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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Thursday, 24 July 2008
5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 284 Trooper David Laing Clark
Topic: AIF - 2B - 5 LHR

5th LHR, AIF

5th Australian Light Horse Regiment

284 Trooper David Laing Clark


David Laing Clark's post card to his sister, Miss E Clark.


The letter written by David Laing Clark on the post card reads:

"These are solid walls they should stand a fair bumping about before they should fall down I have my spot marked out for the first go in if there is ever going to be any. You may have seen this picture before in some magazine but will not make any difference you never took the trouble to look at it with interest."

The card uses some very interesting expressions. "Bumping" seems to imply some form of artillery fire which would explain why he has a spot marked out for himself.

284 Trooper David Laing Clark, a dairy farmer from Bexhill, NSW enlisted in the 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron, on 20 October 1914. During the war he was promoted to Driver. He returned to Australia on 23 December 1918. His brother was Oliver George Clark who served with the 9th Field Artillery Brigade.

The following is a brief military biographical outline of 284 Trooper David Laing Clark.

Regimental number284
OccupationDairy farmer
AddressBexhill, Richmond River, New South Wales
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation23
Next of kinFather, D Clark, Bexhill, Richmond River, New South Wales
Enlistment date20 October 1914
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit name5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, "B" Squadron
AWM Embarkation Roll number10/10/1
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A34 Persic 21 December 1914
Rank from Nominal RollDriver
Unit from Nominal Roll5th Light Horse Regiment
FateReturned to Australia 23 December 191


Further Reading:

5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, 284 Trooper David Laing Clark

Posted by Project Leader at 11:34 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 8 March 2010 8:07 PM EAST
Colonel Husnu, Yilderim, Page 16
Topic: Tk - Bks - Yildirim

Another entry from the book written by Lieutenant Colonel Hüseyin Hüsnü Emir, called Yilderim. Every day, one page of the book will be posted. This is Page 16.

Colonel Hüsnü, Yilderim, Page 16.

[Click on page for a larger print version.]

Citation: Colonel Hüsnü, Yilderim, Page 16

Posted by Project Leader at 11:21 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 24 July 2008 11:47 AM EADT
9th LHR AIF War Diary, July 24
Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR

9th LHR, AIF

9th Light Horse Regiment

War Diary, 24 July

Pro Gloria et Honore - For Glory and Honour

Regimental March -  Marching Through Georgia



The following entries are extracted and transcribed from the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, the originals of which are held by the Australian War Memorial. There are 366 entries on this site. Each day has entries as they occurred from 1914 to 1919. In addition to the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, when appropriate, entries from the 3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary and other regiments with the Brigade will also appear. Entries from the unit history, Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924 will also appear from time to time. The aim is to give the broadest context to the story and allow the reader to follow the day to day activities of the regiment. If a relative happened to have served in the regiment during the Great War, then this provides a general framework in which the individual story may be told.


The Diary



Friday, July 24, 1914

See 4th Military District, South Australia for militia activities.



Saturday, July 24, 1915

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Walkers Ridge

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - All precautions were taken in expectation of a big attack by enemy as secret information was received that he had got large reinforcements; and "Constitution" day and the termination of the first week of "Ramadan" were due.

3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary - Endeavoured to knock out machine gun on Nek with Mountain Gun, quarter charge but unsuccessful.

Colonel FG Hughes temporarily appointed Brigadier General while so employed as Brigadier 3rd Light Horse Brigade from 9 July 1915.

Lieutenant Dale, 8th Light Horse Regiment, to be Adjutant in place of Captain Crowl killed 28 June 1915. Squadron Sergeant Major Marsh, 8th Light Horse Regiment, to be Second Lieutenant in place of Lieutenant Dale.

Enemy continues to improve positions. Shelled 5 inch Howitzer on Anzac heavily. The Turks shell fire is very accurate and guns splendidly served, masked and moved when registered.

Chelma TPT does excellent work daily on shelling enemy's posts in this, the 4th or Left Section of defence.

Completed barbed wire entanglements in front of our trenches. Blew in one of E Sector saps yesterday.

Carew Reynell Diary   - No Entry.



Monday, July 24, 1916
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Roadhead Serapeum.
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Routine Patrol and Outpost Work.
Training in musketry and mounted work.



Tuesday, July 24, 1917
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Tel el Marakeb
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - The Regiment undertook routine work for the day. All horses taking to swimming.
Eighth leave party of twelve Other Ranks left for Cairo.



Wednesday, July 24, 1918

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Madhbeh

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - O'Neil, 686 Trooper T, marched out to Alexandria to undergo sentence.



Thursday, July 24, 1919

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - SS Oxfordshire

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - No leave.

Boat sailed 1700.

No absentees.

Educational classes have been arranged so far with not very good results. Instruction on Internal Combustion engines being far the best attended.

Boat parades have been held from time to time and the men get to their places in very good time.



Previous: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 23 July

Next: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 25 July



See: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Contents
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy


Further Reading:

9th Light Horse Regiment AIF

Bert Schramm Diary

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 24 July

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 September 2010 6:50 PM EADT
Diaries of AIF Servicemen, Bert Schramm, 24 July 1918
Topic: Diary - Schramm

Diaries of AIF Servicemen

Bert Schramm

24 July 1918


Bert Schramm


2823 Private Herbert Leslie SCHRAMM, a 22 year old Farmer from Whites River, South Australia. He enlisted on 17 February 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

During part of the course of his military service with the AIF, Bert Schramm kept a diary of his life. Bert was not a man of letters so this diary was produced with great effort on his behalf. Bert made a promise to his sweetheart, Lucy Solley, that he would do so after he received the blank pocket notebook wherein these entries are found. As a Brigade Scout since September 1918, he took a lead part in the September Offensive by the Allied forces in Palestine. Bert's diary entries are placed alongside those of the 9th Light Horse Regiment to which he belonged and to the 3rd Light Horse Brigade to which the 9th LHR was attached. On this basis we can follow Bert in the context of his formation.


The Diaries

The complete diary is now available on the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre Site at:

Bert Schramm Diary

Finding more about a service person. See:

Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Bert Schramm's Handwritten Diary, 19 - 25 July 1918

[Click on page for a larger print version.]

Bert Schramm

Wednesday, July 24, 1918

Bert Schramm's Location - Madhbeh, Jordan Valley, Palestine.

Bert Schramm's Diary - Had a quiet day but fair amount of artillery firing at intervals. We had to go out tonight burying enemy dead. Rather a gruesome job.


9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Madhbeh, Jordan Valley, Palestine.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - O'Neil, 686 Trooper T, marched out to Alexandria to undergo sentence.

9th LHR AIF War Diary, 24 July



Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924.

No Entry



Previous: Bert Schramm's Diary, 23 July 1918

Next: Bert Schramm's Diary, 25 July 1918

Sources Used:

Bert Schramm's Diary

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8.

Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.


War Diaries and Letters

All War Diaries and letters cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, War Diaries and Letters, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:

Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, War Diaries and Letters, Site Transcription Policy 


Further Reading:

Bert Schramm Diary

Bert Schramm Diary, Album

Bert Schramm's Photo Album

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, War Diary, Day by Day Account

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Diaries of AIF Servicemen, Bert Schramm, 24 July 1918

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 2 June 2011 3:37 PM EADT
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Military Order 151, 1907
Topic: Militia - Military Orders

Military Order 151, 1907 deals with the syllabus for an up coming officer training course for 15 carefully selected candidates.

Military Order 151, 1907

[Click on picture for larger version.]

Examination of this order relating to the training of officers reveals a great deal about the mindset of military at the time. In 1907 the Civil War in America was still instructive, especially that of Stonewall Jackson. In addition, they are examining the latest information from the Russo-Japanese War. It is interesting that the experience of the Boer War is not taken into account in Officer training, something that did not occur until about 1915 for the Light Horse. For the infantry, it would have been more instructive to look at the consequences of massed cannonades at Gettysburg and Port Arthur on charging troops as well as the importance of entrenchments for the defenders. The romance of war is key to this training course rather than the reality of mechanised warfare.

Citation: Military Order 151, 1907

Posted by Project Leader at 11:49 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2008 11:52 AM EADT

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