Topic: AIF - Lighthorse
Australian Light Horse
Roles within the Regiment
Squadron Sergeant-Major
The following entries dealing with the roles and duties within the hierarchy of a light horse regiment are extracted from a very informative handbook called The Bushman’s Military Guide, 1898. While written in 1898, the information contained in the entries held true for the next twenty years with only minor modifications with the principles remaining as current then as now.
Squadron Sergeant-Major
(1.) To be the most capable man obtainable, able to carry on the clerical work, and look after the books of the squadron. He is the right hand man of the squadron commander, and should have a thorough knowledge of human nature, be respected by all, and should be an enthusiast in the regiment. He is frequently required to lead a troop and take charge of an officer's patrol.
Previous: Orderly Room Clerk
Next: Squadron Quartermaster-Sergeant
Further Reading:
Citation: Australian Light Horse, Roles within the Regiment, Squadron Sergeant-Major