Topic: BatzP - Beersheba
Below is a fascinating and prescient Turkish telegram extracted from Colonel Hüsnü’s book, Yilderim.
Copy of the Translated Intelligence Assessment
Transcription of the Intelligence Assessment
"If the enemy advances on Tel el Far - Kuz el Basel it will be confronted by the 16th Division at Tel el Sharia and we shall take advantage of any opportunity created by this efficient division which is well placed."
"At present I am of the opinion that the enemy will make Gaza his main objective since the topography of the ground renders this part of our front the weakest part of our line. On the other hand it is peculiarly favourable to the enemy if he adopts the "barrage" method of fire in vogue in Europe, as he can concentrate superior fire from land and sea. To prevent our reinforcing Gaza, it is probable that a general attack will be made along the Gaza - Tel el Sharia front combined with an enveloping movement with mounted troops round our left flank. To facilitate the envelopment an attack on Beersheba is possible as a preliminary."
The above is a translation of a telegram sent to the GOC of the Turkish 4th Army on 16 August 1917. Essentially, it summarises what they suspect will be the Allied offensive strategy for taking Gaza. In terms of anticipation, the assessment turned out to be completely correct in every aspect.
Further Reading:
Citation: Turkish understanding of projected Allied attacks, August 1917