Topic: AIF - Lighthorse
Australian Light Horse
Roles within the Regiment
Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant
The following entries dealing with the roles and duties within the hierarchy of a light horse regiment are extracted from a very informative handbook called The Bushman’s Military Guide, 1898. While written in 1898, the information contained in the entries held true for the next twenty years with only minor modifications with the principles remaining as current then as now.
Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant
(a). Continuous Training.
(1.) He will be held particularly responsible to the Quartermaster for the drawing of all Camp equipment prior to the continuous training.
(2.) He will lay out the Camp - after the ground has been allotted to the regiment - allowing for horse lines of squadrons in accordance with the "Regulations for Encampments."
(3.) He will see that a correct record of all issues made in Camp is kept, and that signatures of officers commanding squadrons or regimental units or their representatives are obtained to all receipts, so that on conclusion of training losses may be located with squadrons, etc.
(4.) He will be present at the drawing of all rations, forage, or water, and will see that each squadron or regimental unit receive their proper quantities as per indent.
(5.) He will arrange for the covering of all rations, forage, etc., when not required for immediate issue, taking special precautions in the case of bad weather.
(6.) He will be immediately under the Quartermaster, in view ordinarily of assisting in the conduct of all the duties of the regiment, but especially those relating to stores, etc., and should be competent to supply his place when necessary.
(7.) He will be held responsible for the cleanliness of the camp in every particular, the cookhouses, kitchens, latrines, and will especially see that provision is made for the cartage of all dung or refuse to a place allotted at some distance from the lines - and will report to the Quartermaster when the action of any squadron, battery, or company, or individual, affects the cleanliness of the Camp.
(8.) All general fatigues will be personally conducted by him, under the direction of the Quartermaster.
(9.) At the conclusion of the training he will arrange to receive all squadrons or regimental units stores - time of first squadron, or unit, to return - to be arranged in regimental Orders or otherwise.
(10.) He will see that the latrines are filled up, all broken or empty bottles buried prior to leaving the camping ground.
(11.) He will specially note all General Orders issued during Camp, referring to issue of rations, forage, etc., and arrange time of re-issuing same to his regiment so that the Quartermaster may acquaint the Adjutant, with a view to such time being notified in Regimental Orders or otherwise.
(12.) He will see that all stores returned by the regiment are securely stored prior to being despatched to Ordnance Store.
(13.) He should thoroughly understand the "Regulations for encampments."
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Further Reading:
Citation: Australian Light Horse, Roles within the Regiment, Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant