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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Thursday, 27 May 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: RIC to ROB
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: RIC to ROB


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


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Embarkation Roll: RIC to ROB


Alfred Frederick RICHARDSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred George RICHARDSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred James RICHARDSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Cameron RICHARDSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur RICHARDSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur RICHARDSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur RICHARDSON, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur Ernest RICHARDSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Aubrey RICHARDSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles RICHARDSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Herbert RICHARDSON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Charles Longdon RICHARDSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude RICHARDSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Cuthbert Noel RICHARDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David James RICHARDSON, Light Horse Reinforcements.

D'Orient RICHARDSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Duncan Leslie RICHARDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Frank RICHARDSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Walter RICHARDSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Hastings RICHARDSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George Blunden RICHARDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Ferdinand RICHARDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry RICHARDSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Wallace RICHARDSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Goschen RICHARDSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry RICHARDSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack RICHARDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James Daniel RICHARDSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Giles Carmichael RICHARDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James Walton RICHARDSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John RICHARDSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Dalzell RICHARDSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Cornelius RICHARDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Lancelot Lytton RICHARDSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Frank RICHARDSON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Ormond Francis RICHARDSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Owen Norman RICHARDSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Percival Frederick RICHARDSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard RICHARDSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert Noel RICHARDSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Alfred RICHARDSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Walker RICHARDSON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Walter James RICHARDSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William RICHARDSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Alexander RICHARDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Alexander RICHARDSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur RICHARDSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur RICHARDSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William John RICHARDSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Temperley RICHARDSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Bevys RICHENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Timothy Enoch RICHENS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Aubrey Wilfred RICHES, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Walpole RICHES, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Claude William RICHES, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Roy RICHES, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred RICHES, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Henry RICHES, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Albert Leigh RICHMOND, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Dom Tully RICHMOND, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas Gordon RICHMOND, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick RICHMOND, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Thomas RICHTER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Jonas George Ralph RICHTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Ernest RICHTER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel RICKABY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Shapland Racey RICKABY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Campbell RICKABY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Nathaniel RICKABY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Christopher Baillie RICKARD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin RICKARD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Harrie Cecil RICKARD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace RICKARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Edwin RICKARD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John RICKARDS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William RICKARDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Errol Howard RICKETTS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harold Stanley RICKETTS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Oswald RICKETTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Hugh RICKETTS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James RICKETTS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James RICKETTS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Carl RICKMAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Martin RICKWOOD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander RIDDEL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew RIDDELL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Thacker RIDDELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert RIDDELL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Goodwin RIDDETT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter John RIDDLE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Garrow RIDDOCH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Marcus RIDEOUT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Irvine Louis Francis RIDEOUT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Dick RIDGE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Bligh RIDGE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Francis George RIDGE, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Newton Charles RIDGE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Oscar John RIDGE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Benjamin RIDGEON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Drayton RIDGWAY, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Eric Bertram RIDGWAY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Howard RIDGWAY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Leigh RIDGWAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Kelly RIDGWAY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Leigh RIDGWAY, General Service Reinforcements.

Percy Albert Charles RIDGWAY, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Victor Milton RIDGWAY, General Service Reinforcements.

George RIDGWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Matthew John RIDGWELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Rupert Robert RIDGWELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert William RIDLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Lester Reeves RIDLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Cardinal Horace RIDLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Cardinal Horace RIDLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry RIDLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Carrington RIDLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Cecil Thomas Edward Charles RIDLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ralph Samuel Gladstone RIDLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald James RIDLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Norman Trevor RIDLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Gordon RIDOUT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William James RIDOUT, General Service Reinforcements.

Paul Gerald RIEGERT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward RIELEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Charles RIELLY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James RIELLY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Curtis Edwin RIGBY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Fred RIGBY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Rowland RIGBY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Charles RIGBY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Arnold RIGBY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Robert RIGBY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Robert RIGBY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William RIGG, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William George RIGG, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Joseph RIGGALL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Oliver RIGGS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Serafino RIGHETTI, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edmund Edward RIGHETTI, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William RIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Lawrence RIGNEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth RIGNOLD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph RILEN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Mark RILEN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George James Samuel RILETT, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Albert Joseph RILEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles RILEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward RILEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward RILEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles John RILEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel Allen RILEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward John RILEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Daniel RILEY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Frank Neil RILEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Edwin RILEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick James RILEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Edward RILEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Herbert RILEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James RILEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James RILEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

James Cory RILEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Jasper RILEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John RILEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Francis RILEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John Francis RILEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Temple RILEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Temple RILEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Cory RILEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Lewis RILEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Luke RILEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Ralph Alexander RILEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Binfitt RILEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Terence RILEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William RILEY, General Service Reinforcements.

William Patrick RILEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Robert RILEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas RILEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Garnet Crocombe RIMES, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley George RIMMER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis RINALDI, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Joseph RINALDI, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David RINDER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas RINE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Manuel RING, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Manuel RING, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward John Joseph RINGROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank RINGWOOD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Denis RIORDAN, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Hercules Valentine RIORDAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William John RIORDAN, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

James John RIPLEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Lylie RIPLEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Parker RIPPINGALE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Ernest RIPPON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Drury RISBRIDGER, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.

Henry RISEBOROUGH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry RISELEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Robert James RISK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Cossack RITCHIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Clyde RITCHIE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David RITCHIE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Charles RITCHIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick David RITCHIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Colwell RITCHIE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

John RITCHIE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John RITCHIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Seeley RITCHIE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney RITCHIE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Robert RITCHIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur RITCHIE, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William Charles RITCHIE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William John RITCHIE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Willie RITCHIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Charles RITTER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Orton RIVERS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Ernest RIVERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward RIX, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Ernest RIXON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur John RIXON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Bertie George RIXON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Norman RIXON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice RIXON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Frederick RIXON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James RIXON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Henry ROACH, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Augustus William ROACH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Gordon ROACH, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Edward ROACH, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harold ROACH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Francis ROACH, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert ROACH, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Jacob ROACH, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Kelvin ROACH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Lawrence ROACH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick ROACH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Patrick ROACH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas ROACH, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph ROACH, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter David Penman ROACH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Masters ROACH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Clyde ROACHE, General Service Reinforcements.

Richard Leslie ROADS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Percy ROBART aka Percy ROBERTS, General Service Reinforcements.

Alexander James ROBB, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur John ROBB, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Bertie Joseph ROBB, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence William ROBB, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Alison ROBB, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest ROBB, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alexander ROBB, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George McLean ROBB, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman James ROBB, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Richard Ernest ROBB, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter ROBB, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Ballantine Simpson ROBBIE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Albert Edward ROBBINS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Charles ROBBINS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Edward ROBBINS, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

George James ROBBINS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold William ROBBINS, General Service Reinforcements.

Norman Richard ROBBINS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Ernest ROBBINS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Richard ROBBINS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney George ROBBINS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney George ROBBINS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Roy ROBBINS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William ROBBINS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William Arthur ROBBINS aka John GRAHAM, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack ROBERSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Abraham Reginald ROBERTS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Albert ROBERTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Leslie ROBERTS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Egbert ROBERTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Brinklow ROBERTS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin Horace ROBERTS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Bert ROBERTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Bob ROBERTS, General Service Reinforcements.

Cyril Thomas ROBERTS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Darcy James ROBERTS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David ROBERTS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Dudley ROBERTS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Vincent ROBERTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Thaddeus ROBERTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric John ROBERTS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Philip ROBERTS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Alfred ROBERTS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Ambrose ROBERTS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ewart Kingsley ROBERTS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank ROBERTS, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

Frederick ROBERTS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Albert Victor ROBERTS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick James ROBERTS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Albert ROBERTS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Edgar ROBERTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Lancelotte ROBERTS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry ROBERTS, General Service Reinforcements.

Harry Stanley ROBERTS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry ROBERTS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry ROBERTS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry George ROBERTS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace ROBERTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace ROBERTS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James John ROBERTS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Owen ROBERTS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Thomas Hillman ROBERTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John ROBERTS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Alexander ROBERTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John William ROBERTS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Arthur ROBERTS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Barrington ROBERTS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph John ROBERTS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Lewis David ROBERTS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Clifton ROBERTS, General Service Reinforcements.

Norman Harold ROBERTS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy ROBERTS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy ROBERTS, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Percy McDonald ROBERTS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip ROBERTS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Pompey ROBERTS, General Service Reinforcements.

Robert Samuel Lemmin ROBERTS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Roger Alexander ROBERTS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Rowland George ROBERTS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Rupert ROBERTS, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Samuel Ross ROBERTS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Sid ROBERTS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley ROBERTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas ROBERTS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James ROBERTS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph ROBERTS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor George ROBERTS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William ROBERTS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Clement ROBERTS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ROBERTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ROBERTS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William John ROBERTS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Lennard ROBERTS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: REE to RIC

Next:  ROB to ROG


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: RIC to ROB

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 1:24 PM EADT
Wednesday, 26 May 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, 3rd New Zealand Contingent
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand

3rd New Zealand Contingent


The following Nominal Roll is extracted from the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives. The record of the ten contingents of New Zealand's soldiers in the Boer War are listed in the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

The 3rd New Zealand Contingent, was known as the "Rough Riders", embarked from Lyttelton on the SS “Knight Tempar”, 17 February 1900.


3rd New Zealand Contingent

818 Private J L ABSOLOM

620 Private L G D ACLAND

819 Farrier J ALLAN

800 Private J K ALLAN

721 Private J ANDERSON

817 Private J T ANDERSON

720 Private W ANDERSON

820 Private T De Foe BAKER

823 Farrier Sergeant T H BARCLAY

798 Private R C BELL

623 Private H BENNETT

Lieutenant W J BERRY

784 Private F BIRD

768 Private C BLAREMBERG

803 Private M J A BONAR

778 Private W R BONNER

Lieutenant H L BOURNE

621 Private M BOYCE


821 Farrier F T BRADLEY

722 Private W BREMNER

822 Private A BROCKETT

622 Private L W W BROWN

769 Private J BRUCE

773 Private Archibald A BURNE-MURDOCK

624 Private J BUTLER

723 Private J CALDWELL

Lieutenant J CAMERON

805 Private W F CAMERON

629 Private J W CANAVAN

826 Private T CAVANAGH

626 Private A CHAPMAN

636 Private A CHATFIELD


612 Lance Corporal C E CHOLMONDOLEY

824 Private H CLARK

628 Private J A CLARK

627 Private T CLARK

795 Lance Corporal J CLYNES

825 Private L COLLINGE

785 Farrier W C COLVIN

724 Private J CONCHIE

631 Private A C CONE

630 Private A C S COOK

634 Private W H COOKE

632 Private J G G COOPER

804 Private J J COOPER

786 Lance Corporal W COTTERILL

633 Private A COUPLAND

861 Private C CRAIG

635 Private C E CROSS

728 Saddler W DAIS

637 Private H DASHWOOD

829 Private L M DAVIS

828 Private L DAVY

726 Private P A DE LOREE

638 Private G C DERRETT

618 Farrier T C DORN

770 Private G A DOUGALL

727 Private C DRUMMOND

783 Private M DUGGAN

725 Private H V DUIGAN

791 Private Valentine DUNNE

766 Private C DYKE

641 Private E EGGLESTON

639 Saddler W J ELLISON

609 Sergeant C W ENSOR

640 Private E C EVANS


792 Private H J A FOREMAN

807 Private A W FOULDS

642 Private G W FRANKS

729 Private D FRASER

772 Private S A FRASER

782 Private D FULTON

801 Private C D GALWAY

731 Private Frank GARMONDSWAY

799 Private J G GIBSON

733 Private J GILCHRIST

644 Private R O GILL

732 Private D S GLASGOW


765 Lance Corporal J Q GOLDER

803 Private C L GOLDING

730 Private A GOODWIN

808 Private J GORDON

643 Private H C GRAHAM

767 Private E A GUMBLEY

837 Lance Corporal C O HAGENSON

649 Private A HARPER

605 Colour sergeant E HARPER

645 Private H J C HARPER

835 Private E HARRIS

651 Private J W HARRISON

735 Lance Sergeant A P HAWKINS

831 Private W E HAWTHORNE

647 Private J J HEASLEY

832 Private W J HEIFORD

646 Private J HENDERSON

836 Private G W HESLOP

834 Private J HOBSON

648 Lance Sergeant B L HODGSON

742 Private J HOGG

838 Private J C HUGHES

650 Private R S HUGONIN

833 Farrier E A HUMPHRIES

736 Private J A HURRY

734 Private G HYDE

652 Private A J IRELAND

655 Private A E JACKSON

839 Private H JAGO

689 Private C A JEFFREYS

810 Private Gordon JOHNSTONE

809 Private Graham JOHNSTONE

816 Private A JOSEPH

654 Private A H JOSEPH

653 Private H JOWSEY


657 Private T W KELCHER

658 Private J KENNEDY

862 Private J KENNINGTON

600 Private W KIDD

659 Private M P KNIGHT

656 Private A KNUDSON

840 Private E KROGH

719 Sergeant F KRULL

743 Private T R LAMBESS

806 Lance Corporal W E LANGFORD

Lieutenant M LEWIN

793 Private R LLOYD

662 Private W T LOWE

661 Private C LUSK

673 Private A M MACINTOSH

665 Private J MACKAY

776 Private C H MACKINDER

843 Lance Sergeant N L MAIR

841 Private E H MANNING

667 Private H G MANSFIELD

796 Lance Corporal J MARTIN

847 Private B C MCCORMICK

845 Private R MCCULLOCK

846 Lance Sergeant A MCDONALD

671 Private R MCDONALD

802 Private M MCFADZEN

674 Private F MCFARLANE

738 Private A N C MCGONAGLE

740 Private G MCGRAIL

672 Private R MCINTYRE

844 Bugler A H MCLEAN

741 Private F J MCLEAN

739 Private W MCLENNAN

737 Private M MCMULLEN

780 Private T MCWHIRTER

666 Saddler W N MOFFATT

774 Private R MONTGOMERY

744 Private F MOORE

668 Private R W MORRIS

842 Private D F MORRISEY

663 Private T R MOSS

745 Private R MOUNTSEY

669 Private Hugh MUNRO

670 Private F L MURRAY

664 Private J J MURRAY

613 Lance Sergeant H NEAVE

675 Private H NEILL

611 Lance Sergeant E W NELSON

746 Private A NEWCOMBE

676 Private C E NURSE

607 Sergeant V W O'FARRELL

848 Saddler T A OTTEN

718 Lance Corporal W PAGE

679 Private C PARKINSON

850 Sergeant J B M PATON

678 Private Luke PERHAM

747 Private R G PERRAU

848 Private A PETERSEN

812 Private J A B PHILLIP

811 Private M PICKETT

748 Colour sergeant F PLEASANTS

677 Private A PORTER

850 Private E T POULTON

813 Private J POYNTER

771 Private A C PRICE

781 Private E H PRICE

684 Private L M RAINE

787 Private E A D RATHBUN

680 Lance Corporal R R RICHARDS

814 Private R RICHARDSON

852 Private T RICHARDSON

794 Lance Corporal T G A RICHARDSON

681 Private C C ROBERTS

762 Private N D ROBERTSON

Captain J ROSE

608 Regimental quartermaster sergeant A D ROSS

750 Private J ROSS

749 Private D S ROSS

683 Private H R RULE

717 Sergeant F RUSSELL

682 Private F J RYAN

687 Private J W SANSOM

854 Private R G SAXBY

693 Private J A SCOTT

853 Private W SCOTT

686 Private T L SCOTT

688 Private W T SCOTT

691 Private G B SEYMOUR

751 Private R SIMPSON

755 Private R K SIMPSON

695 Private C E SMITH

689 Private D B SMITH

855 Private S H SMITH

690 Private C E SMITH

694 Private R D SMITH

685 Private D SPENCER

754 Private H H STEADMAN

753 Private C STENT

610 Sergeant R STEVENSON

755 Private D STEWART

696 Private M STEWART

752 Private J STEWART

692 Private E H STONE

615 Bugler D STRACHAN

616 Bugler A SYME

856 Private A G TAUBMAN

757 Private A E THEOBALD

614 Bugler J THORN

700 Farrier C TILLYSHORT

698 Private T R TINDALL

699 Private W E TOMLINSON

697 Lance Corporal E B TOSSWILL

Lieutenant F G TUCKER

756 Lance Corporal P L TUDOR

788 Private E UPHAM

701 Lance Corporal R H B UPTON

782 Private R H VALLENCE

758 Private H E VERGETTE

703 Private C F VERNALL

827 Private E O VON DADELZEN

606 Regimental Sergeant Major W T WALKER

779 Private E J WALTER

797 Private W P WALTERS

619 Farrier Sergeant C Y WARD

775 Private J G WARD

790 Private A WARNER

859 Private C WATT

858 Private A T WELLWOOD

707 Private C E WHEELER

760 Private J WHITEMAN

857 Private H T WHITSON

777 Private C WIGGINS

704 Private A A WILCOX

Veterinary Surgeon H C WILKIE

860 Private A G B WILLIAMS

763 Private J WILLIAMS

764 Private B WILLIS

708 Private E WILLIS

617 Lance Corporal C A WILSON

759 Private J G WILSON

815 Private A A WOOD

705 Private H WORSLEY

761 Private J WRIGHT

706 Private G WRIGHT


Previous: New Zealand, 2nd New Zealand Contingent 

Next: Boer War - New Zealand, 4th New Zealand Contingent 


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, 3rd New Zealand Contingent 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 9:12 PM EADT
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: ROB to ROG
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: ROB to ROG


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: ROB to ROG


Alexander ROBERTSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Henry ROBERTSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Selwyn ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew ROBERTSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Angus Claude ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Ferguson ROBERTSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur George ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur John ROBERTSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Milton ROBERTSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Campbell McLean ROBERTSON, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Charles Herbert ROBERTSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril ROBERTSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Leonard ROBERTSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric John ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Roy George ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Theodore ROBERTSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Kersey James ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Scott ROBERTSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Ernest ROBERTSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Ochiltree ROBERTSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George ROBERTSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George Lewis ROBERTSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Holmes ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Arthur Foxton ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Henry George ROBERTSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Herbert ROBERTSON, Cable Signal Section.

Herbert Charles ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Stanley ROBERTSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Clement Hugh ROBERTSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Howard ROBERTSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

James ROBERTSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James ROBERTSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Alexander ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James Mcdonald ROBERTSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John ROBERTSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John ROBERTSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John ROBERTSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Ballantyne ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Comber ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John Crawford ROBERTSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard John ROBERTSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Liston John ROBERTSON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Noel Raphael ROBERTSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Noel Tertius ROBERTSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Norman Leslie ROBERTSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ralph ROBERTSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Robert Hill ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Kelvin ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Robert Morgan ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Valentine ROBERTSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Ronald ROBERTSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Stephen ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Dunn ROBERTSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas McKnight ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Wilson ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Leslie ROBERTSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William ROBERTSON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

William ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William Daniel ROBERTSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William David ROBERTSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Ferguson ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William George ROBERTSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William Gray Dixon ROBERTSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William John ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William McLeod ROBERTSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas ROBERTSON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

William Thomas Malcolm ROBERTSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Albert ROBEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Rodney ROBEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Rodney Keith ROBEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Joseph ROBILLIARD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey De Quetteville ROBIN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Stanley ROBINS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Angus Bruce ROBINS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Wesley Underwood ROBINS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Hotham ROBINS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin George ROBINS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Frederick ROBINS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Montie ROBINSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert ROBINSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Gordon ROBINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander ROBINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Henry ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan David ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Angus Broughton ROBINSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Clarke ROBINSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur Gordon ROBINSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur James ROBINSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Murray ROBINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ben Foxhall ROBINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Bert William ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Blakiston ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Archibald ROBINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Knight ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Morphett ROBINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Patrick ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Philip ROBINSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Phillip ROBINSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence ROBINSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Colin Lawrence ROBINSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Peter ROBINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Duncan Ernest ROBINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward ROBINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward ROBINSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edward Walter ROBINSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Edwin Gordon ROBINSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edwin Joseph ROBINSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Walton ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Albert ROBINSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Charles ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Henry Walter ROBINSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ethelbert ROBINSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Henry ROBINSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles ROBINSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Clifton ROBINSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Dawson ROBINSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Hadley ROBINSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Joseph ROBINSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Frederick Walter ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George ROBINSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George ROBINSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.

George Ernest ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Ernest ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George William Alfred ROBINSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Godfrey ROBINSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Henry ROBINSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold ROBINSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Joseph ROBINSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Arthur ROBINSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Henry Frederick ROBINSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Thomas ROBINSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Breacken ROBINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Reginald ROBINSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Sidney ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Lovett ROBINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Donald ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

James Michael ROBINSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Patrick ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John ROBINSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Cecil ROBINSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John James ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Mansell ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Selwyn ROBINSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Ware ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Lance Lester ROBINSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Lance Lester ROBINSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Leslie Leonard ROBINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Marsden ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Charles ROBINSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Norman John ROBINSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Maltby ROBINSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Oswald ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Paul Degge ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Edward ROBINSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard (William) ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard George ROBINSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Richmond Victor ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Alexander ROBINSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Hall ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Charles ROBINSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley George ROBINSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Oswald ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney William ROBINSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James ROBINSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Nicholas ROBINSON, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Vincent Davy ROBINSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter ROBINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Charles ROBINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Wilfred ROBINSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles Albert ROBINSON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

William George ROBINSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Hamilton Gibson ROBINSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William James ROBINSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William James ROBINSON, Light Horse Reinforcements.

John ROBISON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Edwin ROBOTHAM, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Harold ROBOTHAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Elliot James Ash ROBSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Henry ROBSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert ROBSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Ernest ROBSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney George Ernest ROBSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Edgar John ROBSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William ROBSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George ROCHE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Lewis ROCHE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James ROCHE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Lawrence Francis ROCHE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Maurice John ROCHE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas ROCHE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas ROCHE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace ROCHFORT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Fritz Sainsbury ROCHSTEIN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Claud Dennis ROCK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Francis ROCK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Boswell ROCKCLIFF, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur RODD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James RODD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Christopher RODDA, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Wilfred RODDEN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward RODDY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur John Ignatius Hilliary RODEN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Rendall RODERICK, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick RODERICK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas RODERICK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Colin RODGER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Chamberlin RODGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew James RODGERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Galbraith Philip RODGERS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James Arthur RODGERS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph RODGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Jordon RODGERS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Thomas RODGERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Edward RODGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Reuben Claude RODMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Jacob RODSTED, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas John RODWELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Amos RODWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Roland George RODWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy RODWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Henry RODWELL, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur Thomas ROE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Reece John ROE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Hughes ROE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Hughes ROE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Alexander ROE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Richard James ROE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Rowland John ROE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert North ROEBUCK, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John ROEBUCK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter John ROEBUCK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Bertram ROENNFELDT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence ROESE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold James ROFE, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Hector Edwin ROFF, General Service Reinforcements.

Albert James ROFFE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Lyell ROFFE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John ROGAN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Manfred Lawrence ROGAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert ROGAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Stanley ROGAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis ROGASH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Herman ROGASH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Walker ROGER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: RIC to ROB

Next:  ROG to RUB


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: ROB to ROG

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 1:28 PM EADT
Tuesday, 25 May 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, 4th New Zealand Contingent
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand

4th New Zealand Contingent


The following Nominal Roll is extracted from the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives. The record of the ten contingents of New Zealand's soldiers in the Boer War are listed in the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

The 4th New Zealand Contingent, was known as the "Rough Riders" or "New Zealand Bushmen", embarked from Wellington on the SS “Gymeric”, 31 March 1900.


4th New Zealand Contingent

1408 Corporal J E ALEXANDER

1133 Private J T ALEXANDER

1517 Private E A ALGER

1008 Corporal W ALLAN

1568 Private W ALLEN

1250 Private W L ARMSTRONG

Lieutenant B ARTHUR

1414 Private H S ATKINSON

1510 Private J BAGHURST

1257 Private W J BAGHURST

1415 Private E A BAILEY

1258 Private A J BAKER

Private H E S BANKS

1140 Private John BANKS

1384 Sergeant F S BARTON

1119 Private C BATES

Lieutenant Arthur BAUCHOP

1152 Private E W BAXTER

1087 Private H BAYLY

1252 Private W F BELL

1416 Private C C BERRY

1163 Private P C BEST

1113 Private R BISSETT

1393 Private W J BLISSETT

1256 Private A J BODDINGTON

1255 Private H M BODDINGTON

1417 Private B R BOLLOND

1164 Private H B BOLTON

1554 Private E S BONE

1371 Private O BOTTOM

1381 Private G BOUGEN

1158 Private W S BOVEY

1040 Private G M BOWERS

1047 Private D BOWIE

1055 Lance Corporal W A BOWLING

1253 Private C W BOYD

1418 Private W B BRADSHAW

1565 Private L E BRAITHWAITE

1161 Private H W BRIGHT

1261 Private S G BROADBENT

1254 Private C W BROWN

1019 Private J G BROWN

1420 Private J S BROWN

1068 Private W N BROWN

1400 Sergeant Major C E BROWNE

1385 Private D S BRUCE

1382 Private F O BRUCE

1060 Private W H BUCKLAND

1017 Private W E BUNTING

1379 Private F C BURCH

1016 Private C D BURGESS

1419 Private R E H BURNETT

1050 Private S CAIRNS

1567 Private W C CALLAGHAN

1141 Private D CAMERON

1561 Farrier D H CAMERON

1422 Private H G CAMERON

1302 Private R A CAMERON

1117 Private J CAMERON

1121 Private H W CAMPBELL

1423 Private M CANAVAN

1310 Private C G CAREY

1023 Private C CARPENTER

1264 Private H J CARTER

1262 Private J N CARVER

1105 Sergeant A H CHALLIS

1316 Private A CHAMBERS

1091 Bugler W CHEESEMAN

1151 Quartermaster Sergeant W E CHRISTIE

1424 Corporal E C CLARKE

1020 Private A CLARKE

1558 Private W MC CLUNIE

1066 Private J A C CLYMA

1263 Sergeant C COLEBROOK

1409 Corporal J A COLLEDGE

Lieutenant R W COLLINS

1080 Sergeant F H COLLIS

1529 Private D CONDON

1425 Private J CONDON

1074 Private R CONDON

1314 Private W CONNOLLY

1426 Private H R S CORLETT

1062 Private D M CORSON

1407 Saddler Sergeant W A CRAIG

1037 Private R F CRAWFORD

1569 Private M CREAN

1159 Private W F CRESSWELL

1388 Sergeant C W E CRIBB

1394 Private J H CRITCHLEY

1800 Private A S CUNNINGHAM

1427 Private J T CUNNINGHAM

1491 Private G CURRIE

1083 Private C S DALGLEISH

1377 Private J DAVIDSON

1428 Private M L DAVIES

1429 Private E DAVIS

Captain E DAVY

1103 Private P DAWSON

1401 Sergeant Major T H DAWSON

1138 Private George F H DAY

1270 Private J M C DEVERY

1139 Private David DICKSON

1259 Private W DINEEN

1267 Private F N DIXON

1268 Private N DIXON

1146 Private R DONNELLY

1532 Private J T DOREEN

1043 Private H J DOWLE

1430 Private H DRAPER

1155 Private R A DRINNAN

1048 Private C S DUFF

1002 Private W R DUFFY

1012 Private A DUNCAN

1566 Sergeant R N DUNCAN

1498 Private C DUNFORD

1072 Private J DUNGEY

1272 Private C R EASTHER

1044 Private J EDGAR

Veterinary Surgeon P M EDGAR

Lieutenant M B ELDER

1034 Private W J FALLOWFIELD

1490 Private J H FERRIS

1045 Private G N F FINDLATER

1431 Private P C FIRTH

1309 Private D FITZGERALD

1275 Private J FLETCHER

1143 Private T FORD


1480 Private H FRANKHAM

1273 Private W J R FRANKLYN

1274 Sergeant H FRASER

1376 Private R H FRASER

1525 Private W W FRITH

Captain H T FULTON

1536 Private George FUSZARD

1518 Private A T W GANNON

1360 Private T J GARDINER

1135 Private J GIBB

1007 Private D F GIBSON

1432 Private W R GIBSON

1549 Private A GILMOUR

1433 Private E GOODWIN

1160 Private W J GORRIE

1149 Corporal John GOUK

1563 Private F R GOULLETT

1269 Sergeant E M GRANT

1095 Private J B GRANT

1307 Private F W D GRAY

1024 Private J GRAY

1392 Saddler W G GREENOUGH

1512 Private W J GROVES

1290 Corporal F HALL

1251 Farrier Sergeant W J HARDHAM

1284 Saddler S HARLAND

1076 Private W HARRIS

1115 Private W HARRIS

1434 Private W S HARRIS

1298 Private W A HART

Captain John Allen HARVEY

1439 Private V S HATTAWAY

1538 Private H J HAWKINS

1126 Private J G HAZLETT

1128 Private Joe HAZLETT

1327 Private W HEBLEY

1540 Corporal Henry T HECKLER

1015 Private J P HEENAN

1435 Farrier G HENDERSON

1287 Corporal D R HEWITT

1056 Sergeant D A HICKEY

1285 Bugler J A HICKLING

1403 Sergeant W A HICKSON

1281 Private F H HILL

1436 Private J C W HILL

1282 Private J HILL

1535 Private C A HIRTZELL

1079 Private T HOGG

1067 Private T W HOLDEN

1437 Private G HOLDEN

1553 Private C HOOPER

1559 Private R C HOPKINS

1118 Private Thomas HORROBIN

1286 Private R P HOUGHTON

1533 Private E A HOWELL

1438 Private W HUBBARD

1101 Sergeant Ernest HUNTER

1292 Private A C R ISHERWOOD

1003 Private D M JACK

1440 Private A E JACKSON

1336 Private C F JACKSON

1441 Private J F JACKSON

1157 Sergeant Major W JICKELL

1502 Private M JOHNSON

Lieutenant G F JOHNSTON

1526 Private J E JOHNSTON

1556 Private O G JOHNSTON

1570 Private W J JOLL

1061 Sergeant E JOLLY

1028 Lance Corporal J L JONES

1082 Private J JONES

1107 Private W H JUDE

Lieutenant J H KEDDELL

1296 Private R M KEELING

1442 Private P KEITH

1148 Private Richard J KELLY

1114 Private A KEOWN

1295 Private D A KERR

1297 Private H KERR

1088 Private S KYLE

1145 Private R C LACEY

1077 Private J R LAMONT

1386 Private J LANGHAM

1099 Farrier W J LAWRENCE

1537 Private George LAWSON

1291 Private C A LE SUEUR

1547 Private R E LEAN

1380 Private J P LINES

1106 Private J W LOGAN

1402 Sergeant J L LONG

1098 Farrier W LORIGAN

1073 Private S LOUSLEY

1018 Private J L LOW

1299 Private R LYON

1086 Private H J MACDONALD

Lieutenant J R MACDONALD

1305 Private S MACDOUGALL

1317 Private W MACDOUGALL

1802 Private A J H MACFARLANE

1412 Bugler C G MACINDOE

1511 Private J T MACKAY

1543 Private J F MACKLEY

1803 Private A J MACLAINE

1013 Private J C MACLEAN

1137 Private James Denis MALONEY

1444 Private W P MANDENO

1508 Private E H MANNSELL

1709 Private T O MARTIN

1315 Quartermaster Sergeant W J MASON

1058 Private W M MATHEWSON

1153 Private J A MATHIE

1280 Private S L MATTHEWS

1370 Private R MAUD

1323 Private A MCARTNEY

1112 Private J J MCAULEY

1109 Private R MCAULEY

1010 Private J T MCCDONALD

1124 Private A E MCDONALD

1311 Private P MCDONALD

1129 Private A MCEWEN

1445 Private G W MCEWIN

1123 Private Claude MCGREGOR

1279 Private D S MCGREGOR

1446 Saddler G S MCHARDY

1125 Private Donald MCINTOSH

1289 Private D MC MCINTYRE

1312 Private M MC MCINTYRE

1511 Saddler J MCKAY

1132 Private A MCKELLOR

1110 Private H MCKENZIE

1304 Private K D MCKENZIE

1130 Private T MCKENZIE

1009 Private W MCKENZIE

1001 Private W P MCKERROW

1156 Farrier D MCKNIGHT

1142 Private J R MCLAREN

1531 Private J H MCMILLAN

1308 Private A MCPHEE

1340 Private A MCPHEE

1301 Private J MCRAE

1162 Farrier Sergeant Joseph MEAD

1071 Private T MEE

1059 Private J R MELVILLE

1479 Private R MEREDITH

1300 Farrier T MERSON

1447 Private W MILLAR

1449 Private A F MILLER

1147 Private W MILNE

1306 Private A A T MONAGHAN

1506 Private T MONKLEY

1443 Private J F MOONLIGHT

1052 Private J G H MOORE

1026 Private T J MORETON

1090 Private W G MORRISON

1102 Private A MORRISON

1448 Private C C MUNRO

1108 Corporal Leslie MURPHY

1801 Private Thomas MURRAY

Surgeon Captain J H NEIL

1410 Corporal W H NEWDICK

1085 Corporal C NEWMAN

1496 Farrier M NEWSOME

1526 Private H NICHOLLS

Lieutenant J M NICOLSON


1451 Private W J O'DOWD

1452 Private W OLIVE

1100 Farrier G ORANGE

1025 Lance Corporal E S ORBELL

1288 Corporal J R ORFORD

1557 Private J ORR

1266 Private N E OSBORNE

1035 Private J A PALMER

1555 Private H N PARSONS

1453 Private H B PATON

1454 Private J C PATON

1390 Private E PATTEN

1455 Corporal S A J PAYNTER

1456 Private G B PEACOCKE

1387 Private F C PEAKMAN

1319 Private F PEARCE

1457 Private R PEARCE

1265 Private B PENNY

1548 Private E S PETTIT

1411 Corporal C O PHAIR

1458 Private J PILE

1038 Private T POPHAM

1150 Private A W PORTEOUS

1530 Private W PORTER

1459 Private C W POWER

1318 Sergeant Major G C POWLES


1067 Private T QUINN

1322 Private H C RAINBOW

1550 Sergeant A READ

1369 Corporal A W RENALL

1260 Private J RENTOUL

1294 Farrier C RETTER

1283 Sergeant H RIDDICK

1324 Farrier C W RIDLEY

1075 Private A J ROBERTS

1053 Corporal A W ROBERTS

1127 Private J ROBERTSON

1460 Private H ROBINSON

1504 Private J A ROGERS

1325 Corporal G H F ROLLESTON

1065 Sergeant G A ROSS

Lieutenant J ROSS

1461 Private K ROSS

Lieutenant W J F ROSS

1022 Private W J M ROSS

1032 Private J ROSS

1462 Private W RUDDELL

1064 Private J RUMBLE

1463 Private J L RUNCIMAN

1328 Private A J RUSDEN

1464 Bugler H E SALMON

1081 Private J SALTER

1339 Private A M SAMUEL


1332 Private E J SAUNDERS

1534 Sergeant C G SAXBY

1335 Private J F H SAXON

1552 Private J W SCOTT

1338 Private D SCOWN

Lieutenant R J S SEDDON

1303 Private F SEXTON

1041 Sergeant Major A E SHALDERS

1042 Private H SHALDERS

1378 Private F C SHARP

1337 Private E R SHEEHAN

1136 Private J SHEEHAN

1405 Sergeant J D G SHERA

1331 Private W M SIMCOX

1031 Private R SIMMERS

1527 Private A G SIMPSON

1097 Farrier Sergeant R SMEATON

1120 Private D K SMITH

1313 Private E H SMITH

1333 Corporal G D H SMITH

1029 Private G F SMITH

1341 Private M R SMITH

1372 Private R E SMITH

1030 Private S A D G SMITH

1523 Private S W SMITH

1063 Private T SMITH

1104 Private E A SMOOTHY

Major Joe Reginald SOMMERVILLE

1057 Private J SORENSON

1467 Private J C SORENSON

1051 Farrier W H SPAIN

1000 Surgeon's Assistant Corporal SPRAGG

1334 Private W M STACK

1116 Private D STALKER

1404 Sergeant G STEELE

1329 Private H A STEPHENS

1122 Private J STEVENSON

1089 Private A F STOCK

1804 Private O F STOKES

1039 Private W W STRINGER

1027 Private W T SULLIVAN

1395 Private M L SUNDIN

1465 Private E E SUTHERLAND

1005 Private J SUTHERLAND

1330 Private R SUTHERLAND

1466 Private A C SUTTIE

1468 Private J SWANN

1011 Private F SWANWICK

1277 Private H SYCAMORE

1472 Private J TANNER

1345 Private E P TAPPER

1344 Private F H TAYLOR

1469 Private H N TAYLOR

1131 Private W TEMPLETON

1036 Private L C TENNANT

1546 Private W TERRILL

1096 Private R M THOMPSON

1320 Private W D THOMPSON

1154 Private A THOMSON

1004 Private B THOMSON

1389 Private J P THOMSON

1470 Farrier W THOMSON

Lieutenant W J A THOMSON

1571 Private G THORNTON

1070 Saddler A E THURLOW

1471 Private W TOPP

1359 Private T TRENGROVE

Lieutenant Robert George TUBMAN

1527 Private O H TULLY

1084 Private D TURNER

1343 Sergeant T G H TWISTLETON

1346 Private H H UDY

1347 Sergeant J B VALLANCE

1541 Private J VAUGHAN

1521 Private B VEALE

1276 Private E A VENNELL

1349 Private G T VILE

1373 Private William Henry VINSEN

1350 Private G A WALKER

Captain G H WALKER

1375 Private J WALKER

1353 Private A I WALLACE

1473 Private W E WARBURTON

1144 Private A E WARD

1054 Private C K WARD

1078 Private R H WARD

Surgeon-captain J WATT

1093 Private J D WATT

1564 Private F WELLS

1393 Bugler C B WELSBY

1033 Private A WEST


1471 Private C W WHEELER

1094 Private E WHITE

1355 Private G WHITE

1049 Sergeant H WHITE

1374 Private J J WHITEHEAD

1475 Private W J WIGMORE

1476 Private G WILKINS

1406 Farrier G R WILKINSON

1092 Bugler R W WILKINSON

1006 Private G WILLIAMS

1111 Private J WILLIAMS

1356 Private E WILLOUGHBY

1477 Private W WITHERS

1271 Private A WOODWARD

1539 Corporal W S WOOF

1342 Private R C WRIGHT

1478 Private F W WYLIE

1326 Private R WYLIE

1046 Private C WYSE

1501 Private H M YORKE

1361 Private A J YOUNG

Veterinary Surgeon R A YOUNG

1278 Private W YOUNG


Previous: Boer War - New Zealand, 3rd New Zealand Contingent 

Next: New Zealand, 5th New Zealand Contingent 


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, 4th New Zealand Contingent 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 9:11 PM EADT
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: ROG to RUB
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: ROG to RUB


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: ROG to RUB


Albert George ROGERS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Victor Henry ROGERS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan ROGERS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Edward ROGERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Leonard ROGERS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur William ROGERS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Albert ROGERS, General Service Reinforcements.

Charles Edward George ROGERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Frederick ROGERS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence Stanley ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Arthur ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Amos ROGERS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Edward ROGERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis James ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

George Edwin ROGERS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George James William Hugh ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry ROGERS, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.

James ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

James Edwin ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Stanley ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie James ROGERS, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Luke Francis ROGERS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Mark Roy ROGERS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Parker Charles ROGERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Thomas ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Louis Stanford ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Robert William ROGERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas George ROGERS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Vaughan Arthur ROGERS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Vincent James ROGERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Wallace ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Isaac ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

William John ROGERS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William John ROGERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Berkley ROGERS - HARRISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Joseph ROHAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter John ROHLEDER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Bernard ROHRICK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles ROHRLACK, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph William ROLAND, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur William ROLANDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander ROLFE, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Joseph ROLFE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Lawrence ROLFE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Thomas ROLFE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Arthur ROLFE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Hugh Edward Hall ROLFE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Timothy ROLFS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Ross ROLLAND, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Edward ROLLASON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William ROLLASON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin Albert ROLLES, General Service Reinforcements.

Philip Lancelot ROLLESTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Leslie ROLLINSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Stanley ROLLISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack ROLLO, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas James ROLLO, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Henry ROLPH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Henry ROLPH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles ROMARO, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Oke Oakesson ROMNEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Angus Cameron RONALD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth McGeorge RONALD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Bruce RONALD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Alfred RONALD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay RONALDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Daniel RONAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Maurice RONAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Clarence Alexander RONEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael RONEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas George ROOKABY, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur Percival Markham ROOKE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Percival Markham ROOKE, General Service Reinforcements.

Walter Frederick ROOKE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Joseph ROOKE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Henry ROOKS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Victor ROONAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred George ROONEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Frank ROONEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George William ROONEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Angelo ROONEY, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Archibald Leonard ROOTS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter James ROOTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ROOTS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edgar ROOTSEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander McLeod ROPER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest George ROPER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Cameron ROPER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Talbot ROPER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ralph Allan ROPER, General Service Reinforcements.

Raymond St Vincent ROPER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Peace ROPER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Francis ROPER, General Service Reinforcements.

Cecil John Elzric RORKE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred William ROSCOE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alan Clifton ROSE, General Service Reinforcements.

Albert Ernest ROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Angus William ROSE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Arthur Sydney Lancelot ROSE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Percy ROSE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edward ROSE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Mariner Thornton ROSE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Burman ROSE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest ROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Mervyn ROSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Eustace William ROSE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank ROSE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank ROSE, General Service Reinforcements.

Frederick ROSE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

George ROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George Thomas ROSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George William ROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon ROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Mervyn ROSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Hubert Ernest ROSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Fraser ROSE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James Victor ROSE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John George ROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Patrick ROSE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Patrick ROSE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Kelso Joshua ROSE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond Charles ROSE, General Service Reinforcements.

Reginald Gordon ROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Benjamin ROSE, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.

Thomas George ROSE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas William ROSE, General Service Reinforcements.

William Boyd ROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Saywell ROSEBY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Mark ROSENBERG, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Kingston ROSENTHALL, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Jack Lewis ROSENTHALL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Arthur John ROSER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Octavius ROSER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

George ROSEVEAR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie H. ROSEWAINE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William H. ROSEWARNE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Sinclair Archibald ROSIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Sinclair Archibald ROSIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Gordon ROSIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Leopold James Cecil ROSKAMS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander ROSS, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Alister Hall ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Kenneth Fraser ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Kenneth Fraser ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alwyn Fraser ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew George ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew Roy ROSS, General Service Reinforcements.

Archibald ROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Byron James ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles James ROSS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Chisholm Cameron ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Clive Hall ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

David ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

David ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

David ROSS, Airline Section.

Donald ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Secundus ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Farquhar ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Eliott Hall ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon King ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Gregory ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold ROSS, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry ROSS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Angus ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

James ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

John ROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Anstice ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Edwin ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry Zouch ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Roy ROSS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph ROSS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Joseph James ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ken Stewart ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Kenneth Doige ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Malcolm ROSS, General Service Reinforcements.

Matthew ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Neil ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Nigel Grafton ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Allen Ogilvie ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Peter ROSS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Calo ROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Dalrymple ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert George ROSS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Walter ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald Campbell ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Rowan Chisholm ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Spencer Liddle ROSS, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas Donald ROSS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor James ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Austruther ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Wilfred Wallace ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Forest Maxwell ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Harrison ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ROSS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ROSS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Wallace ROSS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Willian Allardice ROSS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard ROSSBACH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Werner Eric ROSSBACH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Henry ROSSENDELL, General Service Reinforcements.

Oscar Haines ROSSER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Oscar Haines ROSSER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William ROSSER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry ROSSER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George ROSSITER, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Otto Cartwright ROSSITER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Harold Laurence ROSTRON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert ROSTRON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

David Francis Peter ROTH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Bell ROTHEL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Aston ROTHERY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold ROTHWELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Godard ROTHWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur James ROUGET, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John ROUGH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Thomas ROUGHLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George Eric ROULSTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert George ROULSTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James ROULSTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ebenezer ROUND, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Edgar ROUNDS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Percival Harold ROUNDS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Martin ROUSE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward James ROUSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Wallace Livingstone ROUSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Joseph ROUSEAU, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Magee ROUTLEDGE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Wilfield ROUTLY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Austral ROW, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew Percival ROWAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Gordon Tackey ROWBOTHAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Eben ROWBOTHAM, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Bertie ROWBOTTOM, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander ROWE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Arnold Roy ROWE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur ROWE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward ROWE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Daniel ROWE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

David ROWE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Burham ROWE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick ROWE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Ley ROWE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry William ROWE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Howard John Basil ROWE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Hurtle Peters ROWE, General Service Reinforcements.

John ROWE, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Ludwig ROWE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Norman McIver ROWE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip Valentine ROWE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald ROWE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Charles ROWE, General Service Reinforcements.

Thomas William ROWE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Wilfred Diment ROWE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William James ROWE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William john Thomas ROWE, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin ROWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles ROWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles ROWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Milton ROWELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Stephen Neville ROWELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay Hugh ROWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Fairbairn ROWELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Edward ROWLAND, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles Richards ROWLAND, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Richard Davies ROWLAND, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Owen John ROWLAND, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Paul Russell ROWLAND, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard ROWLAND, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas ROWLAND, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles ROWLANDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Tinkler ROWLANDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Llewellyn ROWLANDS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry ROWLES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred ROWLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur William ROWLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles ROWLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Keith ROWLING, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey ROWNEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Squire Underdown ROWNEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Ewan Sutcliffe ROWNTREE, General Service Reinforcements.

Vernon Shirley ROWNTREE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles Walter ROWSELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Edward ROWSELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander ROXBURGH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Ernest ROXBURGH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman William ROXBURGH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Alexander ROXBURGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Robert ROY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Charles ROYAL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Richard ROYAL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William Molyneaux ROYDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Alexander ROYLANCE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Charles ROYLE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank ROYSTON, General Service Reinforcements.

Michael Phillip ROYSTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry ROZEE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Dedrich ROZENFELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Henry ROZYNSKI, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Henry ROZYNSKI, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Oscar Ernest ROZYNSKI, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Martin Edward RUANE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold RUBERY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Wilfred RUBY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: ROB to ROG

Next:  RUB to RYR


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: ROG to RUB

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 1:30 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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