Topic: AIF - Lighthorse
Australian Light Horse
Roles within the Regiment
Orders for Sentries on the Horse Lines by Night
The following entries dealing with the roles and duties within the hierarchy of a light horse regiment are extracted from a very informative handbook called The Bushman’s Military Guide, 1898. While written in 1898, the information contained in the entries held true for the next twenty years with only minor modifications with the principles remaining as current then as now.
Orders for Sentries on the Horse Lines by Night
(1.) He will be responsible for the care of the horses and saddlery in the horse lines. His particular care is to see that no horses become entangled in the head or heel ropes.
(2.) He will be relieved every 2 hours, and will not require to carry arms.
(3.) He will pass the call of "All's well" every half-hour from watch-setting to reveille if specially ordered.
(4.) He will challenge all persons approaching his post from watch-setting to reveille.
(5.) He will allow no lights in the tents in his vicinity unless by officers or non-commissioned officers authorised.
(6.) He will see that nose-bags are removed when horses are done feeding, and will see that the hay is within their reach.
(7.) Should a horse get loose or his leg over a rope, he will, if necessary, call the assistance of the sentry on next horse lines or the corporal of the guard.
Previous: Guards on Horse Lines
Next: Duties of Captain of the Day
Further Reading:
Citation: Australian Light Horse, Roles within the Regiment, Orders for Sentries on the Horse Lines by Night