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Friday, 5 May 2006
3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 1st Reinforcement
Topic: AIF - 1B - 3 LHR

3rd LHR, AIF

3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 1st Reinforcement


HMAT A36 Boonah


3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 1st Reinforcement, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A36 Boonah 20 October 1914.

The HMAT A36 Boonah weighed 5,926 tons with an average cruise speed of 10.5 knots or 19.44 kmph. The Boonah was previously a captured German vessel called Melbourne. It was manned by Australia officers and crew and transferred to Commonwealth Government Line, 28 March 1918.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


660 Private Hubert Neville BLYTH, a 22 year old Carpenter from Bellerive, Tasmania. He enlisted on 21 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 May 1916.

617 Private William BOWES, a 32 year old Labourer from Caltowie, South Australia. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

659 Private Harold Richard William BUTTERWORTH, an 18 year old Bed maker from Invermay, Tasmania. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 October 1915.


620 Private Ronald Burns CAMPBELL, a 26 year old Teamster from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 May 1917.

614 Private Clarence Victor CHAMBERS, a 19 year old Mechanic from Jamestown, South Australia. He enlisted on 16 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 May 1919.

658 Private Leslie James CORRIGAN, a 26 year old Farmer from Claremont, Tasmania. He enlisted on 6 October 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 24 October 1918.


616 Private James DATSON, a 25 year old Miner from Godew Square, Victoria. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 December 1914.

632 Private John DONAGHEY, a 34 year old Labourer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.

129 Private Eric Roake DOWLING, a 20 year old Wool classer from Walkerville, South Australia. He enlisted on 2 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


633 Private Stanley Longhurst FARRELL, a 22 year old Motor mechanic from Milang, South Australia. He enlisted on 19 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 October 1919.

657 Private William John FLOWERS, a 25 year old Farmer from Chudleigh, Tasmania. He enlisted on 17 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 September 1917.


656 Private Geoffrey Richard GARDNER, a 19 year old Farmer from Relbia, Tasmania. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.

655 Private Claude Oscar GLEESON, a 19 year old Farmer from Needles, Tasmania. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

613 Private Hubert Charles GOLDSWORTHY, a 19 year old Miner from Broken Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 March 1918.

629 Private William Hannaford GRIGG, a 43 year old Miner Labourer from Hobart, Tasmania Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.


622 Private Alexander Ross HARRIS, a 19 year old Clerk from Broken Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 July 1919.

663 Private Ronald Wilberforce HARRISON, a 39 year old Shipping Agent from Wynyard, Tasmania. He enlisted on 24 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 April 1916.

603 Private Maurice John HEALY, a 21 year old Jockey from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 November 1915.

625 Private Harry Loftus HOULGRAVE, a 24 year old Labourer Ferryman from Birkenhead, South Australia. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 August 1919.


534 Private Henry Farrington JACKSON, a 24 year old Hairdresser from Strathalbyn, South Australia. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

654 Private Roy Baird JOHNSON, a 29 year old Farmer from Runnymede, Tasmania. He enlisted on 19 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 November 1916.

612 Private David JOHNSTON, a 32 year old Engine driver from Clarence Park, South Australia. He enlisted on 25 August 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 December 1914.


602 Private Ralph Newland KELLY, a 23 year old Bushman from Woodville, South Australia. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 May 1919.

627 Private Humphrey Courtenay Gilbert KEMPE, a 19 year old Clerk from Somerton via Glenelg, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

653 Private Basil KERSLAKE, a 20 year old Reporter from Launceston, Tasmania. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 5 August 1916.


665 Private Newton Frederick Seymour LANE, a 36 year old Farmer from Campbelltown, Tasmania. He enlisted on 26 October 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 8 June 1917.

604 Private William Nelson LAWRENCE, a 19 year old Labourer from Port Pirie, South Australia. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 2 April 1917.

664 Private Archie Carlyle LESTER, a 25 year old Farmer from Scottsdale, Tasmania. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 August 1915.


605 Private Alfred Charles MALEY, a 33 year old Mason from Parkside, South Australia. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 January 1916.

601 Corporal George Kirby McARTHUR, a 33 year old Miner from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 April 1920.

218 Sergeant John Carroll McCARTHY, a 20 year old Farmer from Clare, South Australia. He enlisted on 22 August 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 July 1917.

651 Private Frederick Joseph MOORE, a 19 year old Farmer from Sprent, Tasmania. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.


631 Private Richard O'NEILL, a 21 year old Telegraphist from St Thomas Mt Madras, South Australia. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 December 1914.


610 Private Melville Henry PADDICK, a 19 year old Labourer from Clarendon, South Australia. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 October 1918.

628 Private Frederick PATTERSON, a 40 year old Labourer from Rosewater, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 December 1914.

661 Private Frederick Henry PONSONBY, an 18 year old Postal worker from Rainbow, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 December 1918.


607 Private Charles Wilson RAGLESS, a 28 year old Pastoralist from Wirrabara, South Australia. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 10 February 1917.

608 Private William Charles REID, a 34 year old Labourer from Paskeville, South Australia. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.

630 Private Harold Henry RICHARDS, a 25 year old Vet Surgeon from Pt Pass, South Australia. He enlisted on 29 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 May 1917.

606 Private Charles Edward RILEY, a 19 year old Clerk from Unley Park, South Australia. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 May 1919.

615 Private Jacob ROACH, a 20 year old Electrician from Moonta, South Australia. He enlisted on 31 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 May 1919.

Lieutenant Sydney Fairbairn ROWELL, a 19 year old Soldier / RMC Duntroon from Lockleys, South Australia. He enlisted on 15 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 January 1916.


618 Private Walter Wesley TILBROOK, a 24 year old Farmer from Wollowie, South Australia. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 1 April 1918.

626 Private Harold George TUCKER, a 23 year old Farmer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 10 September 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 23 September 1919.


17 Corporal Donald URQUHART, a 32 year old Clerk from Jamestown, South Australia. He enlisted on 19 August 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 January 1916.


609 Private William Henry WADE, a 30 year old Brick maker from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 11 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 December 1914.

623 Private Alexander Leslie Birme WATT, a 20 year old Farmer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 29 October 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 28 December 1915.

662 Private Tasman Laurence WEBSTER, a 23 year old Rail Porter from Bothwell, Tasmania. He enlisted on 13 September 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 31 May 1915.

611 Private Reginald Stanley WELLS, a 22 year old Farm Labourer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 12 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 10 March 1918.

619 Private James WESTBURY, a 27 year old Labourer from Port MacDonnell, South Australia. He enlisted on 22 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 11 May 1919.

621 Private Vivian Arnold William WESTERN, a 24 year old Orchardist from Marion, South Australia. He enlisted on 14 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 9 December 1918.

634 Private William Frederick WHITE, a 25 year old Labourer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 October 1914; and subsequently was Discharged, 29 December 1914.



Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Previous: Machine Gun Section

Next: 2nd Reinforcement


Further Reading:

3rd Light Horse Regiment, AIF

3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 1st Reinforcement

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 26 November 2009 9:20 AM EAST
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 31st Reinforcement Ormonde Group
Topic: AIF - 4B - 4 LHR

4th LHR, AIF

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 31st Reinforcement Ormonde Group


SS Ormonde


4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 31st Reinforcement Ormonde Group, embarked from Melbourne, Victoria on board SS Ormonde 7 March 1918.

The SS Ormonde weighed 14,982 tons with an average cruise speed of 18 knots or 33.33 kmph. It was owned by the Orient St Nav Co Ltd, Glasgow. 

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


3926 Private Alexander Philip BOWMAN, a 26 year old Station hand from Hillston, New South Wales. He enlisted on 27 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3927 Private Arthur BROWN, a 28 year old Salesman from Brunswick, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 November 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 February 1919.

3929 Lance Corporal Bennie Howarth BURGE, a 26 year old Farmer from Colbinabbin East, Victoria. He enlisted on 20 August 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


3930 Private John Murray CAMPIGLI, a 22 year old Clerk from Camberwell, Victoria. He enlisted on 7 December 1917; and subsequently Died of Disease, 21 November 1918.

3932 Private Howard Stewart COX, a 19 year old Farmer from Miners Rest, Victoria. He enlisted on 9 June 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


3937 Private John GARTH, a 21 year old Jockey from Windsor, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 December 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3936 Private Otto Wilhelm GRAMBAU, a 27 year old Labourer from Hochkirch via Hamilton, Victoria. He enlisted on 22 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


3967 Private George August HANSEN, an 18 year old Farmer from South Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 15 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3938 Private Gilbert Charles HANSFORD, an 18 year old Printer from Pyramid Hill, Victoria. He enlisted on 4 November 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3556 Private John HARTLEY, a 34 year old Farmer from Howlong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 22 February 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 January 1919.

3939 Private Reginald George HUNT, an 18 year old Labourer from Vectis East via Horsham, Victoria. He enlisted on 1 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


3941 Private Alfred JAMES, a 23 year old Grocer from Creswick, Victoria. He enlisted on 17 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

3926 Private Alfred George JAMES, a 30 year old Butcher / Rail shunter from Newcastle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.

3942 Private Joseph William JENNISON, an 18 year old Grazier from Mathoura, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3943 Private Allan JOHNSTON, an 18 year old Labourer from Euroa, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 February 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


3965 Private William David Ewart KERRIGAN, a 19 year old Boundary rider from Punt Hill South Yarra, Victoria. He enlisted on 25 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 January 1919.


3945 Private Robert Trevor Montgomery LAIDLAW, an 18 year old Grazier from Amphitheatre, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 July 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3946 Private John Stuart LANG, a 21 year old Farmer from Yalca, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3948 Private Leonard George William LOTT, an 18 year old Student from South Yarra, Victoria. He enlisted on 8 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.


3949 Private Albert MARSHALL, a 28 year old Drover from Footscray, Victoria. He enlisted on 15 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 February 1919.

4010 Private Francis Bernard McINERNEY, a 22 year old Stockman from St Kilda, Victoria. He enlisted on 22 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

3950 Private Albert George MOON, a 24 year old Farmer from Bairnsdale, Victoria. He enlisted on 7 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


3951 Private Robert Henry O'BRYAN, an 18 year old Labourer from Coburg, Victoria. He enlisted on 21 July 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


3952 Private Pasquale PALAGINO, a 26 year old Labourer from East Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3953 Private Albert Richard PEARCE, a 45 year old Butcher from Ascot Vale, Victoria. He enlisted on 25 July 1917; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

3954 Private Alfred John PILLINER, a 43 year old Farmer from Ballarat East, Victoria. He enlisted on 14 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 27 April 1919.

3955 Private Henry POWELL, a 39 year old Labourer from Northcote, Victoria. He enlisted on 1 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

3956 Private Michael Lewis POWELL, a 22 year old Farmer from Balranald, Victoria. He enlisted on 1 October 1917; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 19 July 1918.

3957 Private George Victor PURCHASE, a 22 year old Labourer from Footscray, Victoria. He enlisted on 24 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 January 1919.


3332 Private Arthur Henry ROZYNSKI, a 20 year old Farm Hand from Richmond, Victoria. He enlisted on 8 February 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


3966 Acting Sergeant Thomas VEARING, a 45 year old Surveyors assistant from South Yarra, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 June 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.


3963 Private Robert WISHART, a 29 year old Labourer from Yea, Victoria. He enlisted on 13 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


3964 Private Walter Leslie YOUNG, a 21 year old Carpenter from Mernda, Victoria. He enlisted on 4 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


Previous: 30th Reinforcement - Nestor Group

Next: 31st Reinforcement - Ulysses Group


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour  

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 31st Reinforcement Ormonde Group

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 7 December 2009 7:45 AM EAST
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 31st Reinforcement Ulysses Group
Topic: AIF - 4B - 4 LHR

4th LHR, AIF

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 31st Reinforcement Ulysses Group


HMAT A38 Ulysses


4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 31st Reinforcement Ulysses Group, embarked from Melbourne, Victoria on board HMAT A38 Ulysses 22 December 1917.

The HMAT A38 Ulysses weighed 14,499 tons with an average cruise speed of 14 knots or 25.92 kmph. It was owned by the China Mutual SN Co, London, and leased by the Commonwealth until 15 August 1917.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


3988 Private Lionel John Ballinger ALTY, a 27 year old Brass worker from Footscray, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 November 1919.


3986 Sergeant Clive Emerald George BAKER, a 33 year old Rubber worker from Albert Park, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 August 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.


4013 Private Arthur Wilkie COLLINS, a 37 year old Driver from Wonthaggi, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 January 1919.

3989 Private William Henry CONNELL, a 21 year old Farmer from Port Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 7 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 July 1919.


3993 Private Simon William DAVEY, an 18 year old Farmer from Auburn, Victoria. He enlisted on 21 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.

3994 Private John Kay DEWAR, a 21 year old Labourer from Brighton, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 September 1917; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 December 1918.

3991 Private Edward Frederick DOIG, a 33 year old Farmer from Wangaratta, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 June 1919.

3992 Private Keith Harold DRUITT, a 22 year old Bank clerk from Mosman, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 March 1919.


4017 Private Horton Thomas HENDY, a 31 year old Baker from South Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 November 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.

3996 Private Archibald James HERIOT, a 27 year old Grazier from St Kilda, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 June 1919.


3998 Private Hugh Dudley Alton JOSKE, an 18 year old Student from East Malvern, Victoria. He enlisted on 9 July 1917; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 October 1918.

3997 Private Harold Leo JUKES, a 21 year old Driver from Shepparton, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


3999 Private Frank Jason LANDVOIGT, an 18 year old Student from Abbotsford, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.


4000 Private John Edward MacKAY, a 19 year old Labourer from Portland, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 January 1919.

4016 Private Alfred Ernest McGILLIVRAY, an 18 year old Baker from South Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 November 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 June 1919.

4002 Private Colin John McWILLIAM, a 19 year old Student from Armadale, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 July 1919.


4003 Private Eric Gordon PEARSON, an 18 year old Clerk from Coburg, Victoria. He enlisted on 24 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 July 1919.


4014 Private Leonard Angus SMITH, a 35 year old Farmer from Bayswater, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 May 1919.


4005 Private Harold UNSTEAD, an 18 year old Farmer from West Horsham, Victoria. He enlisted on 3 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 July 1919.


4009 Private John Aubrey Wilson WILLAN, a 20 year old Orchardist from Norval, Victoria. He enlisted on 1 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 July 1919.

4007 Private Gilbert Nicol WILSON, a 21 year old Farmhand from Bushfield, Victoria. He enlisted on 21 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 July 1919.

4008 Private Arthur Norman WOODHOUSE, a 21 year old Clerk from Cowwarr, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 July 1919.

4011 Private Ronald Lewis WOTTON, a 21 year old Farmhand from Yarraville, Victoria. He enlisted on 26 October 1917; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 December 1918.


Previous: 31st Reinforcement - Ormonde Group

Next: 32nd Reinforcement


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour  

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 31st Reinforcement Ulysses Group

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 7 December 2009 7:44 AM EAST
Thursday, 4 May 2006
3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 2nd Reinforcement
Topic: AIF - 1B - 3 LHR

3rd LHR, AIF

3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 2nd Reinforcement


HMAT A45 Bulla


3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 2nd Reinforcement, embarked from Melbourne, Victoria on board HMAT A45 Bulla 2 February 1915.

The HMAT A45 Bulla weighed 5,099 tons with an average cruise speed of 10.5 knots or 19.44 kmph. The Bulla was previously a captured German vessel called Hessen. It was manned by Australian officers and crew and transferred to Commonwealth Government Line, 15 April 1918.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


702 Private Hurtle Joseph ALLEN, a 22 year old Farmer from St Peters, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 12 June 1919


802 Private Roy Brooker BAILEY, a 28 year old Clerk from Newtown, Tasmania. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 16 December 1918

801 Private David J. BARCLAY, a 27 year old Clerk from Hobart, Tasmania. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 4 August 1916

703 Private Cranstoran Hick BEAVEN, a 30 year old Wool classer from Burra, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917

701 Corporal Edwin BUTLER, a 27 year old Engine driver from Beecroft, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 16 May 1915

803 Private Henry Edward BUTLER, a 23 year old Orchardist from Moonah, Tasmania. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 9 January 1917


704 Private Angus Wallace CAMERON, a 23 year old Labourer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 March 1917

705 Private James CARTER, a 26 year old Farmer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919


813 Private Alfred Ernest DALTON, a 35 year old Groom from Campbelltown, Tasmania. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919

706 Private Sydney James DEDMAN, a 27 year old Labourer from Bowden, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 January 1919


707 Private Patrick Leo EVANS, a 26 year old Farmer from Port Pirie, South Australia. He enlisted on 25 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 February 1919

708 Private Henry EVEREST, a 30 year old Groom from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 26 March 1919


709 Private Fred George Hamilton GARRETT, a 23 year old Clerk from Gawler, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919

711 Private William Andrew GILLIS, a 24 year old Labourer from Maitland, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 March 1919

710 Private Clifford GOODWIN, a 22 year old Driver from Unley, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 29 August 1915

804 Private Arthur Victor GRAHAM, a 21 year old Labourer from Hobart, Tasmania. He enlisted on 24 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 July 1919


713 Private Darcy Wentworth HALL, a 26 year old Mechanic from Torrensville, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 October 1919

805 Private Marshall Napoleon HART, a 19 year old Driver from Brunswick, Victoria. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 2 September 1916

712 Private Wilfred Oscar HENNIG, a 20 year old Labourer from Balaklava, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 August 1915

715 Private Charles Evans HUCKVALE, a 19 year old Clerk from North Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 13 August 1916

714 Private Frederick Charles HUDSWELL, a 20 year old Butcher from Broken Hill, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919

815 Private William Edward HUGHES, a 20 year old Painter from Latrobe, Tasmania. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919

806 Private Alma William HUNN, a 20 year old Storeman from Swansea, Tasmania. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 May 1919


807 Private John KEARNEY, a 24 year old Bushman from Campania, Tasmania. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 24 June 1916

Lieutenant William Charles KELLY, a 26 year old Sheep farmer / Grazier from Goulds Creek, South Australia. He enlisted on 1 January 1915; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 14 July 1918


718 Private Norman Thomas LANE, a 21 year old Driver from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919

717 Private George Denis LAWRENCE, a 24 year old Clerk SA Main Roads from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 12 May 1916

808 Private Edgar Francis LORD, a 22 year old Jam maker from Glebe, Tasmania. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 5 October 1915

716 Private William Charles LYONS, a 26 year old Labourer from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Accident, 9 March 1916


719 Private Kiffin Lawrence Edward MARSHALL, a 19 year old Clerk from Parkside, South Australia. He enlisted on 25 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 September 1919

725 Private Alfred McDONALD, a 25 year old Labourer from Warooka, York Peninsular, South Australia. He enlisted on 13 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 3 June 1916

724 Private Murdock McDONALD, a 24 year old Labourer from Warooka, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 7 July 1916

723 Private Alexander James McGILVRAY, a 19 year old Station hand from Tungkillo, South Australia. He enlisted on 16 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 July 1919

722 Private John Robert McINTOSH, a 24 year old Carpenter from Unley, South Australia. He enlisted on 24 October 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 15 April 1917

721 Private Joseph MUNN, a 23 year old Boundary rider from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919

720 Private James Elliott MURRAY, a 30 year old Sheep farmer from Rhine Park, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 May 1919


812 Private Russell PARSONS, a 28 year old Farmer from Bloomfield, Tasmania. He enlisted on 8 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917

728 Private Bertram Wellesley PEARSE, a 33 year old Sheep Farmer from The Gums Mt Mary, South Australia. He enlisted on 4 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Wounds, 25 May 1915

726 Private Albert Charles PHILLIPS, a 23 year old Blacksmith from Port Lincoln, South Australia. He enlisted on 22 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 August 1918

727 Private John Daniel POTTER, a 30 year old Labourer from Mt Gambier, South Australia. He enlisted on 22 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 1 June 1916

729 Private Joseph POTTER, a 28 year old Labourer from Mt Gambier, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 4 November 1915


730 Private Walter REED, a 23 year old Farmer from Yeelanna, South Australia. He enlisted on 5 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919

809 Private Thomas Walter REYNOLDS, a 35 year old Blacksmith from Hobart, Tasmania. He enlisted on 1 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919

811 Private Frank ROSE, a 40 year old Farmer from Middleton, Tasmania. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 19 January 1916


733 Private Frank Garfield SAINT, a 26 year old Farmer from Warnetown, South Australia. He enlisted on 27 November 1914; and subsequently Died of Disease, 24 October 1918

810 Private John Reuben SMEDLEY, a 20 year old Labourer from Stanley, Tasmania. He enlisted on 8 December 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919

732 Private Alfred Richard SMITH, a 20 year old Station hand from Cooksfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 December 1921

731 Private William Henry STRATFORD, a 25 year old Labourer from Hackney, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 December 1914; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 14 May 1919


734 Private William John THOMAS, a 28 year old Farm hand from Hog Bay, South Australia. He enlisted on 23 October 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 November 1916

814 Private Lionel John TILLEY, a 40 year old Agent from Ranelagh, Tasmania. He enlisted on 19 September 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 August 1916


735 Private Archibald Murray WADDELL, a 19 year old Labourer from Echunga, South Australia. He enlisted on 20 November 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919

737 Private Arthur Ernest WILCOX, a 23 year old Clerk from Semaphore, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 November 1914; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 19 February 1917

736 Private Douglas WILSON, a 25 year old Surveyor from Norwood, South Australia. He enlisted on 6 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 April 1918.



Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Previous: 1st Reinforcement

Next: 3rd Reinforcement


Further Reading:

3rd Light Horse Regiment, AIF

3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 2nd Reinforcement

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 26 November 2009 9:23 AM EAST
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 32nd Reinforcement
Topic: AIF - 4B - 4 LHR

4th LHR, AIF

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 32nd Reinforcement


HMAT A18 Wiltshire


4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 32nd Reinforcement, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A18 Wiltshire 2 February 1918.

The HMAT A18 Wiltshire weighed 10,390 tons with an average cruise speed of 13.5 knots or 25.00 kmph. It was owned by the Commonwealth & Dominion Line Ltd, London, and leased by the Commonwealth until 2 October 1917.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


4092 Private Charles Stanley ALFORD, a 21 year old Dairy farmer from Devon Nth, Victoria. He enlisted on 13 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 21 May 1919.

4120 Private James Hampton ANDERSON, a 19 year old Farmer from Echuca, Victoria. He enlisted on 23 July 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 July 1919.


4121 Private David Richard BARKLA, a 21 year old Farmer from Newstead, Victoria. He enlisted on 25 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 July 1919.


4116 Private Frederick John CLARENDON, an 18 year old Green keeper from Oakleigh, Victoria. He enlisted on 20 March 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 July 1919.


4108 Private Victor Harold FORD, an 18 year old Farmer from Black Rock, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 January 1919.


4093 Private Ernest Herbert GAY, a 22 year old Farmer from Devon Nth, Victoria. He enlisted on 13 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 July 1919.


4117 Private William HONEYCHURCH, an 18 year old Printer from Bright, Victoria. He enlisted on 4 May 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 July 1919.

4114 Private Frederick William HUDSON, a 21 year old Wool classer from East Geelong, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 February 1917; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 December 1918.


4091 Private Frank Melbourne IRVING, a 23 year old Farm labourer from Murchison PO, Victoria. He enlisted on 21 August 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 June 1919.


4111 Private John MacDONALD, an 18 year old Farmer from Lexton, Victoria. He enlisted on 10 September 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 March 1919.

4101 Private Ernest William MYATT, an 18 year old Labourer from Carlton, Victoria. He enlisted on 15 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 December 1919.


4107 Private Donald George Patrick Giraud NAYLOR, an 18 year old Bank Clerk from Sunbury, Victoria. He enlisted on 23 July 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 23 July 1919.


Lieutenant Myles Osborne O'HARA, a 26 year old Farmer from St. Kilda, Victoria. He enlisted on 31 September 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


4095 Private Andrew Douglas Murray PATTERSON, an 18 year old Jackeroo from Essendon, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 November 1919.

4109 Private James George PROUDFOOT, an 18 year old Boundary rider from Glenroy, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 July 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 November 1919.


4096 Private Frederick Clifton ROBINSON, a 20 year old Farmer from Baddaginnie, Victoria. He enlisted on 17 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 January 1919.


4124 Private John Alfred SARRE, an 18 year old Farmer from Koyuga via Echuca, Victoria. He enlisted on 23 July 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 April 1919.

4119 Private Robert Charles SAUL, a 21 year old Farm hand from Collingwood, Victoria. He enlisted on 11 June 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 January 1919.

4113 Private Daniel Patrick SHINE, a 21 year old Farmer from Balmoral, Victoria. He enlisted on 11 April 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 April 1919.

4125 Private Alfred Ernest SINCLAIR, a 22 year old Labourer from Thorpdale, Victoria. He enlisted on 17 August 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 July 1919.

4097 Private Leslie Francis SMITH, a 21 year old Driver from North Fitzroy, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 March 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 July 1919.


4106 Private William John TWOMEY, an 18 year old Farmer from Broadmeadows, Victoria. He enlisted on 17 July 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.


4102 Private John Joseph VINES, an 18 year old Hatter from Northcote, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 April 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 September 1919.


4103 Private Benjamin Peter WELLINGTON, a 29 year old Stevedore from Coburg, Victoria. He enlisted on 23 October 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 January 1919.

4098 Private Leslie George WILLIAMS, a 28 year old Farmer from Dandenong, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 August 1917; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 July 1919.


Previous: 31st Reinforcement - Ulysses Group

Next: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour  

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 32nd Reinforcement

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 7 December 2009 7:43 AM EAST

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