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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Saturday, 22 May 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, 8th New Zealand North Island Contingent
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand

8th New Zealand North Island Contingent


The following Nominal Roll is extracted from the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives. The record of the ten contingents of New Zealand's soldiers in the Boer War are listed in the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

The 8th New Zealand Contingent, embarked from North Island on the SS “Surrey”, 1 February 1902


8th New Zealand North Island Contingent

5297 Farrier Sergeant Harold ABBOTT

5181 Private Robert Allan ADAMS

5175 Shoeing Smith Robert Stafford ADAMS

5182 Private William Henry ALDRIDGE

5183 Private William Kirk ALLAN

5438 Sergeant Arthur Arnold ALLEN

5456 Private Percy George ANDREWS

5453 Private Ernest George APPLETON

5454 Sergeant George William ARMER

6310 Private Henry ARNOLD

5452 Private John ARNOLD

5314 Private James ARTHUR

5316 Private George Arabia ATKINS

5315 Private William ATKINS

5185 Private Ernest John AUGUST

5318 Private Charles Henry William BAGULEY

5459 Private Arthur John BAKER

5159 Sergeant Joseph Walker BAKER

5462 Private Thomas Alexander BARKER

5044 Private William John BARKER

Major Edwin BARTLETT

5189 Private Ernest Cecil BEAMISH

5431 Sergeant Major Malcolm James BELL

5322 Private Robert BELL

5320 Private William John BELL

5049 Private Arthur Travers BENDALL

5193 Private Bruce Scott BENNETT

5458 Private Edward Joseph BENNETT

5302 Sergeant Sidney Herbert BEST

5170 Corporal August BIERRE

5051 Private Alexander BIRNIE

5321 Private Benjamin Thomas BIRT

5190 Private Allan BLACK

5047 Private James BLACK

5323 Private Edwin West BLACKWELL

Lieutenant Duncan Barrie BLAIR

5163 Sergeant Major Charles Douglas BLAKISTON

5043 Private Alfred BLISS

5327 Private Frederick Wilcox BLOMFIELFD

5326 Private Leonard Humphries BOURKE

5042 Private Michael BOURKE

5192 Private Arthur Uniacke BOURNE

6040 Private Augustine BRADLEY

5050 Private Percy Eustace De BRANDON

5045 Private Robert BRASELL

5463 Private Joseph Norman BRAUND

5188 Private William BREMNER

5460 Private Percy BREWIN

5040 Private Corran BRIDSON

5633 Private Thomas Angus BRIDSON

1000000 Quartermaster Sergeant Charles BROTHERTON

5457 Private Albert Evans BROWN

5543 Private Henry Fenton BROWN

5311 Bugler Ralph Davis BROWN

5324 Private William BROWNE

5325 Private James Little BROWNLEE

5048 Private Thomas BRUNTON

5187 Private Herbert Henry BRYANT

5461 Private Henry George Marshall BUCKLEY

5191 Private James BUICK

Lieutenant George Gilbert BULLOCK

5046 Private Warren William BURCH

5301 Sergeant Frederick Percy BURGESS

6317 Private John BURKE

5041 Private Ernest Edward BURN

5294 Sergeant Charles James BURR

5186 Private Fred BURTON

5468 Private Frank Colin CALLAGHER

5057 Private Arthur CALLAM

5167 Quartermaster Sergeant George Gordon CALVERT

5332 Private Leo CALVERT

Captain John CAMERON

5055 Private Robert CAMPBELL

5054 Private Charles CARBERY

5331 Corporal Joshua CARDER

5198 Corporal Frederick CARPENTER

5472 Corporal Herbert Thompson CARTER

5307 Sergeant William CASSIDY

5330 Private George Alfred CASTLE

5199 Private Robert George CATHERALL

5015 Sergeant Major Alexander Bennett CHARTERS

5467 Private William CHESTER

5469 Private Arthur Harold CHRISTIAN

5334 Private Edward CHRISTIAN

5197 Private George Nathaniel CHRISTIAN

5544 Private Charles Thomas CIMINO

5196 Private Frederick William CLARK

Veterinary Captain John CLAYTON

5200 Private Charles Edward CLIFFORD

5058 Private Percy Redmond CLIMIE

5056 Private John Peter Porteus CLOUSTON

5061 Private Norman CLOUT

5194 Private William CLUNIE

5059 Private Frank COATES

5465 Private Henry Caple COE

Lieutenant Henry Charles COLLETT

5464 Private Ludovic COLQUHORN

Brigade Chaplain Honorary Captain Henry Arthur William COMPTON

5062 Private Alexander Miller CONNELL

5329 Private Edward CONSTABLE

5052 Private Leonard William COOK

5060 Private Thomas Uppadine COOK

Lieutenant George Robert COTTERILL

5308 Shoeing Smith Alfred Charles COURTENAY

5466 Private Charles Allan COWAN

5471 Private Francis Joseph COX

6319 Private Henry William CRAIG

5165 Sergeant Robert William CRAWLEY

5333 Private Percy Augustus CUFF

5053 Private David CUMMING

Lieutenant Adam Samuel CUNNINGHAM

5195 Private Thomas CUNNINGHAM

5849 Farrier Sergeant William Henry CUNNINGHAM

5328 Private Ernest Charles CURTIS

5157 Saddler Sergeant William DAIS

5204 Private Thomas Lambton D'ARCY

5203 Private John DAVIDSON

5202 Private William Philip DAVIDSON

Brevet Colonel Richard Hutton DAVIES

Lieutenant William Hartley DAVIS

5336 Private David DEAN

5335 Private John DEAN

5498 Private Tyrell Lushington DELABROSSE

5435 Sergeant Walter Henry DENBY

5065 Private Henry Conrad DENHARD

5338 Private Ernest Frederick DENYER

5339 Private Robert DICK

5340 Private Robert DICKSON

5201 Private William Thomas DILKS

5063 Private Oscar Clarence DIXON

5064 Private William Henry DOBSON

5007 Corporal Dispenser Charles DORIZAC

5474 Private James DOUGLAS

5337 Private Frank DREWETT

5473 Private Harvey Buckland DROWER

5341 Private Alfred EASTON

5342 Saddler George EBERT

Surgeon Captain Horace Dorset ECCLES

5178 Saddler George Frederick EDWARDS

5475 Private Edmund William EIVERS

5476 Private James ELLIOTT

5343 Private Sidney William EUSTACE

5066 Private George Alexander EVANS

5345 Private Daniel George FARMER

5477 Private Reginald John FENTON

5205 Private Alfred FERGUSON

5207 Private Ernest FILE

5483 Private Samuel FINCH

5482 Private Thomas FINCH

5480 Private William John FINCH

5206 Private Walter Gordon FINNAMORE

5347 Private Frank FIRMSTON

5344 Private Samuel Henry FISH

6333 Private Nathaniel FITZGERALD

5208 Private Arthur Godfrey FITZHERBERT

5478 Sergeant John FLAVELL

5067 Private John FLETCHER

Surgeon Captain Francis Courtenay Sutherland FORBES

5346 Private James Chisman FORTE

5479 Private John William FOSTER

Lieutenant Trevor Hugh FOSTER

5481 Private John FOX

5432 Quartermaster Sergeant Edwin Gordon FRASER

5485 Private Ernest Alfred GABY

5070 Private James GAFFNEY

Lieutenant and Quartermaster Thomas John GARDINER

6337 Private Charles GEDGE

6336 Private John GEORGETTI

5348 Private Charles Francis GIBBONS

5071 Private Patrick GIBBONS

5486 Private Francis Vincent GILLANDER

5484 Private Frank GOMEZ

5068 Private Edward GOODALL

5069 Private Harry GORMAN

5353 Private William Charles GOSLING

5349 Private John GRAHAM

6338 Private Russell Bradford GRAHAM

5210 Private William GRAHAM

5352 Private Harry GRAY

5351 Private Patrick GREEN

5488 Private Hugh GRESHAM

5209 Private Adolph GRICOURT

5350 Private Charles Thomas GRIFFITHS

5008 Private John Bell GRIFFITHS

Lieutenant Brigade Transport Officer John William GRIMES

5028 Bugler Lionel Francis GRIMSTONE

5306 Corporal William Thomas Walsham HALL

5492 Private James HAMILTON

5356 Private Alexander Malcolm HAMMOND

5072 Private Alexander Minion HARDIE

5017 Saddler Sergeant Samuel HARLAND

5219 Private William George HARRISON

5073 Private Edward John HARVEY

5449 Saddler William Alfred HARVEY

5172 Sergeant Frederick HASELDEN

5217 Private Albert Edward HAYDON

5433 Farrier Sergeant Edward HEDLEY

5450 Farrier Joseph William HEDLEY

5493 Private Harry Campbell HEMPHILL

5354 Private John HENDERSON

6347 Private John HENDERSON

5215 Private Arthur William HENLEY

5312 Private paymasters clerk Marcus Reynolds HERBERT

5160 Sergeant George Whitfield HESLOP

5494 Private Thomas HETHERINGTON

5220 Private James Albert HICKLING

5074 Private Donald HIGGINS

5216 Private Frederick HIGGS

5022 Quartermaster Sergeant Frederick Hugh HILL

5033 Corporal Jack HILL

5355 Private Thomas John HILL

5489 Private Joseph Edward HOLMES

5166 Sergeant Bernard HOLMWOOD

5218 Private Francis Shaw HOOD

5491 Private Robert Robert HORNE

5214 Private William John Stevens HORNE

5490 Private Alfred Outram HORSPOOL

5212 Private Andrew Patrick HUGHES

5168 Sergeant James Cecil HUGHES

5075 Private Hedley Russell HULME

5213 Private Frank William HUTCHINSON

5076 Private William Augustus IORNS

5357 Private John IRELAND

5019 Sergeant Cranworth Franklin JACKSON

6351 Private John Keith JACKSON

5081 Private George Ellis JAMES

50777 Private William JAMES

5079 Private Alexander JENKINS

5039 Farrier Joseph JILLETT

5078 Private George Alexander JOHNSON

5495 Private George Richardson JOHNSON

5080 Private Albert Kenmore JOHNSTON

5221 Private Frederick JOHNSTON

5296 Saddler Sergeant John Edward JOHNSTON

5171 Corporal Sydney Herbert JOLLY

6352 Private Harold Lancelot JONES

5360 Private Roland Howard KEATING

5358 Private John KEMPSELL

5082 Private David KENNEDY

5222 Private Alfred Buttars KERR

5083 Private Alexander James KING

5359 Private Alfred Ernest KING

6355 Private Edward Charles KING

5180 Shoeing Smith Arthur James KIRKHAM

5496 Private Frederick KOBLER

5500 Private Herbert LADBROOK

Lieutenant William Eustace LANGFORD

5018 Sergeant Hans LARSEN

5363 Private John Theodore LARSEN

5001 Regimental Orderly Sergeant Robert Sanderson LATTA

5225 Private Thomas LAWSON

5085 Private Frank Leopold LE ROI

5497 Private Alfred Harold LENNARD

5361 Private William LENNON

5000 Regimental Sergeant Major Eudo Walter L'ESTRANGE

5366 Private John LILEWALL

5437 Sergeant Walter Edward LINKHORN

5173 Corporal Otto LIST

5223 Private Herbert Younger LITCHFIELD

5364 Private Charles LITTLE

5224 Private Herbert James Hoddinett LOCK

5365 Private William John Joseph L'ORANGE

5084 Private Robert Ernest LUCAS

5362 Private George Edward LUND

5499 Private George LYSAGHT

5086 Private Charles Haddan Spurgeon MACAULAY

5511 Private James MAHON

5368 Private Alexander Winham MALCOLM

5505 Corporal Neil Campbell MALCOLM

5232 Private Herbert MANDENO

5370 Private Robert MANNING

5091 Private Lewis Hewson MARCKS

5092 Private Carl Molchine MARKMANN

5451 Farrier Alfred Ernest MARTIN

5371 Private Colin MASON

Lieutenant William John MASON

5002 Provost Sergeant Ken Andrew MAXWELL

5169 Corporal William MAXWELL

5229 Private Ambrose MAYHEW

5100 Private Angus MCALPINE

5504 Private Stanley Herbert MCBURNEY

5228 Private William MCBURNEY

5087 Private Donald MCCALLUM

5375 Private Thomas MCCARTNEY

5227 Private Duncan Buchanan MCDONALD

5376 Private Hugh MCDONALD

5131 Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Michael MCDONNELL

5508 Private William MCFARLANE

5374 Private Henry Felix MCGIVERN

5088 Private Cyril John MCGOWAN

5032 Corporal David MCGREGOR

5502 Private James Alexander MCGREGOR

5038 Farrier Argyle MCKAIN

5036 Saddler John Ward MCKAIN

5501 Private Alexander MCKENZIE

5097 Private William Alexander MCKENZIE

5098 Private William MCKERROW

5035 Corporal Charlie Douglas MCLAREN

5093 Private John MCLAUGHLIN

5685 Private MCLAUGHLIN

5506 Private Murdoch John MCLEOD

5373 Private Thomas MCNAB

5372 Private Robert Henry MCNALLY

5507 Private James Hector MCRAE

5095 Private Lavington MCWILLIAM

5369 Private Samuel Henry MENHENNET

5094 Private George Lawton MESSENGER

5233 Private Herbert MEYRICK

5295 Quartermaster Sergeant Albert Francis MILLER

5090 Private Robert James MILLS

5503 Private James Green MILNE

5512 Private Thomas MOLLOY

5096 Private Robert MOODY

5513 Private James Alfred MOORE

5367 Private William John Dennerby MOORE

5226 Private Charles MORGAN

Lieutenant William Arthur MORGAN

Lieutenant Cyril Russell MORRIS

5099 Private William Henry Alfred MORRISON

5089 Private James MULCAHY

5230 Private Frederick MUNDELL

5231 Private Arthur MURPHY

5510 Private Donald Colin MURRAY

5024 Sergeant James Walker NAIRN

5514 Private David NEIL

5016 Farrier Sergeant Albert Ernest NEILSON

5235 Private Charles NEILSON

5236 Private Maurice George NEILSON

5234 Private Henry NELSON

5377 Private Edward NOBLE

Lieutenant William John O'DOWD

5515 Private Allan Phillip O'NEILL

5516 Private Francis Herbert O'NEILL

5378 Private Matthew Gilmour ORR

5102 Private Thomas Harry ORR

5003 Paymaster Sergeant Thomas Malcolm PAGE

5381 Private Walter Vernon PAGE

5105 Private Norman Adam PALMERSTON

5103 Private E F PARKER

Lieutenant Walter James PARKER

5518 Private Frederick Charles PARKINSON

5305 Corporal George Alfred PARSONS

5385 Corporal Henry Norman PARSONS

5238 Private Ivor Daniel PARSONS

5382 Private Robert PAUL

5386 Private Mark Allen PEARCE

Brigade Surgeon Major Walter Relf PEARLESS

6366 Private Edwin PEARSON

5158 Farrier Sergeant James William PEEBLES

5020 Sergeant Alexander PENDER

5106 Private George Henry PEPPER

5237 Private John Francis PERRY

5443 Corporal Francis John PETCHELL

5448 Saddler August Adolph Julius PETERSEN

6365 Private Evan PEVREAL

5519 Private Richard Andrew PEVREAL

5383 Private Samuel PHAIR

5104 Private Cyril Seldon PIKE

5517 Private Reginald PIKE

5520 Corporal John PILE

Lieutenant and Paymaster William PITT

Captain Donald Dso POLSON

5107 Private Harold Elliott PORRITT

5239 Private John PRICE

5177 Private George H PUFLETT

5379 Private George Joseph PULFORD

5380 Private David Herbert PULLEN

5384 Private George PYE

5270 Private Francis Campbell RAIKES

5009 Private Henry Neil RASMUSSEN

5298 Sergeant Alexander READ

5243 Private Bernard REED

5110 Private Kingsford Frederick REED

5109 Private William REILLY

5522 Private Kenneth John RENNIE

5387 Private Albert Gordon RENWICK

Lieutenant Alexander William ROBERTS

5521 Private James Alexander ROBERTSON

5242 Private John ROBERTSON

5112 Private Joseph Lawson ROBINSON

5445 Corporal Herbert Cecil ROBSON

5108 Private William Caspari ROCKSTROW

1000000 Brigade Sergeant Major Charles Philip ROGERS

5034 Corporal Harold Cummins ROGERS

5240 Corporal David ROSS

5037 Farrier James ROSS

5027 Corporal Henry ROWELL

5021 Sergeant George Arthur ROWNTREE

5241 Private William Mckenzie RUNCIMAN

5244 Private Robert RUSSELL

5523 Private Henry Ormond RYAN

5388 Private Martin Henry RYAN

5111 Private Thomas Francis RYAN

5122 Private Thomas Nicholson SAMPSON

5392 Private Henry SAUER

Captain Conrad George SAXBY

5524 Private Edward SCANLAN

Captain Richard John Spottswood SEDDON

5530 Private Henry George SELBY

5245 Private Elliott James SEXTON

6372 Private Robert SEYMOUR

5246 Private Athol Ernest Clarence SHANNON

5124 Private Guy Langston SHAW

5527 Corporal John SHEAHAN

5031 Corporal Edward Robert SHEEHAN

5394 Private George Frederick SIEVERS

5526 Private Henry Thomas SIFFLEET

5293 Private Samuel Thomas SILCOCK

Lieutenant Donald Petrie SIMPSON

5026 Corporal Charles John Dunbar SKINNER

5257 Private James Macadam SKINNER

5120 Private Arthur Henry SMITH

5119 Private Arundel Harry SMITH

5115 Private Charles SMITH

5114 Private Charles Granville SMITH

5310 Shoeing Smith David SMITH

5529 Private Ernest Lewis SMITH

5391 Private Ernest Prin SMITH

5528 Private John Henry SMITH

5164 Private Leslie SMITH

5113 Private Sydney Harold SMITH

5121 Private Henry George Albert SMITHERS

5436 Sergeant Douglas Cromwell SNELLING

5252 Private John William SOMERVILLE

Captain Charles Leslie SOMMERVILLE

5162 Sergeant John Adam SOMMERVILLE

5256 Private William SOUTHERN

5123 Private William SPENCE

5531 Private Arthur Marson SPILMAN

5532 Private Frederick Maurice SPURDLE

5249 Private Henry Robert STANLY

5389 Private James STEED

5247 Private Arthur John STENT

5248 Private Louis James STENT

5118 Private Bert STEVENS

5390 Private Charles Albert STEVENS

5525 Private Francis Alfred STEVENS

5116 Private George STEWART

5442 Corporal Nicholas Colin STITCHBURY

5251 Private Alfred STREET

5250 Private Richard STREET

5117 Private Frederick STUART

5254 Private Arthur Walker STUCKEY

5255 Private Charles William SWAINSON

5303 Corporal Charles William SWANBERG

5253 Private John Geoffrey SWARBRICK

Lieutenant Burton Bedford Montrose TAPLIN

5300 Sergeant Alexander Goldie TAUBMAN

5179 Saddler Percy TAYLOR

5434 Saddler Sergeant William TAYLOR

5397 Private William James TAYLOR

6383 Private Walter Ernest THOMAS

5126 Private Robert William THOMPSON

5127 Private Claude Hamilton THOMSON

5396 Private William George THOMSON

5533 Private Ernest Francis THWAITES

Captain and adjutant Thomas John Marr TODD

5176 Bugler Sidney TOMBS

5395 Private Albert TONKS

5006 Corporal Dispenser William Henry TOOHILL

5125 Private Thomas Henry TOUHY

5398 Private Benjamin Evans TURNER

5023 Sergeant Daniel TURNER

5258 Private Everard Ernest ULRICH

5399 Private Hector Alexander Trevanion URQUHART

Lieutenant Henry Phipps VALENTINE

5534 Private Frederick Louis VAUGHAN

5128 Private Lionel William Herbert VICARY

5401 Private Ernest Henry WALKER

5536 Private Henry WALKER

5299 Sergeant John WALKER

5266 Private Thomas Alexander WALKER

5403 Private James Henry WALSH

5267 Private David Duncan WALTERSON

5129 Private John Thomas WALTON

5537 Private Francis John WARD

5402 Private Arthur Harold WATTS

5264 Private Frank Henry WEBB

5542 Private George Frederick WEBSTER

5174 Corporal Lewis WESTON

5139 Private Harry WHELCH

5259 Private George WHITCOMBE

5541 Private Arthur William WHITE

5265 Private Francis WHITWORTH

Lieutenant Alexander Mitchell WIGHTON

5269 Private David Harris WILLIAMS

6306 Private Frank Jones WILLIAMS

5029 Sergeant Edgar De Burgh WILLOUGHBY

6386 Private Nathaniel Leonard WILLOUGHBY

5400 Private James Henry WILSON

5441 Corporal John James WILSON

6388 Private Robert Arnold WILSON

5535 Private Stanley WILSON

6387 Private William WILSON

5268 Private Samuel WINTER

5263 Private Arthur James WITHERS

5262 Private Charles WOOD

5025 Corporal George Edward WOOD

5261 Private Ebenezer WOOLRIDGE

5539 Private William John WRAY

6390 Private Herbert James WRIGHT

5260 Corporal Percy Geoghegan WRIGHT

5540 Private Hector James WYKES

5030 Sergeant Robert WYLIE

5538 Private Ralph WYMAN

5404 Private Ernest YOUNG

6391 Private Frederick YOUNG

5405 Corporal Herbert Frank YOUNG

5406 Private George YOUNGER


Previous: Boer War - New Zealand, 7th New Zealand Contingent 

Next: Boer War - New Zealand, 8th New Zealand South Island Contingent 


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, 8th New Zealand North Island Contingent 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 10:01 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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