Topic: AIF - 3B - 3 LHFA
The Battle of Magdhaba
Sinai, 23 December 1916
3rd LHFA, AIF, War Diary Account
The transcription:
22 December 1916
2 Officers, 59 Other Ranks and transport moved out with Brigade en route for Magdhaba. 2 Officers and 20 Other Ranks of Mobile Section moved to beach at El Arish and opened Dressing Station.
23 December 1916
Mobile Section at Magdhaba. Cleared field after battle and stayed there all night.
24 December 1916
Mobile Section left Magdhaba at 1200 and Dressing Station of New Zealand Mounted Rifles Field Ambulance at 1630. Dressing station on beach at El Arish receiving wounded.
25 December 1916
Mobile Section reached El Arish at 0200 bringing in 44 British and 62 wounded Turks and handed them over to 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance Dressing Station on beach. Mobile Section rejoined Brigade at Masa'id.
26 December 1916
Receiving Station (3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance) arrived at El Arish (2 Officers, 31 Other Ranks).
31 December 1916
Last wounded patients evacuated from Dressing Station (3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance) on beach. Total wounded were 112 British and 68 Turkish wounded.
Roll of Honour
Lest We Forget
Further Reading:
3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance
3rd Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance, Roll of Honour
The Battle of Magdhaba, Sinai, December 23, 1916, Roll of Honour, Australia and New Zealand
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: The Battle of Magdhaba, Sinai, December 23, 1916, 3rd LHFA, AIF, War Diary Account