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Sunday, 28 February 2010
The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 2nd Infantry Brigade War Diary
Topic: BatzG - Anzac

The Battle of Anzac Cove

Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

2nd Infantry Brigade War Diary 


War Diary account of the 2nd Infantry Brigade, AIF.


The following is a transcription of the War Diary of the 2nd Infantry Brigade, AIF, of their role in the landings at Anzac on 25 April 1915.


The following notes were found in Major Cass's haversack and refer to operations of 25th April and subsequent days. They are entered up in case the original War Diary is not found.

Narrative of operations of 2nd Infantry Brigade.

25 April 1915

On Sunday April 25th 1915 the 2nd Infantry Brigade began disembarking in tows from SS Galeka, Novian and Clan McGillivray at 6am. Tows of naval and ships boats were brought to the ships sides and having wounded men on board considerable delay to arrangements made for disembarking ensued. Consequently boats from SS Galeka arrived before Brigade Headquarters. Shrapnel fire from Kaba Tepe caused many casualties and damaged several boats before troops landed. The beach became to a certain extent congested and units soon became intermingled. The Seventh and Fifth Infantry Battalions were pushed forward across the big valley and climbed the spur terminating in 224 Q3 making their way eastward, towards the 400 plateau 224 N1.4.7. and reinforcing the 1st Infantry Brigade. Portions of the 8th Battalion and 6th Battalion were diverted south east to guard the right flank.

By noon the 3rd Infantry Brigade, reinforced by 2nd Infantry Brigade, had reached the eastern edge of the 400 contour overlooking the valley running south west from 224 D to 212 G.

The units of the whole line were very intermingled but rallied round any officer near them irrespective of units. Some units pushed forward down into the valley and gained a footing on the opposite slopes.

About 1 pm heavy shrapnel fire from the northern flank enfiladed the line and caused many casualties. The higher ground on the north 224 D.F dominated this position of the line and ultimately caused a withdrawal of most of the advanced troops leaving a few isolated groups who had managed to get into positions which afforded some cover from shrapnel fire.

The enemy followed up this movement and attempted to force their way through the line at a gap between the right of 6th Infantry Battalion and the left of 8th Infantry Battalion. This gap was closed by moving positions of the 8th Infantry Battalion to the left and finally the 4th Infantry Battalion 1st Infantry Brigade was put in to fill the space. The right of the Brigade - the 8th Infantry Battalion almost complete - and a portion of the 6th held its ground although heavily attacked. The enemy made several charges but were repulsed by fire alone.

Casualties were very heavy and many officers were killed and wounded. This tended to make control of such a very long line of intermixed units very difficult, but men responded readily. By dark the line had established itself firmly and during the night dug itself in where it lay. Several charges were made at various times during the night against portions of the line but were checked by fire alone.

26 April 1915

At 7am heavy shrapnel fire was directed against the troops, but with little result as troops had dug in.

During the morning the shrapnel fire continued at intervals. As troops had retained their battle positions and were under fire, most of the night, reorganisation was impossible and troops remained under the leaders to whom they had attached themselves.

At 3 pm an advance of the centre of the lines was ordered to get a better position. The move was successfully carried out in the face of heavy rifle and machine gun fire, and later, shrapnel, which again caused heavy loss. The ground gained was held and strengthened as rapidly as possible. Troops dug all night and by daylight were safe. At date of writing, this line remained unchanged.



Further Reading:

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 2nd Infantry Brigade, Roll of Honour 

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, AIF, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 2nd Infantry Brigade War Diary

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 April 2010 10:43 AM EADT
Saturday, 27 February 2010
The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 2nd Infantry Brigade, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Anzac

The Battle of Anzac Cove

Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

Roll of Honour

2nd Infantry Brigade, AIF


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the 2nd Infantry Brigade known to have served and lost their lives during the Battle of Anzac, 25 April 1915.


Roll of Honour


Norman Edward ABERDEEN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Edgar Robert Colbeck ADAMS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick James ADAMS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

John Knox ADAMS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Thomas ADAMS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Angus Campbell AITCHISON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Bernard Conrad AMINDE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James ANDERSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Edward ANDERSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Robert ANDERSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Harry ANGELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Sinclair ANGUS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Allan ANSELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred ASPINALL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edwin Joseph AULT, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Walter Henry BADGER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Davies BAGLEY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Charles BAILEY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

David BAIRD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred BALDWIN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles BALE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph Rupert BALFE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Elliot BANKS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Clement Aubrey John BARNARD, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Stirling Ferguson BARNETT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Rupert Sunderland BARRETT, 8th Infantry Battalion.

John Leo Patrick BASTO, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Hubert Godfrey BEACHLEY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Noel Edward BECHERVAISE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Walter Herbert BECKENSALL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Charles BELL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas George BELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Mervin Albert BENBOW, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Godfrey Arthur BENNETT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Dunn BENNETT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Howard Williams BETTLES, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Jack BLACKBURN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Harry BLAKELEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Lance Sisca BLANNIN-FERGUSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Lewis BLENCOWE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Stephen BODILLY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest BOLAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Henry BOND, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald Rupert BOND, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Roy BONHAM, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Joseph BOUCHER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Cleveland BRADLEY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William George BREMEN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Francis Patrick BRENNAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Vernon Thomas BROOKES, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John BROWN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald Clive BROWNELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Ernest BURN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Joseph BURNELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Richard BUTT, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald John Murray BYRNE, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Angus CAMERON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Patrick Joseph CAMPBELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Robert CAMPBELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William Richard CANTWELL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James Neville CARLESS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Esmond Richard John CARRICK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Strutten John CARTER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William CARTER, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William Watson CARTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Francis Alexander CHARLTON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Watsford CLARK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred James COLLINS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Lisle Bertram Dinniss COLLS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Edward COMTE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph Alan CORDNER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Percy CORSER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Claude Terrell CROWL, 8th Infantry Battalion.


Edwin John DALE, 8th Infantry Battalion.

George Thomas DALE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Henry St Eloy D'ALTON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest Robert DALY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles DAMEN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Edmond Butterworth DANAHER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James DANIELS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

George Brockwell DARLINGTON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

David Mancel DAVIES, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Knight DEAN, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Harold DENSTON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William DEWS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Harold DIEDRICH, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William George DIXON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Andrew DOUGLAS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Henry Edward DUNKLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William DUNN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley Oliver DUNSTAN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frank Ulrie DUNT, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Stephen John DYER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Walter Samuel DYER, 5th Infantry Battalion.


James Adolphus EDGCUMBE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Edward James EDGLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Albert EDWARDS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Samuel Morris EHRENBERG, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas Elevious ELLEFSEN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Sidney Harold Richards ELLIOTT, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James Leslie ELLISON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Percival ERICKSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Abraham EVANS, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Norman Frederick Napier FALCONER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Erle Finlayson Denton FETHERS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Charles FINCHER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Morris FOLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Patrick FOLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John FOTHERGILL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Josephus FULLAGAR, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Jacob FULLER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Alexander James FULTON, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Joseph Roy GARDNER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James Gordon GILLANDERS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Macgregor GILLESPIE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas Andrew GILLISON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Walter GOODIER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edward GORRIE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Hugh Barclay GRAHAM, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Henry GRAHAM, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George David GREEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph Watkin GREEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest Edward Robert GREENWOOD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

George Herbert GREENWOOD, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Oswald Wilkie GREIG, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Rhys Emlyn GRIFFITHS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Rowley GROVE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William Gordon GULLIVER, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Ethelbert HADDRICK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Vernon Charles HALL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John William HAMILTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert John HANDCOCK, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John HARMER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Patrick HARRIS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

James Henry HARVEY, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur George Howard HASTINGS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

David HAWKINS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Gordon Gray Carruthers HAWKINS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alan Melrose HAYES, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Colin Wilfrid HEAD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Walter James HEAD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John George Douglas HELSHAM, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur HETHERTON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Leo HILL, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William Corbett HILL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Edwin Percy HOCKEY, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Harry HODGMAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Bertie Frank HOLLANDS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph Victor HOLLINGSWORTH, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Huon HOOKE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Basil John HOOPER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Brown HORSBURGH, 5th Infantry Battalion.

George Thomas HOWDEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred Ernest HUMPHREYS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Archibald James HUTCHISON, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Ernest Arthur JAENSCH, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley JAMES, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frank Thomas JOHNSON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

David Norman JOHNSTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Edward JONES, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Hubert Cromwell Warwick JONES, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Sizer JOY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edward Wilfred JUNIER, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Herbert M KEAM, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas KEAN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Samuel Arthur KEELING, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Henry KELCEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Henry KENNEDY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Norman Vivian Gladstone KERBY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

George KERSHAW, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frank KIELY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas Nathaniel KING, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert James KINGSTON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Hedley Vernon George KITCHIN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edward Luke KNIGHT, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Harry LAMBERT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Clement Frederick Wills LANE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley Rupert LAURENCE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leonard Joseph LAWLOR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William H LEE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Walter LEMKE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Henry David LEMON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Harold LESTER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

George Hill LEVENS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Thomas LOCKER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Cuthbert Jones LONG, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Harold James LONG, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Percival LOXTON, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Alexander Murdo MACAULAY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Frederick MADDEN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Archibald MALCOLM, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James MARSHALL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Eric Douglas MARTIN, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William Norris MARTIN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Leslie MATHESON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alexander James MCARTHUR, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred MCCOLL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alexander John MCDONALD, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Fenley John MCDONALD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Lindsay Gordon MCDONALD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William MCDONALD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Patrick MCDONNELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Augustus Alexander MCDOWALL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Rivet MCGILLIVRAY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

David Keith MCILWRAITH, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Edward Albert MCKENNA, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Hugh Wilson Paton MCLAREN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Maurice Leslie MCLEOD, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Hamish MCNAB, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alexander George MCPHERSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Rossiter MELVILLE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John MELVIN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Atkinson METCALF, 5th Infantry Battalion.

George Irvine MIDDLETON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick John MILGATE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Christian MILLER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

David George MILLS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Edwin MITCHELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Harrington MITCHELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

George MONCRIEFF, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frank McCrae MOOREHEAD, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William Thomas MORGAN, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Robert MORRISON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert MOSS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

John MULLAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

James MUNRO, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles MYNARD, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Robert Douglas NIBLOCK, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred Joseph NORTON, 7th Infantry Battalion.


William O'BRIEN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Michael John O'DWYER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Daniel James O'LEARY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas O'LEARY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Allan Robert OLLEY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Edward James O'REILLY, 8th Infantry Battalion.

George Ernest OSBORNE, 8th Infantry Battalion.


Ernest Ralph PALLOT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leonard Aloysius PAPLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Harold James PATERSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Charles PAUL, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Mueller PEARCE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Francis PEARSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick John PECK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald Arthur PENROSE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John George PETERSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Trafford Cyril PETTIGREW, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred James PETTIS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Sydney Albert PICKERING, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas Wesley PINDER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William PINKERTON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Percy George PLANT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Clifford POLKINGHORNE, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Valentine POTTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles POWLEY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Lees POYNER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Richard PRESTON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

James Joshua PRYOR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Henry PYLE, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Richard James Reginald READ, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Clair William REED, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Cyril Lindsay REID, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Henry Joseph REIDY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

James William REYNOLDS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Roy Everard RICHARDSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Francis Leslie RISMONDI, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Elias ROBERTS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Bartimas ROBERTSHAW, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert Maurice ROBERTSHAW, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Colin Ernest ROBERTSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frank Leslie ROBERTSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Robert ROBERTSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Robert ROBINSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

David ROCHE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Cecil Harry ROCKE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John J ROONEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Andrew ROSE, 8th Infantry Battalion.

James Forbes ROSS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald James ROSSITER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert James ROWLAND, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Robert RUSSELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

James RYAN, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Thomas Radford SAGE, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Richard SAKER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred William SALTER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick SANDERS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William John SAYERS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles SCHARNESS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Thomas SCOTT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Alfred SEEGER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Harold George SEELEY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Edwin SERGEANT, 8th Infantry Battalion.

John James SHANNON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Henry SHEPPARD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Hector SINCLAIR, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Walter Henry SLOCOMBE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest Albert SMITH, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Sydney SMITH, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Francis SPELLS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert George STAPLETON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Walter Joseph STEETH, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley John STEPHENS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Richard Harry STEVENS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Russell William STEWART, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Ralph Gustav STOBAUS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Roy Frank STONE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Leighton STRACHAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Raymond SULLIVAN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Joshua SUSSEX, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William John SUTHERLAND, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James Read SUTTON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley Roy SWIFT, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Fremont Leon TABBUT, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Oswald James TANKARD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Hector Algie TAUSE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Frederick TAYLOR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Edward TAYLOR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Forbes TAYSOM, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Campbell TELFORD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles TEVENDALE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley George THOMAS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Gilbert Leslie THOMPSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John THOMPSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James THOMSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie THORLEY, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Frank THORNTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert William THUNDER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Harry Ernest THURSTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Walter TIBBS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Andrew James TIERNEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Percy Albert TIPPET, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Robert James TODD, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Samuel TOLLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Roy Colin TOLMIE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William TOMLINSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Francis Huon TOVELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Arthur Albert TOWNER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frank TRICKEY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James John TWINING, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Athelstan Neville USSHER, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Felix VAGUE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Wilson VEITCH, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Donald VEITCH, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Leonard James WALDRON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Henry Ernest WALKER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas Louis WALLIS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George William WARREN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James Percy Soltau WARREN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Matthew Randall WASLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick William WATSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Percy WATSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald Thornton WATSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Patrick WEBBER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Isaac Oswald WEBSTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Clive Wellington WERE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Leonard WHITAKER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Dudley Clifford WHITE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William WHITECROSS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Hugh Llewellyn WIGGER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur WILDEN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Henry WILLIAMS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie WILLIAMSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Jonathan WILLMOTT, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Vivian Malcolm WILLS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William Henry WILLS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Richard Noble WILSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Robert McLauchlan WILSON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William John WILSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Bertram WINSLET, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Percival WITHAM, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George William WOOD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles WRIGHT, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles William WYMAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Roland Macdonald YOUNG, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Robert YUILL, 7th Infantry Battalion.



Further Reading:

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, AIF, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 2nd Infantry Brigade, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 12 April 2010 10:29 AM EADT
Friday, 26 February 2010
The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Contents
Topic: BatzB - Bakenlaagte

The Battle of Bakenlaagte

South Africa, 30 October 1901





The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Outline 


Roll of Honour

The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901

The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 10 April 2010 1:10 AM EADT
Thursday, 25 February 2010
The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Outline
Topic: BatzB - Bakenlaagte

The Battle of Bakenlaagte

South Africa, 30 October 1901



Map detailing the Battle of Bakenlaagte

[From: John E Price, Southern Cross Scots, Melbourne 1992, p. 59.]

[Click on map for larger version.]


Bakenlaagte, an action during the Second South African War, fought on 30 October 1901 some 35 kilometres north-west of Bethal in eastern Transvaal, in which Boers attacked and crippled a British column commanded by Lieut.-Colonel G.E. Benson. The column, comprising 600 infantry, 800 mounted infantry (including several squadrons of Scottish Horse, which had been partially raised in Victoria) and 300 wagons, had paused on 28 October at Zwakfontein, 24 kilometres from Bethal. Low supplies prompted Benson to make for Brugspruit on the Delagoa Bay railway, setting off at 4.30 a.m. on the 30th across the open veldt that was still soggy after heavy rain the day before. By 8 a.m. the column came under heavy sniping fire from 500 Boers of the Bethal commando under their commandant, H.S. Grobler, and under this harassment and accompanied by cold wind-driven rain showers the advance continued.


Lieutenant Colonel G.E. Benson

[From: John E Price, Southern Cross Scots, Melbourne 1992, p. 64.]


At about 1 p.m. another commando of 500 burghers arrived under General Louis Botha after a forced ride from near Ermelo. This additional force immediately placed the British rearguard under severe pressure, forcing Benson to return from the main body at the head of two squadrons of Scottish Horse totalling just 96 men (nearly all of them Australians). Realising the gravity of the situation, he ordered a defensive position be taken up on a bare ridge some two kilometres short of where the main body had stopped to establish a new camp. Two 15-pounder guns occupied the centre of the ridge, with mounted infantry and an infantry company hastily adopting posts at some distance on each flank; the 64 gunners crewing the guns were protected by the Scottish Horse and the 30 members of their original escort, making a total of 190 men on what became known as Gun Hill.

The Boers concentrated their fire on the guns and within minutes had accounted for all but three of the men manning them. They then charged forward, before dismounting in an area of dead ground just 40 metres in front. Two companies of infantry sent to relieve this pressure failed to reach a position from which they could intervene before the end of the Boer assault came. The enemy simply rose in lines and fired from where they stood, then swept forward to seize the hill from the few defenders still capable of resisting. Despite the efforts of other British guns in the main camp to prevent the Boers carrying away the two 15-pounders, once darkness came these weapons were quickly removed. The Boers also took anything of value from their prisoners, and even from the dead and wounded, leaving most of the British casualties stripped naked on the ground.


Charge of the Boers at Bakenlaagte

[From: John E Price, Southern Cross Scots, Melbourne 1992, p. 61.]


British losses in the action totalled 238 killed and wounded, and another 120 taken prisoner - about a quarter of the columns original strength-while Boer casualties were reportedly about 190, including 60 killed. British losses were worse on Gun Hill, where the defence was practically annihilated; only seventeen of the 190 troops there got away unwounded. Of the Scottish Horse, 33 were killed and another 57 were wounded. Also among the wounded was Benson, who died from his injuries the following morning. The rest of the column remained holed up in the main camp, and succeeded in beating off a night attack after hastily digging trenches and throwing out barbed wire defences. Their position was relieved on the morning of 1 November by the arrival of a column which comprised 700 mounted infantry (including some South Australians) who had made a forced ride of nearly 90 kilometres from Standerton.

Although the battle became known as Bakenlaagte after a Boer farm in the vicinity, the position of the main camp was actually at the junction of the boundaries with two other farms - Schaapkraal and Nooitgedacht - and the action at Gun Hill took place wholly on land within the latter. While the Scottish Horse was a unit privately raised by the Marquis of Tullihardine, and the Victorians in it were not members of an official contingent of the colonial government, the disaster suffered at Gun Mill was later commemorated by a memorial erected by the Victorian government at Primrose near Germiston, about ten kilometres east of Johannesburg.


Lieutenant John Bell Kelly, 2nd Scottish Horse, killed in action at Bakenlaagte.

[From: John E Price, Southern Cross Scots, Melbourne 1992, p. 66.]


Extracted from the book produced by Chris Coulthard-Clark, Where Australians Fought - The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1998, pp. 90-92.


Additional References cited by Chris Coulthard-Clark:

L.S. Amery, (ed.) The Times History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902, Vol. 4 (1906), London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co.

John Button (1905) Tasmanians in the Transvaal War, Hobart.

R.L. Wallace (1976) The Australians at the Boer War, Canberra: Australian War Memorial & Australian Government Publishing Service.

John E Price, Southern Cross Scots, Melbourne, 1992.


Further Reading:

The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901

The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 10 April 2010 1:08 AM EADT
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzB - Bakenlaagte

The Battle of Bakenlaagte

South Africa, 30 October 1901

Roll of Honour

Scottish Horse


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the Australian men from the Scottish Horse known to have served and lost their lives during the Battle of Bakenlaagte, 30 October 1901.


Roll of Honour


Captain MWH Lindsay, 2nd Seaforth Highlanders attached 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Captain AW Inglis, 2nd Seaforth Highlanders attached 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Lieutenant John Bell Kelly, Victoria, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Lieutenant Charles Woodman, Western Australia, 2nd Scottish Horse, Died of Wounds, 31 October 1901


Sergeant AB Morgan, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Sergeant JM Saunders, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Sergeant GB Smith, New South Wales, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Lance Corporal J Bell, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Lance Corporal David Wellington Davies, Victoria, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Lance Corporal A Murray, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Lance Corporal W Smith, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Saddler Corporal  Morgan John Davis, Victoria, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Shoeing Smith H Tringlette, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Private W Buesden, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private T Bradford, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private W Bradshaw, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Private B Campbell, 2nd Scottish Horse, Died of Wounds, 5 November 1901

Private D Clark, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private A Cunningham, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Private G Duns, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Private Charles Ferris, Queensland, 2nd Scottish Horse, Died of Wounds, 31 October 1901


Private Robert G Grant, Victoria, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private WG Grant, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Private Alexander Jordan, Victoria, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Private H Marsh, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private G Marshall, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private M McGregor, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private A McKenzie, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private A Munro, 2nd Scottish Horse, Died of Wounds, 2 November 1901


Private J Shepherd, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private J Simpson, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901

Private Francis Walker, Victoria, 2nd Scottish Horse, Killed in Action, 30 October 1901


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Bakenlaagte, South Africa, 30 October 1901, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 10 April 2010 1:06 AM EADT

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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