAHOE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

167 Private George Olive DONALD, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

46 Private George Oliver DONALD, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

99 Trooper James DONALD, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1311 Private James Wilson DONALD, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2459 Driver Arch. Henry DONALDSON, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

261 Trooper Archibald DONALDSON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

320 Private C DONALDSON, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

31580 Trooper David E DONALDSON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

1942 Private Ernest Robert DONALDSON, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

110 Trooper J DONALDSON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2405 Trooper Leslie Sinclair DONALDSON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2204 Private Mark Edward DONALDSON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

582 Private Mark Edward DONALDSON, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

39695 Trooper R DONALDSON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

329 Private Robert Philp DONALDSON, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

3167 Trooper Percival Frederick DONE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2017 Trooper Edward Douglas DONEHUE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

437 Corporal R DONELAN, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

131 Private Eustace Octavius Herbert DONEY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2366 Trooper Ernest Francis DONKIN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

76 Private John Edward DONKIN, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

7 Private Leslie DONKIN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

466 Private James DONLEAVEY, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

1938 Trooper Edwin DONN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

174 Trooper Francis DONN, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1938 Shoeing Smith Joseph DONN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

2207 Private James DONNAN, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

576 Trooper Henry DONNELL, 6th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

19 Corporal John Joseph DONNELLAN, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

1295 Staff Sergeant John Joseph DONNELLAN, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth - NSW.

1296 Staff Sergeant John Joseph DONNELLAN, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

338 Private Daniel DONNELLY, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

8 Trooper J DONNELLY, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

2357 Trooper James Thomas DONNELLY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

158 Private John Francis DONNELLY, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

2734 Quartermaster Sergeant Joseph DONNELLY, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

1513 Trooper Albert Alousius DONNOLLY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

651 Trooper J DONOGHOE, 1st Scottish Horse.

905 Trooper Martin Henry DONOHOE, NSW Lancers.

155 Private John DONOHUE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

1808 Trooper Edward DONOVAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1962 Private Frederick DONOVAN, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

438 Trooper Frederick James DONOVAN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

228 Trooper James DONOVAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

138 Private James DONOVAN, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

241 Trooper John DONOVAN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

659 Trooper JR DONOVAN, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

2672 Private Michael DONOVAN, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

307 Sergeant Thomas William DONOVAN, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

755 Saddler Ernest Anthony DOODT, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

144 Trooper Patrick DOODY, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

477 Sergeant John Sylvester DOOLEY, NSW Lancers.

116 Private Patrick Michael DOOLEY, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

76 Corporal Robert Percy DOOLIN, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

1312 Private John DOONAN, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth.

1312 Private John DOONAN, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

276 Private Thomas DOONAN, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

315 Trooper John Joseph DOPSON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1305 Private Joseph John DOPSON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

156 Private Harry DORA, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

7 Private Michael Park DORAN, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

358 Trooper Walter DORAN, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

28 Private Walter DORAN, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

323 Private PF DORIZZI, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

861 Trooper HE DORMAN, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

J DORMAN, South African Light Horse.

Standish DORRE, Bushveldt Carbineers.

750 Trooper Guy DOUDNEY, NSW Lancers.

Lieutenant Guy LH DOUDNEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant RV DOUDNEY, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Lieutenant John Mitchell DOUGALL, Cameron's Scouts.

244 Private John James DOUGHAN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

682 Private John James DOUGHAN, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

331 Private John William DOUGHNEY, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

40999 Trooper AGW DOUGLAS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

115 Private Alexander DOUGLAS, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

49 Trooper Allen DOUGLAS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

576 Private Arthur Henry DOUGLAS, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

Private B DOUGLAS, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.

40998 Trooper C DOUGLAS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

41038 Trooper C DOUGLAS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

306 Trooper Francis DOUGLAS, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Lieutenant Francis John DOUGLAS, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

280 Private George DOUGLAS, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

31588 Trooper George Henry Allen DOUGLAS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

2205 Private George Henry Allen DOUGLAS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

46 Trooper Gordon Adye DOUGLAS, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

41001 Trooper H DOUGLAS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

256 Private Herbert DOUGLAS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

58 Trooper James DOUGLAS, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

82 Private James Arthur DOUGLAS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

2676 Trooper John Charles DOUGLAS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

94 Private Joseph DOUGLAS, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

601 Private Joseph DOUGLAS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

67 Trooper Oliver George DOUGLAS, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1663 Trooper Robert DOUGLAS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

310 Private Roland A DOUGLAS, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

135 Private Ronald DOUGLAS, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.

304 Lance Corporal Rupert Oswald DOUGLAS, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

218 Private Theophilus Thomas DOUGLAS, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1090 Trooper James Edward DOUGLASS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1857 Trooper Lewis DOULL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

391 Private E DOULTON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

500 Private Clarence Raymond DOUST, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

36989 Trooper HC DOUST, 1st Scottish Horse.

Lieutenant Frederick Allan DOVE, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Captain Frederick Allan DOVE, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2409 Trooper Thomas Freman DOVEY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

795 Private Frederick George DOW, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1163 Private George DOW, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1644 Private Robert Alexander DOW, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Trooper Tom DOW, South African Light Horse.

240 Corporal Albert Henry DOWD, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

270 Private Thomas DOWD, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

2175 Trooper William Joseph DOWDELL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

112 Trooper Hedley Vicars DOWE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

40105 Trooper FH DOWELL, 2nd Scottish Horse.

40115 Trooper HA DOWELL, 2nd Scottish Horse.

2303 Robert John DOWER, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

689 Corporal Anstall Charles DOWLER, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

378 Trooper George DOWLER, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1735 Trooper Edward Thomas DOWLING, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

134 Corporal Herbert DOWLING, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.

345 Private John DOWLING, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Farrier RJ DOWLING, South African Light Horse.

Lieutenant Willoughby Vincent DOWLING, 1st Australian Horse.

1531 Private George DOWN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Norman DOWN, Bushveldt Carbineers.

Lieutenant JH DOWNER, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

Lance Corporal Jno. Henry DOWNER, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Harold M DOWNES, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Captain Herbert Major DOWNES, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

1729 Trooper James Sterling DOWNES, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

3711 Trooper James V Stirling DOWNES, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Trooper Victor DOWNES, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

53 Private George DOWNEY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

212 Private FW DOWNIE, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

180 Private James Duncan DOWNIE, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

71 Private William Wallace DOWNIE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

442 Corporal Frederick DOWNING, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

3399 Trooper Matthew DOWNS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

300 Private Arthur T DOWSE, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

337 Private Ernest William DOWSE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Richard DOWSE, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

2535 Orderly Room Sergeant Frederick Ernest DOWSETT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

282 Trooper William Herbert DOWSETT, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Lancelot Arthur DOWSON, 1st Australian Horse.

63 Private Nathan Esli DOWZER, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2709 Trooper James DOY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1501 Shoeing Smith Andrew Edwin DOYLE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

537 Private G DOYLE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

240 Private Graham DOYLE, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

38 Sergeant Herbert Frederick DOYLE, 1st Australian Horse.

Lieutenant Richard Dines DOYLE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Richard Dines DOYLE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

72 Private Robert DOYLE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

268 Private Timothy Herbert DOYLE, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Percy William Chanter DRAGE, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Trumpeter D DRAKE, French's Scouts.

267 Shoeing Smith Thomas Percy DRAKE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

383 Private George DRANE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

379 Private John Robert DRANE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Sqn.QMSgt. Andrew DRANSFIELD, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

217 Private Andrew DRANSFIELD, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2014 Corporal Edgar Septimus DRANSFIELD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1818 Trooper Reginald Gustavus DRANSFIELD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

9057 Trooper Alexander W DRAPER, Brabant's Horse.

27 Corporal Edward Henry DRAPER, 2nd West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Trooper HW DRAPER, Brabant's Horse.

2670 Private Arthur Job DRAYTON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

13 Trooper Walter Roland DRAYTON, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2678 Trooper David DREUX, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

45 Private Conway Lovett DREW, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

148 Sergeant John DREW, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

M DREW, South African Light Horse.

735 Private Michael DREW, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

122 Private Samuel Henry DREW, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

52 Private Samuel Henry DREW, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

350 Private William DREW, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

287 Trooper Harold DRINKWATER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

2920 Private Daniel DRISCOLL, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

33495 Trooper W DRISCOLL, 2nd Scottish Horse.

290 Trooper William DRISCOLL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

211 Private A DRIVER, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1608 Private James Henry DRIVER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

14 Sergeant Charles Hafed Conrad DRUITT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

288 Trooper Frederick Clement DRUITT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

1178 Trooper Robert Mayo DRUITT, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

285 Trooper Thomas Henry Cyril DRUITT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

371 Private Patrick I DRUM, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Corporal Percy Richard DRUMGOLD, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

23 Lance Corporal Alexander DRUMMOND, 3rd West Australian Bushmen.

33489 Trooper D DRUMMOND, 2nd Scottish Horse.

347 Private Donald DRUMMOND, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Second Lieutenant Dugald DRUMMOND, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

28 Private Dugald DRUMMOND, 'A' Sqn. NSW Mounted Rifles.

483 Private Robert Reid DRUMMOND, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

457 Private DRUMMOND, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1704 Trooper AE DRURY, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

162 Corporal CW DRURY, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

237 Trooper Frederick Walter DRURY, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

131 Private Noel Harnage DRURY, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

3265 Trooper Robert Samuel DRYBURGH, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

261 Private DH DRYSDALE, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

984 Private John James DRYSDALE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1514 Private Robert Alexander DRYSDALE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

363 Trooper Eugene Rupert DU BOIS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

103 Private Alfred Henry DU FRAYER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

4006 Trooper James DUBBE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

93 George Alfred DUBERLY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

18 Private AJ DUBOIS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

69 Private Stephen William DUCIE, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: DOD to DUC

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 10:09 PM EADT
Tuesday, 9 December 2003
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: DUC to DYS
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: DUC to DYS



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: DUC to DYS


347 Private Claude F DUCK, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

1498 Trooper Bertie DUCKERING, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

415 Trooper Arthur DUCKETT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

225 Private James DUCROT, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

45 Trooper James DUDFIELD, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

1103 Private Edward James DUDLEY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

106 Trooper J DUDLEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

448 Private John DUDLEY, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

137 Shoeing Smith SW DUDLEY, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1102 Private William DUDLEY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

238 Private George Ernest DUEL, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1591 Private David DUELL, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

144 Private Charles De Vertus DUFF, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

145 Trooper Edward John DUFF, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

2930 Private Edward P DUFF, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

34 Trooper James Daniel DUFF, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

642 Private James Robert DUFF, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

313 Private John DUFF, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1435 Private Sidney DUFFELL, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

230 Sergeant Edward H DUFFY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

181 Trooper Edward Michael DUFFY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

513 Private Edwin H DUFFY, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

15 Sergeant Edwin Herbert DUFFY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

31582 Trooper EJ DUFFY, 2nd Scottish Horse.

Sergeant Jarlath Stephen DUFFY, 2nd West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2078 Trooper Joseph DUFFY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1421 Private Michael Bernard DUFFY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

302 Private Oliver A DUFFY, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

14 Trooper Oliver Andrew DUFFY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

50 Private Thomas Edward DUFFY, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

345 Trooper Victor Herman Herbert DUFFY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

193 Squadron Sergeant Major Victor Sherman DUFFY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

9776 Trooper Edward DUGAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

520 Private James DUGAN, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

367 Trooper Thomas James DUGAN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

51 Private Walter DUGDALE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

46 Corporal Dennis DUGGAN, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2818 Trooper Edward DUGGAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

40995 Trooper H DUGGAN, 2nd Scottish Horse.

71 Private James DUGGAN, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

77 Private James DUGGAN, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Corporal James DUGGAN, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

Private JE DUGGAN, Kitchener's Fighting Scouts.

1504 Private John DUGGAN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Captain Albert Theophilus DUKA, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1347 Company Sergeant Major Charles Edward DUKE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2021 Corporal Richard Darby DUKE, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

916 Trooper Sidney William DUKE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Trooper AR DUMAS, Prince of Wales' Light Horse.

535 Private W DUMBRELL, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

93 Private Leslie Eugene DUMONT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

74 Trooper Norman A DUMONT, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

454 Private H DUNBAR, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

19 Private Edward Thomas DUNCAN, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

1635 Private George DUNCAN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Regimental Sergeant Major George Charles DUNCAN, 1st Australian Horse.

448 Trooper George Frederick DUNCAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

149 Trooper J DUNCAN, 1st Scottish Horse.

711 Trooper James Francis DUNCAN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1106 Trooper James Francis DUNCAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

5116 Trooper James Francis DUNCAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

493 Private James Thomas DUNCAN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Trooper RG DUNCAN, Kitchener's Fighting Scouts.

2237 Private Robert George DUNCAN, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

178 Corporal Robert Lewis DUNCAN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Robert Lewis DUNCAN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1453 Private William Gordon DUNCAN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

DUNCAN, Cape Mounted Police.

Private J DUNKER, British South African Police.

2146 Private Edgar Leslie DUNKLEY, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

37 Trooper GH DUNKLEY, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

900 Private Adam James DUNLOP, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

425 Trooper Charles DUNLOP, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

449 Private Matthew DUNLOP, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

1222 Private Morton John DUNLOP, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

426 Trooper Robert DUNLOP, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

901 Private William Andrew DUNLOP, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

3112 Trooper Arthur DUNN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

232 Trooper Charles Henry William DUNN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

329 Trooper Frederick Charles DUNN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

76 Private Graham DUNN, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

395 Trooper James DUNN, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

186 Trooper James Joseph DUNN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

77 Private John DUNN, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2312 Trooper John James DUNN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

521 Private Joseph Windsor DUNN, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

90 Trooper Lionel William DUNN, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1101 Private Mathew William DUNN, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

497 Private Percy Henry DUNN, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2716 Gunner Reginald DUNN, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

974 Trooper Samuel John DUNN, 1st Australian Horse.

Captain Spencer Smithson DUNN, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

2594 Trooper Thomas Henry DUNN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

27 Private William Joseph DUNN, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

277 Private Albert Alfred DUNNE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

278 Private John Canice DUNNE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

279 Private William John DUNNE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

1395 Private Francis Ernest DUNNETT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3625 Trooper Walter Reuben DUNNING, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3684 Trooper Ellis DUNRICH, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

529 Private William DUNSMORE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1348 Lance Corporal William Wallace DUNSMORE, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth.

1348 Private William Wallace DUNSMORE, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

2673 Private Charles Guy DUNSTALL, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

7 Trooper Bert DUNSTAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

55 Trooper Richard Edward DUNSTAN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

16 Corporal Richard Edwin DUNSTAN, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

312 Private TE DUNSTAN, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

281 Private William John DUNSTAN, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

179 Private Arthur Offord DUPREZ, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

165 Private James Edward DURACK, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

66 Private Alfred Peter DURBRIDGE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2623 Trooper John DURBRIDGE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

490 Sergeant Francis Edward DUREAU, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

226 Private Francis Edward DUREAU, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Captain Herbert Rowland Pasley DURHAM, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

169 Private James DURHAM, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

384 Private James DURHAM, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

31586 Trooper Robert James DURHAM, 2nd Scottish Horse.

291 Private Leonard DURMAN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

33514 Trooper JF DURRANT, 2nd Scottish Horse.

124 Trooper Edwin James DUTTON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

118 Private Richard Guy DUTTON, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant Richard Guy DUTTON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

675 Private Richard Guy DUTTON, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

173 Trooper Ferdinand Francis DUVAL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

177 Trooper Francis William DUVAL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

1028 Trooper John Victor DUVAL, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

215 Private James DWAN, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1507 Trooper Joseph DWIGHT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

631 Trumpeter Andrew James DWYER, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

114 Private Arthur Ellis Icly DWYER, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

3304 Trooper Cornelius DWYER, Doyle's Australian Scouts.

193 Trooper Daniel Joseph DWYER, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

447 Trooper Edmund DWYER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

6 Farrier Sergeant Edward DWYER, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2006 Trooper Edward DWYER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

273 Private EJ DWYER, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1518 Private Ernest Patrick DWYER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

54 Private Francis Edward DWYER, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

41077 Trooper JJ DWYER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

103 Trooper John RJ DWYER, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

868 Private Philip DWYER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1461 Trooper Stanley Arthur DWYER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

63 Private Thomas DWYER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

117 Private Thomas DWYER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Thomas DWYER, Bushveldt Carbineers.

271 Private Thomas Edward DWYER, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

343 Trooper Victor Robert DWYER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

342 Trooper William DWYER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

550 Private George Bemjamin DYAMOND, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

Sergeant Thomas DYAS, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

Trooper Albert DYER, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

133 Private Arthur Valentine DYER, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.

75 Private Henry DYER, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

1500 Trooper WA DYER, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Trooper Walter DYER, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

776 Private Samuel DYKE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

197 Private Samuel DYKE, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2823 Trumpeter Ernest Fred DYMOCK, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

102 Trumpeter Ernest Frederick DYMOCK, 3rd West Australian Bushmen.

40104 Trooper JE DYMOND, 2nd Scottish Horse.

406 Trooper Sydney DYSON, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

Sergeant DYSON, Kitchener's Horse..


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: DUC to DYS

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 10:11 PM EADT
Monday, 8 December 2003
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: EAD to ELM
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: EAD to ELM



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: EAD to ELM


809 Trooper Henry H EADE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

5117 Trooper Henry Hazell EADE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

388 Trooper James EADEN, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

1335 Trooper Michael EADES, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

135 Trooper Charles EADIE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1712 Corporal James EADIE, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

425 Trooper Thomas EADIE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

2416 Lance Corporal William Aitken EADIE, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

370 Trooper Frank William Austin EAGAR, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Trooper John EAGER, Scottish Horse.

180 Private John Francis EAGER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

357 Private AE EAGLE, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1140 Trooper Alfred EAGLE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

165 Private Alexander William EAGLETON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1847 Private P EAGON, Cape Railway Pioneer Regt..

253 Private Francis Edgar EALES, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

254 Private Edward EAMES, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

382 Private Edward EAMES, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

812 Trooper William EAMES, 1st Australian Horse.

Major William L'Estrange EAMES, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

226 Private Henry John EARBY, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

53 Private Francis George EARL, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

41 Private Frederick Halson EARL, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

2879 Private William EARL, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

1409 Private William EARL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

117 Private William Henry EARL, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

103 Private J EARLE, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

31591 Trooper Walter Reynold EARLE, 2nd Scottish Horse.

111 Private Claude Tasman EARNSHAW, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

319 Private Edwin Walter EARNSHAW, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

251 Quartermaster Sergeant EW EARNSHAW, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

48 Private John Henry EASBY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

3106 Lance Corporal John Henry EASBY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

220 Private Sydney Ernest EASDON, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1944 Trooper Fred EASEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

30 Private George EASLEA, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

232 Private Thomas EASLEA, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

631 Private Thomas EASLEA, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

70 Trooper Albert John EASTAUGHFFE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

180 Trooper Charles D EASTAUGHFFE, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

3468 Trooper Henry Ernest EASTCOTT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

89 Trooper John Edward Henry EASTCOTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

Trooper Robert EASTEARLY, Kitchener's Scouts.

3022 Driver WH EASTERBROOK, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

3526 Lance Corporal William Herbert EASTERBROOK, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Stewart EASTERN, Kitchener's Horse.

475 Private Edwin EASTHER, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

253 Trooper Ronald Edward EASTHER, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

881 Private Francis Paul EASTON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

346 Private Frank EASTON, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

281 Private Thomas EASTON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

41091 Saddler GW EATHER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

69 Trooper Harry EATHER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

535 Trooper James EATHER, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1505 Trooper James EATHER, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

231 Trooper James EATHER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

433 Private Robert EATHER, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

R EATHERLEY, Kitchener's Horse..

31593 Trooper George EATON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

35470 Trooper JK EATON, 1st Scottish Horse.

353 Private Frederick Ernest EAVES, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

1136 Private Frederick Ernest EAVES, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

549 Private John EBBS, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

Lieutenant Gus. EBELING, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Warrant Officer Richard EBERLING, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

3568 Trooper William James EBERY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

19 Trooper Gustave A EBLING, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant Alfred EBSWORTH, 1st Australian Horse.

2892 Private Percy Joseph ECCLES, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

10 Private Percy Joseph ECCLES, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2834 Private John Joseph ECCLESTON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

Captain Richard Boyd ECHLIN, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Captain Richard Boyd ECHLIN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Captain Robert Boyd ECHLIN, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2761 Private Percy Cyril Wheaton ECKERSLEY, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

Lieutenant Arthur Grant ECKFORD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

363 Private Henry T EDBROOK, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

580 Private Edwin Thomas EDDY, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Major George A EDDY, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

47 Trooper William Lawrence EDDY, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

513 Sergeant Harry EDE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

350 Private Henry EDE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

908 Private William Valentine EDEN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

41 Private Bertram Kinmond EDGAR, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Joseph EDGAR, Rimmington's Guides.

1708 Trooper Joseph Henry EDGAR, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

19 Private Walter Arthur EDGAR, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

707 Private William Rae EDGAR, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

80 Private Arthur EDGE, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

220 Sergeant Arthur EDGE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1611 Private John William Davis EDGE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2199 Corporal Percy EDGE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Second Lieutenant James Gibson EDIE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

5243 Trooper G EDINGER, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

1169 Private William James EDINGTON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Trooper EDLIN, Kaffrarian Rifles.

24301 Trooper R EDMISTON, 1st Scottish Horse.

280 Private Charles John EDMONDS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1169 Trooper Michael EDMONDS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

343 Private Alfred EDMUNDS, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

36 Private Frederick John EDMUNDS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

361 Private George EDMUNDS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

347 Trooper Robert Hugh EDMUNDS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

121 Trooper Thomas EDMUNDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant William H EDMUNDS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

305 Private William Thomas EDMUNDS, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

7 Sergeant James Robertson EDNEY, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

117 Warrant Officer John R EDNEY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

358 Private William Patrick EDWARD, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

556 Trooper Arthur EDWARDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3524 Trooper Arthur Robert EDWARDS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

702 Private Arthur Robert EDWARDS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

465 Private CH EDWARDS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Captain Charles Augustus EDWARDS, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

255 Private David Renfrew EDWARDS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

342 Private Edward EDWARDS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

92 Private Edward EDWARDS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

26 Private Edward Emmanuel EDWARDS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

41027 Trooper F EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

36 Private Frederick Francis EDWARDS, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

111 Sergeant Frederick Francis EDWARDS, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

349 Trooper Frederick Herbert EDWARDS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1301 Private Frederick William EDWARDS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

3598 Trooper Garrett John EDWARDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

237 Private Henry John EDWARDS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2066 Private Henry William EDWARDS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

230 Trooper Henry William EDWARDS, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

31594 Trooper Herbert John EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

206 Sergeant James HV EDWARDS, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

11 Private John EDWARDS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

3478 Trooper John Gunn EDWARDS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

152 Private John William EDWARDS, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

403 Lance Corporal Leonard Douglas EDWARDS, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

306 Trooper Louis Ernest EDWARDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1964 Private Morris George EDWARDS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

41 Company Sergeant Major Percy M EDWARDS, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

249 Corporal Richard Edward EDWARDS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

826 Private Robert Duncan EDWARDS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

33553 Trooper RW EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

112 Private Samuel William EDWARDS, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

1212 Trooper Sydney L EDWARDS, Kitchener's Fighting Scouts.

Corporal T EDWARDS, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

174 Trooper Thomas EDWARDS, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

215 Trooper Thomas EDWARDS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

38213 Trooper TJ EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

Major Vernon Harridge EDWARDS, Special Service Officer.

2708 Gunner Walter EDWARDS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

39697 Trooper WF EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

188 Private William EDWARDS, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

291 Private William EDWARDS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

272 Lance Corporal William Alfred EDWARDS, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

William Alfred EDWARDS, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

161 Private William Herbert EDWARDS, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Lieutenant EDWARDS, Bushveldt Carbineers.

949 Lance Corporal Horace EDWELL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

272 Private A EELES, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

949 Private Arthur EGAN, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

336 Corporal Arthur Peter EGAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

406 Corporal Cornelius Joseph EGAN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

35410 Trooper H EGAN, 1st Scottish Horse.

48 Trooper James Patrick EGAN, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

89 Private Michael EGAN, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

233 Private Mickel EGAN, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2699 Trooper Norman William EGAN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

2573 Trooper Samuel Robert EGAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

880 Trooper Thomas Kennedy EGAN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1302 Trooper WF EGAN, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

292 Private William EGAN, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

206 Private William Thomas EGAN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Trooper WT EGAN, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

25925 Trooper FJ EGGLESTON, 1st Scottish Horse.

1255 Sergeant WA EGGLESTON, 1st Scottish Horse.

1408 Corporal John Robert EGGLETON, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

532 Private John Robert EGGLETON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

407 Trooper Roland John EGGLETON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

925 Private John EISEMAN, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

175 Trooper Charles EISENMANGER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

420 Private Charles Henry EISENMANGER, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

11 Shoeing Smith Nils Peter EKBLAD, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

17 Private Harry EKERT, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

212 Private Aubrey Tom Johnstone ELCOATE, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

476 Private Bertram Weatherly ELCOATS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

330 Private James Hugh Clifford ELDER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

390 Private Edgar ELDRIDGE, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

236 Private Frederick ELLENTON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

35 Private Robert ELLETSON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

7 Trooper George ELLEY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

599 Private Edward Patrick ELLIGATE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

89 Private Edward Patrick ELLIGATE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

39 Trooper JW ELLIOT, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

308 Private William ELLIOT, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1535 Trooper Arthur ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

128 Private Arthur Bowen ELLIOTT, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

360 Private Curtis Dyce ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3332 Trooper Edwin Robert ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

35 Trooper Frederick ELLIOTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

534 Private George Alexander ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

68 Private GW ELLIOTT, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

121 Private Harold Edward ELLIOTT, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

3243 Trooper James ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

878 Trooper James ELLIOTT, NSW Lancers.

1210 Farrier Sergeant Jobe Robin ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

944 Private John Robins ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

38 Private John Theop ELLIOTT, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

2744 Trooper Leslie Herbert Daniel ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

46 Private Reginald Aynsley ELLIOTT, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1044 Private Ronald ELLIOTT, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

1416 Private Rowland ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3465 Trooper Thomas ELLIOTT, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

1601 Trooper W ELLIOTT, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

2425 Private Walter ELLIOTT, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Trooper WF ELLIOTT, Border Horse.

295 Private William Walter ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant ELLIOTT, Border Horse.

263 Shoeing Smith AE ELLIS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

131 Private Aubrey Thomas ELLIS, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

31830 Sergeant C ELLIS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

3155 Driver ECB ELLIS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

552 Private Frederick Mortimer ELLIS, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

George ELLIS, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

196 Private George Arthur ELLIS, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1468 Trooper George L ELLIS, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

33830 Trooper H ELLIS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

2840 Private Herbert John ELLIS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

1688 Trooper J ELLIS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2209 Company Quartermaster Sergeant James ELLIS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

492 Corporal James ELLIS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

10 Trooper James Matthew ELLIS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

181 Private James Winton ELLIS, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

185 Trooper John ELLIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

498 Trooper John ELLIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

801 Private John Aloysius ELLIS, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

368 Trooper Joseph Albert ELLIS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

10 Joseph Matthew ELLIS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1403 Private L ELLIS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

85 Private Leslie Morton ELLIS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

48 Private Thomas ELLIS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

891 Trooper Walter M ELLIS, NSW Lancers.

2770 Trooper William Charles ELLIS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

999 Trooper William John ELLIS, 1st Australian Horse.

57 Private Charles Edgar ELLISON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1045 Private William Erskine ELLISON, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

282 Private Walter Henry ELLSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

1314 Trumpeter George ELLSWORTH, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1628 Trooper John Edmond ELLWOOD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1631 Corporal Thomas Frederick ELLWOOD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

4 Trooper George William ELLY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

49 Private H Augustus ELMHIRST, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

205 Private Ernest Theophilus ELMORE, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

51 Private John Turner ELMS, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: EAD to ELM

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 10:13 PM EADT

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