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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Tuesday, 19 February 2008
9th LHR AIF War Diary, 19 February
Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR

9th LHR, AIF

9th Light Horse Regiment

War Diary, 19 February

Pro Gloria et Honore - For Glory and Honour

Regimental March -  Marching Through Georgia



The following entries are extracted and transcribed from the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, the originals of which are held by the Australian War Memorial. There are 366 entries on this site. Each day has entries as they occurred from 1914 to 1919. In addition to the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, when appropriate, entries from the 3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary and other regiments with the Brigade will also appear. Entries from the unit history, Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924 will also appear from time to time. The aim is to give the broadest context to the story and allow the reader to follow the day to day activities of the regiment. If a relative happened to have served in the regiment during the Great War, then this provides a general framework in which the individual story may be told.


The Diary



Thursday, February 19, 1914

See 4th Military District, South Australia for militia activities.



Friday, February 19, 1915

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - HMAT A10 "Karroo", at sea.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary -  Routine Orders No. 43

2. Gambling - Under no circumstances will gambling or games of chance be allowed. Military police will arrest any soldier acting contrary to this order.

3. Water Stop Cocks - Much inconvenience and danger to health has been caused through men interfering with the valves of the latrine and lavatory service water pipes. It is to be distinctly understood that these valves will be controlled solely by the ship's officers. Any complaint re the water service should be made to the Orderly Officer. Disobedience of these instructions will be severely punished.

6. Vaccination - All ranks must be vaccinated prior to noon on 19 February 1915. B Squadron and Machine Gun Section will parade at 0900, C Squadron and Headquarters will parade at 0930. Every member not vaccinated must attend these hours.

Carew Reynell Diary - Still hot and sultry but cooler at night. Horses all putting on condition. They all get 20 minutes exercising and 10 minutes rub down [two to four men per horse]. Legs being thoroughly hand rubbed. Holds fresher tonight but still room for improvement.



Saturday, February 19, 1916

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Heliopolis, Egypt.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - No entry.



Monday, February 19, 1917

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Hod Masaid, Sinai.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Squadron training of Connecting files and mounted orderlies. Luxmoore, Lieutenant EM, returned from Cavalry School. Williams, Lieutenant H; and, Hargrave, Lieutenant LMS, to Training Squadron Moascar.



Tuesday, February 19, 1918

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Deir el Belah, Palestine.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Last day of salvaging operations.



Wednesday, February 19, 1919

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Tripoli, Lebanon.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - 0900 Camp routine.
1000, Brigade shoot held with teams of eight draw from all units. Practices fired, 5 rounds application, 5 rounds snap shooting, 1 minute rapid, 2 in bull counts 4, 4 in inner circle counts 3, 6 maggie counts 2, 12 outer counts 1. Results: -

  • 10th Light Horse Regiment - 606
  • 9th Light Horse Regiment - 605
  • 8th Light Horse Regiment - 562
  • 3rd Machine Gun Squadron - 549
  • Brigade Headquarters Group - 540

1400, Inter-Regimental football match held. 9th Light Horse Regiment versus Combined Machine Gun Squadron which was won by 9th Light Horse Regiment, 6 goals 12 behinds to 2 goals 2 behinds.


Previous: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 18 February

Next: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 20 February



See: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Contents
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy


Further Reading:

9th Light Horse Regiment AIF

Bert Schramm Diary

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 19 February

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 17 July 2010 2:41 PM EADT
Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, 2nd Infantry Battalion, AIF, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Gallipoli

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16

2nd Infantry Battalion


Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the 2nd Infantry Battalion who gave their lives during the Gallipoli Campaign - 1915 - 1916.


Roll of Honour


2052 Private George William ALBON, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1310 Private Con Harold ALLEN, Killed in action, 1 May 1915.

1508 Private Richard William ALLEN, Killed in action, 19 June 1915.

997 Private Samuel ANDERSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1012 Corporal Thomas Bonner ANDERSON, Killed in action, 7 June 1915.

1509 Private William Keith ANDERSON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1510 Private David ANDREWS, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1103 Private Alexander ARMSTRONG, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

818 Private Benjamin Harrison ARMSTRONG, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1511 Private Charles ARMSTRONG, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

2103 Private Reginald Edward ARMSTRONG, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

585 Lance Corporal Alfred ARNOLD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

130 Corporal Jonas Price ARNOLD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

586 Private James Alfred ASHLEY, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

588 Private Henry George AVES, Killed in action, 2 June 1915.


900 Private Thomas Albert BARNES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1114 Private William BARNES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Lieutenant Harold Pryor BARTON, Killed in action, 23 May 1915.

722 Private Reginald Albert BASSAN, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.

828 Private John Hugh BATES, Killed in action, 7 May 1915.

2233 Private Leslie Percy BAXTER, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

590 Private Oswald Cecil Jeffrey BAYLIS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

720 Private Frederick Joseph BAYLISS, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2053 Private George BAYNHAM, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1906 Private Jesse BEADLE, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

593 Private William Robert Clive BEASLEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1036 Private Edward Leslie BEATTIE, Died of Disease, 4 August 1915.

969 Private Ted Jack BEECHAM, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1409 Private William Goldney BEES, Died of wounds, 4 May 1915.

135 Private John George BELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1312 Private Andrew BERTRAM, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1005 Private Thomas William BINKS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

17 Private Edward Cyril BIRD, Died of wounds, 26 April 1915.

1708 Private Jeremiah BIRD, Killed in Action, 7 August 1915.

366 Sergeant Byron Wrixon BIRKMYRE, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.

1453 Private Harry Daly BLACK, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1716 Private James BLACK, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1109 Private John Carruthers BLACKETT, Killed in action, 15 May 1915.

1111 Private Charles BONNEFIN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

246 Sergeant William BOUCHER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

493 Private Harry Cyril BOURNE, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

724 Private Herbert BOWEN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

369 Private Owen BOYLE, Died of wounds, 4 June 1915.

1113 Private Joseph BRAITHWAITE, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

Lieutenant Colonel George Frederick BRAUND, Killed in action, 4 May 1915.

138 Private Henry Sadler BREMNER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

267 Lance Corporal John Trotman BRISTOW, Died of wounds, 30 April 1915.

594 Private Herbert John BROOKS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1916 Private Thomas BROUGHTON, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1918 Private Charles BROWN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

266 Private Frederick Clarence BROWN, Died of wounds, 6 August 1915.

1655 Private Frederick John BROWN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Captain Garnet Wollesley BROWN, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

20 Private Malcolm BROWN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Captain Richard Thomas BROWN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

268 Lance Corporal Archibald John BUCHANAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1112 Private Robert BURKE, Killed in action, 3 August 1915.

269 Private Thomas Dufty BURKE, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.

1714 Private Arthur BURRILL, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1523 Private George Cyril BUSBY, Killed in action, 3 September 1915.


385 Private Sydney Alexander CAIN, Died of wounds, 10 July 1915.

601 Private Donald CAMERON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1115 Private John CAMERON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

496 Private Arthur John CAMPBELL, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

32 Private Donald CAMPBELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Captain Irvine Fleming CAMPBELL, Died of wounds, 2 June 1915.

1116 Private Charles Herbert CANE, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.

1336 Private Robert Sutherland CANT, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.

2115 Private James CARR, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

831 Sergeant Theodore Ronald CARSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

380 Private Cyril Keith CARTER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1925 Private George Philip CASTLE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

23 Private Vincent Arthur CATO, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

28 Private Clarence Leslie CHANDLER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1002 Private Harry Maxwell CLARK, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

608 Private Lawrence CLAYTON, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

274 Private Leslie CLIFFORD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

836 Private Ronald Ernest COATES, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1331 Private George Bernard COCKIN, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1333 Private Vernon COLDHAM-FUSSELL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Captain George Levis Blake CONCANON, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.

1067 Private John Joseph CONNELLY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1031 Private Herbert Leslie CONSTABLE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

931 Lance Corporal Thomas CONVILLE, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1728 Private Alfred Edgar CONYERS, Killed in action, 25 July 1915.

379 Private John COOLING, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1528 Private Ivan COOPER, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1594 Corporal Edward Harold CORD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

726 Private James Albert COSTELLO, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

275 Private John Herbert COULSON, Killed in action, 10 August 1915.

954 Private Harry COURTIS, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

Second Lieutenant William Rupert CRADICK, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

276 Private Duncan Robertson CRERAR, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

277 Private Cyril Grove CROCKFORD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2120 Private Russell Douglas CROSS, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1087 Private Oliver James CUMBERLAND, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

602 Private Frank CURTIS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.


1124 Private Andrew Anderson DALSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Second Lieutenant William Jacob DANNEFAERD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

731 Corporal Edric Albert DAVIES, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

279 Private Charles Berte Montague DAVIS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

158 Corporal Cuthbert Glen DAVISON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

Lieutenant Alan Douglas Gibb DAWSON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

2125 Private Bernard Patrick DAWSON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

840 Private John George DEACON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

Second Lieutenant Everard DIGGES-LA TOUCHE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1341 Private Charles Bernard DONALDSON, Killed in action, 20 July 1915.

36 Private John Theodore DOOHAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

280 Private Kenneth Herbert DOYLE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

732 Private Thomas DOYLE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

156 Private William Henry DUKELOW, Killed in action, 12 May 1915.

2126 Private Harry DUNCAN, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1030 Private Edward Singleton DUNLEAVY, Died of wounds, 3 May 1915.

841 Private Norman James DUNLOP, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.


582 Private Walter Edward EARLY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

282 Private Arthur Louis EDWARDS, Killed in action, 26 April 1915.

1345 Private Thomas EGAN, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

162 Company Quartermaster Sergeant John Amyand ELLIOT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

507 Private Alfred Terah ELWOOD, Died of wounds, 17 May 1915.

2127 Private Walter Sydney EMERY, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

927 Private Cyril Eisle EVANS, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1737 Private Neville Gordon EVANS, Died of wounds, 7 August 1915.

1544 Private William Roy EVANS, Killed in action, 11 May 1915.

1346 Private Henry EVERS, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.


623 Private Lake FALCONER, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

847 Private Edwin Herculas FARDELL, Died of wounds, 9 August 1915.

1857 Private John FLEMING, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1874 Private Geoffrey Lionel FLEMMING, Killed in action, 19 June 1915.

1756 Private Michael Vincent FOLEY, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

288 Corporal Paul Charles Albert FORNACHON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

929 Private Thomas Michael FRASER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1945 Private Daniel FRAZER, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

509 Private William James Gordon FREEMAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

846 Private Henry FUNKENSTEIN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.


166 Lance Corporal Noel William Howard GALE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Private Archibald Iogi GAMBLE, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.

1552 Private Leonard Norman GARDNER, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.

2259 Private Rayner GARLAKE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2133 Private Frederick James GARWES, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2134 Private Edward Herbert Ernest GAWTHORPE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

739 Private Edmund GEARY, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

293 Private Harry Nicholas GERRETS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1356 Private Thomas Bell GIBBONS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1555 Private William GIBLIN, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

857 Private Francis Walter GIBSON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1652 Private Walter John GIBSON, Died of wounds, 30 April 1915.

629 Private Joseph GILMOUR, Killed in action, 4 July 1915.

46 Corporal William Stanley GLOVER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Major Charles George GORDON, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

1130 Private Francis Henry GREEN, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1053 Private Arthur Percy GUEST, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.

1953 Private George GUNNING, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

402 Private Harold Emslie GUNTHER, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

401 Private Harry Charles GUY, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.


632 Private David Eastwood Sydney HADDOW, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1358 Private Edgar Charles HAGAN, Killed in action, 5 June 1915.

1651 Private Daniel James HALL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2140 Private Charles Evan HANCOCK, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

630 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Herbert William HANCOCK, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1138 Private William HANLON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1020 Private Claude HANSEN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

410 Private Horace HARBER, Died of wounds, 7 August 1915.

2213 Private David Thomas HARBOTTLE, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

Lieutenant Edward George John HARKNESS, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

296 Private Herbert Ernest HARRIS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1955 Private Jack Bolton HARRIS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

2251 Lance Corporal John Auguste Emile HARRIS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

517 Private Richard HARRIS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

513 Private Christodas Frederick HART, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1765 Private Jack HARVEY, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1567 Private David Cooke HAY, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1360 Private Maurice HEALY, Died of wounds, 28 April 1915.

1364 Private John Charles HERBERT, Died of wounds, 30 May 1915.

Lieutenant David Mcneil HEUGH, Died of wounds, 29 April 1915.

634 Private John HEWITT, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1141 Private James Andrew Herbert HEYMAN, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1362 Private John Augustus HIBBERD, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1958 Private John HIBBERT, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1134 Private John Gordon HIDES, Died of wounds, 7 May 1915.

249 Sergeant Ernest Everard Chester HIGGINSON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1753 Private Arthur John HILL, Killed in action, 7 June 1915.

580 Sergeant Douglas Clive HOBDEN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

2147 Private Francis Stephen HODGE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2145 Private George Alexander HOGARTH, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2141 Private David Lowson HOOD, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1649 Private William HORNBY, Died of wounds, 1 June 1915.

57 Private Wilfred L'estrange HORNE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

58 Private Robert HORTON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1961 Private David HUGHES, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

862 Private George Thomas HUGHES, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

60 Private Vincent Williams HUGHES, Died of wounds, 25 April 1915.

1570 Private Leonard Hugh HUMPHREYS, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

950 Private William Herbert HUNT, Died of wounds, 8 May 1915.


2155 Private Robert Arthur JACOMB, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

749 Private Theodore Henry JAHNS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1577 Private Alexander JAMIESON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

415 Private Richard Alexander JARMAN, Died of wounds, 29 April 1915.

1371 Private Fred JOHNSON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

864 Private Stanley JOHNSON, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

180 Private James JOHNSTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1574 Private Hugh JOHNSTONE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1078 Private Miller JOHNSTONE, Died of wounds, 30 April 1915.

64 Private Edward George Rooks JONES, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

637 Private Garnet David Victor JONES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1881 Private Ivor JONES, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1769 Private Sydney Victor JONES, Killed in action, 10 June 1915.

2157 Private Thomas Christopher JONES, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.


Second Lieutenant George Edward Eccleston KELLY, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

866 Private Leslie Augustine KENNANE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1971 Private Archibald KENNETT, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2257 Sergeant William Ernest KING, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.


1584 Private David LAMOND, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1774 Private Louis Arthur Stanley LEAVER, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

943 Private John Charles LEE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

192 Private Cecil George LEESON, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.

1775 Private Ernest Charles LEVEY, Killed in action, 13 July 1915.

188 Private Reginald Kenneth LLOYD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1086 Private Joseph Albert LOCKWOOD, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

528 Private George Hewish LOGAN, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

2164 Private Harry LOMAX, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

69 Private William David LONGSTAFF, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

422 Corporal John Hutchinson LUMSDEN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1018 Corporal James LYONS, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.


879 Private Charles Leslie MacDERMOTT, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

705 Corporal Marshal Roy MACDONALD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2174 Private Wa]ter Russell MACDONALD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

440 Private John MacGILP, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

710 Lance Sergeant Ian Gordon MacINNES, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.

437 Private Charlie MACKIE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2064 Private James Albert MADEW, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

72 Lance Corporal Eugene Patrick MAHONY, Died of wounds, 20 May 1915.

985 Lance Corporal Frederick Sutton MARSHALL, Killed in action, 24 May 1915.

654 Private Francis Aubrey Dunstan MARTIN, Died of wounds, 30 April 1915.

1381 Private Leo Dorman MARTYN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

531 Private Thomas MASON, Died of wounds, 12 May 1915.

1085 Private John McALLISTER, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1603 Private Joseph McCABE, Killed in action, 24 July 1915.

870 Private Jerry Joseph McCARTHY, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.

1870 Private Robert McCULLOCH, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1600 Private Herbert McDERMOTT, Killed in action, 9 August 1915.

1994 Private Angus McDONALD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1791 Private Archie McDONALD, Died of wounds, 11 August 1915.

2171 Private Hector Donald McDONALD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1802 Sergeant John McDONALD, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

429 Private James McEWAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

544 Private Craig McEWEN, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

426 Private James McFARLANE, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

660 Private Thomas McGILL, Died of wounds, 10 August 1915.

2239 Private James Henry McGLYNN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1800 Private Vincent Michael McINNES, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

540 Private John William McKENZIE, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

324 Private Roderick Keith McLEAY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2173 Private Reginald John McLELLAN, Died of wounds, 10 August 1915.

1391 Private Richard McMAHON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1602 Private Thomas McMAHON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

661 Private James Steven McNAMARA, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

2170 Private Alexander John McPHERSON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

871 Corporal Wilfred Orville McROBERTS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

541 Private William George McSPARRON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

310 Private Cyril Wallace MEEK, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

653 Private Richard Stanley MEEK, Died of wounds, 2 May 1915.

530 Private John William MILES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

529 Private Thomas Richard MILES, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

436 Corporal William Ernest MILLER, Died of wounds, 9 August 1915.

1015 Private Albert MILLS, Killed in action, 18 May 1915.

940 Private Richard Benjamin MOFFATT, Killed in action, 28 July 1915.

1787 Private James Alexander MONTGOMERY, Died of wounds, 11 August 1915.

1155 Corporal George MORGAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1034 Private Hugh Fuller MORGAN, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

537 Sergeant William Marshall MORGAN, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1596 Private Milo James MORRISON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

435 Private Alwyn Willie MOZART, Died of wounds, 30 April 1915.

2004 Private Hector Watson MUNRO, Died of wounds, 18 August 1915.

1785 Private James MURDEN, Killed in action, 17 August 1915.

875 Private Austin Henry MURRAY, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

963 Private Joseph Gray MURRAY, Killed in action, 30 April 1915.


Captain Harold Leslie NASH, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

771 Private George NEAL, Died of wounds, 7 August 1915.

2651 Private William NEVILLE, Killed in action, 2 December 1915.

2183 Private John NICOLSON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

85 Private Harry Bowlin NOAD, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.


1398 Private John O'MEARA, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

664 Private William Henry O'NEILL, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

330 Private Oliver James OSBORN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2658 Private William Henry John OSBORNE, Killed in action, 12 December 1915.


1174 Private Leslie PARISH, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2253 Private Wallace PARK, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

554 Private Arthur PARKER, Died of wounds, 10 August 1915.

964 Private Albert Osborne PARMENTER, Died of wounds, 28 May 1915.

88 Private Cecil Claude PARSONSON, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.

91 Corporal William Hannah PATON, Died of wounds, 7 August 1915.

779 Private Robert Gerald PATTERSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1172 Private Leslie Ewart PAULL, Died of wounds, 24 May 1915.

2190 Private Abraham PEARCE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

549 Private Charles PEARCE, Died of wounds, 17 June 1915.

777 Private William PEAT, Killed in Action, 31 August 1915.

447 Lance Sergeant Harry PEDEN, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

92 Private William PENTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

778 Private William Jens Peter PETERSEN, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

1818 Private Stanley Robert PETTET, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

2186 Private Ellis James PIGGOTT, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

550 Sergeant Keith Stuart Mackenzie PIPER, Killed in action, 8 May 1915.

883 Private Oscar Axel POLSSON, Died of wounds, 10 May 1915.

1820 Private Samuel POOLE, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

334 Corporal Robert PORTEOUS, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1173 Private Arthur Clarence POTTER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2189 Private William John POTTS, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

335 Private Hilton Clifford PRICE, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.

981 Private Charles Howard PROCTOR, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

671 Private Arthur Horace PUGSLEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

666 Private Harold Hume PYE, Killed in action, 27 April 1915.


167 Private Cecil Charles Alexander RATCLIFF-GAYLARD, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

2017 Private James REDMAYNE, Died of wounds, 12 July 1915.

456 Private Harry Lansbury Urquhart REID, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

95 Private Fred RENNIE, Killed in action, 15 November 1915.

2195 Private William RIDGE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2018 Private David Edgar RIVETT, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

675 Private Frederick Daniel ROBBINS, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1617 Private Harry ROBERTS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

215 Private William Henry ROBERTSON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

217 Private Hugh ROBINSON, Killed in action, 10 May 1915.

2020 Private Henry Graeme ROE, Killed in Action, 14 August 1915.

784 Private Charles Thomas Gould RONCHETTI, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1828 Private Frederick ROSS, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

973 Lance Corporal William ROSS, Killed in action, 8 August 1915.

2023 Private William Stanislaus RYAN, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.


680 Private Claude Fairfax SANDILANDS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1627 Private Sydney SAWTELL, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1633 Private Joseph SCHMITT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert SCOBIE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

464 Private Kenneth Lindsay SCOTT, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

564 Sergeant Walter Henry SCOTT, Died of wounds, 8 August 1915.

1416 Private Robert Davidson SHAW, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

974 Private James SHERIDAN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

2209 Private Archibald Robert SHOWERS, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2211 Private James William SKELLERN, Died of wounds, 7 August 1915.

344 Corporal Frederick SKEVINGTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

228 Private Hector Allan SKIDMORE, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

989 Lance Corporal William SLEE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

905 Private Arnold Ashton SMITH, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

345 Sergeant Arthur John SMITH, Died of wounds, 19 May 1915.

2203 Private David Augustus SMITH, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1187 Private David Clement SMITH, Killed in action, 27 May 1915.

225 Private Joseph SMITH, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

794 Private William James SMITH, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

Second Lieutenant Erick Martin SOLLING, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

2207 Private Sydney Anthony SOUTH, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

348 Private Herbert Edmond SOUTHEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1624 Private Christopher Harold SPENCER, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2206 Private Vivian Francis David SPRAGUE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2030 Private Anthony SPRINGHOUSE, Killed in action, 10 November 1915.

898 Private Vincent Alexander STACH, Died of wounds, 26 April 1915.

789 Private Stanley Owen STAFFORD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

679 Corporal George STANNESS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2202 Private William Henry STEAD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1630 Private Bruce STEWART, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

793 Lance Corporal David STEWART, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

2204 Private Thomas STEWART, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

2032 Private John George Albert STOKES, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

223 Private John Phillip SULLIVAN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

220 Private Ralph SUMMERS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1004 Private Robert SUTCLIFFE, Died of wounds, 8 August 1915.

103 Private James Lawrence SWAN, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

222 Private John SWANTON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.


567 Corporal Arthur Ernest TABREHAM, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

2217 Private Allan Roy TAIT, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1208 Private William TAYLOR, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

110 Private George Robert TELFER, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

351 Private Samuel THOMAS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

2035 Private Bert Arthur THOMPSON, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

352 Private Frederick THOMPSON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1191 Private Richard THOMPSON, Died of wounds, 28 June 1915.

472 Private Charles Aitken THOMSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1204 Private Russell Stewart THORNTON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

1080 Private Alfred TOOMEY, Killed in action, 21 May 1915.

689 Private Charles TOPLIFFE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1428 Private Claude TRACEY, Died of wounds, 14 May 1915.


2219 Private Percy UDEN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

2040 Private Edward Henry UPJOHN, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.


353 Lance Corporal Eric Allan VANCE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

966 Private John James VERGETTE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

108 Private Clive VICKERY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

569 Corporal Charles John VYNER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.


2229 Private Norman Alexander WALFORD, Died of wounds, 6 August 1915.

699 Corporal Norman WALLACE, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

Captain Gordon Townshend WALLACK, Killed in action, 19 May 1915.

576 Corporal Albert Phillip WALTERS, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

2080 Private Charles Alfred WARD, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1054 Private Arthur Bolton WARR, Killed in action, 29 July 1915.

2225 Private William WARREN, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

2041 Private James WATSON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

114 Private Richard Wynne WEBSTER, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1339 Private Joseph Herman WEINRICH, Died of wounds, 30 April 1915.

2706 Private Mervyn Bede WELCH, Killed in action, 12 December 1915.

254 Sergeant Frederick WELLISCH, Killed in action, 26 April 1915.

357 Private Harry WHARTON, Died of wounds, 30 April 1915.

802 Lance Corporal William Henry WHEELER, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

359 Private George William WHITE, Killed in action, 25 April 1915.

807 Private Henry Edward WHITE, Killed in action, 3 May 1915.

919 Private Walter Henry WHITE, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

121 Private Jack Patrick WHITEFORD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

573 Private Herbert Charles WICKING, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1847 Private Robert Herbert WIDDICOMBE, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

1441 Private Arthur Henry WIGHT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

692 Private James WILKINS, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

921 Private Cecil WILKINSON, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1645 Private Charles WILKINSON, Killed in action, 7 August 1915.

801 Private Victor Clarence WILLIAMS, Died of wounds, 28 May 1915.

1442 Private Walter WILLIAMS, Killed in action, 29 August 1915.

693 Private George WILLMOTT, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

808 Private Sydney WILLUMSEN, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

990 Private Raymond Oscar WILSON, Killed in action, 20 May 1915.

2046 Private James WINAL, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1195 Private Theodore Northcote WINDROSS, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

1868 Private Albert Victor WOLF, Died of wounds, 18 July 1915.

235 Private Alfred Edward WOOD, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

362 Lance Corporal Thomas WOODLEY, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.

1851 Private James Nathaniel WOOLLEY, Killed in action, 6 August 1915.

572 Private Frank Thomas WRIGHT, Died of wounds, 29 April 1915.

809 Private John WRIGHT, Killed in action, 2 May 1915.


Lest We Forget



Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Rolls, AWM8.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

AWM Roll of Honour

Commonwealth War Graves Commission


Finding more about a service person.

See: Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Further Reading:

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, Unit Casualties, AIF, Roll of Honour

Light Horse Battles

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920

Citation: Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, 2nd Infantry Battalion, AIF, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 22 July 2011 2:21 PM EADT
Monday, 18 February 2008
Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, 2nd Infantry Brigade Headquarters, AIF, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Gallipoli

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16

2nd Infantry Brigade Headquarters


Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the 2nd Infantry Brigade Headquarters who gave their lives during the Gallipoli Campaign - 1915 - 1916.


Roll of Honour


991 Warrant Officer Class II Joseph Thomas STANBROUGH, Died of Disease, 1 October 1915.


Lest We Forget



Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Rolls, AWM8.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

AWM Roll of Honour

Commonwealth War Graves Commission


Finding more about a service person.

See: Navigating the National Archives Service File 


Further Reading:

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, Unit Casualties, AIF, Roll of Honour

Light Horse Battles

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920

Citation: Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, 2nd Infantry Brigade Headquarters, AIF, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 22 July 2011 2:17 PM EADT
9th LHR AIF War Diary, 18 February
Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR

9th LHR, AIF

9th Light Horse Regiment

War Diary, 18 February

Pro Gloria et Honore - For Glory and Honour

Regimental March -  Marching Through Georgia



The following entries are extracted and transcribed from the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, the originals of which are held by the Australian War Memorial. There are 366 entries on this site. Each day has entries as they occurred from 1914 to 1919. In addition to the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, when appropriate, entries from the 3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary and other regiments with the Brigade will also appear. Entries from the unit history, Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924 will also appear from time to time. The aim is to give the broadest context to the story and allow the reader to follow the day to day activities of the regiment. If a relative happened to have served in the regiment during the Great War, then this provides a general framework in which the individual story may be told.


The Diary



Wednesday, February 18, 1914

See 4th Military District, South Australia for militia activities.



Thursday, February 18, 1915

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - HMAT A10 "Karroo", at sea.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary -  No entry

Carew Reynell Diary - Following stable routine laid down in orders:

  • 0515 - Stable piquet water
  • 0600 - All hands muck out. Take up mats. Disinfect. Generally clean up.
  • 0715 - Feed
  • 0730 - Breakfast
  • 0900 - One half stables, other half parades. Stables meaning exercising and grooming. Mats having been relaid.
  • 1130 - Water and feed. Take up mats.
  • 1200 - Dinner
  • 1400 - Stables [exercising and grooming] and parades. Mats relaid.
  • 1600 - Muck out and swill down deck with disinfectant and spread lime. Take mats on deck, wash and hang to dry.
  • 1730 - Tea
  • 1900 - Water and feed
  • 2200 - Feed of hay.

Last night was hot and breathless and very trying for horses. Weather today suddenly changed to hot, calm.



Friday, February 18, 1916

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Heliopolis, Egypt.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - State 22 Officers 488 Other Ranks, total 510. Returned to camp at 1500.

1600 Received instructions from Brigade Headquarters that the 11th Light Horse Regiment is to be reformed. Have transferred all men of the 11th from the Squadrons of the 9th Light Horse Regiment into D Squadron in readiness to move out. Major SW Barlow appointed to take Command of the 2nd Light Horse Regiment in the place of Lieutenant Colonel Glasgow.

Major WH Scott appointed temporarily to command the 9th Light Horse Regiment.



Sunday, February 18, 1917

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Hod Masaid, Sinai.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Church Parade, 2nd and 3rd Light Horse Brigades combined. 13 Reinforcements marched in from Moascar and posted five Other Ranks to A Squadron, five to B Squadron and three to C Squadron.



Monday, February 18, 1918

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Deir el Belah, Palestine.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary -  Routine work.



Tuesday, February 18, 1919

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Tripoli, Lebanon.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - 0900 Squadrons commence handing in spare gear to Regimental Quarter Master ready to return to ordinance in view of proposed move to Egypt. Units complete by boat. Shaw, Lieutenant OJ; and, 30 Other Ranks returned from leave in Egypt.


Previous: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 17 February

Next: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 19 February



See: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Contents
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy


Further Reading:

9th Light Horse Regiment AIF

Bert Schramm Diary

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 18 February

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 17 July 2010 2:38 PM EADT
Sunday, 17 February 2008
9th LHR AIF War Diary, 17 February
Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR

9th LHR, AIF

9th Light Horse Regiment

War Diary, 17 February

Pro Gloria et Honore - For Glory and Honour

Regimental March -  Marching Through Georgia



The following entries are extracted and transcribed from the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, the originals of which are held by the Australian War Memorial. There are 366 entries on this site. Each day has entries as they occurred from 1914 to 1919. In addition to the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, when appropriate, entries from the 3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary and other regiments with the Brigade will also appear. Entries from the unit history, Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924 will also appear from time to time. The aim is to give the broadest context to the story and allow the reader to follow the day to day activities of the regiment. If a relative happened to have served in the regiment during the Great War, then this provides a general framework in which the individual story may be told.


The Diary



Tuesday, February 17, 1914

See 4th Military District, South Australia for militia activities.



Wednesday, February 17, 1915

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - HMAT A10 "Karroo", at sea.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary -  Routine Orders No. 41

3. Standing Orders - All ranks should make themselves acquainted with the Standing Orders, as well as the Routine Orders. Ignorance of orders will not excuse disobedience of same. Unit Commanders are held responsible for passing orders on to their command.

Carew Reynell Diary - Weather still cool and all stable work being better done. Swell diminishing. Practically all seasickness over. Last sight of Australia, Cape Leeuwin.



Thursday, February 17, 1916

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Heliopolis, Egypt.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Route march to Barrage.




Saturday, February 17, 1917

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Hod Masaid, Sinai.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Kit inspection. The Commanding Officer left for Moascar to inspect Training Squadron and four days leave. Daly, Major TJ, to command Regiment in his absence.



Sunday, February 17, 1918

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Deir el Belah, Palestine.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary -  Church Parade. Brigade band was of great assistance to the services.



Monday, February 17, 1919

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Tripoli, Lebanon.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - 1000 - 1100 Ceremonial dismounted drill.

Squadrons and headquarters shoot off for Regimental Representative in the Brigade shoot.


Previous: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 16 February

Next: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 18 February



See: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Contents
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy


Further Reading:

9th Light Horse Regiment AIF

Bert Schramm Diary

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 17 February

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 17 July 2010 12:08 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.


Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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