Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR
9th LHR, AIF
War Diary, 27 August
Pro Gloria et Honore - For Glory and Honour
Regimental March - Marching Through Georgia
The Diary
Thursday, August 27, 1914
See 4th Military District, South Australia for militia activities.
Friday, August 27, 1915
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Damijelik Hills9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Supplied six officers and 175 Other Ranks to assist General Russell on attack on Knoll 60. Of this draft, 1 Officer and 50 Other Ranks supported the New Zealand Mounted Rifles in holding position on right. Major Parsons and 50 men captured 75 yards of trench on left by bombs. Lieutenant Colonel Reynell, Captain Callary, Captain Jaffray and Lieutenant McDonald with 75 Other Ranks attempted to take a Turk trench but met Machine Gun and rifle fire and bombing and were almost annihilated. Second Lieutenant GM McDonald was the only officer to return. When returning he and 283 CG Howell assisted two men wounded to safety under fire.
3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary - Enemy bombardment of trenches. General Cox No 6 Section followed by attack of some trenches by NZ and other troops at 1700. 1000 Shrapnel fire from Turks and at night continuous musketry fire. At 0500 NZ occupied and prolonged their trenches 40 yards, also two communication trenches to top of hill. Yeomanry Regiment took trenches C and D but lost them at 2030 and our 9th Light Horse Regiment who marched out from No 4 Section were sent straight out to regain them if possible. NZ captured an enemy machine gun. Otherwise the situation the same. 10th Light Horse Regiment marched out at 0930 to No 6 Section. The 20th Infantry Battalion, 5th Infantry Brigade took our trenches from us and all were occupied in handing over orders, maps, sketches and assisting relieving troops. Brigadier General visited ANZAC to confer about strengthening the Brigade.
Carew Reynell Diary - I hear we are to be withdrawn in a day or two and replaced by some of the 5th Brigade. It seems possible that we may be sent to Imbros or Lemnos for a few days rest. We can all do with a rest I think. Personally I am pretty run down and had a cold for a long time and am lousy.
Note: Lieutenant Colonel Carew Reynell was killed in action on the night of 27 August 1915 while leading a charge on the Turkish trenches at Hill 60.
Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924, pp. 19 - 20.CHAPTER V HILL 60
On the 26th August, 1915, at 3 p.m., the Regiment moved to the beach where they halted and had tea. An hour afterwards they were ordered to fall in, and much to their astonishment were marched through a long communication trench to No. 2 Outpost where they halted for 10 minutes. At this point a guide reported to Lieut. Col. Reynell, and the Regiment immediately moved off in the direction of the Damijelik Hills. This move was completed by 10 p.m., and the Regiment bivouacked in Karija Dere, which is about four miles north of the position we had evacuated.
The Regiment was now placed under the orders of Major-General Cox, commanding the 29th Indian Division. Early astir on the following day, the Regiment took over a portion of the trenches, and made preparations for an attack which was to be carried out that night. A portion of the enemy trench at this point had to be taken at all cost, and the Regiment had been ordered to undertake the task. After dark the Regiment was assembled and given definite instructions as to their particular duty, the instructions being carefully explained to all concerned.
When paraded the Regiment numbered six officers and 175 other ranks, the whole being under the direct command of Lieut.-Col. C. Reynell. Of this force, one officer and 50 other ranks were detailed to assist the N.Z.M. Rifles in a portion of the attack, and a party of the same number were detailed to assist in holding a position on the right, whilst Major H. M. Parsons with 50 other ranks bombed the Turks out of a trench on the left. Lieut.-Col. Reynell with the remainder were to attempt to capture another portion of the same trench.
At a given signal the whole force rushed into the open to carry out their desperate venture, but were met by a terrible fire from machine gun, rifle, and bomb. Cheering loudly, the gallant party rushed across the open and into the heart of the enemy, where hand to hand fighting was soon general. Our losses had, however, been extremely heavy, and the force was gradually driven back to its own lines, leaving the greater part of its number dead on the field, the following officers being amongst the slain: Lieut. Col. Carew Reynell, Captain Jaffrey, and Captain Callery.
This was a sad blow to the Regiment, especially the loss of their gallant Colonel, an officer and gentleman of the best type, a splendid soldier and born leader. It is safe to say that he was idolized by the members of the Regiment, who would have followed him anywhere. Lieut. J. M. McDonald escaped, and assisted by Pte. G. C. Howell, brought two wounded men to safety under a most galling fire.
Sunday, August 27, 1916
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Hod Nabit
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Routine Work.
Monday, August 27, 1917
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Abasan el Kebir
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - The Regiment carried out firing practices on the range. 5 rounds application at 200 yards and 5 rounds rapid fire at the same range. three draught mules received from Remounts.
Ayliffe, Lieutenant SH; and, 27 Other Ranks marched in from the 3rd Light Horse Brigade Training Regiment at Moascar and were posted.
Tuesday, August 27, 1918
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Ludd area
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Nelson, Captain AH; and, one Other Rank marched in from Moascar.
Parade for cleaning and equipment carried out.
Camp area reorganised and extended. Area for each squadron being increased.
Wednesday, August 27, 1919
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Adelaide
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Regiment disbanded.
Previous: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 26 August
Next: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 28 August
See: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Contents
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy
Further Reading:
9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 27 August