Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR
9th LHR, AIF
War Diary, 19 February
Pro Gloria et Honore - For Glory and Honour
Regimental March - Marching Through Georgia
The Diary
Thursday, February 19, 1914
See 4th Military District, South Australia for militia activities.
Friday, February 19, 1915
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - HMAT A10 "Karroo", at sea.
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Routine Orders No. 43
2. Gambling - Under no circumstances will gambling or games of chance be allowed. Military police will arrest any soldier acting contrary to this order.
3. Water Stop Cocks - Much inconvenience and danger to health has been caused through men interfering with the valves of the latrine and lavatory service water pipes. It is to be distinctly understood that these valves will be controlled solely by the ship's officers. Any complaint re the water service should be made to the Orderly Officer. Disobedience of these instructions will be severely punished.
6. Vaccination - All ranks must be vaccinated prior to noon on 19 February 1915. B Squadron and Machine Gun Section will parade at 0900, C Squadron and Headquarters will parade at 0930. Every member not vaccinated must attend these hours.
Carew Reynell Diary - Still hot and sultry but cooler at night. Horses all putting on condition. They all get 20 minutes exercising and 10 minutes rub down [two to four men per horse]. Legs being thoroughly hand rubbed. Holds fresher tonight but still room for improvement.
Saturday, February 19, 1916
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Heliopolis, Egypt.
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - No entry.
Monday, February 19, 19179th Light Horse Regiment Location - Hod Masaid, Sinai.
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Squadron training of Connecting files and mounted orderlies. Luxmoore, Lieutenant EM, returned from Cavalry School. Williams, Lieutenant H; and, Hargrave, Lieutenant LMS, to Training Squadron Moascar.
Tuesday, February 19, 1918
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Deir el Belah, Palestine.
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Last day of salvaging operations.
Wednesday, February 19, 1919
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Tripoli, Lebanon.
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - 0900 Camp routine.
1000, Brigade shoot held with teams of eight draw from all units. Practices fired, 5 rounds application, 5 rounds snap shooting, 1 minute rapid, 2 in bull counts 4, 4 in inner circle counts 3, 6 maggie counts 2, 12 outer counts 1. Results: -
- 10th Light Horse Regiment - 606
- 9th Light Horse Regiment - 605
- 8th Light Horse Regiment - 562
- 3rd Machine Gun Squadron - 549
- Brigade Headquarters Group - 540
1400, Inter-Regimental football match held. 9th Light Horse Regiment versus Combined Machine Gun Squadron which was won by 9th Light Horse Regiment, 6 goals 12 behinds to 2 goals 2 behinds.
Previous: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 18 February
Next: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 20 February
See: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Contents
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy
Further Reading:
9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 19 February