Topic: BatzG - Gallipoli
Gallipoli Campaign - 1915
Bridges Disembarkation Orders, 18 April 1915, Part 2
By Major General W. T. BRIDGES, C.M.G., Commanding 1st Australian Division.
Transport A11 Minnewaska, 18th April, 1915.
7(i) A hot meal will be arranged for all troops as late as possible before leaving their ships.
(ii) Troops will land with the current day's rations and two iron rations. The iron rations are for consumption on the second and third days.
(iii) Under Army Corps arrangements seven days' suppies will be landed - that for the lst Australian Division will be taken over subsequently by the Officer Commanding Divisional Train who will arrange for landing the necessary supply details from the Atlantian.
8(i) Infantry will carry two hundred (200) rounds on the man: artillery and engineers fifty (50) rounds per man; A.S.C twenty (20) rounds per man.
(ii) Machine guns and belt boxes will be carried by hand; (3,500) rounds per machine gun will be carried in belt boxes.
(iii) The regimental reserve now in possession of units will be left in regimental vehicles and landed with them.
(iv) 176 rounds per gun will be landed with each battery.
(v) Arrangements have been made by the Army Corps to 1and a reserve of small arm and gun ammunition on the beach. The DADOS will take over from this depot the ammunition for the Division.
Disposal of unfit personnel and animals etc.
9. - ( i ) All men unfit for disembarkation will be transferred to the stationary hospital before leaving MUDROS; those becoming unfit subsequently will, as opportunity offers be transferred to the transport CLAN McGILLIVRAY, by the military transport officer of the transport.
(ii) Unfit animals will be left on transports in charge of a party detailed under regimental arrangements.
(iii) After tho disembarkation of "A" echelons military transport officers will see that remaining personnel is divided in proper prorortions to the "B" and "C" echelons.
(iv) The extra blankets will he baled, labelled, and left on transports in charge of military transport officers, who will apply for instructions as to their disposal before ships are finally cleared.
(v) Hold parties, military transport officers, and their signals parties, will remain on board until all echelons are landed. They will then be transferred under divisional arrangements to the DERFFLINGER, taking with them any sick remaining in their transports.
Lieut.Colonel 1st Australian Division.
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Citation: Gallipoli Campaign - 1915, Bridges Disembarkation Orders, 18 April 1915, Part 2