Topic: Militia - LHN - 2/9/6
New South Wales Mounted Rifles
History, Part 5, 1894
New South Wales Mounted Rifles [1888 - 1903]
2nd (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
9th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1918]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Australian Light Horse [1918 - 1941]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Motor Regiment [1941 - 1943]
6th Australian Armoured Car Regiment [1941 - 1943]
6th (New South Wales Mounted Rifles) Motor Regiment [1948 - 1949]
6th New South Wales Mounted Rifles [1949 - 1958]
Royal New South Wales Regiment [1958 - 1960]
Toujours pret - Always Ready
Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).
The following is the fifth extract from a manuscript written by an anonymous author. The hand written manuscript outlines the history of the 2nd ALHR NSW Mounted Rifles from commencement in 1888, until 5 April 1899, when history ceases. From the internal evidence of the manuscript, it appears to have been composed sometime from July 1903 to 1904.
The fifth extract from the manuscript.
Dress, Mounted Rifles, 1894 - Officers
The following alterations as regards "Dress" for the Mounted Rifles, took effect from 1st January 1894.
Jacket:Drab tweed. Collar stand and fall with 2 hooks and eyes, fall edged round base and front with ½ inch black mohair braid, traced inside with mohair Russia forming eye in corners. 5 small buttons on insider for white linen collar. Yoke with four 1 inch pleats down centre of back. Two breast patch pockets (5½ inches wide by 6½ inches deep) with box pleats, corner square at top, and slightly rounded bottom. 5 large plated buttons down front. White linen square cornered stand up collar, buttoning to inside of jacket, and showing ½ an inch above it, to lap over in front. Cuffs pointed with on bar of ½ inch black mohair, point 6 inches from button of sleeve, traced inside and out with black mohair Russia, forming eye under point, and Austrian knot on top. Officers above the rank of Lieutenant have cuffs with two bars of ½ inch black mohair. Field Officers have a row of braided eyes below the lace on the collar; braided eyes on the sleeve above and below the bars for Colonels and Lieutenant Colonels, and above the bars only for Majors. Shoulder straps of rifle green cloth, badges of rank in gold.
Additions for Full Dress:Epaulettes and aiguillettes of silver round cord of special pattern. Epaulettes to have woven into them one silk cord of same colour as facings. This addition to above constituted full dress.
Facings:Rifle green in place of primrose.
Waist Belt for Levees and State Ceremonies:Waist belt of 1¾ inch Waratah silver lace, fastened with regulation clasp. Slings of 1 inch Waratah silver lace.
Overalls:As at present, substituting for scarlet welt, double black mohair stripes ¾ inch wide, ¼ inch apart down each side of seam, to fasten at bottom with strap and buckle.
Pants:Bedford cord, made tight below the knee, but loose upward to the waist, strapped inside of knee only.
Hat:As at present, with drab leather chin strap, silver embroidered badge on rifle green foundation.
Puggaree:Dark green sild, three fold, (2½ inches at sides, 2 inches at front and back) ⅓ inch red sild piping between each fold of green.
Forage Cap:Drab tweed, with 1¾ inch silver Waratah lace, silver netted button on crown, surrounded by a special device of silver Russia tracing.
Boots:Brown leather knee, square at top, spur blocks.
Spurs:With knee boots - steel, swan necked, strap and food chain, fasten with buckle. With overalls - steel, swan necked box.
Dress, Mounted Rifles, 1894 - NCOs and Men
As in the case of Officers, except the back will be made with single pleat 2¾ inches wide, extending full length of Jacket, and no black mohair Russia on collar or cuffs. White celluloid collar in place of linen. Shoulder straps of rifle green cloth, with letters MR and number of company above, in white metal. Jacket for trumpeters to be piped with black on seams at back and sleeves.
Full Dress:As in the case of Officers, except that epaulettes and aiguillettes will be of black worsted cord; epaulettes to have woven into them one cord of red worsted.
Overalls:As in the case of Officers.
Pants:As in the case of Officers.
Hat:As in the case of Officers, but with white metal badge.
Puggaree:As in the case of Officers, but cashmere in place of silk.
Boots:As per sealed pattern.
Leggings:As per sealed pattern.
Spurs:Steel, swan necked, strap and buckle.
Captain Sparrow resigns, 1 October 1894
On the 1st October 1894, Captain HBB Sparrow, Adjutant of the Mounted Rifles and acting Staff Officer to the Mounted Brigade, resigned his commission.
Captain JM Antill appointed Adjutant, 1 October 1894.
On the same date, Captain JM Antill, Acting Adjutant of the 1st Infantry Regiment, was appointed Acting Adjutant to the Mounted Rifles vice Captain Sparrow resigned.
And on the same date, Captain G Lee, Adjutant of the Cavalry Regiment, was appointed Acting Staff Officer to the Mounted Brigade in addition to his duties as Adjutant to the Cavalry Regiment.
Duff and Hutton Competitions, 1894.
On the 2nd and 3rd of November 1894, the "Duff Challenge Cup" and "Hutton Shield" was again competed for on the Randwick Rifle Range; with the following results:
The Duff Challenge Cup competed for on the 2nd November was won by a section from No. 4 Inverell Half Company Mounted Rifles; commanded by Quartermaster Sergeant RH Fraser; The Mounted Rifles Regiment securing the first seventeen places in the competition. In all, twenty eight teams from the Mounted Brigade competed.
On the following day, 3rd November, the "Hutton Shield" was competed for, and won by a team from No. 4 Inverell Half Company Mounted Rifles, commanded by Lieutenant AA McLean. The Mounted Rifles securing the first four places in the competition.
Previous: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, History, Part 4, 1893
Next: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, History, Part 6, 1895
Further Reading:
2nd/9th/6th Australian Light Horse
Militia Light Horse, New South Wales
Australian Militia Light Horse
Citation: New South Wales Mounted Rifles, History, Part 5, 1894