School Cadet Appointments and changes - 1910 MO 75, p. 7
Topic: Militia - Military Orders
School Cadets units were seen as essential in feeding trained men into the Militia. 1910 Military Order 75 details the problems involved in maintaining school cadet units. When a formation was disbanded, it usually meant either a lack of students at the school district, or possibly more accurate, a lack of interest in that region for school cadets for any number of reasons.
If one reads the list of School Cadet Appointments, in South Australia the name of
William John Kinnish is present. Kinnish went onto enlist in the South Australian 43rd Infantry Battalion and allocated to C Company. He was highly regarded and recommended for promotion to Battalion 2IC with the view to taking command of a Battalion in his own right. On 4 July 1917 he was wounded but remained on duty. On 6 july 1917 he was in the hand, hip and groin by shrapnel. He was obviously badly hurt as he never took a field command again but saw the war out in a training capacity. He was Mentioned in Despatches.
Citation: School Cadet Appointments and changes - 1910 MO 75, p. 7
Posted by Project Leader
at 9:45 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 19 June 2008 6:37 PM EADT