"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess
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Sunday, 20 June 2010
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Additional answers by Skeen Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915
The August Offensive
Gallipoli, August 1915
Additional answers by Skeen
To A. Skeen, from CBB White.
1. Any reply re miners in COURTNEY'S POST? Not yet.
2. Ref. your 4th August, General Birdwood told General Walker yesterday, that an attack was to begin at 5.30 (1730) p.m. You say 5.0.p.m. May I amend your instructions.
Please await General Birdwood's return, or my catching him on phone From A. Skeen to C.B.B. White.
I got General Birdwood on the telephone. Make the hour of attack, commencing 5.30 p.m., not 5 p.m., on 6th August. Answer in the Miner question follows:-
I understand 60 is the total number employed in the mines, so that possibly this number could be reduced, as regards actual workers. However, it awaits General Birdwood's decision.
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Table "Z" Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915
The August Offensive
Gallipoli, August 1915
Table "Z"
Gun Ammunition.
New Zealand & Australian Division.
Units remaining in trenches
Normal water supply
Up to DAC in close proximity to trenches
Attack on Baby 700
9,000 gallons in paraffin tins, i.e., 3 day's supply stored in rear of trenches. Site selected by Division
Up to DAC in rear of trenches. Site selected by Division
Movable Column
3 day's supply in paraffin tins, stored at No. 2 Outpost
Regimental Reserve BAC & DAC stored at No. 2 Outpost.
Every gun has ammunition up to DAC stored in close proximity to guns.
258 mules to be drawn by OC Train from Mule Gully at 5 p.m. 6 August 1915
Australian Division
Troops in trenches
Normal water supply and 5,000 gallons in tank top of Victoria Gully.
Up to DAC in close proximity to trenches
Attack on Lone Pine
18,000 gallons in paraffin tins (5 day's supply) stored in rear of trenches. Site selected by Division.
Up to DAC in close proximity to trenches
13th Division
3 day's supply in paraffin tins, stored at No. 2 Outpost
Regimental Reserve BAC & DAC stored at Ammunition Park, Mule Gully.
Nil - x -
364 mules to be taken over by OC Train at 6 p.m. 6 August at Mule Gully.
Indian Brigade
3 day's supply in paraffin tins, stored at No. 2 Outpost
Regimental Reserve BAC & DAC stored at Ammunition Park, Mule Gully.
Nil - x -
80 mules to be taken over by B.T.O. at 5 p.m. 6 August in Mule Gully.
Reserve Brigade 10th Division.
Local Supply
Mark 7. 130 rounds for 3,100 rifles stored rear Supply Depot Bridges Road. 10,000 rounds per 18 machine guns.
100 mules to be taken over by B.T.O. at 6.p.m. 6th August in Reserve Gully where they will remain until further orders.
- x - = As soon as the Mules have been taken over the Transport Officer will proceed straight to the Ammunition Park in Mule Gully and draw 2 boxes S.A.A. for each Mule, sot that no Mule leaving ANZAC will go out empty. This ammunition should be dumped as far forward as possible.
The Mules will work under the orders of the S.T.O. of the formation, who will arrange the daily distribution, so as to get the utmost possible work out of them. No Mules will be allotted to Regiments etc., but all will remain under the direct orders of the S.T.O. A limited number of Mules may be allotted to certain units by order of G.O’s C. Divisions for R.E. Stores etc. Loads will be taken as close as possible to the firing line on pack animals, which will be divided according to tactical requirements along the position gained. On arrival at destination, their are to deposit their loads in selected localities from which ammunition and water will then be passed forward by hand - the Mules returning at once for fresh loads. On the night 7th - 8th, it may happen that a re-distribution of the whole of the transport will have to take place, or perhaps it may be only necessary to hand over to each unit, it's supply Mules which arrive ANZAC Beach morning August 7th. Should this be so, the B.S.O’s should be detailed to take over these mules, and as soon as taken over will draw one day's supply for their Units and return with the least possible delay.
From General Staff A.& N. Z. Army Corps, to Aust Div.
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Instructions for G.O.C. Australian Division Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915
The August Offensive
Gallipoli, August 1915
Instructions for G.O.C. Australian Division
Paras 1. and the dates to be kept SECRET and not to be divulged except to your staff, and to Brigade Commanders and to their staffs.
Ref. Map Gallipoli 1/20,000, and map of area occupied by A. & N.Z. Army Corps.
1. Under instructions from G.H.Q. the operations of the Army Corps, are to begin a strong and sustained attack on Hill 125 (Plateau 406).
2. This task is allotted to you. In carrying it out you will bear in mind that every effort is to be made to deceive the enemy as to the locality against which our main effort is to be made, and to induce him V to believe that it will be directed against his lines opposite to the Southern portion of our position. The Army Corps Commander considers that it will be best attained by directing your principal effort against the LONE PINE group of works. The assistance which an occupation of JOHNSTONE'S JOLLY will give this operation and your further advance should be kept in mind.
3. The force at your disposal is the 1st Australian Division as constituted in Table "A" Order of Battle, issued with Army Corps order No. 15 of 2nd August with one section, Kohat Mountain Battery added. Additional Artillery support as detailed in App. A will be given, and you will re required to give assistance to other operations with some of your guns as detailed in the same Appendix.
With this force you will:
(a) occupy and hold the defensive line from and including COURTNEY'S POST, to the sea near CHATHAM'S POST
(b) attack the Turkish position on Plateau 400 as outlined above. The attack is to commence at 5.30 p.m. on 6th August.
(c) assault GERMAN OFFICER'S TRENCH during the right of the 6/7th, preferably about midnight. In consolidation his position in GERMAN OFFICER'S TRENCH officers entrusted with the operation should keep in view the need for assisting tit offensive from, No. 3 and No. 4. Sections, against the CHESS BOARD and BABY 700 groups of trenches, which is to take place during daylight of August 7th.
(d) If, and when, the situation admits, take advantage of the pressure which the success of our other operations produces on the enemy to advance your line to GUN RIDGE, from SCRUBBY KNOLL to the sea.
4. The artillery supports, which will be given you, and the hours for which it will be available, is detailed in appendix "A", which has been distributed to the Divisional C.R.A's, to all Battery Commanders, and to the Naval Commanders concerned.
5. Casualty Clearing Station for all operations youth of MACLAGAN'S RIDGE - HILL 180, will be the Australian Casualty Clearing Station on Anzac Beach. A Dressing Station will be established it it's vicinity to deal with cases which have come down to the beach without passing through the hands of the Divisional Ambulances near the front.
6. Arrangements for replenishment of ammunition and water, are detailed in attached Appendix Z.
7. The Army Corps Report Centre, will be at it's present site till further orders.
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Memorandum Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915
The August Offensive
Gallipoli, August 1915
From General Staff A.& N. Z. Army Corps, to Aust Div.
Please refer to Para 3 (d) of Instructions dated 4th August.
In the event of rapid success of your operations against Plateau 400 before the movement of other columns begins to be felt from the direction of the CHUNUK BAIR, you are to limit your operations to the clearing of Plateau 400 and subsidiary works and not to press forward across the valley separating Plateau 400 from GUN RIDGE. You will thus be in a position to cut off the retreat of the enemy from their trenches higher up the valley when driven down by the New Zealand and Aust. Div., and at the same time will be well placed to take immediate advantage of any opportunity of joining, hands with the columns from CHUNUK BAIR, when the advance down GUN RIDGE commences.
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Artillery Support Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915
The August Offensive
Gallipoli, August 1915
Artillery Support
Action of Artillery in Support of forthcoming Operations.
Reference - Trench Diagram No. 3
1. Preliminary Bombardment.
Under orders of O.'s Commanding Div. Art. of both Divisions.
(a) of
4. The Slopes to S.E. of those.)
120 rounds (30 per battery) on 5th August - 1 day before attack 160 rounds (40 per battery) on 6th August - from 0400 till 1500. Those rounds will be fired in two lots, total rounds as above varying times of firing.
On 6th August from 1700 till 1750, a quick rate of fire will be opened on
3. Slopes to S.R.
Batteries to carry this out are:
"D" Battery 69th Brigade (How) - from the left flank on JOHNSTONE'S JOLLY.
“E” Battery 69th Brigade (How) - from, the left flank on LONE PINE.
4th Battery Lowland Brigade. (How:) - from the right flank on GERMAN OFFICER'S TRENCH & S.R. Slopes.
4.5" Battery N.Z. (How:) - from the left flank, on the front trenches of JOHNSTONE'S JOLLY & LONE PINE
(b) No. 1. N.Z. Battery will fire H.E. to cut wire in front of JOHNSTONE'S JOLLY, LONE PINE & GERMAN OFFICER'S TRENCH, on 5th and 6th August under orders of O.C. N.Z. Artillery.
(c) Under the order of the O's C Div. Artillery of Both Divns.
CADDY'S Battery will engage trenches C.1. to C.6.(b) "A" Battery 69th Brigade (How) will engage trenches A11. PHILLIP'S Battery will engage trenches A 3, A 7, A11., on 5th and 6th August, 20 rounds per Battery, choosing own time, but preferably at dawn and dusk.
From 1750 to 2100, on 6th August, the following batteries are placed under the orders of G.O.C. Australian Div. Artillery.
No. 1. N.Z. Field Battery.
No. 2. N.Z. Field Battery.
4.5" N.Z. (Howr) Battery
"A" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
"C" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
“6" (Howr) N.Z.
2 guns Ferguson Mountain Battery.
At 1730, every hostile gun that can fire in direction of LONE PINE, will be opened on, and the following trenches also. Hostile Gun Positions.
Batteries to engage them
"C" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
"C" N.Z. Howitzer.
"C" Battery
Browne's Battery, Aust. Art.
Caddy's Battery, Aust. Art.
"A" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
"C" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
69th Battery, Lowland (Howr) Bde.
4.5" N.Z. (Howr) Battery.
"A" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade. 4th Battery, Lowland (Howr) Bde.
(6" New enemy)
4th Battery Lowland (Howr) Bde.
6" Howitzer No. 2.
Burgess, Aust. Art.
6" Howitzer No. 1.
Hughes's Aust. Art.
5th Lowland.
Hostile trenches and batteries to engage them.
Phillips Battery, Aust. Art.
Caddy's Battery, Aust. Art."
No. 2. N.Z. Battery
No. 1. N.Z. Battery will watch.
BABY 700
5th Battery Lowland (Howr) Bde.
"B" Battery, 69th (Howr) Bde.
Each Battery has its allotted zone, and is responsible that every endeavour is made to
1. Locate, and keep under hostile batteries.
2. Locate hostile movements.
3. Keep up a steady fire.
4. Keep themselves informed of the situation.
Careful watch must be kept on hostile movements and fire from the right flank, e.g. OLIVE GROVE & WINE GLASS HILL. For this the following are available:
4.7" gun.
Burgess Battery Aust. Art.
"D" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
No. 2. 6"(Howr) Aust.
Note: The Brigade will also be firing in this direction.
At 2100 on 6th August, the following batteries, in addition to all the N.Z. Artillery, will come under the orders of O.C. N.Z.
Caddy's Australian Battery
Phillip's. Australian Battery
Browne's Australian Battery
"A "Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
½ "B" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
The following Batteries will remain under Army Corps Orders.
½ "B" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
"C" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
”D" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
From 2130 till 2200 the following Batteries, under orders of O.C. N.Z. Artillery, will fire on TABLE TOP:-
6” N.Z. (Howr)
4.5” N.Z. (Howr)
½ "B" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
At 2150 fire will be opened as follows:
Caddy's Australian Battery
Phillip's Australian Battery.
Browne's Australian Battery
No. 1. N.Z. Battery
No. 2. N.Z. Battery
at trenches in front of QUINS and POPES.
"A" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
”D" Battery, 69th (Howr) Brigade.
on BABY 700
Correction to Appendix "A"
(1) Second Phase.
Bottom of page - last two paragraphs will read:
7th August. These Batteries continue to fire until 0400, one round every five minutes, and then a quick rate from 0400 to 0430, then stop.
They will be ready at 0430 to open fire on BATTLESHIP HILL
Other objectives may be given by the Senior N.Z. Artillery Officer at ANZAC.
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