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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 22 February 2006
General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Tasmania
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

7th GSR, Tasmania


SS Malta


The General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Tasmania, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board the SS Malta 16 October 1918.

The SS Malta weighed 6,064 tons with an average cruise speed of 18 knots or 33.33 kmph. It was owned by the P & O SN Co, London. 

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


64937 Private Allan Mervyn GORE, an 18 year old Labourer from Claremont, Tasmania. He enlisted on 7 August 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 3rd Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.

64938 Private Robert James GORE, a 38 year old Orchardist from Hobart, Tasmania. He enlisted on 23 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Not Taken On Strength; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


64941 Private James Egbert MORRELL, a 40 year old Labourer from Burnie, Tasmania. He enlisted on 17 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Not Taken On Strength; and subsequently Died of Disease, 24 November 1918.

64942 Private Ernest Albert MORRIS, an 18 year old Labourer from North Hobart, Tasmania. He enlisted on 22 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 3rd Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.

64943 Private Maurice Mafeking MURRELL, an 18 year old Carpenter from Launceston, Tasmania. He enlisted on 10 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 3rd Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.


64939 Private Allan Cameron RICHARDSON, a 26 year old Fireman from Hobart, Tasmania. He enlisted on 2 August 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 3rd Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.


64940 Private Claude Edward SHONE, a 20 year old Farmer from East Risdon, Tasmania. He enlisted on 23 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 3rd Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.



Previous: 7th GSR, South Australia

Next: 7th GSR, Western Australia


Sources Used:


National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Tasmania

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 7:42 AM EAST
General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, New South Wales
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

7th GSR, New South Wales


SS Malta


The General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, New South Wales, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board the SS Malta 16 October 1918.

The SS Malta weighed 6,064 tons with an average cruise speed of 18 knots or 33.33 kmph. It was owned by the P & O SN Co, London. 

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


64677 Private John Dickson AINSLIE, a 22 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64678 Private Charles ALDERTON, a 21 year old Dairy Farmer from Armidale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt he was Not Taken On Strength; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

64676 Private Francis Birkin ARMITAGE, a 19 year old School Teacher from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 6th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

64679 Private Andrew Edmund AUSTIN, a 29 year old Head Porter, Railways from Armidale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Australian Postal Corps AIF Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.


64688 Private Thomas Charles BERNARD, a 20 year old General Store hand from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64684 Private Stanley Oliver BLACK, a 19 year old Grocers assistant from Forde, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64750 Private Harry BLUNDELL, a 19 year old Farmer from Parkes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 15th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

64681 Private William Charles BOOTES, a 30 year old School Teacher from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 2nd Light Horse Brigade Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

64686 Private Charles Henry Wilton BRETT, a 20 year old Mechanic from Tamworth, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64685 Private Roy Gratton BRINDLE, a 19 year old Shirt cutter from Armidale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the "D" Field Troop & Bridge Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 13 March 1919.

64682 Private Thomas BROBEN, a 42 year old Farmer from Gundagai, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64687 Private Ronald Lindsay BRODIE, an 18 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


64755 Private Galvin Charles CLEARY, an 18 year old Telephonist from Narrabri, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64690 Private John Charles COLEMAN, an 18 year old Labourer from Mudgee, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64754 Private George William John CROUCHER, a 19 year old Labourer from Edgecliff, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64689 Private Clarence Heathcote CULL, a 19 year old Ware houseman from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64691 Private Norman Christopher CURLEY, an 18 year old Labourer from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 September 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64753 Private Daniel Ruben CURTIS, an 18 year old Striker from Hexham, New South Wales. He enlisted on 26 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 15th Light Horse Regiment; and subsequently Died of Disease, 23 February 1919.


64694 Private Alexander Sutherland DAVIDSON, a 38 year old Grazier from Woolbrook, New South Wales. He enlisted on 24 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64692 Private Arthur Corrall DAVIS, a 19 year old Miner from Woonona, New South Wales. He enlisted on 6 February 1915. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 April 1919.

64693 Private Donald DAVISON, a 24 year old Grazier from East Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64766 Private Samuel John DICK, a 38 year old Farmer from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

64696 Private Sidney DICK, a 28 year old Farmer from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64695 Private John Fenwick DODD, a 22 year old Horse Breaker from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


64701 Private Thomas FARRELL, a 35 year old Labourer from Lismore, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64699 Private Sydney Hubert FELL, a 40 year old Farmer from Trundle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64764 Private Leonard Keith FERGUSON, a 27 year old Farmer from East Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64698 Private Herbert Cecil FITZROY, an 18 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64697 Private Arthur David FROST, a 21 year old Farmer from Robertson via Moss Vale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64700 Private Reginald Arthur FRY, a 36 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 7 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 2nd Light Horse Brigade Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.


64702 Private John GWALCHMAI, a 27 year old Farmer from West Wyalong, New South Wales. He enlisted on 2 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


64703 Private Bruce Everard HASSALL, a 33 year old Accountant from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 1st Squadron, Australian Flying Corps; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

64705 Private Gerard Patrick HESPE, a 19 year old Clerk from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 16 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 July 1919.

64704 Private Ronald James Robert HORTON, a 19 year old Grazier from Toogimbie Station via Hay, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64706 Private Alexander HUNT, a 35 year old Stock Station Agent from Inverell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Not Taken On Strength; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


64710 Private William Fenton JACKSON, a 20 year old Clerk from Randwick, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64709 Private Vere Hazar JOHNSON, a 19 year old Grazier from Armidale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 22 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 18 July 1919.

64711 Private Norman Arthur Ronald JOHNSTONE, a 41 year old Labourer from Armidale, New South Wales. He enlisted on 30 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64707 A/Cpl QMS Rupert Herbert Struthers JONES, a 23 year old Surveyors chainman from Granville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 1 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


64714 Private Victor Silvester KELLY, a 21 year old Teacher from Queanbeyan, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64713 Private Athol Carlyle KILBY, a 19 year old Farm hand from Queanbeyan, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64712 Private Keith Kinlock KILBY, a 20 year old Farm hand from Queanbeyan, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


64715 Private Robert LEIPER, an 18 year old Wool clerk from Longueville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 17 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


64716 Private William Howard MARTIN, a 21 year old Farmer from Bowraville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 23 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 April 1919.

64719 Private Aubrey McCONAGHY, a 19 year old Grazier from Rylstone, New South Wales. He enlisted on 9 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64717 Private Alfred Reginald MILLER, a 30 year old Plumber from Campsie, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


64721 Private Tage Sebastian NILSSON, a 28 year old Labourer from Pyrmont, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64720 Private William John King NORMAN, a 19 year old Clerk from The Rock, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.


64722 Private Bryce Knight Leigh OSBORNE, a 20 year old Farmer from Bendemeer, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


64751 Private Oliver Hampden PAYNE, a 19 year old Farm labourer from Tamworth, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64725 Sapper Colin MacKenzie PITT, a 26 year old Engineer & Surveyor from Campbell Town, Tasmania. He enlisted on 12 September 1917. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 1st Light Horse Field Squadron Engineers; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.

64723 Private Percy Stuart PLOWES, a 28 year old Farmer from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 22 March 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.

64724 Private William Sylvester PORTER, a 26 year old Farmer from Quirindi, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 35th Company Australian Army Supply Corps Australian Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


64727 Private Cyril Laver REGG, a 25 year old Station hand from Morpeth, New South Wales. He enlisted on 15 February 1915. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64728 Private Jack ROBERSON, a 20 year old Coach driver from Longfield via Delgary, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 April 1916. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 38th Company Australian Army Supply Corps Australian Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

64730 Private Noel Tertius ROBERTSON, a 22 year old Jackeroo from Forbes, New South Wales. He enlisted on 14 August 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

64726 Private Arthur Percival Markham ROOKE, a 33 year old Rail time keeper from Petersham, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 January 1915. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64729 Private Charles Ernest RUTTER, a 20 year old Grocer’s mate from Tenterfield, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 February 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 September 1919.


64735 Private Jack SANDERSON, a 19 year old Assistant Porter from Wingham via Newcastle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64738 Private Herbert Arthur SANSOM, a 19 year old Farmer from Williamstown via Newcastle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64731 Acting Corporal Abraham Kenneth SHANNON, a 34 year old Grazier from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 21 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Not Taken On Strength; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 6 January 1919.

64734 Private Harry SIMES, a 26 year old Diary farmer from Casino, New South Wales. He enlisted on 11 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64732 Private Frederick SIMPSON, a 28 year old Farmer from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 22 March 1919. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64733 Private George Gordon SIMPSON, a 25 year old Farmer from Grenfell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 March 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 12th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 July 1919.

64737 Private Bertie Gordon SLADE, a 19 year old Farmer from Newcastle, New South Wales. He enlisted on 10 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

54510 Private Edward Joseph SMITH, a 20 year old Labourer from Inverell, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 April 1916. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Mobile Veterinary Section; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 1 July 1919.

64759 Private John Harold STAFFORD, a 20 year old Labourer from Binnaway, New South Wales. He enlisted on 12 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.


64742 Private James THICK, a 38 year old Butcher from Mascot, New South Wales. He enlisted on 13 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64739 Private John Davison Clyde TILLMAN, an 18 year old Turner from Granville, New South Wales. He enlisted on 29 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 7th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 28 June 1919.

64741 Private Samuel John TURNER, a 40 year old Cook from Liverpool, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and subsequently Returned to Australia, 9 December 1918.


64743 Private Dudley John Duckenfield WEAVER, a 43 year old Grazier from Moree, New South Wales. He enlisted on 8 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 1st Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64744 Private Albert WEST, a 29 year old Labourer from Tamworth, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64747 Private Joseph George WILLIAMS, a 19 year old Station hand from Narrandera, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the "D" Field Troop & Bridge Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

64746 Private Charles WILSON, a 33 year old Engine Driver from Sydney, New South Wales. He enlisted on 20 March 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 14th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 25 July 1919.


64749 Private Stanislas ZLOTKOWSKI, an 18 year old Jackeroo from Moree, New South Wales. He enlisted on 25 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the AIF Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.



Previous: 6th GSR, South Australia

Next: 7th GSR, Victoria 


Sources Used:


National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, New South Wales

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 December 2009 11:26 PM EAST
General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Western Australia
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

7th GSR, Western Australia


SS Malta


The General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Western Australia, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board the SS Malta 16 October 1918.

The SS Malta weighed 6,064 tons with an average cruise speed of 18 knots or 33.33 kmph. It was owned by the P & O SN Co, London. 

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


64929 Private Thomas Albert BOYES, an 18 year old Farm hand from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 6 March 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64916 Private William James BUNT, an 18 year old Farm hand from Blackboy Hill, Western Australia. He enlisted on 19 February 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64918 Private Stewart HOOD, a 19 year old Mercer from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 14 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64919 Private John KELLY, a 28 year old Fireman from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. He enlisted on 12 December 1917. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64921 Private Walter Robert McGUINESS, a 22 year old Miller from Guildford, Western Australia. He enlisted on 24 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64922 Private William George PARKER, a 29 year old Farmer from Northam, Western Australia. He enlisted on 15 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64923 Private Hamilton PARSONS, a 38 year old Bricklayer from Narrogin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 12 January 1916. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 March 1919.


64925 Private Edward Walter ROBINSON, a 20 year old Postal worker from Subiaco, Western Australia. He enlisted on 19 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64927 Private William Ian RUSSELL, a 23 year old Farmer from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 26 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 April 1919.


64926 Private Mervyn Dundonald SMITH, a 18 year old Farm hand from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 28 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 10th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64930 Private Stanley Edward SMITH, a 18 year old Farm hand from Perth, Western Australia. He enlisted on 16 March 1918. Did not embark and was Not Taken On Strength; and at the conclusion of the war was Discharged, 24 December 1918.



Previous: 7th GSR, Tasmania

Next: General Service Reinforcements, AIF


Sources Used:


National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Western Australia

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 7:41 AM EAST
General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, South Australia
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

7th GSR, South Australia


SS Malta


The General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, South Australia, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board the SS Malta 16 October 1918.

The SS Malta weighed 6,064 tons with an average cruise speed of 18 knots or 33.33 kmph. It was owned by the P & O SN Co, London. 

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


64887 Private William Charles ABBOTT, a 19 year old Farmer from Quorn, South Australia. He enlisted on 19 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 3rd Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 May 1919.


R246 Private William Charles BOHN, a 32 year old Labourer from Prospect, South Australia. He enlisted on 19 August 1914. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 2nd Australian General Hospital; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 July 1919.


64259 Private William Ernest DUNK, a 20 year old Civil servant from Morgan, South Australia. He enlisted on 26 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the AIF Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 29 April 1919.


64889 Private John Paul HENDRICKSON, a 19 year old Clerk from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 7 January 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64886 Acting Sergeant William Francis JOHNS, a 32 year old Policeman from Glenelg, South Australia. He enlisted on 18 February 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64890 Private Mortimer Cromwell LAWRIE, a 19 year old Clerk from Wayville, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64891 Private Edgar Lawrence LONGBOTTOM, an 18 year old Farm labourer from Riverton, South Australia. He enlisted on 25 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64892 Private Stanley MacDONALD, an 18 year old Blacksmith's assistant from Orroroo, South Australia. He enlisted on 6 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64894 Private Melville Hume McCORD, a 19 year old Farmer from Reeves Plain Mallala, South Australia. He enlisted on 12 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64251 Private William Henry Rogers McKNIGHT, a 20 year old Bank clerk from Kapunda, South Australia. He enlisted on 25 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the AIF Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.


64895 Private James Andrew PATTERSON, a 31 year old Rail worker from Wentworth, New South Wales. He enlisted on 4 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64897 Private Victor Milton RIDGWAY, a 21 year old Farmer from Cooks Plains, South Australia. He enlisted on 29 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.

64869 Private Hurtle Peters ROWE, a 20 year old Bank Clerk from Two Wells, South Australia. He enlisted on 20 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64899 Private Stanley George STIRLING, a 19 year old Blacksmith from Penneshaw via, South Australia. He enlisted on 28 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.


64900 Private Percival Stapleton THOMSON, a 27 year old Farmer from Tarpeena, New South Wales. He enlisted on 18 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Australian Mounted Division; and subsequently Died of Disease, 29 November 1918.


64901 Private Gus Raymond WOODS, a 20 year old Paper worker from Adelaide, South Australia. He enlisted on 9 February 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 2nd Light Horse Brigade Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.


64902 Private Ronald Albert YARD, a 19 year old Engine Cleaner from Peterborough, South Australia. He enlisted on 6 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 9th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.



Previous: 7th GSR, Victoria

Next: 7th GSR, Tasmania


Sources Used:


National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, South Australia

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 7:43 AM EAST
General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Victoria
Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR


General Service Reinforcements

7th GSR, Victoria


SS Malta


The General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Victoria, embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board the SS Malta 16 October 1918.

The SS Malta weighed 6,064 tons with an average cruise speed of 18 knots or 33.33 kmph. It was owned by the P & O SN Co, London. 

The ensuing individual soldier's embarkation information contains the following details:

Rank on embarkation;

Full name of the soldier

Declared age of the soldier;

The last occupation held;

The last address as a civilian;

Enlistment Date; and,



Embarkation Roll


64796 Private Stanley John Redvers BARKER, an 18 year old Wool miller from Warrnambool, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 March 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Not Taken On Strength; and subsequently Died of Disease, 29 November 1918.

64797 Private Reginald Forbes BEARDMORE, an 18 year old Farmer from Wangaratta, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 September 1917. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64798 Private Daniel Edwin Goodwin BENNEY, a 20 year old Farmer from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 15 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.

64799 Private Douglas Bruce BLACK, a 20 year old Orchardist from Upper Pakenham, Victoria. He enlisted on 25 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Not Taken On Strength; and subsequently Died of Disease, 12 December 1918.

64800 Private Michael James BOLAND, an 18 year old Milk carter from Tooronga, Victoria. He enlisted on 6 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64816 Private William Frederick BRIGGS, an 18 year old Labourer from Footscray, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 October 1917. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64801 Private Mark BROOKER, a 35 year old Horse breaker from Donald, Victoria. He enlisted on 10 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 34th Company Australian Army Supply Corps Anzac Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 24 July 1919.

64802 Driver Norman William BROWN, a 20 year old Joiner from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 20 August 1914. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 8th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


64803 Private William Joseph CAIN, a 20 year old Farmer from Wangaratta, Victoria. He enlisted on 4 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 1st Squadron, Australian Flying Corps; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

64804 Private George White Patrick CALVERT, a 21 year old Ward's man from Bendigo, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64806 Private Gordon COTTER, a 22 year old Assistant Shopkeeper from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 23 January 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Australian Provost Corps; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.


64808 Private Carodoc Bevan DARBYSHIRE-ROBERTS, a 19 year old Station hand from unknown. He enlisted on 25 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64810 Private Albert Lancelot DUNDAS, an 18 year old Clerk from Ascot Vale, Victoria. He enlisted on 4 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Not Taken On Strength; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 14 March 1919.


64811 Private Charles FREEMAN, an 18 year old Labourer from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 24 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


64812 Private Louis Edward GRINHAM, an 18 year old Painter from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 25 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.

64813 Private William John GUNN, an 18 year old Block Recorder from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 7 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Australian Army Supply Corps Australian Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

64859 Private Ernest Thomas GUNTON, a 37 year old Horse driver from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 37th Company Australian Army Supply Corps Australian Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 17 July 1919.


64864 Private Merton Elliston HAYES, a 20 year old Farmer from Kyabram, Victoria. He enlisted on 18 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64862 Private Robert Alfred HILL, an 18 year old Fitter and Turner from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 23 March 1915. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 1st Light Horse Field Squadron Engineers; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

64858 Private William George HILL, a 37 year old Contractor from Horsham, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64817 Private Joseph Stanley HOCKING, a 30 year old Bank Manager from East St Kilda, Victoria. He enlisted on 23 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64818 Private Alan Bruce HOLDSWORTH, a 20 year old Salesman from Prahran, Victoria. He enlisted on 15 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the AIF Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 20 September 1919.

64820 Private Leslie George HOWARD, a 31 year old Engine Driver from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 1st Squadron, Australian Flying Corps; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

64821 Private Morris James HUNT, a 19 year old Clerk from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 19 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


64822 Private Stanley Orlando Marke JARMAN, a 26 year old Driver from Seymour, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 38th Company Australian Army Supply Corps Australian Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

64823 Private Vincent Elliott JOYCE, a 19 year old Tobacco worker from North Carlton, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 38th Company Australian Army Supply Corps Australian Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


64824 Private William Joseph LAASS, a 19 year old Printer from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64825 Private Alfred Lawrence LeGASSICK, a 19 year old Rubber worker from Port Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 28 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 April 1919.


64826 Private Lawrence James MARTIN, an 18 year old Labourer from Traralgon, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64865 Private Bertram Jacob McKENNEY, a 20 year old Box maker from Cockatoo, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 November 1917. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64828 Private James Leslie McKINDLAY, a 21 year old Farmer from Womboota via Moama, New South Wales. He enlisted on 28 February 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64829 Private Archibald James Milligan McPHERSON, a 20 year old Postal worker from Branxholme, Victoria. He enlisted on 24 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Australian Postal Corps AIF Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 27 November 1919.

64830 Private Henry John McRAE, a 24 year old Grazier from Romsey, Victoria. He enlisted on 24 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64831 Private William Alexander McROBERT, a 21 year old Overseer from Bendigo, Victoria. He enlisted on 1 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Australian Provost Corps; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64832 Private James Bernard MEARA, a 21 year old Clerk from Ascot Vale, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the AIF Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 16 March 1919.

64834 Private Herbert Dalton MORRIS, an 18 year old Ware houseman from Northcote South, Victoria. He enlisted on 12 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64835 Private Linslay Timothy MORRISSEY, a 19 year old Labourer from Footscray, Victoria. He enlisted on 31 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 August 1919.


64837 Private James Stanley NICHOLLS, a 20 year old Horse driver from Parkville, Victoria. He enlisted on 4 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 1st Light Horse Field Squadron Engineers; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.


64838 Private Horatio Gerald O'BRIEN, a 19 year old Postal worker from Bilga, Western Australia. He enlisted on 30 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


64839 Acting Sergeant Hugh Ralston PATON, a 19 year old Viticulturist from Hawthorn, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64840 Private William Knox PEACOCK, a 20 year old Medical student from East Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 7 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64841 Acting Corporal Thomas Vivian PETERS, a 19 year old Traveller from Bendigo, Victoria. He enlisted on 7 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 8th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

64842 Private George Albert PURCELL, a 21 year old Teacher from Woodleigh via Pantone Hill, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 38th Company Australian Army Supply Corps; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


64843 Private Alexander REDDEN, a 20 year old Boundary rider from Brighton, Victoria. He enlisted on 3 July 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64844 Private John Creek Federation REILLY, a 19 year old Coach painter from Terang, Victoria. He enlisted on 25 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64845 Private Andrew Roy ROSS, a 20 year old Farm labourer from Fawkner, Victoria. He enlisted on 10 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Australian Postal Corps AIF Headquarters; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 2 August 1919.

64846 Private Malcolm ROSS, an 18 year old Clerk from Colac East, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.

64848 Private Joseph Edmund RYAN, a 21 year old Clerk from Glenhuntly, Victoria. He enlisted on 28 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the Not Taken On Strength; and subsequently Died of Disease, 4 December 1918.


64849 Private Mac STEWARD, a 21 year old Farmer from Gormandale, Victoria. He enlisted on 27 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 38th Company Australian Army Supply Corps Australian Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.


64855 Private Stanley George TRITSCHLER, a 21 year old Wheelwright from Drouin, Victoria. He enlisted on 9 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919.


64850 Private David Gordon WALTON, a 19 year old Farmer from Burrumbeet, Victoria. He enlisted on 31 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the "D" Field Troop & Bridge Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

64851 Private Kenneth Maconochie WATSON, a 31 year old Farmer from Melbourne, Victoria. He enlisted on 30 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 35th Company Australian Army Supply Corps Australian Mounted Division Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 26 July 1919.

64852 Private Hezekiah Joseph Cameron WEEKS, a 19 year old Farm labourer from Janiember via Inglewood, Victoria. He enlisted on 15 May 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the "D" Field Troop & Bridge Train; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 3 July 1919.

64854 Private John Henry WIRGES, a 19 year old Blacksmith from Rutherglen, Victoria. He enlisted on 26 June 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 1st Squadron, Australian Flying Corps; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 4 March 1919.

55704 Private Arthur Stanley WOMERSLEY, a 21 year old Labourer from Lubeck via Stawell, Victoria. He enlisted on 5 April 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 7th Infantry Battalion; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 23 March 1919.



Previous: 7th GSR, New South Wales

Next: 7th GSR, South Australia


Sources Used:


National Archives Service File.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

General Service Reinforcements, AIF

General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: General Service Reinforcements, 7th GSR, Victoria

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 7:45 AM EAST

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