"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess
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Another entry from the book written by Lieutenant Colonel Hüseyin Hüsnü Emir, called Yildirim. Every day, one page of the book will be posted. This is Page 183.
Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 183.
[Click on page for a larger print version.]
This chapter deals with Hüsnü observations of the Turkish response to Beersheba on other parts of the battlefield.
Bert Schramm's Diary, 6 January 1919 Topic: Diary - Schramm
During part of the course of his military service with the AIF, 2823 Private Herbert Leslie Schramm, a farmer from White's River, near Tumby Bay on the Eyre Peninsular, kept a diary of his life. Bert was not a man of letters so this diary was produced with great effort on his behalf. Bert made a promise to his sweetheart, Lucy Solley, that he would do so after he received the blank pocket notebook wherein these entries are found. As a Brigade Scout since September 1918, he took a lead part in the September 1918 breakout by the Allied forces in Palestine. Bert's diary entries are placed alongside those of the 9th Light Horse Regiment to which he belonged and to the 3rd Light Horse Brigade to which the 9th LHR was attached. On this basis we can follow Bert in the context of his formation.
Bert Schramm's Diary, 6 January 1919
Bert Schramm's Handwritten Diary, 5 - 10 January 1919
[Click on page for a larger print version.]
Bert Schramm
Monday, January 6, 1919
Bert Schramm's Location - Tripoli, Lebanon.
Bert Schramm's Diary - Raining again. A Battalion of the Black Watch marched through here this morning en route for Beirut.
Militia Area Officers, 1910 Topic: Militia - Area Officers
Area Officers, 1910, in Area Number Order
Military Order 413 of 1910, 3 December 1910
Effective from 1 November 1910
At the commencement of the Kitchener reforms based upon the Kitchener Reportof February 1910, the position of "Area Officer" was created to administer a specific geographic location. To give legal sanction to the position, Military Order 304 was issued on 20 September 1910. Below is the list of the first officers appointed to the new position of Area Officer.
Lieutenant Herbert Beaumont Marks of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to Queensland area Number 1A for the region of Townsville with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain James Campbell Robertson of the Unattached List was appointed to Queensland area Number 1B for the region of Cairns with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Percy Manson Swanson of the 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) was appointed to Queensland area Number 1C for the region of Mackay with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Henry Grant of the Kennedy Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Queensland area Number 2A for the region of Charters Towers with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant George Evans Simcocks of the 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) was appointed to Queensland area Number 2B for the region of Charters Towers with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Foulkes Richardson of the Port Curtis Infantry was appointed to Queensland area Number 3A for the region of Rockhampton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Theodore William Kingel of the 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) was appointed to Queensland area Number 3B for the region of Rockhampton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Edward John Dibdin of the 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) was appointed to Queensland area Number 3C for the region of Mount Morgan with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Henry Douglas Wynter of the Wide Bay Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Queensland area Number 4A for the region of Bundaberg with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain John Agnew Austin of the Wide Bay Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Queensland area Number 4B for the region of Maryborough with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Allan William Nash of the 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) was appointed to Queensland area Number 4C for the region of Gympie with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Alfred George Salisbury of the 9th Australian Infantry Regiment (Moreten Regiment), 1st Battalion was appointed to Queensland area Number 5A for the region of Toombul with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Joseph Wagner of the Australian Corps of Signallers was appointed to Queensland area Number 5B for the region of Nundah with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Honorary Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Strickland Hely of the Retired List was appointed to Queensland area Number 6A for the region of Brisbane (Western Suburbs) with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Eric Clive Pegus Plant of the 9th Australian Infantry Regiment (Moreten Regiment), 1st Battalion was appointed to Queensland area Number 6B for the region of Brisbane (Western Suburbs) with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Edward Francis John Blakeney late of the 1st Sussex Regiment was appointed to Queensland area Number 7A for the region of North Brisbane with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Frank Howard Russel of the Australian Field Artillery was appointed to Queensland area Number 7B for the region of North Brisbane with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Harry Alfred Webb of the Australian Field Artillery was appointed to Queensland area Number 8A for the region of South Brisbane with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Francis Michael O'Donnell of the Australian Army Service Corps was appointed to Queensland area Number 8B for the region of South Brisbane with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant James Porter Fry of the Queensland Rifles was appointed to Queensland area Number 8C for the region of South Brisbane with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Herbert Asher Benjamin of the Australian Army Service Corps was appointed to Queensland area Number 9A for the region of Brisbane Southern Suburbs) with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain John William Watkins of the Unattached List was appointed to Queensland area Number 9B for the region of Brisbane Southern Suburbs) with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Charles George Gehrmann of the Unattached List was appointed to Queensland area Number 9C for the region of Brisbane Southern Suburbs) with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Edward John Gilmore of the 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) was appointed to Queensland area Number 10A for the region of Ipswich with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Frederick William Banff of the 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Lancers) was appointed to Queensland area Number 10B for the region of Ipswich with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer .
Major Sydney William Barlow of the Unattached List was appointed to Queensland area Number 11A for the region of Toowoomba with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Robert Henry Munro of the 14th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) was appointed to Queensland area Number 11B for the region of Toowoomba with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Albert Clowes of the 15th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) was appointed to Queensland area Number 11C for the region of Warwick with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Warrant Officer Thomas Winterton of the Australian Instructional Staff was appointed to New South Wales area Number 12A for the region of Lismore with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Herbert Hall Johnston of the 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Northern River Lancers) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 12B for the region of Casino with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Cecil Horace Granville of the 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Hunter River Lancers) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 12C for the region of Grafton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant George Alfred Crossman of the 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Hunter River Lancers) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 13A for the region of Armidale with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Charles George Gordon of the 6th Australian Light Horse Regiment (New England Light Horse) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 13B for the region of Inverell with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Eric Hyman of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to New South Wales area Number 13C for the region of Tamworth with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Harold Henry Waddell of the 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Hunter River Lancers) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 14A for the region of Singleton with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Charles William Cansdell of the 4th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 14B for the region of East Maitland with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Charles Edward Nicholson of the 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Hunter River Lancers) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 14C for the region of West Maitland with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain James William Jennings of the Senior Cadets was appointed to New South Wales area Number 15A for the region of Wickham with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Reginald Saint Patrick Croudace of the 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Hunter River Lancers) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 15B for the region of Wallsend with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major John Stafford Stark of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 16A for the region of Newcastle (City with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Walter White Ellis of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 16B for the region of Hamilton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Rupert Seyour Timbury of the 4th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 16C for the region of Merewether with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Lewis Chester of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 17A for the region of Mosman with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Rupert Edward Hale of the Australian Intelligence Corps (New South Wales District) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 17B for the region of Neutral Bay with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Herbert Dakin of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 18A for the region of North Sydney with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant George Thomas Chapman of the St George's English Rifle Regiment was appointed to New South Wales area Number 18B for the region of Chatswood with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Charles Sedgwick of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 19A for the region of Hunter's Hill with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Albert Cooke-Russell of the Unattached List was appointed to New South Wales area Number 19B for the region of Hornsby with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain James Robert Charlton of the Australian Army Service Corps was appointed to New South Wales area Number 20A for the region of Granville with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Harold Ernest Lofts of the 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 20B for the region of Parramatta with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Alfred Joshua Bennett DSO of the Unattached List was appointed to New South Wales area Number 21A for the region of Woollhara with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Casimir Vaux Sellheim of the Australian Field Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 21B for the region of Double Bay with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Grantley Andrew Hillier Holborow of the 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 22A for the region of Bondi with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Alan Lloyd MacLean of the 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 22B for the region of Randwick with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Arthur James McQuiggen of the Senior Cadets was appointed to New South Wales area Number 23A for the region of Waterloo with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Percy Encyl Hollander of the New South Wales Irish Rifles Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 24A for the region of Rushcutter's Bay with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Harold Sutcliffe Mort of the Sydney University Scouts was appointed to New South Wales area Number 24B for the region of Paddington with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Charles Melville MacNaughten of the New South Wales Scottish Rifles Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 25A for the region of Sydney (City) with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Harold Francis Cohen of the Corps of Australian Engineers was appointed to New South Wales area Number 25B for the region of Darlinghurst with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Giffard Hamilton MacArthur King of the 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 26A for the region of Surry Hills with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Wilfred Gottlieb Roland Patrick Nordmann of the Australian Intelligence Corps (New South Wales District) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 26B for the region of Surry Hills with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Thomas John Hughes of the 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 27A for the region of Sydney (City) with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Victor Horatio Buller Sampson of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 27B for the region of Pyrmont with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Andrew George christian of the 2nd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 28A for the region of Redfern with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant James Osmund Airy of the Australian Army Service Corps was appointed to New South Wales area Number 28B for the region of Darlington with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Archibald Peter Thomson of the Senior Cadets was appointed to New South Wales area Number 29A for the region of Glebe with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Arthur William Cains of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 29B for the region of Forest Lodge with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Raymond Gordon Emmes Kellick of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 30A for the region of East Balmain with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant John William Bell of the 6th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 30B for the region of Rozelle with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Moss Chaseling of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 31A for the region of Annandale with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Reginald John Albert Travers of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 31B for the region of Leichardt with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Charles Alfred Hammond of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 32A for the region of Haberfield with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer .
Lieutenant Sydney Charles Edgar Herring of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 32B for the region of Drummoyne with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain James Harry Schwabe of the Australian Field Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 33A for the region of Camperdown with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant David Clayton Howell Price of the 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 33B for the region of Darlington with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Francis King of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 34A for the region of Enmore with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant George Christie of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 34B for the region of Newtown with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Army Fitzgerald Daniel of the Australian Rifle Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 35A for the region of Marrickville with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Herbert Alfred Dunkley of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to New South Wales area Number 35B for the region of St. Peters with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Edward Fowell Martin of the Australian Army Service Corps was appointed to New South Wales area Number 36A for the region of Petersham with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Arthur Reginald Dignam of the New South Wales Irish Rifles Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 36B for the region of Petersham with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Sylvester Dooley of the 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Lancers) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 37A for the region of Bulli with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Sydney Percival Goodsell of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to New South Wales area Number 37B for the region of Wollongong with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Ernest Alfred Blow of the 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Lancers) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 37C for the region of Nowra with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Harris Dunmore Lang Woods of the New South Wales Irish Rifles Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 38A for the region of Rockdale with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Robert Thomas Hunt of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 38B for the region of Kogarah with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Kenneth MacKenzie Wray DSO of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to New South Wales area Number 39A for the region of Ashfield with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major James George Tedder VD of the Australian Army Service Corps was appointed to New South Wales area Number 39B for the region of Canterbury with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Moore Perrier of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to New South Wales area Number 40A for the region of Burwood with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Leslie Edward Tilmey of the 1st Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 40B for the region of Rookwood with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain William Wellesley Lennox of the 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 41A for the region of Penrith with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Ronald Burns of the 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 41B for the region of Lithgow with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Charles Francois Duchatel of the 3rd Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 41C for the region of Bathurst with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant William Beck of the 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment (Australian Horse) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 42A for the region of Orange with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant John Francis Holloway of the 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 42B for the region of Parkes with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant James Hearne of the 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 42C for the region of Dubbo with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Sergias Mortimer Emmanuel Rouault de Longueville de Bucy of the 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 43A for the region of Liverpool with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Edward Twynam of the 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment (Australian Horse) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 43B for the region of Goulburn with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Frederick Robert Wedd of the 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment (Australian Horse) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 43C for the region of Goulburn South with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer .
Second Lieutenant Rodney Keith Richards of the 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment (Australian Horse) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 44A for the region of Cootamundra with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant William Edward Ernest Connor of the 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment (Australian Horse) was appointed to New South Wales area Number 44B for the region of Wagga Wagga with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Richard Francis Fitzgerald of the New South Wales Irish Rifles Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to New South Wales area Number 44C for the region of Albury with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Charles Hill of the Unattached List was appointed to Victoria area Number 45A for the region of Caulfield with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Walter Henry Manners MacFarlane of the 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 45B for the region of Oakleigh with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Malwyn Hayley a'Beckett of the 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 45C for the region of Sale with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Gordon Theo Hanby of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to Victoria area Number 46A for the region of Brighton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Robert Rankine of the Victorian Scottish Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 46B for the region of Balaclava with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Edwin Ernest Bryant of the Cadets was appointed to Victoria area Number 47A for the region of Toorak with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Ernest Knox Knight of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 47B for the region of Armadale with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Campbell Craven Dobbie of the 6th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 48A for the region of Camberwell with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Charles Vincent Watson of the Australian Intelligence Corps (Victorian District) was appointed to Victoria area Number 48B for the region of Auburn with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Herbert Octavius Amyas Dean Burrows of the 6th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 49A for the region of South Yarra with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer .
Lieutenant Harry Carter of the 6th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 49B for the region of Prahan with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Honorary Lieutenant Henry Turstin Ellis of the Australian Field Artillery was appointed to Victoria area Number 50A for the region of St Kilda East with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Waldemar Peddle of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to Victoria area Number 50B for the region of St Kilda West with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Robert Morrison McVea of the Victorian Scottish Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 51A for the region of Albert Park with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Honorary Lieutenant Charles Henry Akins late of the 5th Victorian Contingent was appointed to Victoria area Number 51B for the region of South Melbourne with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Cecil Reginald Derrick of the 6th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 52A for the region of Port Melbourne with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Charles Francis Kean of the Victorian Rangers, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 52B for the region of South Melbourne with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major George Robert Farlow VD of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to Victoria area Number 53A for the region of Glenferrie with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Gwynnydd Purves Wynne-Aubery Meredith of the Victorian Scottish Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 53B for the region of Kew with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain George Samuel Armfield of the 6th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 54A for the region of Fitzroy North with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Philip Fargher of the Secretary Victorian Rifle Association was appointed to Victoria area Number 54B for the region of Northcote with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Leslie Kerr of the Victorian Scottish Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 55A for the region of Richmond North with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain George Gilbert Wallace of the Senior Cadets was appointed to Victoria area Number 55B for the region of Abbotsford with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Honorary Captain Victor Jerome Patrick Hennessy of the Commonwealth Military Forces was appointed to Victoria area Number 56A for the region of Richmond with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Raymond Isaac Laughlin Stewart of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 56B for the region of Richmond South with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain John Edwin Sergeant of the 8th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 57A for the region of Wangaratta with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant James Storey of the 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 57B for the region of Seymour with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain James Nugent of the 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 57C for the region of Shepparton with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Harold Chapman of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 58A for the region of Moonee Ponds with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Richard William Wells of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 58B for the region of Ascot Vale with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Robert Bernard Anderson of the Australian Corps of Signallers was appointed to Victoria area Number 59A for the region of Coburg with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Robert Pearce Flockart of the Victorian Rifles was appointed to Victoria area Number 59B for the region of Coburg with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Joshua Dyson Farrar of the Unattached List was appointed to Victoria area Number 60A for the region of Carlton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Walter Ramsay McNicoll of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 60B for the region of North Carlton with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Samuel Alfred Long of the Australian Intelligence Corps (Victorian District) was appointed to Victoria area Number 61A for the region of Newmarket with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Hugh McDonald of the 7th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 61B for the region of North Melbourne with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Reginald Centennial Botley Chanter of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 62A for the region of South Carlton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Charles Edward Clements of the 8th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 62B for the region of Fitzroy with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Michael Timothy Keely of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 63A for the region of Fitzroy with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Arthur James Aloysius Maudsley of the 11th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 63B for the region of Collingwood with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Frederick George Woods of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 64A for the region of Melbourne with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant George Ingram Stevenson of the Australian Field Artillery was appointed to Victoria area Number 64B for the region of East Melbourne with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major John Theodore Brooke Hickson VD of the Unattached List was appointed to Victoria area Number 65A for the region of Footscray with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Frederick Victor Trickey of the Victorian Rangers, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 65B for the region of Footscray North with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Robert Gartside of the 8th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 66A for the region of Castlemaine with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant William Edward James of the 8th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 66B for the region of Castlemaine with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Lindsay Leopold Pollard of the 8th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 66C for the region of Keyneton with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Robert Charles Dunlop Ellliott of the Australian Intelligence Corps (Victorian District) was appointed to Victoria area Number 67A for the region of Bendigo with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Thomas Richard Henderson of the Senior Cadets was appointed to Victoria area Number 67B for the region of Bendigo with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Angus Theodore Mackay of the 8th Australian Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 68A for the region of Bendigo with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Thomas Williams of the 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 68B for the region of Bendigo with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Donald McLennan of the 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 68C for the region of Echuca with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Charles Barnett Story of the 5th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 69A for the region of Geelong with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Cecil Talbot Woods late of the 2nd Gloucester Regiment was appointed to Victoria area Number 69B for the region of Geelong with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Vernon Joseph Whitehead of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to Victoria area Number 69C for the region of Williamstown with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Colonel William Kinsy Bolton of the 7th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 70A for the region of Ballarat with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Alfred Willoughby Williams VD of the 7th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 70B for the region of Ballarat with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Graham Coulter of the 7th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 71A for the region of Ballarat with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Julius Samuel Lazarus of the 7th Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 71B for the region of Ballarat with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Robert Woodburn of the 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 72A for the region of Hamilton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer .
Lieutenant Thomas Harold Redford of the 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 72B for the region of Warrnambool with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Jacob Edwin Hindhaugh of the 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Victoria area Number 72C for the region of Colac with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain William Henry Fancourt Couchman of the Victorian Rangers, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 73A for the region of Maryborough with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Thomas Matson of the Australian Army Service Corps was appointed to Victoria area Number 73B for the region of Horsham with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain William Alexander Whitehead of the Victorian Rangers, 1st Battalion was appointed to Victoria area Number 73C for the region of Stawell with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Ernest Robert Mayfield of the 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 74A for the region of Unley with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Park Alexander McEdward Laurie of the 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 74B for the region of Murray with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Sydney Nunn Kidman of the 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 74C for the region of Mount Gambier with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Honorary Major Francis Malcolm Blair VD of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to South Australia area Number 75A for the region of Goodwood with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Thomas George Heming of the 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 75B for the region of Glenelg with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John William Parsons of the 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 75C for the region of Willunga with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Walter Scriven VD of the Unattached List was appointed to South Australia area Number 76A for the region of Hindmarsh with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Percy Middleton Wells of the Australian Intelligence Corps (South Australian District) was appointed to South Australia area Number 76B for the region of West Adelaide with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Halcombe Ferrier Brock of the 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 77A for the region of Port Adelaide with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Alfred Edward Cook of the Port Adelaide Defences was appointed to South Australia area Number 77B for the region of Semaphore with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Harold Baldock Knowles of the 10th Australian Infantry Regiment (Adelaide Rifles), 1st Battalion was appointed to South Australia area Number 78A for the region of East Adelaide with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Edward Castle Oldham of the 10th Australian Infantry Regiment (Adelaide Rifles), 1st Battalion was appointed to South Australia area Number 78B for the region of St Peter's with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Norman Maxwell Malcolm of the 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 79A for the region of North Norwood with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Julian Roger Bede O'Sullivan of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to South Australia area Number 79B for the region of Norwood with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain William John Reid Hutchison of the Australian Intelligence Corps (South Australian District) was appointed to South Australia area Number 79C for the region of Magill with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant David Fulton of the 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 80A for the region of North Adelaide with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Alfred Sanford Hughes of the 16th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 80B for the region of Prospect with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Dashwood Charles Connor of the Unattached List was appointed to South Australia area Number 80C for the region of Gawler with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain John Alexander Watt DSO of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to South Australia area Number 81A for the region of Wallaroo with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Ross Blyth Jacob of the 10th Australian Infantry Regiment (Adelaide Rifles), 1st Battalion was appointed to South Australia area Number 81B for the region of Kadina with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant James Edward Barrett of the 17th Australian Light Horse Regiment (South Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to South Australia area Number 81C for the region of Port Pirie with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major Frederick William Charlesworth Crane of the Unattached List was appointed to South Australia area Number 82A for the region of Broken Hill North with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Former Sergeant Oliver Leopold Davey late of the South Australian Contingent was appointed to South Australia area Number 82B for the region of Broken Hill South with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Robert Walter Goudie of the Reserve of Officers was appointed to South Australia area Number 82C for the region of Petersburg with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Christopher John Long of the Goldfields Infantry Regiment of Western Australia, 1st Battalion was appointed to Western Australia area Number 83A for the region of Kalgoorlie with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Rex Donnington Hughes of the Goldfields Infantry Regiment of Western Australia, 1st Battalion was appointed to Western Australia area Number 83B for the region of Kalgoorlie with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Michael O'Donnell of the Unattached List was appointed to Western Australia area Number 83C for the region of Malcolm with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Leslie William Matthews of the Victorian Rangers, 1st Battalion was appointed to Western Australia area Number 84A for the region of Boulder with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Williams of the Goldfields Infantry Regiment of Western Australia, 1st Battalion was appointed to Western Australia area Number 84B for the region of Boulder with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer .
Second Lieutenant Mordaunt Leslie Reid of the Goldfields Infantry Regiment of Western Australia, 1st Battalion was appointed to Western Australia area Number 84C for the region of Coolgardie with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant George Charles Everett of the Australian Garrison Artillery was appointed to Western Australia area Number 85A for the region of Albany with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Sergeant George Anthony Robson of the Australian Signallers Corps was appointed to Western Australia area Number 85B for the region of Narrogin with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Benjamin Robert Prynn Burch of the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Western Australia area Number 85C for the region of Northam with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Reginald William Everett of the 11th Australian Infantry Regiment (Perth Regiment), 1st Battalion was appointed to Western Australia area Number 86A for the region of Fremantle with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Warrant Officer William GA Lovelle of the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Western Australia area Number 86B for the region of Armadale or Pinjarrah with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Gordon Levason Curlewis of the Western Australian Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Western Australia area Number 86C for the region of Bunbury with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain George Wallace late of the South Lancashire Regiment was appointed to Western Australia area Number 87A for the region of Cotteslow with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Percy Malcolm Edwards of the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Western Australia area Number 87B for the region of Subiaco with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Cyril Herman Spurge of the Australian Field Artillery was appointed to Western Australia area Number 88A for the region of Perth with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Honorary Lieutenant Willam Chockley Mills of the Commonwealth Military Forces was appointed to Western Australia area Number 88B for the region of North Perth with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Aidan Hugh Bryan of the Senior Cadets was appointed to Western Australia area Number 88C for the region of East (or South) Perth with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Alfred Mylis Phillips of the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment (Western Australian Mounted Rifles) was appointed to Western Australia area Number 89A for the region of Guildford with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Peter Oluff Carlsen of the Cadets was appointed to Western Australia area Number 89B for the region of Geraldton with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant George R Thompson of the Cadets was appointed to Western Australia area Number 89C for the region of Mount Magnet with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Arthur White Wheatley Healey of the 12th Australian Infantry Regiment (Launceston Regiment), 1st Battalion was appointed to Tasmania area Number 90A for the region of Lyell with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Regimental Sergeant Major Henry Robert Bottriell of the Tasmanian Rangers, 1st Battalion was appointed to Tasmania area Number 90B for the region of Zeehan with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant John Roberts of the 12th Australian Infantry Regiment (Launceston Regiment), 1st Battalion was appointed to Tasmania area Number 90C for the region of Waratah with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Leslie Miltiades Mullen of the Tasmanian Rangers, 1st Battalion was appointed to Tasmania area Number 91A for the region of Burnie with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Staff Sergeant Major Frank Dransfield of the Instructional Staff was appointed to Tasmania area Number 91B for the region of Devonport with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Major William George Hope of the 12th Australian Infantry Regiment (Launceston Regiment), 1st Battalion was appointed to Tasmania area Number 91C for the region of Deloraine with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Denis Arthur Lane of the Australian Intelligence Corps (Tasmanian District) was appointed to Tasmania area Number 92A for the region of Beaconsfield with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Arthur Cardew Jenkins of the Unattached List was appointed to Tasmania area Number 92B for the region of Launceston and Suburbs with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Arthur Erskine Hunt of the Australian Field Artillery was appointed to Tasmania area Number 92C for the region of Launceston and Suburbs with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Lieutenant Lyndhurst Falkiner Giblin of the Australian Intelligence Corps (Tasmanian District) was appointed to Tasmania area Number 93A for the region of Hobart and Suburbs with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Captain Maynard Hayes Cruickshank of the Derwent Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Tasmania area Number 93B for the region of Hobart and Suburbs with the rank of Captain while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Second Lieutenant Edward Isaac Linnell of the Derwent Regiment, 1st Battalion was appointed to Tasmania area Number 93C for the region of Huon with the rank of Lieutenant while holding Temporary Appointment as Area Officer.
Bert Schramm's Diary, 5 January 1919 Topic: Diary - Schramm
During part of the course of his military service with the AIF, 2823 Private Herbert Leslie Schramm, a farmer from White's River, near Tumby Bay on the Eyre Peninsular, kept a diary of his life. Bert was not a man of letters so this diary was produced with great effort on his behalf. Bert made a promise to his sweetheart, Lucy Solley, that he would do so after he received the blank pocket notebook wherein these entries are found. As a Brigade Scout since September 1918, he took a lead part in the September 1918 breakout by the Allied forces in Palestine. Bert's diary entries are placed alongside those of the 9th Light Horse Regiment to which he belonged and to the 3rd Light Horse Brigade to which the 9th LHR was attached. On this basis we can follow Bert in the context of his formation.
Bert Schramm's Diary, 5 January 1919
Bert Schramm's Handwritten Diary, 5 - 10 January 1919
Another entry from the book written by Lieutenant Colonel Hüseyin Hüsnü Emir, called Yildirim. Every day, one page of the book will be posted. This is Page 182.
Colonel Hüsnü, Yildirim, Page 182.
[Click on page for a larger print version.]
This chapter deals with Hüsnü observations of the Turkish response to Beersheba on other parts of the battlefield.
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900
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