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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Thursday, 7 September 2006
11th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, "C" Squadron
Topic: AIF - 4B - 11 LHR

11th LHR, AIF

11th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, "C" Squadron


 HMAT A7 Medic


11th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, "C" Squadron, embarked from Brisbane, Queensland on board HMAT A7 Medic 2 June 1915.

The HMAT A7 Medic weighed 12,032 tons with an average cruise speed of 13 knots or 24.07 kmph. It was owned by the Oceanic SN Co Ltd, Liverpool, and leased by the Commonwealth until 26 October 1917. The Medic was well known by the Australian forces as it was a key troopship for Australia during the Boer War, some 14 years before the re-engagement.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


453 Sergeant Arthur Russell ADAMS, a 20 year old Farm labourer from Smithfield, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

474 Private Victor ALLAN, a 32 year old Handyman / Policeman from Forrestville, South Australia. He enlisted on 6 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

473 Private George ARNOLD, a 25 year old Gardener from Crafers, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 November 1919.

472 Private David Wood ARNOTT, a 20 year old Farm labourer from Forrestville, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 May 1916.

471 Private Frederick AUBREY, a 25 year old Carpenter from Oakbank, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

469 Private John William AYLETT, a 26 year old Blacksmith from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 12 June 1915.


485 Private Thomas John BARBER, a 28 year old Packer from Rosewater, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.

484 Private Harold Joseph BARNES, a 22 year old Clerk from Kensington, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

483 Private Roy Francis BAYES, a 25 year old Labourer from Terowie, South Australia. He enlisted on 30 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

480 Private John BERRYMAN, a 19 year old Blacksmith from Mt Barker, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 July 1919.

481 Private William Thomas Edward BERRYMAN, a 27 year old Farm Labourer from Yongala, South Australia. He enlisted on 30 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.

475 Acting Corporal Frederick George BOOTES, a 32 year old Labourer from Exeter, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 March 1917.

482 Private Frank BOTT, a 25 year old Butcher from Hectorville, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

476 Private George Henry BROUGHTON, a 42 year old Horse keeper from Goodwood, South Australia. He enlisted on 31 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

477 Private Alfred William Albert BROWN, a 32 year old Engine driver from Glenelg, South Australia. He enlisted on 25 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 December 1918.

478 Private John Oswald BROWN, a 26 year old Farmer from Hindmarsh, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 December 1918.

479 Private William Arthur BROWN, a 32 year old Painter from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 12 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

Lieutenant George Harry BRYANT, a 32 year old Gardener from North Walkerville, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 March 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

463 Corporal William BRYANT, a 30 year old Horse trainer from Broken Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


492 Private Thomas Leslie CARR, a 19 year old Drover from Rose Park, South Australia. He enlisted on 16 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

489 Private Alfred John CHILTON, a 24 year old Labourer from Wellington, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 10 June 1915.

493 Private John Edward CHURCH, a 34 year old Mechanic from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 22 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 10 June 1915.

491 Private John George CLARKE, a 30 year old Driver from Black Forest, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.

458 Sergeant Charles Joseph CLIFFORD, a 26 year old Station manager from Penola, South Australia. He enlisted on 14 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

486 Private Alec Llewellyn COATES, a 24 year old Labourer from Willowbrook, South Australia. He enlisted on 14 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

488 Private Frederick George COLLINGWOOD, a 23 year old Farm Labourer from Payneham, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.

606 Private Cornelius John COMAN, a 25 year old Farrier from Lismore, New South. He enlisted on 15 March 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 March 1919.

490 Private William Wilfred COOK, a 28 year old Labourer from Gawler, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 10 June 1915.

487 Driver Wilfred Edward COX, a 27 year old Teamster / Labourer from Enfield, South Australia. He enlisted on 15 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.

462 Corporal Enoch CUMMINGS, a 19 year old Motor driver from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.


497 Private Lindsay DAVIDSON, a 24 year old Farmer from Wandearah via Crystal, South Australia. He enlisted on 30 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

496 Private James DeVALLANCE, a 29 year old Mechanic from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.

498 Sergeant Augustus Arthur DeVERNEIS, a 26 year old Seaman from Birkenhead, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

494 Private Thomas DUGAN, a 25 year old Horse driver from Woodville, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 July 1916.

495 Lance Corporal Howard Thorncroft DUNSTONE, a 21 year old Clerk from Prospect, South Australia. He enlisted on 25 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 11 May 1919.


499 Private John EDWARDS, a 24 year old Gardener from Beggs Flat, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 June 1919.

503 Private Francis Patrick EGAN, a 24 year old Horse trainer from Hiltonville, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 12 May 1916.

500 Private Frederick Bertram ELLIS, a 29 year old Labourer from Rosewater, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 28 March 1918.

502 Private Thomas EMERSON, a 24 year old Engine fitter from Goodwood, South Australia. He enlisted on 5 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

501 Private Arthur Francis EVANS, a 29 year old Butcher from Hanley Bridge, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 April 1919.


504 Shoeing Smith Robert FINLAY, a 40 year old Farrier and Miner from Waratah, Tasmania. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.

506 Private Albert FLEMING, a 31 year old Motorman from Norwood, South Australia. He enlisted on 12 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 March 1919.

Lieutenant Roy Stirling FOTHERINGHAM, a 33 year old Stock agent from Magill, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 March 1915; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 6 September 1917.

505 Private William John FRY, a 20 year old Butcher from Stirling West, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


507 Private Frank GAEN, a 29 year old Carpenter from Sherlock, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 May 1916.

452 Squadron Sergeant Major Thomas GILBERT, a 37 year old Motorman from Norwood, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 March 1917.

604 Private Bert Roy GILES, a 20 year old Farmer from Yalata, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 January 1916.

509 Private William Ernest GILL, a 25 year old Farmer from Malvern, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 June 1919.

508 Private Andrew GORDON, a 22 year old Labourer Butcher from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and subsequently Discharged in Britain, 6 February 1920.

465 Corporal Leslie Arthur GORDON, a 24 year old Station Overseer from Clare, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 July 1918.

456 Sergeant James Henry GRANT, a 27 year old Draper from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 October 1919.

510 Private John GREEN, a 19 year old Labourer from Gilberton, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

511 Private Hugh GREENHORN, a 26 year old Coachman from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 30 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 9 February 1916.


513 Private Albert HANCOCK, an 18 year old Labourer from Edithburgh, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

602 Private John HANCOCK, a 21 year old Station hand from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 31 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 September 1916.

515 Private Clarence Albert HANNEL, a 21 year old Labourer from Wagga, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 31 January 1919.

517 Private Thomas HARRIS, a 22 year old Labourer from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

520 Lance Corporal Harold Vernon HARTWIG, a 20 year old Carpenter from Petersburg, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 June 1916.

601 Private Walter Edward HARTWIG, a 21 year old Stockman from Petersburg, South Australia. He enlisted on 6 April 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

523 Lance Corporal John HARVEY, a 21 year old Station hand from Woodville, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 January 1916.

512 Driver Reginald Vincent HAWKER, a 19 year old Station hand from Forestville, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 7 August 1916.

522 Private Francis Michael HENEBERY, a 22 year old Pipe fitter from Broken Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

514 Private Albert HEPBURN, a 19 year old Labourer from Broken Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

518 Private William Otho HEWETT, a 27 year old Artist from Bordertown, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

459 Sergeant Bruce Lancelot HOCKING, a 23 year old Wool classer from Roseworthy, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 May 1917.

519 Lance Corporal John Richard HOCKING, a 24 year old Wool classer from Roseworthy, South Australia. He enlisted on 22 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 January 1916.


457 Sergeant Stanley Gordon JAMES, a 26 year old Draper from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.

525 Private Eric James JARRETT, a 19 year old Carpenter from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 28 March 1918.

524 Private George Leishman JERDAN, a 31 year old Carpenter from Norwood, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

527 Private Ernest Jacob JORGENSEN, a 30 year old Labourer from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 July 1919.


528 Private Joseph KEANE, a 36 year old Bushman from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 August 1918.

531 Private Archibald Ernest KENDELL, a 31 year old Mechanic from Hyde Park, South Australia. He enlisted on 21 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 November 1916.

532 Private Horace William KENDELL, a 28 year old Mechanic from Hyde Park, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

533 Private Amos KENNEDY, a 24 year old Miner from Islington, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 21 July 1920.

529 Driver William Thomas KEOGH, a 29 year old Labourer from Caltowie, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 December 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 18 October 1915.

534 Private John KIERNAN, a 20 year old Chauffeur from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 25 October 1919.

530 Private Charles Leonard KING, a 20 year old Clerk from Prospect, South Australia. He enlisted on 25 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

605 Shoeing Smith Washington Kingsley KING, a 23 year old Blacksmith from Richmond River, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 March 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 September 1917.

535 Driver Harold Cotton KITHER, a 22 year old Warehouse man from Glenelg, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 July 1916.


537 Private Alfred James LAKE, a 25 year old Bricklayer from Mylor, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 30 April 1918.

539 Shoeing Smith Corporal Leslie Lawrence LAMPE, a 21 year old Shoe smith from Penola, South Australia. He enlisted on 2 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 January 1919.

536 Private James LEMON, a 26 year old Bricklayer from Bowden, South Australia. He enlisted on 30 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 30 October 1918.

538 Private Charles LOWN, a 27 year old Labourer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 November 1916.


547 Private John Joseph Shields MacGOWAN, a 22 year old Labourer from Largs Bay, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

466 Corporal Hugh Cameron MacMILLAN, a 23 year old Auctioneer from Largs, South Australia / Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 February 1918.

543 Private Gerald Featherstone MARCH., an 18 year old Labourer from Clarendon, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 July 1919.

600 Corporal William Gilbert MARSH, a 28 year old Auctioneer from Fullerton, South Australia. He enlisted on 13 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 December 1917.

541 Private Joseph Vincent MARTIN, a 25 year old Engine driver from Port Pirie West, South Australia. He enlisted on 30 November 1914; but Did Not Embark and subsequently was Discharged, 10 June 1915.

550 Private James Valentine MATTHEW, a 30 year old Labourer from North Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 June 1916.

464 Corporal Charles Augustus MATTHEWS, a 44 year old Teamster from North Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

454 Sergeant Ernest Albert MATTHEWS, a 32 year old Overseer Station Manager from Albert Park, Victoria. He enlisted on 31 December 1914; and subsequently Discharged in Egypt, 14 September 1919.

558 Private Christopher Alfred MAUSOLF, a 22 year old Gardener from Norton Summit, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 2 May 1918.

555 Private Clifford Peter McCONNACHY, a 19 year old Labourer from Torrensville, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

549 Lance Corporal Malcolm Stirling McDONALD, a 30 year old Grazier from Millicent, South Australia. He enlisted on 21 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

540 Lance Corporal Richard Augustus McDONALD, a 34 year old Clerk from Torrensville, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 January 1915; and subsequently Died of Disease, 17 October 1918.

607 Private William McGREGOR, a 23 year old Stockman from Woolloongabba, Queensland. He enlisted on 11 March 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

551 Private Robert McGREGOR-DEY, a 25 year old Labourer from Clarence Park, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.

546 Private William Henry McGUIRE, a 24 year old Farmer from Loxton, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 March 1916.

545 Private Thomas Hector McQUEEN, a 19 year old Labourer from Port Pirie, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 November 1916.

554 Private Charles Herman MENGERSON, a 27 year old Clerk from Palmer, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 21 December 1919.

556 Private Ernest William MILLARD, a 22 year old Labourer from Auburn, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 15 May 1918.

553 Private Gerald Fitzgerald MOISSEY, a 32 year old Coppersmith and Explorer from Rosewood, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Colombo, 24 June 1919.

548 Farrier Sergeant Edward MORRELL, a 38 year old Horse breaker from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently Deserted, 18 June 1915.

557 Private William Thomas MOYLE, a 21 year old Labourer from Saddleworth, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

552 Private Kenneth Andrew MUDGE, a 19 year old Labourer from Hindmarsh, South Australia. He enlisted on 11 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.

544 Private Dudley Roy MUST, a 19 year old Clerk from Broken Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 December 1918.


561 Private Allan Alleyn NANCARROW, a 29 year old Labourer from Coobowie, South Australia. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 October 1919.

559 Private Leslie Harry NIEMANN, a 24 year old Labourer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

560 Private Albert John NORMAN, a 22 year old Labourer from Wellington, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 January 1919.


563 Private Thomas Henry O'CALLAGHAN, a 26 year old Labourer from Port Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 29 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 25 November 1916.

562 Private James OLSON, a 22 year old Labourer from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


567 Private Benjamin James PARNHAM, a 25 year old Station hand from Oaklands, South Australia. He enlisted on 17 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 October 1919.

566 Private Francis Bernard PARRI, a 22 year old Labourer from Saddleworth, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.

Major John William PARSONS, a 36 year old Farmer from Yankalilla, South Australia. He enlisted on 18 March 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

564 Private Fred Adrian PATTERSON, a 40 year old Labourer from Rosewater, South Australia. He enlisted on 22 February 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 November 1916.

603 Private Harvey Hamersley PEAKE, a 19 year old Fetter from Mt Barker, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 September 1919.

570 Lance Corporal Leonard Leo PEARSON, a 25 year old Labourer from Malvern, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

569 Private Thomas Francis PENROSE, a 29 year old Labourer from Echunga, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

565 Private John Henry PHILPOT, a 20 year old Drover from Fitzroy, Victoria. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

455 Sergeant Arthur Roy POWELL, a 20 year old Carpenter from Alberton, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 November 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 22 July 1920.

568 Private Alexander William PRICE, a 21 year old Butcher from Kensington, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 31 October 1915.


33 Private John QUAILL, a 27 year old Compositor from Kangaroo Pt, Queensland. He enlisted on 8 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


468 Corporal John Richard RACKHAM, a 22 year old Farmer from Wanilla, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 30 November 1918.

Lieutenant Benjamin Brookman RAGLESS, a 33 year old Farmer from Clare, South Australia. He enlisted on 18 March 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

577 Private Lancelot Beevor RANKINE, a 27 year old Auctioneer from Parkside, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

575 Private George William RAVEN, a 21 year old Machinist from Stepney, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

572 Private John Thomas REYNOLDS, a 29 year old Labourer from Norwood, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 16 November 1917.

574 Private Cecil Algernon RICHARDS, a 19 year old Station hand from Wayville, South Australia. He enlisted on 31 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

571 Private James John RIPLEY, a 25 year old Farmer from Port Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.

573 Shoeing Smith Alexander ROBERTSON, a 43 year old Farrier smith from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.

576 Private Thomas Austral ROW, a 22 year old Jeweller from Hamilton, South Australia. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.

460 Sergeant Lindsay Hugh ROWELL, a 22 year old Gardener from Lockleys, South Australia. He enlisted on 14 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 9 February 1916.


581 Private Ralph Thomas SABINE, a 40 year old Farmer from Laura, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 28 October 1915.

461 Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant Leonard William SEARLE, a 25 year old Clerk from Glenelg, South Australia. He enlisted on 21 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

580 Private Albert Arthur SEMMENS, a 19 year old Butcher from Quorn, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 December 1919.

Lieutenant John Hugh SHEARER, a 39 year old Warehouse man from Largs Bay, South Australia. He enlisted on 16 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 August 1917.

578 Private Horace Oliver William SHORT, a 24 year old Bookkeeper from Goodwood, South Australia. He enlisted on 30 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1915.

Captain Thomas Anglesey SIEKMANN, a 38 year old Civil servant from North Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 18 March 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

582 Private Albert Victor SMALLACOMBE, a 25 year old Labourer and Chauffeur from Maitland, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 March 1916.

579 Private Leonard SMART, a 21 year old Horse driver from Lockleys, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 July 1919.

584 Private Alfred John SMITH, a 19 year old Labourer from Moonta, South Australia. He enlisted on 30 December 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 14 July 1918.

583 Private Arthur John SMITH, a 19 year old Baker from Yankalilla, South Australia. He enlisted on 30 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 June 1916.

586 Private Morton James SMITH, a 32 year old Farmer from Streaky Bay, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 July 1919.

585 Private Robert Murray SMITH, a 19 year old Boundary rider from Mt Barker, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 2 September 1916.


587 Private Sidney Arthur TANNER, a 37 year old Carpenter from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.

588 Private Percy Edwin THOMAS, a 19 year old Boilermaker from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 10 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


590 Private Thomas Porteus VALENTINE, a 39 year old Manager from North Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.


593 Private James Robertson WALTERS, a 19 year old Horse driver from Port Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 10 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 30 April 1918.

591 Private Ernest William WESTON, a 23 year old French polisher from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 5 January 1915; and subsequently was Discharged, 15 June 1916.

598 Private William Henry WHITE, a 38 year old Stockman from Thebarton, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 January 1915; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 16 September 1915.

592 Private Victor Stanley WILMSHURST, a 23 year old Labourer from Beaufort via Port Wakefield, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.

596 Corporal George Richard WILSON, a 33 year old Drover from Torrensville, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 January 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

597 Private Howard WILSON, a 28 year old Clerk from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 12 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 March 1916.

595 Lance Corporal William WILSON, a 32 year old Assayer from Broken Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.


599 Private Clifford Arnold ZACHARIAH, a 22 year old Gardener from Mt Lofty, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.



Previous: "B" Squadron

Next: Machine Gun Section


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

11th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF
11th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, "C" Squadron

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 2 January 2010 10:03 PM EAST

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