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Saturday, 6 June 2009
Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1917, Part 15, Lines of Communication Units
Topic: AIF & MEF & EEF

Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1917

Part 15,  Lines of Communication Units



As part of the Official British War History of the Great War, Captain Cyril Falls and Lieutenant General George MacMunn were commissioned to produce a commentary on the Sinai, Palestine and Syrian operations that took place. In 1928, their finished work, Military Operations, Egypt and Palestine - From the outbreak of war with Germany to June 1917,  was published in London. Their book included Appendix 3 which specifically detailed the Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1917 and is extracted below.

MacMunn, G. & Falls, C., Military operations: Egypt and Palestine, (London 1930), pp. 405 - 406:


Lines of Communication Units.

(Controlled by G.H.Q.)

Royal Flying Corps -

"X" Aircraft Park (5th Wing).

"X" Aircraft Depot (Depot for all Middle East Units, R.F.C.).

Engineers -

13th and 46th Base Park Companies, R.E.

1/3rd Devon Army Troops Company, R.E.

Signal Service -

Base Signal Depot.

A.S.C. -

Field Bakeries -
18th and 19th.
Field Butcheries -
Supply Companies -
Nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25.
Horse Transport -
137th, 671st and 313th Companies, A.S.C.
Mechanical Transport -
500th, 644th, 772nd, 894th, 895th, 904th, 905th, 906th, 907th Companies, A.S.C., Scottish Horse and 22nd Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance and Workshop Units.
Medical Units -
Nos. 24, 29, 30, 80, 89 and 91 Sanitary Sections.
No. 35 Motor Ambulance Convoy.
Nos. 26, 53 and 54 Casualty Clearing Stations.
Nos. 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 31, 14 Australian and 5 Indian General Hospitals.
Red Cross and Egyptian Government Auxiliary Hospitals.
Nos. 24, 26, 36 and 2 Australian Stationary Hospitals.
Miscellaneous Hospitals -
Ras-el-Tin, Citadel, Infectious, Anglo-American, Nasrieh Schools, Red Cross, Turkish Prisoners', Egyptian Hospitals.
Convalescent Homes and Depots -
Mustapha, Montaza, Abbassia, Actea N.Z. Convalescent Home.
Nos. 5, 6 and 7 Advanced Depots Medical Stores.
R.A.M.C. Base Depot.
Nos. 5 and 8, Abbassia and Levant Base Depots Medical Stores.
Alexandria, Suez and Ismailia Military Bacteriological Laboratories.
Hospital Barge, Indiana.

Remounts -

Nos. 1, 2, 3, 48th Squadron, 4 Australian, Remount Depots, Nos. 1 and 2 Camel Remount Depots.

Veterinary -

Nos. 16, 20, 21 and 26 Veterinary Hospitals.
Convalescent Horse Depot.
No. 3 Base Depot Veterinary Stores.
Abbassia and Qantara Advanced Base Depots Veterinary Stores.
No. 26 Veterinary Hospital (acts as Base Depot).

Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Camel Hospitals.

Nos. 54 and 55 Mobile Veterinary Sections.

Ordnance -

Nos. 9, 11, 16, 26, 27, 31, 32, 38, 44 and 56 Companies, A.O.C.

Nos. 37, 38 and 39 Ordnance Mobile Workshops.

Nos. 4 and 5 Light Armoured Batteries Workshop.

Postal Units -

Advanced Base Post Office.

One Base Postal Detachment.

11th Postal Detachment.



Previous: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1917, Part 14, Southern Canal Section

Next: AIF, MEF and the EEF


Further Reading:

AIF & MEF & EEF, Contents 

AIF, MEF and the EEF


Citation: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Part 15, Lines of Communication Units

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 July 2009 10:10 PM EADT
Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1916, Part 15, Lines of Communication Defence Troops
Topic: AIF & MEF & EEF

Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1916

Part 15,  Lines of Communication Defence Troops


As part of the Official British War History of the Great War, Captain Cyril Falls and Lieutenant General George MacMunn were commissioned to produce a commentary on the Sinai, Palestine and Syrian operations that took place. In 1928, their finished work, Military Operations, Egypt and Palestine - From the outbreak of war with Germany to June 1917,  was published in London. Their book included Appendix 2 which specifically detailed the Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1916 and is extracted below.

MacMunn, G. & Falls, C., Military operations: Egypt and Palestine, (London 1930), pp. 389 - 390:


Lines of Communication Defence Troops.

Mounted Troops -

Imperial Service Cavalry Brigade.

G.O.C.  -

Major (temp. Brig.-General) M. H. Henderson.


Mysore Lancers;

1st Hyderabad Lancers;

Kathiawar Signal Troop;

124th Indian Cavalry Field Ambulance.

Infantry -

1st Garrison Battalion, Essex Regiment.

2nd Garrison Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers.

1st Garrison Battalion, Devonshire Regiment.

1st Garrison Battalion, Royal Scots (less 2 companies).

1st Garrison Battalion, Liverpool Regiment.

1st Garrison Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment.

19th Garrison Battalion, Rifle Brigade.

20th Garrison Battalion, Rifle Brigade.

21st Garrison Battalion, Rifle Brigade.

22nd Garrison Battalion, Rifle Brigade.

1st Garrison Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment (Khartoum).

Alexandria District.

G.O.C. -

Colonel (temp. Brig.-General) R. C. Boyle, C.B.


Coast Defence Artillery -

84th Siege Battery, R.G.A.

92nd Company, R.G.A., Mex Battery.

Ras el Tin Battery.

Silsileh Battery.

"Y" Battery Royal Malta Artillery.


Lines of Communication Units.

Headquarters, Inspector-General of Communications

Infantry -

1st Garrison Battalion, Notts and Derby Regiment.

1st Garrison Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment.

2 Companies, 1st Garrison Battalion, Royal Scots (Cyprus).

Signal Service -

Nos. 12 and 23 Airline Sections.

Engineers -

13th Base Park Company, R.E.

46th Advanced Park Company, R.E.

3rd Lancashire Army Troops Company, R.E.

1/3rd Devon Army Troops Company, R.E.

No. 5 Siege Company, Royal Anglesea R.E.

Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Egyptian Works Companies.

A.S.C. -

10th Australian Reserve Park.

Indian Mule Cart Corps.

Labour Companies -

Nos. 24 and 27 Egyptian Labour Corps.

Depot Units of Supply - Nos. 40, 41, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 62, 63, 65, 66, 104, 105, 136, 137, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 182, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 200, 201, 202, 217, 218, 219, 220, 228, 229, 230, 231, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 276, 360, 373, 374, 376, 377. Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Australian.

Railway Supply Detachments -

Nos. 17 and 56, 1st and 11th Australian.

Field Bakeries -

29th, 36th, 40th, 42nd, 50th, 51st, 55th, 71st, 4th and 5th Australian.

Field Butcheries -

10th, 11th, 29th, 32nd, 40th, 42nd, 51st, 52nd, 4th and 5th Australian.

A.S.C. - 

345th and 347th Mechanical Transport Companies, A.S.C.

Royal Naval S.A.A. Column (275th Company, A.S.C.).

No. 6 (Auxiliary) Transport Company A.S.C.

Base Horse Transport Depot (No. 137 Company, A.S.C.).

Base Mechanical Transport Depot (No 500 Company. A.S.C.).

Medical Units -

Nos. 18, 21, 22, 24, 29, 30, 31, 46, 52, 53, 54, 80, 89, 90, 91 and 93 Sanitary Sections.

Nos. 13, 24, 26, 53, 54, and 2nd Australian Casualty Clearing Stations.

Nos. 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 31, 3 Australian, New Zealand General Hospitals.

Nos. 16, 17 and 18, 1st and 2nd Australian, 1, 2 and 3 Canadian, and

Camel Transport Corps Depot Stationary Hospital.

Ordnance Units -

Nos. 11, 16, 26, 27, 31, 32, 38, 39, 47, 55 and 58 Companies, A.O.C.

No. 9 Company, A.O.C. (Egyptian Section).

3 Ordnance Travelling Workshops.

Veterinary Units -

Nos. 11, 17 and 18 Veterinary Sections.

Base Depot Veterinary Stores.

Advanced Base Depot Veterinary Stores.

Base Veterinary Hospital.

Nos. 16, 20, 21 and 22 Veterinary Hospitals.

Postal Units -

Advanced Base Post Office.

1 Base Postal Detachment and 11th Postal Detachment.


Previous: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1916, Part 14, General Headquarters Troops

Next: AIF, MEF and the EEF


Further Reading:

AIF & MEF & EEF, Contents 

AIF, MEF and the EEF


Citation: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, April 1916, Part 15, Lines of Communication Defence Troops

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 4 July 2009 3:53 PM EADT
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Pink Hill, 12 February 1900, Chamberlain Account
Topic: BatzB - Pink Hill

 Pink Hill, 12 February 1900

Chamberlain Account

Map 57, Pink Hill, 12 February 1900.


The following account is extracted from Max Chamberlain's book called The Australians in the South African War 1899 - 1902, A Map History, published by Army history Unit in Canberra, 1999. This section is called Map 57.



There is great confusion in the references about Pink Hill - one of the first major military actions by Australians. Most British and Boer histories omit the place completely. The map in the Times History, Vol III, actually locates it correctly but the label gives the date of the action as 12 January 1900. The Official Boer History map correctly indicates that the action tool: place on l ? February 1900, but does not name Pink Hill. However, from these two maps it is possible to locate the site of the battle precisely and gain an impression of the terrain.

The Australian references which show Pink Hill on a map locate it variously to the south or east of Colesberg instead of north-west. Reay's written account is generally regarded as the most accurate, but Cunliffe points out that Reay errs in indicating the presence of the Bedfords. It is too late now to resolve all the contradictory points but this analysis attempts to unravel what actually happened by piecing together the events from as many authoritative sources as possible.



Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899 - 1902, A Map History, Army history Unit, Canberra, 1999.


Further Reading:

The Battle of Pink Hill


Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 8 June 2009 12:05 AM EADT
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
New Zealand Militia and Volunteers, Contents
Topic: Militiaz - New Zealand

New Zealand Militia and Volunteers





New Zealand Militia and Volunteers, THE SKELETON ARMY 

Ellesmere Guards, James McVINNIE 

A cautionary tale of the Scallywag Soldier and his girfriend


Further Reading:

New Zealand Militia and Volunteers 1899 - 1920

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, NZEF


Citation: New Zealand Militia and Volunteers, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 3:43 PM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 3 June 2009 4:07 PM EADT
New Zealand Militia and Volunteers, THE SKELETON ARMY
Topic: Militiaz - New Zealand

New Zealand Militia and Volunteers



The following article about the New Zealand volunteers proves the supposed Napoleonic adage that an "Army marches on its stomach."  The Volunteers from the Wellington region drafted in to perform ceremonial duties during the visit of the Duke of Cornwall found their conditions unacceptable. Tea that tasted like cabbage water, rancid meat and stale bread let alone no fodder for their horses was a recipe for mutiny.



[From: The Adelaide Advertiser, 1 July 1901, p. 6.]


The transcription of the article follows:





The jarring note of the festivities during the reception of the Duke of Cornwall in the capital city of New Zealand was the scandal in connection with the treatment of a number of visiting volunteers. The very heavy rain which had fallen had con- verted Newton Park, where the men were encamped, into a quagmire. Several inches of mud ano water were on the surface of the park, and 'the moisture found its way through into the tents, soaking the straw beds and belongings of the men, and making them very unhappy. Several deputations of men complained of insufficiency of accommodation and lack of food, and said that their horses were practically starving, there being a lack of fodder and water for their use. When the men went to get some hot water to make tea there was none avail- able, the supply having been cut off. When they informed the officer in command that unless they were adequately provisioned they would have to leave camp he threatened them with pains and penalties.

One trooper declared "you had to scramble for what you got; it was served in dirty dishes, the tea was like cabbage water, and the whole thing was-ugh! let me go home!" One of the officers, who had seen service with our contingents in South Africa, is reported to have said that in the whole of his experience at the 'front he had never put in such a week as this just passed at Newtown Park. "Hungry we often were when at the front," because there was no food," He remarked, "but when we did get food it was cooked, not sent to us half cooked." . One trooper said he wouldn’t; have minded the treatment so much if it only concerned himself, but when it came to starving his horse "it was time to squeak".  He added that he had bad to go into town and buy a feed for 'his horse, as well as for himself.

Undeterred by the terrors of militarism, a "skeleton army" of men in uniform actually paraded the streets of Wellington, carrying some stale bread and questionable meat upon a pole, a board above which bore the significant legend, "Our Rations."

The bearer of the pole attracted much attention, and quite a procession was formed, which, amid much cheering and groaning, passed not only along the main streets, but through the streets around Government House. Four troopers were noticed taking a prominent part in the head of the procession, and their demonstrations (says the Wellington "Post") gave the affair an importance which otherwise would not have been attached to the demonstration.

In the morning the proceedings took a serious turn. Colonel Penton (Commandant of the forces) ordered a parade of the troops. He addressed them in severe tone upon the subject of "last night’s disgraceful proceedings." The action of the four troopers who took part in the procession, he said, had brought disgrace upon the whole of the proceedings of the week. It was the most disgraceful thing that had happened in the whole of the colonies, and it was deeply painful that it should have happened when the representative of the King was with us. An example must be made of the men who had been the cause of the scandal, and he (Colonel Penton) looked to the officers to find out those men and bring them before him for punishment. It was also to be regretted that the men should have aired their grievances to the press. Finally the Colonel said he laid the whole blame upon the officers. "You should have seen to the complaints of the men, found out what was wanted, and by remedying them, prevented this disgrace.'

Colonel Sommerville, who was in charge of the camp, was understood to say that he had tried his best to get the bad condition of affairs remedied, but without success. The officers then dispersed, some muttering unutterable things, and went along the ranks of their companies, seeking the names of "the four." Some of the men laughed outright when the question was put to them, and the officers had to report that no names were procurable.

Then Colonel Penton addressed himself to the whole of the troops. He commenced by saying that up till that time the men had borne their hard lot like soldiers, but by the action of four "infernal cowards" the whole regiment had been disgraced. There were in the ranks, he said, some "infernal curs" Who were not men enough to step forward and own up, so as to save the good name of their comrades. "You four curs," exclaimed the Colonel, "who have spoilt the whole show, had not the pluck to come out, but you go and make a disgraceful scene when the son of your King is present in the city. In my regiment if any of the men had done as these four have done their comrades would have given them a jolly bad time."

At this interesting point of the proceedings Colonel Penton, who was addressing the men with a great deal of warmth, observed a representative of a newspaper, who was standing some little distance away, on the footpath,-taking a note. The Colonel paused, and in a stentorian voice, called to the pressman, "Will you leave here, please?" And the pressman withdrew out of earshot. The colonel then continued to address the troops for a few minutes, after which the men were dismissed to their quarters.


Further Reading:

New Zealand Militia and Volunteers 1899 - 1920


Citation: New Zealand Militia and Volunteers, THE SKELETON ARMY

Posted by Project Leader at 3:36 PM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 3 June 2009 3:48 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

Please Note: No express or implied permission is given for commercial use of the information contained within this site.

A note to copyright holders

The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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