Topic: Militia - LHW - WA
Western Australian Militia
18th Light Horse Regiment (W.A.M.I.)
The following is an extract from the book written in 1962 by George F. Wieck called The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia 1861-1903, pp. 66 - 67:
18th Light Horse Regiment (W.A.M.I.)
The 18th Light Horse Regiment was created by changing the designation of the West Australian Mounted Infantry Regiment as stated in Serial 28.
It was the "18th" Regiment in the Federal sequence of numbering of mounted corps. The new designation took effect on 1 January 1903.
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Further Reading:
Western Australian Mounted Infantry
Western Australian Militia, Light HorseWestern Australian Militia, Infantry
Citation: The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia, 18th Light Horse Regiment (W.A.M.I.)