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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Thursday, 20 July 2006
10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 16th Reinforcements
Topic: AIF - 3B - 10 LHR

10th LHR, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 16th Reinforcements


HMAT A52 Surada


10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 16th Reinforcements, embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia on board HMAT A52 Surada 16 May 1916.

The HMAT A52 Surada weighed 5,324 tons with an average cruise speed of 10 knots or 18.52 kmph. It was owned by the British India SN Co Ltd, London, and leased by the Commonwealth until 4 January 1917. The Surada was torpedoed and sunk by a submarine in Mediterranean, 2 November 1918.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


2310 Private Bruce Learmonth ANDERSON, a 19 year old Farmer from Broome Hill, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2313 Private Frederick Cudmore ANDREWS, a 20 year old Law Clerk from Narrogin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and subsequently was Discharged, 2 March 1917.

2315 Private Alfred Ernest ARTHUR, a 44 year old Miner from Kamballie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 8 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

2311 Private Frank ATKINSON, a 25 year old Baker from North Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 11 February 1916; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 8 July 1919.


2326 Private William BAIN, a 36 year old Miner from Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

2317 Private George BALLARD, a 23 year old Farm Hand from Kellerberrin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 December 1915; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 17 September 1919.

2306 Private Charles George BAMKIN, a 19 year old Dairy Hand from South Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 5 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 January 1920.

2324 Private Edward Henry Fremain BARTLETT, a 21 year old Farmer from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

2325 Private Jack BARTLETT, a 26 year old Carter from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 19 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2327 Private Tasman Dingwall BLACK, a 35 year old Rail worker from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 January 1919.

2426 Private Arthur BOND, a 28 year old Farm Manager from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 January 1919.

2308 Private Harry Bartlett BOND, a 22 year old Moulder from South Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 18 October 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 September 1919.

2320 Private Arthur John BOXALL, a 24 year old Gardener from Bayswater, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 October 1919.

2309 Private Leopold John Robert BRADDOCK, a 31 year old Orchardist from Maylands, Western Australia. He enlisted on 6 November 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 February 1919.

2402 Private Samuel Ernest BROAD, a 26 year old Farmer from Strawberry, Western Australia. He enlisted on 1 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2431 Private George Leake BROUN, a 43 year old Grazier from Armadale Park via York, Western Australia. He enlisted on 24 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 August 1916.

2321 Private George BUTLER, a 24 year old Labourer from York, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


2335 Private Julius CAESAR, a 29 year old Rail worker from East Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 April 1919.

2332 Private Harry Richmond CAMPBELL, a 23 year old Farmer from Perenjori, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 April 1919.

2424 Private Ernest John CARRUTHERS, a 31 year old Station Hand from Roebourne, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 March 1917.

2336 Private Charles Percy CARTER, a 31 year old Dairy Hand from Wooroloo, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 November 1919.

2328 Private Thomas James CHERRIE, a 26 year old Teamster from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 22 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Discharged, 8 August 1919.

2304 Private Francis Robert CLARK, a 20 year old Farmer from Redmond, Western Australia. He enlisted on 1 December 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 25 July 1918.

2331 Private Jack Smith COOK, a 32 year old Teamster from East Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

2460 Private Hugh Gilroy COWAN, a 30 year old Plumber from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 6 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

2330 Private Patrick Francis CULHANE, a 36 year old Sleeper Hewer from Nannup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


2338 Private James DAFFY, a 28 year old Labourer from Katanning, Western Australia. He enlisted on 24 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 November 1918.

2337 Private John DAY, a 45 year old Farmer from Quairading, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 August 1918.

2384 Private Alexander DeMARCHI, a 23 year old Station Hand from Redcliffe, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 December 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

2339 Private Charles DESLY, a 21 year old Teamster from Dangin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 23 October 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.

2322 Private Arthur Morrow Boord DEWDNEY, a 32 year old Farmer from Brunswick, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2341 Private James DODS, a 28 year old Groom from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and subsequently was Discharged, 30 August 1919.


2343 Private Alfred James EAMER, a 29 year old Teamster from Meekatharra, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 July 1918.

2342 Private Frederick Milton ENGLISH, a 21 year old Farmer from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 18 October 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

2344 Private Thomas EVANS, a 28 year old Miner from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and subsequently was Discharged, 6 July 1919.


2348 Private Edwin Stewart FITZGERALD, a 19 year old Farmer from Naraling, Western Australia. He enlisted on 3 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 February 1919.

2347 Private Phillip Edward FOX, a 29 year old Labourer from East Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 29 December 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


2427 Private Harry Purdington GADEN, a 22 year old Teamster from Wooroloo, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 2 September 1916.

2354 Private William GATES, a 24 year old Groom from South Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.

2356 Private Archdall Owen GAZE, an 18 year old Teamster from Claremont, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

2355 Private Alfred William GITTOS, a 31 year old Teamster from Mt Hawthorn, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 April 1919.

2351 Private Llewellyn David GRIFFITHS, a 19 year old Farmer from Moora, Western Australia. He enlisted on 2 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2350 Private Morris Oswald GRIFFITHS, a 26 year old Flour Miller from West Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 June 1919.

2349 Private Jasper GROWNS, a 34 year old Carpenter from Claremont, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.


2301 Private George Frederick HALL, a 23 year old Uni Student from Midland, Western Australia. He enlisted on 18 January 1916; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.

2359 Private Frank HARDEN, a 27 year old Linesman from Leederville, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 April 1919.

2360 Private Eugene Henry HARRIS, a 21 year old Farmer from Dangin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 December 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

2468 Private Thomas HORAN, a 34 year old Butcher from Wyndham, Western Australia. He enlisted on 29 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 23 July 1919.

2467 Private Bertie Conrick HUMPHRIES, a 25 year old Boilermaker from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 17 July 1916.


2363 Private Montague Melbourne JACOBS, a 27 year old Farmer from North Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 30 November 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

2362 Private Carl Hands JACOBSEN, a 19 year old Stockman from Coolgardie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 3 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

2428 Private Wallace JOHNSTONE, a 24 year old Stockman from Youanmi, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


146 Private Percival Harrington KERR, a 25 year old Grazier from 'Opawa', Mingenew, Western Australia. He enlisted on 6 October 1914; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 April 1919.

2367 Private Cecil James KING, a 30 year old Stockman from North Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

2364 Private Roy Garfield KYRWOOD, a 20 year old Butcher from Leederville, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 November 1916.


2372 Private Harry LANGDON, a 22 year old Groom from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 20 September 1917.

2369 Private Frederick Norman LATHBY, a 26 year old Blacksmith from Boulder, Western Australia. He enlisted on 8 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2370 Private George LAUFFER, a 20 year old Dairyman from Midland, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2371 Private Francis John LEE, a 20 year old Clerk from Northam, Western Australia. He enlisted on 12 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

2423 Private Karl Arvid Henrick LINDBERG, a 21 year old Teamster from Moora, Western Australia. He enlisted on 1 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

2429 Private Ernest LITCHFIELD, a 30 year old Labourer from Wagin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 11 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

2374 Private Charles LLOWARCH, a 40 year old Labourer from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 21 June 1919.

2426 Private Robert James LOUDON, a 28 year old Farmer from Broome Hill, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.


2385 Private John Alexander MacGREGOR, a 20 year old Farmer from Beverley, Western Australia. He enlisted on 24 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2377 Private John MAGUIRE, a 25 year old Farmer from Babakin via Bruce Rock, Western Australia. He enlisted on 1 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.

2477 Private Albert Arthur MATTHEWS, a 23 year old Labourer from Wickepin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 22 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 16 August 1916.

2378 Private William McCANN, a 41 year old Teamster from Queens Park, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

2382 Private Joseph McMAHON, a 30 year old Station Manager from Gin Gin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

2388 Private Christian MILLAR, a 21 year old Farmer from York, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 27 May 1919.

2387 Private Leonard MILLAR, a 22 year old Porter from York, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 21 August 1919.

2474 Private John MORAN, a 22 year old Labourer from Nungarin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 22 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

2379 Private Maurice Maitland MORLEY, an 18 year old Farmer from Irishtown via Northam, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2383 Private George MORRIS, a 23 year old Farmer from Woolgar, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

2376 Private Archibald MORRISON, a 33 year old Farmer from East, Victoria Park, Western Australia. He enlisted on 3 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 26 December 1917.

Second Lieutenant Henry Martin MYATT, a 25 year old Orchardist from Harvey, Western Australia. He enlisted on 5 August 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 August 1919.


2396 Private Abiah PARRY, a 19 year old Stockman from Boulder, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1915.

2390 Private Harold PAYNE, a 22 year old Stockman from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 20 October 1915; and subsequently was Discharged in Britain, 29 September 1919.

2393 Private Algernon Thude PEARSE, a 22 year old Station Hand from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 24 November 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 September 1919.

2395 Private Charles Edward PEARSE, a 29 year old Stockman from Lake Darlot, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2391 Private Roy Albert PORTEOUS, a 22 year old Farmer from Gnowangerup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 November 1916.

2392 Private Roy Edgar PORTEOUS, a 23 year old Farmer from Gnowangerup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 March 1919.

2398 Private Arthur James RANDELL, a 21 year old Farmer from Yorkrakine, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2399 Private Donald Allan RULE, a 40 year old Farrier from Yarloop, Western Australia. He enlisted on 19 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.

Second Lieutenant Ernest RUSE, a 27 year old Farmer from Babakin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 September 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 22 August 1919.


2484 Private Ernest Walter SELLEY, a 23 year old Stockman from East Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 11 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

2411 Private Clarence Richard SHALDERS, a 20 year old Salesman from Victoria Park East, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 December 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.

2407 Private William Hamilton SHAW, a 28 year old Labourer from Redhill, Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 3 September 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

2403 Private Bert SHIER, a 20 year old Farmer from Yorkrakine, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

2404 Private Edward SHIER, a 19 year old Farmer from Yorkrakine, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

2406 Private James Edward SPALDING, a 45 year old Station Hand from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 August 1917.

2412 Private Edward Bradford STAFFORD, a 21 year old Fireman from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 2 December 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2482 Private George William STARKIE, a 23 year old Timber worker from Manjimup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2427A Private Walter STEWART, a 20 year old Farm Hand from Pallinup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

2410 Private Samuel George STITT, a 42 year old Miller from East Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 March 1917.

2483 Private Walter George STOKES, a 26 year old Teamster from Greenough, Western Australia. He enlisted on 24 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 January 1919.


2413 Private Leslie Wiltshire THOMAS, a 23 year old Jockey from Maitland, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

901 Sergeant Francis Edward THORNTON, a 25 year old Farmer from Toodyay, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 January 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 11 July 1917.

2414 Private Wilford Roy TRENAMAN, a 23 year old Labourer from Meekatharra, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 February 1916; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 30 March 1918.


2415 Private John Henry Carl VERRAN, a 27 year old Miner from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.


2419 Private Joseph WARREN, an 18 year old Farmer from Borranning, Western Australia. He enlisted on 5 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 January 1919.

2430 Private Ernest George WEARY, a 21 year old Miner from Boulder, Western Australia. He enlisted on 9 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

2487 Private Richard Alletson WEBSTER, a 27 year old Farrier from Donnybrook, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 September 1919.

2417 Private Stanley Albert WHITE, a 34 year old Farmer from Balingup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

2420 Private Kenneth McFarlane WILLIAMSON, a 24 year old Teamster from Narrikan, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2416 Private Joseph George WINES, a 44 year old Miner from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 August 1919.



Previous: 15th Reinforcements

Next: 17th Reinforcements


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 16th Reinforcements

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 December 2009 8:26 PM EAST
Wednesday, 19 July 2006
10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 17th Reinforcements
Topic: AIF - 3B - 10 LHR

10th LHR, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 17th Reinforcements


HMAT A52 Surada


10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 17th Reinforcements, embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia on board HMAT A52 Surada 16 May 1916.

The HMAT A52 Surada weighed 5,324 tons with an average cruise speed of 10 knots or 18.52 kmph. It was owned by the British India SN Co Ltd, London, and leased by the Commonwealth until 4 January 1917. The Surada was torpedoed and sunk by a submarine in Mediterranean, 2 November 1918.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


2456 Private Charles Henry AUBRY, a 26 year old Labourer from York, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.


2458 Private David Francis BARR, a 22 year old Farmer from Yarding via Bruce Rock, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

2457 Private Ronald BUCK, a 19 year old Storekeeper from Narrogin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

2459 Private James Joseph BUTLER, a 21 year old Farmer from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 23 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


2333 Private Andrew Thomas COLLINS, a 29 year old Miner from Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 January 1919.

2461 Private Edward Joseph CUNNINGHAM, a 34 year old Signalman from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 13 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 February 1919.


2463 Private Trevor Henry DRIVER, an 18 year old Farmer from Yarloop, Western Australia. He enlisted on 11 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

2462 Private Glynn DROMEY, a 22 year old Farmer from Gunyidi, Western Australia. He enlisted on 29 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.

2464 Private Matthew DUCKWORTH, a 20 year old Farmer from Albany, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 October 1919.

2489 Acting Corporal Francis Daniel DURBRIDGE, a 41 year old Prospector from Leonora, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 October 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 April 1919.


2465 Private John William EATON, a 40 year old Engine Driver from Subiaco, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 June 1919.

2466 Private George Gould ELWORTHY, a 27 year old Station Overseer from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.


2346 Private John Bede FOGARTY, a 43 year old Labourer from Timber Mills, Western Australia. He enlisted on 29 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 1 March 1918.


2353 Private Harry Bradlaugh GIDDENS, a 20 year old Farm Hand from South Bunbury, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

2352 Private James GRIFFIN, a 30 year old Station Hand from Esperance Bay, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


2488 Acting Sergeant Edmund Cyril HARDWICK, a 20 year old Station hand from Waroona, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 December 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 January 1920.


2469 Private Herbert Stanley JONES, a 20 year old Farm hand from Brookton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 23 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

2470 Private Victor Henry JONES, a 22 year old Labourer from Brookton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 23 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


2366 Private Francis Walter KILPATRICK, a 40 year old Farmer from Warren River via Manjimup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 19 January 1919.


2472 Private Thomas Leslie LIDDELOW, an 18 year old Farm hand from Balbarrup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


2476 Private Clarence William MARTIN, a 20 year old Farmer from Northam, Western Australia. He enlisted on 13 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

2478 Private Bernard Luke Adolphus McGUINNESS, a 25 year old Loco Fireman from Midland, Western Australia. He enlisted on 6 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 March 1919.

2380 Private William Stewart McINTOSH, a 19 year old Farmer from Bruce Rock, Western Australia. He enlisted on 11 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 20 January 1917.

2386 Private David John MURRAY, a 35 year old Horseman from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 22 December 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.


2479 Private Robert NELSON, a 40 year old Labourer from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


2480 Private Terence O'BRIEN, a 32 year old Blacksmith from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 29 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 August 1918.


2397 Private Arnold QUARTERMAINE, a 21 year old Farm Hand from Wagin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 January 1919.


2481 Private Bert REYNOLDS, a 21 year old Labourer from York, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 March 1916; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 6 November 1917.

2401 Private John Sylvester RICHARDS, a 23 year old Labourer from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 March 1919.

1271 Private William Manuel RING, a 25 year old Farm Hand from Katanning, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 June 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.


2402 Private Joseph John SEERY, a 35 year old Station hand from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 24 November 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

2408 Private Samuel Bernard STANSFIELD, a 23 year old Miner from Meekatharra, Western Australia. He enlisted on 8 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


2485 Private William Renfrey THOMAS, an 18 year old Stockman from Jarrahdale, Western Australia. He enlisted on 8 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.


2418 Private Leo Percy WEIDENBACH, a 32 year old Veterinary surgeon from Katanning, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 February 1916; and subsequently was Discharged, 26 January 1918.



Previous: 16th Reinforcements

Next: 18th Reinforcements


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 17th Reinforcements

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 December 2009 8:25 PM EAST
Tuesday, 18 July 2006
10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 18th Reinforcements
Topic: AIF - 3B - 10 LHR

10th LHR, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 18th Reinforcements


RMS Morea


10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 18th Reinforcements, embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia on board RMS Morea 6 June 1916.

The RMS Morea weighed 10,890 tons with an average cruise speed of 16 knots or 29.63 kmph. It was owned by the P & O SN Co, London.  

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


2634 Private Reginald John ANGELL, a 24 year old Stockman from Carnarvon, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.

2633 Private George ARMITAGE, a 25 year old Horse trainer from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 January 1916; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.


2635 Private David BAKER, a 28 year old Farmer from Wickepin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 8 November 1915; and subsequently Died of Disease, 21 October 1918.

2638 Private Walter BENTHIEN, a 19 year old Labourer from Fremantle, Western Australia. He enlisted on 9 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2639 Private Herbert William Powell BEVAN, a 19 year old Brick maker from Albany, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.

2657 Private Thomas Fraser BEVERIDGE, a 19 year old Station Hand from Harden, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

2664 Private Herbert John BEVIS, a 19 year old Saw Millhand from Yarloop, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 28 December 1917.

2636 Private Thomas Andrew BUCKINGHAM, a 24 year old Horseman from West Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 11 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 July 1918.

2637 Private Wilfred BUSHBY, a 40 year old Blacksmith from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 13 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.


2640 Private Hilary John CARROLL, a 26 year old Clerk from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 9 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

2641 Private William Netherby CARSON, a 28 year old Farmer from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 9 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2661 Private Walter James CRESSWELL, a 21 year old Station Hand from Cunnamulla, West Qld. He enlisted on 6 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 September 1916.

2642 Private Harold C. CULL, a 19 year old Farmer from Albany, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

2631 Acting Sergeant John CULLEN, a 25 year old Policeman from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 3 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.


2658 Private Charles DODD, a 31 year old Farmer from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 8 April 1919.


2643 Private Frederick ECCLES, a 28 year old Butcher from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 January 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.


2659A Private Roy Ennis FERGUSON, a 25 year old Timber worker from Brisbane, Queensland. He enlisted on 3 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 March 1919.

2644 Private Clarence FULWOOD, a 21 year old Telegraph Linesman from Brookton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 8 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


2647 Private Frederick Edward HICKS, a 18 year old Drover from Carnarvon, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 February 1916; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 9 January 1917.

2645 Private William HOGG, a 40 year old Stockman from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 25 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2659 Acting Corporal Walter George Thorrell HUMPHRIS, a 23 year old Optical Lens Grinder from Wickepin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 February 1916; and subsequently Died in Custody (Prisoner of War), 22 April 1917.


2648 Private Alexander James KNIGHT, a 21 year old Farm Hand from West Dale via Beverley, Western Australia. He enlisted on 8 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 2 September 1916.


2649 Private Thomas Samuel MARTIN, a 24 year old Farmer from Northam, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

2650 Private John King MOFFETT, a 19 year old Butcher from East Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 13 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


2662 Private Albert William PERKINS, a 35 year old Clerk from Roseville near Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 December 1915; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.


2660 Private James Currie RATHIE, a 28 year old Grazier from Mount Nombi, Mullaley via Gunnedah, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.


2653 Private Christopher Connelly SCULLY, a 19 year old Farm Hand from Nabawa, Western Australia. He enlisted on 19 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.

2663 Private George William Frederick SCULLY, a 24 year old Labourer from Bell, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 September 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

2652 Private William Alexander SIMMONS, a 19 year old Farmer from Bunbury, Western Australia. He enlisted on 29 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2665 Private Ernest Henry SMITH, a 34 year old Barman from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 12 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 8 March 1917.


2654 Private Gerald Cecil TEMPLE, a 21 year old Axeman from Maylands, Western Australia. He enlisted on 13 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.

2651 Private John James THOMAS, a 36 year old Carrier from Merredin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 21 February 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 3 August 1917.


2655 Private Sidney Mackenzie VALENTINE, a 44 year old Farmer from Morawa, Western Australia. He enlisted on 13 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 August 1917.



Previous: 17th Reinforcements

Next: 19th Reinforcements


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 18th Reinforcements

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 December 2009 8:23 PM EAST
Monday, 17 July 2006
10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 19th Reinforcements
Topic: AIF - 3B - 10 LHR

10th LHR, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, 19th Reinforcements


RMS Mongolia


10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 19th Reinforcements, embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia on board RMS Mongolia 17 July 1916.

The RMS Mongolia weighed 4,892 tons with an average cruise speed of 12 knots or 22.22 kmph. It was owned by the  Indian & Peninsular St. Nav Co Ltd Glasgow.  Torpedoed and sunk on 21 July 1918.

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


2809 Private Frederick Joseph BECKETT, a 21 year old Farm hand from Mingenew, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 September 1919.

2812 Private Reuben John BLECHYNDEN, a 21 year old Clerk from Leederville, Western Australia. He enlisted on 1 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 February 1919.

2810 Private Ernest James BOND, a 44 year old Stockman from Carnarvon, Western Australia. He enlisted on 29 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 7 January 1919.

2811 Private Edward Henson BROADHURST, a 26 year old Orchardist from Kelmscott, Western Australia. He enlisted on 31 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.


2813 Private Cyril Brooke CARLIN, a 19 year old Student from West Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 1 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 June 1919.

2814 Private Walter CATTACH, a 21 year old Mill Hand from Jarrahdale, Western Australia. He enlisted on 13 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.


2806 Acting Sergeant Peter William Kenneth DOIG, a 29 year old Bush Contractor from Wagin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 6 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


2815 Private Herbert Thomas Noel EDWARDS, a 20 year old Farmer from Beverley, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 April 1916; and subsequently was Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.


2817 Private Charles Edwin FLATT, a 21 year old Sportsman from Boulder, Western Australia. He enlisted on 9 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 5 March 1919.

2816 Acting Sergeant William John FULLERTON, a 31 year old Clerk from York, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 15 February 1918.


2821 Private Michael John HEELAN, a 26 year old Farmer from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 9 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

2818 Private David HILL, a 27 year old Miner from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

2838 Private Frederick Ernest HILL, a 22 year old Farmer from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 13 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2819 Private William HURST, a 43 year old Farmer from Narrogin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 3 April 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 30 August 1918.

2820 Private Robert HUTCHISON, a 26 year old Carpenter from Claremont, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 April 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.


2822 Private Arthur JONES, a 35 year old Gardener from Jandakot, Western Australia. He enlisted on 11 January 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


2807 Acting Corporal Reginald KENWORTHY, a 22 year old Fitter from West Guildford, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 December 1915; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


2824 Private Herbert Arthur LATHAM, a 22 year old Farmer from Wongan Hills, Western Australia. He enlisted on 6 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

2808 Private Caleb Arthur LAWRENCE, a 34 year old Carrier from Dowerin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 31 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

2823 Private John George LEVITT, a 41 year old Farmer from Doodlakine, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.


2826 Private Hurtle Aubury MARTIN, a 28 year old Horse driver from Barragup, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 April 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 22 January 1917.

2825 Private Francis MINOGUE, an 18 year old Clerk from Maylands, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

2827 Private Adam Hope MURRAY, a 29 year old Farmer from East Beverley, Western Australia. He enlisted on 17 April 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 21 May 1917.


2829 Private Andrew OLIVER, a 30 year old Shearer from North Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 1 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 April 1919.


2830 Private William John PIESSE, a 27 year old Farmer from Wagin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 4 April 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

2831 Private Joseph Henry PLANT, a 45 year old Stockman from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 8 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 November 1917.


2839 Private Robert Victor STANFORD-BLUNTISH, a 23 year old Book Keeper from Broome Hill, Western Australia. He enlisted on 7 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 September 1919.

2832 Private Herbert King STIRLING, a 26 year old Farmer from York, Western Australia. He enlisted on 20 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 9 December 1919.


2833 Private Ernest Frank WICK, a 23 year old Farm Hand from Toodyay, Western Australia. He enlisted on 6 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 23 July 1919.

Second Lieutenant Arthur Tyrrell WILLIAMS, a 40 year old Agent from Subiaco, Western Australia. He enlisted on 23 November 1914; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 5 May 1917.

2835 Private Edward Findlater WILSON, a 28 year old Clerk from Claremont, Western Australia. He enlisted on 20 March 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 June 1919.

2834 Private Leonard Jennings WILSON, a 34 year old Labourer from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 9 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 12 July 1918.

2836 Private Vernon Victor Charles WOOLHOUSE, a 20 year old Labourer from Geraldton, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 23 April 1919.


2837 Private William Thomas Raymond YOUNG, a 21 year old Hotelkeeper from Narrogin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 March 1916; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 23 December 1918.



Previous: 18th Reinforcements

Next: 20th Reinforcements


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, 19th Reinforcements

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 December 2009 8:22 PM EAST
5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, Roll: A - C
Topic: AIF - 2B - 5 LHR

5th LHR, AIF

5th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation Roll, A - C


The following is a composite alphabetical roll of all members of 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is listed with:

Service Number

Rank at Embarkation

First Names

Family Name

If applicable, the false name used



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Embarkation Roll: A - C


Arthur ADAMS.

Ireton William ADAMS.

John Edward ADAMS.

Richard Thomas ADDERLEY.

Claude Stanley AFFLECK.

John Eric AFFLECK.

John Frederick AHEARNE.

William Patrick AHERN.

Frederick AINSWORTH.


Hughie ALBION.


Ernest Charles ALBRECHT.

Lyle Henry ALDIS.

Arthur Guy ALLEN.

George ALLEN.

Percy Roland ALLEN.

Reginald AMES.

Sylvanus George AMES.

Walter Frederick AMOS.

Christian Adolph ANDERSEN.

Lars Rodrick ANDERSEN.


Arthur Andrew ANDERSON.

Francis Edward ANDERSON.

George Otto ANDERSON.

George Venables ANDERSON.


James Francis ANDERSON.

Malcolm Roland ANDERSON.



William Jones ANDERSON.

William Robert ANDERSON.

William Robert ANDERSON.

Arthur Algernon Irby ANDREWS.

Benjamin Arthur ANDREWS.

Charles ANDREWS.

Lance Herbert ANSELL.

Alister ARCHER.

Waler Rothwell ARCHIBALD.

Antonio James ARENA.

Harold Philip ARMIT.

Richard John Edward ARMIT.

William James ARMOUR.

Alexander William ARMSTRONG.

George Walter ARMSTRONG.

Harry ARNDT.


Sydney Thomas ARTHUR.

Richard Arthur ASH.

Horace Edwin ASHENDEN.

Perival George ASHWOOD.

Edward Duncan ASKEW.

John Henry ASKEW.

Arthur Clive Norman ASPINALL.




Cecil Francis Spencer ATHERTON.


Leslie Thomas ATKINSON.

Percy Arthur ATKINSON.

Arthur George ATTHOW.

Joseph AUSTIN.

Francis George AXELSEN.

Harold Barton AYERS.


Ernest BABB.


Cyril Carlyle BAILEY.


Charles BAIRD.

Arthur BAKER.

Ernest Walker BAKER.

Joseph Edward BAKER.

Leslie John BAKER.

Thomas Arnold BAKER.

Walter BAKER.

Ernest Alfred BALDERSON.

Ernest Alfred BALDERSON.

Reginald John BALDWIN.

Harry Ernest Reginald BALL.

Joseph BALL.

William Charles BALL.


Edward Samuel BAMBERRY.

Frederick William BANFF.

Charles Thomas BANISTER.


Sydney Cornelius BARBELER.

Henry Albert BARBOUR.

Albert Ernest Lawrence BARKE.

Henry William BARKER.


Reginald Rufus BARLOW.

Henry Heathcote BARNES.

John Wilson BARNES.

Lesley Joseph BARNES.

Thomas Messenger BARNES.

William Henry BARNES.

William James BARNES.

Harold Douglas BARNETT.

John Spencer BARNETT.

Charles BARROW.

James Cockburn BARROWMAN.

Frederick John BARTON.

William Kenyon BARWISE.

George Thomas BASSE.

Arthur Archibald BATEMAN.

George Robert BATES.

William Holdsworth BATES.

George Waverley BATHURST.

William Barnard BATTIS.

Alfred George BATTS.

Arthur BAUER.


William Francis BAUMGARTNER.

Charles William BAXTER.

Charles William Firmstone BAXTER.

James Brown BAXTER.

Herbert Reginald BAYFIELD.

William Henry BAYLEY.

William Weaver BAYLISS.


Reginald Arthur BEAZLEY.

Frederick John BEBBINGTON.


Thomas James BECK.


John Thornhill BELCHER.

Edwin BELL.

John George Kingsborough BELL.

Francis Walter BENNETT.

Frederick William BENNETT.

Harold Edward BENNETT.

William BENNETT.

Richard BENNEY.

Alfred BENNY.

Arthur Philip BENTLEY.

Thomas Joshus BERESFORD.

Michael Albert BERGIN.

Herbert James BERRY.

Thomas William BERRY.

Samuel John BETTENS.

Frederick George BETTIENS.

John William Harold BEVERIDGE.

Sydney Newman BICKLE.

William John BIDDLE.

Aubrey Wilfred BIGGS.

Aubrey Wilfred BIGGS.

Richard Stewart BILLINGTON.


Robert Edward BIRT.



Patrick BISHOP.


William BLACK.

Norman Robertson BLACKIE.



John Milton Roy BLACKWELL.

Sydney Ernest BLAIR.

Charles John BLAKE.

Maurice BLIGH.

Frederick Charles BODEN.

Frederick William BOHRDT.

Archibald George BOLINGBROKE.

Thomas James BOND.

Thomas BONNER.


Frederick BOOTH.


William Henry BOSTOCK.

George Henry BOTT.

George Lancelot BOTT.

George Lancelot BOTT.

Alfred Edward BOURNE.

Walter Robert BOUSER.

Clifford Owen BOWCOTT.

Sidney BOWKER.

Eustace Hamilton BOWLY.

Francis William BOWLY.

William Charles BOX.

Cecil Leonard Rodney BOYCE.

Ernest Joseph BOYD.

John McClelland BOYD.

Joseph Patrick BOYLE.

William Patrick BOYLE.

Edward Basil BOZIER.

Miles Coverdale BRADBURY.

John James BRADLEY.

Angus Duphney BRAND.

Fred Dudley BRANGHAM.

John Edward BRANSON.

Eric William BRAUNHOLZ.

Michael BRAZIL.


Robert William BRECKENRIDGE.

Edward Stanley BREESE.

Charles Alma BRENNAN.

Stanley BRENNAN.

William Vincent BRENNAN.

Albert Henry BREWER.

Robert William Smythe BREWER.

William Alfred BREWER.


Henry Thomas BROCKHURST.

Arthur Einasleigh BRODIE.

George William BRODIE.

Gordon Alexander BRODIE.

George Edward BROOKS.

Shirley BROOKS.

Charles Victor BROSTER aka Harry WATTS.

David Blakeney Rhys BROUGHTON.

Arthur Sylvester BROWN.

Charlie BROWN.


Frederick Clarence BROWN.

Frederick James George BROWN.

Henry Samuel BROWN.

Herbert BROWN.

Patrick BROWN.

Richard BROWN.

Robert BROWN.

William BROWN.

William John BROWN.

Roderick Stawell BROWNE.

Sylvester Ulick BROWNE.


Charles Henry BROWNLESS.

Thomas Joseph BRUNDRIT.

Charles William BRYANT.

John McDonald BRYANT.

Joseph BRYSON.




William BUCK.

Francis Henry BUCKLAND.

Edward Amos BUDD.

Norman Wilfred BUDDEN.

William BULFIN.

Ernest Aaron BULL.

George Issac BULL.

Ruben BULL.

Thomas Edward BULL.

William Thomas BUNCH.

William BUNT.

Henry Albert BUNTON.


John Galloway BURCHILL.

Arthur Hugh BURDEKIN.

Frederick BURDON.

James Ernest BURKE.


Patrick BURKE.

Thomas William BURNETT.

William BURNEY.

Edward BURNS.

Sidney BUROWS.

Thomas Frederick BURRELL.

Colin George BURROWS.

Stanley BURROWS.

Frank Gregory BURT.

Alfred Mark BURTON.

Reginald John BUTTSWIRTH aka John SULLIVAN.

Horace BUXTON.

William Henry BUXTON.

Hugh Wason BYERS.

Leslie Ross BYERS.

Thomas Leslie BYERS.

William BYERS.

Gladstone William BYRNE.

John James BYRNE.

John Wall BYRNE.

Bernard Richard BYRNES.

Francis William BYROM.



John Robert CAIN.

William CAIRNS.

Joseph William CALDWELL.

Joseph John CALLANAN.

Archibald CAMERON.


Donald Charles CAMERON.

Ethelbert Allan CAMERON.

Harry Westropp CAMERON.

James Edward CAMERON.


William Charles CAMERON.

William Spencer CAMP.

Alexander Buchanan CAMPBELL.

Charles Jr CAMPBELL.


Frederick William CAMPBELL.

George Finlay CAMPBELL.


John Gordon Leslie CAMPBELL.


Thomas Francis CANNAVAN.

William CANNING.

Herbert Douglas CANTWELL.

Vivian Ashby CAPPER.

Charles Sebastian CARBERRY.


Herbert CARD.

James Joseph Hunter CARDEW.

John Lindsay CARDNO.

John Thomas Henry CAREY.

Arthur Herbert CARLETON.


Percy Kerr CARNE.

William Andrew Craze CARNIE.

Ernest Doll CARPENTER.

George William CARPENTER.

Cecil Godfrey CARR.

John Edward CARR.

William CARROLL.

William Henry CARSON.


Angus Bruce CARTEN.

Allan Thomas CARTER.

Andrew CARTER.

George Davis CARTER.

Herbert CARTER.


Lawrence Stanley CARTER.

Lionel Matthew CASE.

Charles CASELLS.

Eugene CASEY.


George CASTLE.

William George CASTLE.

William CATON.

William John CATON.

John James CAVANAGH.


Frank CAVE.

Stanley Thomas CAVE.

Wilfred Mason CHAILLE.

Alfred Titmarsh CHALK.

Harry Mulga CHAPMAN.

Richard Lance CHAPMAN.

Albert Arthur CHARD.

James Henry CHARLES.

Samuel McKay CHARLES.


William CHATHAM.

William CHAVE.

Archibald CHEFFINS.

Wallace Gordon CHEYNE.

Robert Joseph CHIDLOW.

Alexander Sanderson CHISHOLM.



Carl Johan CHRISTIE.




James Thomas CLANCY.


Joseph CLARE.

Albert CLARK.

David Laing CLARK.


Robert CLARK.

William CLARK.

William Ord CLARK.

Charles CLARKE.

Edward Patrick CLARKE.

Theodore Talbot CLARKE.


Charles William CLARRIS.

Frank Basil Stewart CLAYTON.

Philip Henry CLAYTON.

Sydney Vincent CLEMENTS.

Richard Henry CLOUGH.

George CLYDE.

Henry Lackie COBB.

Benjamin James COCKERILL.

Benjamin Smith COCKRANE.


George Fleming COLE.

Richard John Henry COLE.


William Charles COLEMAN.

Robert Philip COLGAN.

Alfred John Edward COLLIANS.

William Thomas COLLIE.

Bernard Joseph COLLINS.

Bernard Joseph COLLINS.

Gerald Robert COLLINS.

Harold Frederick COLLINS.



Charles Joseph CONAGHAN.

James Timothy CONNELL.

John Alfred CONNEW.

Alfred Henry CONNOLLY.

George Andrew CONNOLLY.

John Morris CONNOLLY.

John Patrick CONNOR.

William John CONNOR.


John Cornelius CONWAY.

Alfred Woodburn COOK.

Colin Stewart COOK.

James COOK.

Samuel COOK.

Allan Stewart COOKE.

Allan Stewart COOKE.

Arthur Dixon COOKE.

Harry Alexander COOKE.

William COOKE.

William Robert COOKE.

John Joseph COOMS.

Thomas Jeremire COONAN.

Thomas COONEY.

George Thomas COOPER.

John Ashley COOPER.

John Joseph COOPER.

Wiliam Joseph COOPER.

William COOPER.

Cecil Angus CORBETT.

George Percy CORBETT.

Edward Arnold CORNELL.

Edward Elgie CORNER.

Victor Charles COSTELLO.

Charles Frederick COTT.

Edward Arthur Lewis COTTEW.

Walter COUCHY.



Albert Vincent COUNSELL.

James Henry COWAN.

Thomas COWAN.

Albert Herbert George COWDROY.

Edwin Thomas COWELL.

Denzil Rupert COWEN.

Maurice Alfred COWLEY.

Bob Thompson COWLISHAW.


Charles Edward COX.

George COX.

John COX.

James Richardson CRAIG.

Nathaniel Alexander CRAMB.

Ernald Ventry CRAMP.

Richard Warren CRANE.


Archibald CRAWFORD.

Arthur Bruce CRAWFORD.


Mervyn Alexander CRAWFORD.


John Weldon CREAGHE.

Walter James CRESSWELL.

John CREW.

Alexander John CRISP.

William Charles CRISP.

William George CROCKETT.

Samuel Freestone CROFT.

Alexander George Leslie CROMBIE.


Charles Issac CROSS.

Charles Henry CROSSMAN.

Arthur Sidney CROWE.

Arthur Albert CROZIER.

George Albert CRUTCHFIELD.

Edward CULLEN.

George Edward CULLEN.


Sidney Owen CUMES.


John Joseph CUMMINGS.

Urban James CUNNEEN.

George Alfred CUNNINGHAM.



Loftus Russel CUPPAIDGE.

Archibald CURRIE.

Frederick CURRIE.

Thomas CURRIE.

Samuel Hugh CURRY.

Maxwell Christian CURWEN-WALKER.

Fletcher CUSSEN.


Further Rolls:

Roll: A - C

Roll: D - F

Roll: G - J

Roll: K - L

Roll: M - Q

Roll: R - S

Roll: T - Z


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation Roll, Roll: A - C

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 December 2009 6:21 PM EAST

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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