Topic: Militia - LHW - WA
Western Australian Militia
Pinjarrah Mounted Infantry
The following is an extract from the book written in 1962 by George F. Wieck called The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia 1861-1903, pp. 60 - 61:
Pinjarrah Mounted Infantry
Sixteen years had passed since the disbandment of the Pinjarrah Mounted Volunteers when Mr A. Purslove submitted a proposal to form a mounted corps at Pinjarrah. The Gazette of 1 March 1900 gave authority to raise the "Pinjarrah Mounted Infantry" at Pinjarrah, with a detachment at Coolup. The Establishment was fixed at three Officers and 60 Other Ranks (precisely the error made in connection with the earlier corps raised there), but before long the total was reduced to 30. Three Officers were appointed on 22 May 1900.
The new corps had an independent existence until 7 June 1900 when it became a Division of "A" Company of the newly created W.A. Mounted Infantry Regiment-later the 18th Light Horse Regiment (W.A.M.I.)
The corps was armed with the Martini-Metford 0.303 rifle.
Officers of the Pinjarrah Mounted InfantrySecond Lieutenant AE Thomas, 22 May 1900
Second Lieutenant H Davies, 22 May 1900
Second Lieutenant A Purslove, 22 May 1900
Previous: West Australian Mounted Infantry
Next: Goldfields Battalion of Infantry
Further Reading:
Western Australian Mounted Infantry
Western Australian Militia, Light Horse
Western Australian Militia, Infantry
Citation: The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia, Pinjarrah Mounted Infantry