Topic: Militia - LHN - 2/9/6
New South Wales Mounted Rifles
History, Part 6, 1895
New South Wales Mounted Rifles [1888 - 1903]
2nd (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
9th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1918]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1918 - 1941]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Motor Regiment [1941 - 1943]
6th Australian Armoured Car Regiment [1941 - 1943]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Motor Regiment [1948 - 1949]
6th New South Wales Mounted Rifles [1949 - 1958]
Royal New South Wales Regiment [1958 - 1960]
Toujours pret - Always Ready
Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).
The following is the sixth extract from a manuscript written by an anonymous author. The hand written manuscript outlines the history of the 2nd ALHR NSW Mounted Rifles from commencement in 1888, until 5 April 1899, when history ceases. From the internal evidence of the manuscript, it appears to have been composed sometime from July 1903 to 1904.
The sixth extract from the manuscript.
Campbelltown ½ Company disbanded 1 February 1895
On the 1st February 1895, the No. 1 Campbelltown Half Company of the Mounted Rifles was disbanded.
No. 1 Molong ½ Company formed 1 July 1895
On 1st July 1895 "H" Molong Company, of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, was transferred to the Mounted Rifle Regiment, with Captain Clause Smith in command; and formed part of No. 1 Company.
Liverpool ½ Company disbanded 30 June 1895
On the 30th June 1895, the No 1 Liverpool Half Company of Mounted Rifles was disbanded.
Bathurst ½ Company formed 13 August 1895
On the 13th August 1895, a Half Company was raised at Bathurst, with Captain Machatti in command, which was to form part of No. 1 Company, vice Liverpool disbanded.
Major Lassetter to Lieutenant Colonel, 12 October 1895
On the 12th October 1895, Major HB Lassetter, Officer Commanding the Mounted Rifle Regiment, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Duff and Hutton Competition 1895
On the 25th and 26th October 1895, the "Duff Challenge Cup" and "Hutton Shield" were competed for on the Randwick Rifle Range, with the following results:-
The "Duff Challenge Cup" competed for and won by a section from No. Bega Half Squadron Mounted Rifles commanded by Quartermaster Sergeant Underhill. The first six places in the competition being secured by teams from the Mounted Rifle Regiment.
Hutton Shield won outright by No. 4 Company
On the following day 26th October, the "Hutton Shield" was competed for, this competition was won by a team from No. 4 Tenterfield Half Company Mounted Rifles commanded by Captain Thomas. The "Hutton Shield" thereby became the property of No. 4 Company, Mounted Rifles. This company won the competition three times in succession or four times in all by the same company. The Regiment was successful in securing the first five places in this competition.
Previous: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, History, Part 5, 1894
Next: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, History, Part 7, 1896
Further Reading:
2nd/9th/6th Australian Light Horse
Militia Light Horse, New South Wales
Australian Militia Light Horse
Citation: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, History, Part 6, 1895