Topic: BW - NSW - Aust H
Australian Horse
Boer War Service, 1899-1900
Nominal Roll
3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment [1903-11]
11th Australian Light Horse Regiment [1912-19]
7th Australian Light Horse Regiment [1920-35]
7th/21st Australian Light Horse Regiment [1936-57]
Hearth and Home
Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).
In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.
Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 45 - 47A:
Australian Horse
1062 Trooper John Henry Macartney ABBOTT
1063 Trooper John ALICK
1064 Trooper John Alexander Stewart ANDREW
947 Trooper John Henry APPLEBY
916 Shoeing Smith Alfred William ARMSTRONG
Squadron Sergeant Major Herbert ARNOLD
984 Trooper Wallace Dalton BALL
245 Sergeant Sydney Charles BARNES
5 Trooper Thomas W BARNES
1065 Trooper Frederick Frank BASHFORD
1066 Trooper Walter Montgomery BELL
845 Trooper Alexander BISHOP
1067 Trooper Leslie Stuart BISLEY
157 Trooper William Henderson BLACK
747 Trooper John BONNER
912 Trooper William Thomas BONNER
1061 Corporal Trumpeter David Henry Trayer BOOTH
641 Trooper William BORELAND
748 Trooper Charles Clifton BOSSLEY
Vet. Lieutenant H BOWKER
990 Trooper Herbert Throsby BRIDGES
1068 Trooper Henry Joseph BROSI
1108 Trooper Peter BROWN
208 Trooper James BUCHOLTZ
1069 Trooper Donald C CAMERON
1070 Trooper William CAMERON
1070 Trooper William Valentine COOPER
956 Trooper Reginald Belmore COX
994 Trooper James CROWLEY
996 Trooper Duncan CUMMING
391 Trooper Michael Joseph CUMMINS
1071 Trooper William Joseph CURRIE
1072 Trooper Arthur Ernest D'ARCEY
17 Trumpeter Ernest Anthony DOBSON
1073 Trooper Frederick William DOLMAN
Lieutenant Willoughby Vincent DOWLING
Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Lancelot Arthur DOWSON
38 Sergeant Herbert Frederick DOYLE
Regimental Sergeant Major George Charles DUNCAN
974 Trooper Samuel John DUNN
812 Trooper William EAMES
Lieutenant Alfred EBSWORTH
999 Trooper William John ELLIS
1060 Corporal Alexander Robert Leslie FERGUSON
737 Lance Corporal George James FIRMAN
301 Trooper Thomas FOGARTY
892 Shoeing Smith Michael John FORD
431 Trooper Samuel Charles FULLER
893 Trumpeter Charles Anthony GILCHRIST
1007 Trooper Horace William GILCHRIST
1074 Trooper Richard Henry GOWLAND
1075 Trooper Cecil Horace GRANVILLE
1107 Farrier Sergeant William GRAY
181 Trooper Wengel GRENENGER
367 Trumpeter Sergeant Major George Allman GRIFFIN
1009 Trooper Ebenezer HALL
224 Farrier Sergeant George HANSON
582 Sergeant Charles HARGRAVE
689 Trooper John Alfred HARMER
1011 Trooper Harold Laurence HARNETT
1012 Trooper Geoffrey Hamlyn HARRIS
1013 Trooper James Patrick HARTNEY
334 Trooper John William HAYDON
1109 Trooper Alexander HEANEY
Private John Henry HEAZLETT
1062 Shoeing Smith John Henry HEZLETT
585 Trooper Alexander HILL
1076 Trooper Charles Edward HOCKLEY
1077 Trooper Reginald Arthur HOPKINS
1015 Trooper Arthur Ernest HUXLEY
1078 Trooper Walter Joseph JAMES
81 Trooper James Allen JONES
623 Corporal James Michael JULEFF
1079 Trooper Hedley John KIRKPATRICK
1017 Trooper William Henry LANGSFORD
965 Trooper Walter Givenap LEGGE
Trooper Joseph LEWIS
191 Trooper Joseph LOUIS
376 Trooper William LUFF
680 Trooper Richard John LYNN
902 Trooper Richard MACDONALD
Lieutenant Keith Kinnaird MACKELLAR
1109 Trooper James Peter MAHER
1080 Trooper Armand Claude MALARTIC
1026 Trooper James Bernard MARSHALL
454 Trooper Herbert R MARTIN
894 Trooper Curtis MASTERS
1084 Trooper William Vincent MCJANNETT
1085 Trooper David MCMINN
1025 Trooper Crawford MCWILLIAMS
1081 Trooper John Walter MECHAM
1027 Trooper Maunsel Richard MECHAM
1082 Trooper William Patrick MEEHAN
883 Trooper Albert Abraham METTAM
137 Corporal Herbert Alfred MILLS
686 Trooper Thomas John MINCH
1083 Trooper Edgar Lionel MOODY
538 Trooper George Campbell NORTH
275 Corporal Harold O'BRIEN
Lieutenant James Bunbury Nott OSBORNE
804 Trooper Thomas Edward OVEREND
1086 Trooper Lawrence Alfred PALMER
901 Trooper Sidney Carew McDonald PARRY
1087 Trooper Richard Hawke PEARD
968 Corporal William Ernest PEARD
837 Trooper Robert Chaffey POLE
891 Trooper Norman C PRIDDLE
1088 Trooper Ernest Arthur PRIOR
1059 Corporal Hubert Stanley PULSFORD
1089 Trooper William RENEHAN
809 Trooper Richard NJ RESCH
1054 Trooper Richard James ROE
1056 Sergeant Francis Arthur SAYER
1090 Trooper Harry David SEE
1097 Trooper Louis SEIFFERT
1518 Trooper Charles Frederick SMITH
1092 Trooper Samuel SPITTLE
961 Trooper David Hugh SPRING
1094 Trooper Guildford William Jack STACKPOOLE
1095 Trooper Samuel Thomas STAFFORD
1108 Trooper John STEWART
504 Lance Corporal Sydney John STRIKE
1039 Trooper Benjamin David SWEETLAND
1096 Trooper Frederick John TAYLOR
811 Trooper Owen Albert TAYLOR
1097 Trooper William Herbert THACKER
775 Trooper Edward THOMAS
1055 Sergeant Gilbert Arding THOMAS
Captain Robert Roland THOMPSON
931 Saddler Arthur Edward THRIFT
1098 Trooper Neville James USSHER
393 Sergeant David Douglas VAUGHAN
Second Lieutenant Percy William VAUGHAN
1044 Trooper Thomas WALKER
1099 Trooper John WELLS
1100 Trooper Theodore Vehlmes WESSELL
Lieutenant John Frederick Moore WILKINSON
1057 Trumpeter Sergeant Alfred WILLIAMS
1101 Trooper Percy Gordon WILLIAMSON
1102 Trooper Robert Frank WILSON
323 Corporal Rufus Roland WILSON
1049 Trooper Eli Alexander WINDSOR
1103 Trooper Frederick Harold WINDSOR
1104 Trooper Joseph James WINTER
1058 Corporal Harris Dunmore Lang WOODS
1106 Trooper Selwyn Herbert YARRINGTON
Further Reading:
1st Australian Horse, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Australian Horse, Boer War Service, 1899-1900, Nominal Roll