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Sunday, 7 June 2009
The Battle of Messines, Belgium, 7 - 14 June 1917, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzWF - Westn Front

The Battle of Messines

Belgium, 7 - 14 June 1917

Roll of Honour

Australian Imperial Force


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the Australian Imperial Force known to have served and lost their lives during the The Battle of Messines, Belgium, 7 - 14 June 1917.


Roll of Honour


Harry Alexander ABERDEEN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Martin ABOLIN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Bert ABROOK, 36th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alexander Reid ADAM, 10th Company Machine Gun Corps, 7 June 1917.

Fred ADAMS, 11th Field Artillery Brigade, 11 June 1917.

Richard Winstanley ADAMS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Randolph ADAMSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur ADKINS, 16th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Frank Houghton AIKEN, 50th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Arthur Edward AINLEY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Percy Thomas AINSWORTH, 38th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Mark AKERS, 46th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Charles Henry ALEXANDER, 9th Australian Light Trench Mortar Battery, 8 June 1917.

Frederick Lionel ALEXANDER, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Lawrence Christopher ALEXANDER, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

James ALLAN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas ALLAN, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Pope ALLDIS, 10th Field Company Engineers, 8 June 1917.

Hilton Bede ALLEN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Edward ALLEN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Josiah ALLEN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur ALLISON, 46th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Godfrey Hugh Wallis ALLISON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Ivan William ALLSOP, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Willie ALWAY, 9th Company Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

Francis David AMIET, 22 Anzac Light Horse, 7 June 1917.

Andrew Christian ANDERSEN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Patrick ANDERSON, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John ANDERSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ralph ANDERSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas ANDERSON, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Edward ANDERSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

William Herbert ANDERSON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William John James ANDERSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Andrew ANDREWS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

George Henry ANDREWS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Sylvester Leonard ANDREWS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Harold John ANNAND, 46th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Hartley ANTCLIFF, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William James ANTTELA, 47th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Sidney James ARCHER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Bertie Vernon ARCHIE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Bertie William ARIS, 41st Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William George ARMSTRONG, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frederick James ARTHUR, 37th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Richard Clinton ARTHUR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Alfred ASPINALL, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Arthur John ASTON, 12th Field Ambulance, 10 June 1917.

Gilbert William ATKINSON, 51st Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Gordon Edward AUSTEN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Harold Basil AUSTIN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William George AVERKOFF, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas AYLIFFE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.


William Edward BABINGTON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William Henry BACON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert George BAGLEY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur Ernest BAILEY, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles BAILEY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George BAILEY, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Ronald Spencer BAILEY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Thomas BAINBRIDGE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Dene Edward BAKER, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Ebenezer James BAKER, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Harold Edward BAKER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leslie Albert BALE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Francis Richard BALL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George William BALLANTINE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Milton Hollroyd BALLARD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William BANKO, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Rupert Theodore Algernon BANNISTER, 9th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

Henry Augustus BARBER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harold William BARDWELL, 41st Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Eric Norman Louie BARGE, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Bertie BARKER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Eric Hugh BARKER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Albert BARKER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry BARLEY, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Harry BARLOW, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John BARNES, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Keith BARNES, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

George William BARNETT, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 11 June 1917.

Gilbert Harold BARR, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Brice BARRETT, 12th Field Company Engineers, 9 June 1917.

Charles Richard BARRETT, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Herbert James BARRETT, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Patrick BARRY, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Frederick Arthur John BARTHOLOMEW, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Bland BARTHOLOMEW, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert John BARTLETT, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Edward BARTLETT, 59th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Reginald BARTLEY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas James BARTLEY, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Robert Anthony BARTON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Raymond Everard BARTRAM, 46th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Ernest BASCHBAUER, 5th Pioneer Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alfred Joseph BASING, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Henry George BATEMAN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John BATEUP, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Walter James BATH, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest James BAWDEN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Paul Stanislaus BAXTER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

George BEACH, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Bass BECK, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Victor Oliver BECK, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George James Leopold BEECHAM, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Leonard Colton BEER, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 13 June 1917.

John BELL, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Roderick James BELL, 50th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Walter Murray BELL, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Edward John BELLCHAMBERS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy BELLINGER, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William John BENN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Oliver Henry BENNETT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert BENNETT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Newbon BENNETT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Gerald Doyle BENNS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles William BENSON, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Joseph Bartram BENTLEY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Harold Nathaniel BERNEY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles James BERRY, 34th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Albert Henry BEWLEY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert Alexander BICE, 50th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Clifford William George BICKHAM, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David Leslie BILSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John Thomas BLAKE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John David BLENKINSOP, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George Stanley BLUMER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Richard BLUNDELL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur John BODEN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Charles BOND, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Donald Edward BOODLE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Henry BOORMAN, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Robert BOOTH, 50th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

William George BOULTEN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harrie Manning BOULTON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Daniel Patrick BOURKE, 14th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Michael BOURNE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Thomas BOURNE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Stephen BOWD, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Robert William BOWDEN, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Henry BOWKETT, 13th Machine Gun Company, 11 June 1917.

William Henry BOWLES, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles BOWMAN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Leslie Emanuel BOWMAN, 4th Field Ambulance Army Medical Corps, 8 June 1917.

Sidney Herbert BOWN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

John Ernest Pushman BOWRING, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Claude Oswald BOXSELL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Edgar BRACHER, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Daniel BRADBEE, 4th Division (Light) Trench Mortar Battery, 12 June 1917.

Leslie BRADFORD, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Herbert BRADLEY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William John Henry BRADNEY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Francis Leslie BRAITHWAITE, 16th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

James Joseph BRANDT, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Peter BRANDT, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William BRAUN, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Horace BRENTON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

John BREW, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Edward Murray BREWER, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Harvey BRIDGMAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Samuel BRIDSON, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Charles BRIGHT, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Norman BRITTON, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David Allan BROAD, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Norman Leonard BROOKS, 50th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Charles BROWN, 11th Field Artillery Brigade, 13 June 1917.

Clarence Walter BROWN, 46th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Douglas Gyles BROWN, 18th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Edward Huxley BROWN, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

George BROWN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John BROWN, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Alexander BROWN, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Francis Edward BROWN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Harvey BROWN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Marcus Blake Norman BROWN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

William Frazer BROWN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William BROWNING, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Thomas BRYAN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Thomas BRYANT, 34th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

James BUCKLEY, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Wilfred John BUCKNELL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Leslie BULLOCK, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Rupert William BURGESS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry Gilbert BURKE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William BURKE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Joseph BURKE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Aubrey Francis BURN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred Alexander BURNS, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John BURNS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Vincent Alexander BURNS, 36th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Percival George BURROWS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Reginald James BUSBRIDGE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Herman Frederick BUSH, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Archie Ernest BUSHELL, 36th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Walter BUTLER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Charles BUXTON, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frank Gabriel BYRNES, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.


James John CADUSCH, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Hurtle Arnold CAIN, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James Emanuel CALLARD, 48th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Alexander CAMERON, 3rd Division Ammunition Column, 13 June 1917.

Donald CAMERON, 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 10 June 1917.

Ian Campbell CAMERON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John CAMINITI, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Alfred St Clair CAMPBELL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Donald Clyde CAMPBELL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick Fincastle CAMPBELL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Granville Stanley CAMPBELL, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John CAMPBELL, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William CAMPBELL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy Clarence CANT, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick Charles CANTELO, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Charles Horatio CAPEL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Robert James CAPRON, 10th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

William Carl CARLSON, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George Duncan CARMICHAEL, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Joseph CARMODY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick William CARR, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Walter CARR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Matthew Michael CARROLL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John CARRUTHERS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Claudius Norman CARSTENS, 41st Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Frederick John CARTER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Jacob Melford Stanley CARTER, 40th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Percy CASH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David Dann CASTLE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Clement CAVANAGH, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry Robert CAVANAGH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Darcy James CAVANOUGH, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Albert CAWKWELL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Alfred CAWTHEN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Felix CECINI, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick George CHADWICK, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Ralph Charlton CHADWICK, 11th Field Ambulance Australian Army Medical Corps, 7 June 1917.

Clifford William CHAFFEY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Colin Edmund Alleyne CHALMERS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest William CHANDLER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Eric Burton Elliott CHAPMAN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Ernest CHAPMAN, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percival Douglas CHAPMAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percival John CHILMAN, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Richard Henry CHILMAN, 13th Company Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

John CHISHOLM, 13th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Anton CHRISTENSEN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leslie Ernest CHURCH, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred CLARK, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Leslie CLARK, 11th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 7 June 1917.

David Rose CLARK, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Edward Denison CLARK, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frederick Edwin CLARK, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph CLARK, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leonard William CLARK, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cyril Henry CLARKE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Henry Denton CLARKE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur CLARKSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Mountford Thomas CLARKSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Archibald CLAYTON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Horace CLAYTON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William CLEMENT, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leslie Horatio CLEMSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Albert CLISSOLD, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick Claude CLOUGH, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Joseph Horace CLOUGHLEY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred CLOUSTON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Rupert Earlstone COCHRANE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William John COCHRANE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Edward COE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Louis Johnstone COFFEY, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Alfred COGDON, 51st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Alfred COLE, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

William Arthur COLE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Vincent Michael COLEMAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest John COLES, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Sidney Harold COLLEY, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cecil Claude Clifton COLLINS, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harry COLLINS, 41st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Michael Henry COLLINS, 13th Field Company Engineers, 11 June 1917.

Roy COLLINS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harry COLMAN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Frederick Raymond COLWELL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael COMERFORD, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Denis CONDON, 46th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Humphrey Netherval Austin CONDRAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Stanley Gordon CONNELL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Stanley Gordon CONNELL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Stanley Gordon CONNELL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Stanley Gordon CONNELL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Stanley Gordon CONNELL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Edward CONNOLLY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Robert CONVERY, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Algernon COOK, 41st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Peter Garnett COOK, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas John COOK, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Thomas COOK, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry James COOKE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Alfred COOMBES, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert James COOMBS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Albert Henry COOPER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry Fitzroy COOPER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Bennett CORIN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

John Bruce CORMICK, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Ernest CORNFORD, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Augustus George COSTE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

William Napoleon COTTRELL, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Robert Greave COULSON, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Percy COULTON, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry Brunton COUPAR, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Graham COUSINS, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas James COWEN, 41st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Harold COWLEY, 11th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 10 June 1917.

Reginald Thomas COWLEY, 35th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

George Henry COX, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Cyril Clarence COXALL, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John COYNE, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Edwin CRAGG, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas McGillivray CRAN, 9th Trench Mortar Battery, 12 June 1917.

Roy CRANNIS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman Leslie CRAWFORD, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman Lachlan CRESWICK, 36th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Thomas Sefton CRESWICK, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Eric Charles CRICHTON, 7th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Michael Francis CRITCHLEY, 48th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Claude Albert CROME, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

James CROMPTON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas CRONIN, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George CROOK, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Neil Renfred CROUCHER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Linden Leslie CROWDEN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Joseph CULLEN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert CULLEY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Wilton CUMMING, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Mortimer CUMMINGS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Edward Ernest CURSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Denis Sylvester CUSACK, 49th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Patrick CUSACK, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Francis Vincent CUSH, 4th Field Ambulance Army Medical Corps, 8 June 1917.


Samuel Jackson DALE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Albert Edward DALGLISH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frank DALTON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Maurice Surrey DANE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Neate DARK, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harold DAVENPORT, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur DAVEY, 50th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alexander Forsyth DAVIDSON, 36th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Evan Archibald DAVIES, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George DAVIES, 5th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alfred Arthur DAVIS, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

William James DAVIS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Francis Lempriere DAVY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Reginald DAW, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percival James DAWSON, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William DAWSON, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Dennis Bernard DAY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert DAY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Francis DAYES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Arthur DE BOYNTON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Geoffrey Henri DE JOSSELIN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Allan Roy DEAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Thomas George DEARNESS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percival Eidsvold DEEM, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Anthony Simpson DELMENICO, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

John DENNISON, 2nd Pioneer Battalion, 13 June 1917.

George DENNY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Horace DERRICK, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Walter DERRICK, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Patrick DESMOND, 30th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William DEVEREAUX, 49th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Frank Hilton DEWAR, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Adam DICKIE, 41st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Charles Henry John DIEWS, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Robert George DILLON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Arthur DIXON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

William Stuart DIXON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Clive DOBBIN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Denbigh Pratt DOBELL, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Herbert Wilfred DOBSON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred Searle DODD, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward DOHERTY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Owen Thomas DOMENEY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry Gordon DONALD, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Christopher Thomas DONOGHUE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Albert James DONOVAN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Bernard Raphael DOOLEY, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Victor Frederick DORAN, 16th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Arol Bryce DOUGLAS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert DOUGLAS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert Ernest Charles DOUST, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Peter DOWDEY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frederick Thomas DOWDING, 51st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Raymond James DOWLING, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas DOWNEY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Tom Vincent DOWZER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Henry DOYLE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Bewley DRUITT, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert William DUCKER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Edward John DUCKLING, 11th Field Company Engineers, 9 June 1917.

Charles Alexander DUFF, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur Frederick DUKE, 4th Division Ammunition Column, 9 June 1917.

Andrew Alexander DUNCAN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David Strachan DUNLOP, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William George DUNLOP, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur DUNN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cecil DUNN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas DUNNE, 14th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Arthur Ernest DUTTON, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred Noel DYSON, 8th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 8 June 1917.


Frederick Harvey EARLE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Wentworth Lincoln EAST, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas James EASTON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Roland James EATHER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph Felix EATON, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph ECKERSLEY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Frederick Charles EDBROOKE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Thomas Arthur James EDE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Hartley Valentine EDELSTEN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Harold EDMONDS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Walter John EDMONDS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Arthur Cecil EDWARDS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest EGAN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur Douglas ELBOURNE, 34th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John ELDRIDGE, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George ELLIOTT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Joseph ELLIOTT, 1 Australian Tunnelling Company, 13 June 1917.

Albert James ELLIS, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur Raymond ELLIS, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Edward EMMINS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael Cosmas ENGLISH, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Sydney Charles ENGLISH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Frederick ERICKSON, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Henry ESLICK, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick ETHELL, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur Owen EVANS, 13th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Francis Thomas EVANS, 4th Pioneer Battalion Depot, 9 June 1917.

George EVANS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

George Edward EVANS, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Joseph Guy EVANS, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert Henry EWELS, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.


Thomas Elton FAGAN, 51st Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Charles Clifford FAIRLESS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy Hobson FALLICK, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Bernard FALVEY, 13th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Phillip Charles FARMER, 2nd Australian Light Horse, 9 June 1917.

George FARMERY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Reginald FARR, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Martin Henry FARRINGTON, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Gordon John FERGUSON, 14th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Leopold Eric Alexis FERGUSON, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 9 June 1917.

Thomas David FERRICKS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Edward Frederick FIEDLER, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur Sidney FIELD, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman MacKay FIELD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Richard Percival FILLINGHAM, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Martin FINDLAY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David Gray FINDLAY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas FINDLAY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas FINDLAY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Robert FISH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert FISHER, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alfred FITZGERALD, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Frank Joseph FITZPATRICK, 36th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

William Sydney FITZPATRICK, 13th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Michael FLANAGAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Vincent FLANAGAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Henry FLEETWOOD, 46th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

George FLEMING, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Walter FLEMING, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas John FLETCHER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur FLOATE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Clarence FLUKES, 40th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Herbert FOAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Andrew Edward FORBES, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William FORD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George FORREST, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Isaac Charles FORREST, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George FORWARD, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Warwick Herman Rous FOSTER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Leonard Richard FRANKLIN, 39th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Michael Arbuthnot FRASER, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Fredrick FREDRICKSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Albert Charles FREEMAN, 41st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Frederick Charles FREEMAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Henry FREEMAN, 46th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

John Robert FREER, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Berthold Christian FREUDENBERG, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Bede FROY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Campbell FRY, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

William Joseph FRY, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Edgar Charles Benjamin FULLER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Reginald George Makepeace FULLER, 4th Field Ambulance Army Medical Corps, 8 June 1917.

George Brown FULLERTON, 38th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.


Sidney James GAME, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Peter GANTER, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred George GARDNER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas GARDNER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Lionel GARLICK, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leslie GARLING, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Stanley Hugh GARNER, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis GARNETT, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John GAVAGHAN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Jack GAVIN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leander Richard GAY, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Henry GEARD, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Donald Desmond GEARY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Frederick James GEARY, 4th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David Andre GERARD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Curnow Pacey GIBB, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Auburn GILBERT, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis John William GILES, 1 Tunnelling Company, 10 June 1917.

Arthur GILL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas GILLONS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Jack GIOVANELLI, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Frederick GITSHAM, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Septimus Douglas GLANVILLE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John James GLASS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Arthur GLEDHILL, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Cyril James GLENN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George GLOVER, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael Thomas GLYNN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William Whitley GOCHER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Oscar Leonard GODLEE, 9th Field Ambulance Australian Army Medical Corps, 7 June 1917.

Aaron GOLDSTONE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Franklin Huon GOOD, 13th Field Ambulance Australian Army Medical Corps, 8 June 1917.

George Noakes Macaulay GOODE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

George Ernest GOODSON, 1 Australian Tunnelling Company, 13 June 1917.

Harold GOODWIN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Victor Lindsay GOODWIN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Anderson GORDON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James Edward GORDON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James GORE, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Cyril GOUGE, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

James Forsyth GRAHAM, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John GRAHAM, 9th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

John Charles GRAHAM, 51st Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Norman GRAHAM, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Paterson GRAINGER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Donald John GRANT, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Dudley GRANT, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas GRANT, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Charles Sydney GRAVES, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James GRAY, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Abraham GREEN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Claude GREEN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frederick Joseph GREEN, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

George GREEN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Herbert Charles GREENWAY, 16th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Edward GRENWELL, 12th Company Machine Gun Corps, 7 June 1917.

John GRIEVSON, 34th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

William Alfred GRIFFIN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Israel GRIFFITHS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

David GRIFFITHS, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Austin GRIFFITHS, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Hilton GRIFFITHS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Herbert GRIGSON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

George Manthorpe GRIMSON, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Littleton Campbell GROOM, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Reginald Charles GROUSE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Joseph Manasseh GUBBAY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Terence Felician GUERIN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Leslie GUINEA, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.


Archibald HALL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman HALL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John William Henry HALLAM, 6th AFA Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 8 June 1917.

Francis John HALLETT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Henry Charles HALLIDAY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph HALLIDAY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David James HAMILTON, 12th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Henry HAMILTON, 41st Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Thomas HAMILTON, 11th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 7 June 1917.

Frederick William HAMMOND, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

George HAMMOND, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert Collett HAMPTON, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Henry HAMPTON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cleeve Egerton Paulet HANDFIELD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Thomas HANKS, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Martin HANLEY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas HANLON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James George HANNAH, 46th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Samuel Robert HANNAH, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Victor Lawrence HANNAN, 46th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Thomas HANNON, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Richard Davies HANSON, 9th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

John Chadwick HARDMAN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frederick Albert Forster HARDY, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Henry HARNELL, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Archibald HARRIS, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Clarence Victor HARRIS, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Herbert James HARRIS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Harold HARRIS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Thomas HARRIS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leslie Duncan HARRIS, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Philip Vernon HARRIS, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Charles Edward HART, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Albert Henry HARVEY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leonard William HARVEY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Royal HARVEY, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John HASSALL, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

John Henry HASSALL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Selby Manderson HASTINGS, 4th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 8 June 1917.

Samuel HAWKES, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cecil Joseph HAWKINS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Walter Archibald Irving HAWTHORNE, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Frederick Arnold HAYNES, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Keith Blaxland Lister HAYS, 13th Field Company Engineers, 8 June 1917.

John HAZELGROVE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William HEARD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward HEATH, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Robert James HEATHCOTE, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Benjamin Horace HECKSCHER, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Edmund Reid HELLYER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Harry Millns HEMPSTOCK, 12th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

George HEMSLEY, 50th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Gilbert Hector HENDERSON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Neil Robert HENDERSON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Douglas Anderson HENDRY, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James Odwyer HENNESSY, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Albert HENNESSY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Victor Christy HENRICKSEN, 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 10 June 1917.

George Jelf HEPWORTH, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Walter Ernest Reginald HERRMANN, 50th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Percy William HESLOP, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Daniel Thomas HETHERINGTON, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Victor Valentine HETHERINGTON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Wilfred Boswell HEWITT, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph HIBBERT, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Charles HICKS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Murray HIGGINS, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Walter Arthur Horace HIGMAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur Robert HILL, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David HILLEN, 51st Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Andrew John HILLIER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Stanley James HILLIS, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Maurice HINCH, 41st Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander Richard HINCKS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cecil William HINCKS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur Frederick HINDMARSH, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Hector Pretoria HINDMARSH, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Douglas Harry HINDS, 13th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Edward John HINTON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Edward HOBBS, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Clarence Claude HOBDEN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Eric Scott HOBSON, 15th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Edward HOCKING, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alan Gunn HODGMAN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick William HODSON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Joseph Patrick HOGAN, 41st Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael HOGAN, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Abraham Norman HOLLOWAY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edwin Mansfield HOLLOWAY, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas William HOLLOWAY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Frederick Osborne HOOD, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 11 June 1917.

William George HOOKER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Henrich Carl Jacob HOPP, 41st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Robert HORTON, 51st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

John Matthew HOSKING, 9th Field Ambulance Australian Army Medical Corps, 7 June 1917.

William Young HOSWELL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael Joseph HOUSTON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Samuel James Charles HOW, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frank Clyde HOWARD, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Henry HOWELL, 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 8 June 1917.

Sydney Alexander Mervyn HUBBARD, 46th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Edward James HUBBLE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur Ashton HUGHES, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

George Henry HUGHES, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Luke HUGHES, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander HULSEN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Albert Lovell HUMPHREYS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Ernest HUNT, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

George William HUNT, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Charles HUNTER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert George HUNTER, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George William Henry HURST, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Arthur HUTCHESON, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 17th Battery, 12 June 1917.

David Wallace HUTTON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Cecil Hedley Adam HUXLEY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Jack Mawle HUXLEY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Evan HYDE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Terence Richard HYNES, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Joseph David HYNES, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.


Arthur Samuel IBBOTSON, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Claude INNES, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William James Pote IVEY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.


David John JACKSON, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Frederick James JACKSON, 56th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George JACKSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Thomas JACKSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Roland JACKSON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William George JACOB, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Gordon Henry JAGO, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John JAMES, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John JAMES, 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 9 June 1917.

Alan Cheshyre JANION, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred William JARMAN, 1 Australian Tunnelling Company, 13 June 1917.

William Thomas JARROTT, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert JARVIS, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 12 June 1917.

Samuel JEPSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Christian Johannsen JESSEN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Linthal JESSER, 40th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Sidney Isaac JOEL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Walter JOHNS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Thomas JOHNSON, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Edward James JOHNSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Frederick William JOHNSON, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harmond Henry JOHNSON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Linara Lewis JOHNSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Andres JOHNSTON, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Cyril Frederick JOHNSTON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Irvine JOHNSTON, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

David JOHNSTONE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Albert Robert Bower JONAS, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alfred Arthur JONES, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur JONES, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Charles James JONES, 13th Field Company Engineers, 11 June 1917.

Clarence William JONES, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Edwin Sidney JONES, 45th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Harry Clive JONES, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Henry Morgan JONES, 41st Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Charles JONES, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Wilfred Raymond JONES, 46th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Leslie JORDAN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Ernest JORDAN, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Andrew JORGENSEN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman Arthur JORGENSEN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Horace Toovey JOYCE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Albert Selwyn JUDD, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Charles JUDD, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Stanley Beaumont JUSTELIUS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.


George Phillip KABLE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George KAJEWSKI, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas KANE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Konrad KARELSEN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Bert KAY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harry KAY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Bertram KEARNEY, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Patrick Augustine KEATING, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Vivian KEATS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Michael KEKOFF, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick John KELLY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Fredrick KELLY, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John KELLY, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John William KELLY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Renton Moffatt KELLY, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert William KELLY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Shirley William Robert KELLY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Henry KELLY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Ellis KELTY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred KEMP, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George William KENDALL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michel KENNEALY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Herbert KENNEDY, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Sydney Alfred KENNEDY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Ambrose KENNEDY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Claude Goldsmith KEOGH, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John Lewis KERSWELL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles John KEYS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Thomas Joseph KILMARTIN, 48th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Frederick KILPATRICK, 12th Machine Gun Company, 11 June 1917.

Alfred Thomas KING, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Clarence Barry KING, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Francis Elmour KING, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Christopher KING, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Richard Stephens KING, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William James KING, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Eric Alexander KINGEL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael James KINNANE, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas KINNANE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Edwin KINSMORE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George KIRCHENER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Thomas James KIRKHAM, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Henry KITCHER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Robert John KNIGHT, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Philip KNIPLER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Thomas KNOX, 34th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Vincent Charles Thomas KRABBENHOFT, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cyril Charles John KRUCK, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 12 June 1917.

William Henry KRUSHKA, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.


Noel Alaric LAHEY, 11th Field Company Engineers, 10 June 1917.

Arthur Bridgeman LAIDLAW, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Horace Leslie LAING, 45th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

William LAMB, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John William LAMBERT, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leslie Oswald LANCASTER, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Sidney James LAND, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Newton Frederick Seymour LANE, 50th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Alexander James LANG, 49th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Joseph Arnold LANGCAKE, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Eric Robert LANGE, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 13 June 1917.

Frederick LANGLANDS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles John LANGRIDGE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Mudie LARNACH, 6th AFA Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 8 June 1917.

Edward George LARTER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert LAUCHLAN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert Burns LAURIE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

George James LAVERICK, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James LAWSON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John Joseph LEAHY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

George LEE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Orwood LEE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leslie Edward LEE, 10th Company Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

Michael LEE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Edward LEIGH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas LENG, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry LENHAM, 11th Field Company Engineers, 9 June 1917.

James Archibald LENNARD, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph Cyril LENNON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George John LETCHFIELD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Allen Gordon LEWIS, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

George William LEWIS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert James LEWIS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas LEYLAND, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John James LILLIS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Sydney Lars LINDELL, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander LINGWOOD, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Charles Henry LINKLATER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

John LINKLATER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Henry LITTLE, 20th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Franklin LITTLEWOOD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Walter LLOYD, 48th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William John LOBB, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Edgar LOCKIE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Stuart LOGAN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward LONERGAN, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George LORENSEN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert James LOVEJOY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Daniel LOVERING, 46th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

James William LOWE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Thomas Munro LOWRY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Bernard LUECKE, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Stannan LUFF, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James LUMSDEN, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Nils Otto LUNDIUS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Thomas LUSCOMBE, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Joseph Patrick LYDON, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Walter Hilary LYNCH, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William John LYNCH, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph Patrick LYONS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.


James MACAULAY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John McDonald MACFARLANE, 41st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Roderick Kenneth MACGREGOR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Cecil Rhodes MACHIN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Jefferson MACK, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Reginald MACKAY, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Allangrange Wentworth MACKENZIE, 10th Company Machine Gun Corps, 7 June 1917.

Hector Archibald MACLEAN, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Donald Torquil MACLEOD, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Henry Robertson MACLEOD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Peter MADDEN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frank Godfrey MAGGS, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Hugh Joseph MAGUIRE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Isaac Ernest MAHER, 54th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

William Joseph MAHER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Albert MAITLAND, 12th Company Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

Alexander MALCOLM, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Patrick MALONE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas MANDERSON, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

William Robert MANNING, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edgar MANSFIELD, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Thomas MANTALL, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Steven Arthur MARKHAM, 14th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Ernest MARKS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Dudley MARRIOTT, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Fred MARRIOTT, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Thomas McBride MARS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Reginald Howard MARSH, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Bruce Cairns MARSHALL, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Charles MARSHALL, 46th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Valroy Turon MARSHALL, 13th Field Company Engineers, 7 June 1917.

William MARTENS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Bert Nicholas MARTIN, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward MARTIN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Gordon MARTIN, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas MARTIN, 12th Company Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

Pierce George Augustine MARUM, 37th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

William Clarence MARVELL, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry Herbert MASON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Joseph MASTERS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Alan James MATHER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Eric Alfred MATTHEWS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Henry Clive MATTHEWS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William James MATTHEWS, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Edwin MAUGHAN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Efim MAXIMENKO, 9th Field Company Australian Engineers, 7 June 1917.

Joseph William MAYERSBETH, 48th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

William Henry MAYNE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Hector Percival MCAULAY, 11th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 7 June 1917.

Hugh Paul MCAULIFFE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alexander MCBRIDE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Joseph MCCANN, 48th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Charles Harold MCCARTHY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Robert John MCCLELLAND, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Daniel MCCLIFTY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur Archibald MCCOOK, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Patrick Alphonsus Alfred MCCORMACK, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George MCCULLOCH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Hugh MCCUSKER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander MCDONALD, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Allan MCDONALD, 2nd Australian Tunnelling Company, 11 June 1917.

Arthur MCDONALD, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Gordon Lloyd MCDONALD, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph MCDONALD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Douglass MCDOUGALL, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Francis MCDOUGALL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph MCDOUGALL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Wallace Carlyle MCDOUGALL, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert Joseph MCFADDEN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alexander MCFARLANE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Aloysius James MCGANN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frank MCGANN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leslie Luke MCGANN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Gordon MCGILLIVRAY, 46th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Joseph MCGINLEY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy MCGRATH, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

David Donald MCGREGOR, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Henry John MCGREGOR, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Albert MCGUINESS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick Fabion MCGUINNESS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Peter MCGUIRE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Herbert MCILVEEN, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Alexander MCINTYRE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

George MCKAY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Barnet Charles Claud MCKEE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Kenneth MCKENZIE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Edward Walter MCKERNAN, 16th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Kenneth Clinton MCKIE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

William Edward MCKINERY, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George MCLEAN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Dennis MCLEAN, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert James MCLEAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert Nichol MCLEAN, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George MCLEOD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George Wellwood MCLEOD, 34th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Hamilton Cyril MCLEOD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Kenneth MCLEOD, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Norman Love MCLEOD, 10th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Frederick MCMAHON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Mark MCMAHON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Francis MCMAHON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

William Clifford MCMASTER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Joseph Andrew MCMULLAN, 18th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Harold Allan MCNAMARA, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Martin MCNAMARA, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas Osborne MCPAUL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur Norman MCPHERSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Joseph MCPHERSON, 46th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Duncan Christopher MCRAE, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Kenneth MCRAE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Andrew MCWILLIAM, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert Leslie MEAD, 36th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Herbert Victor MEADOWES, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leslie Matthew MEADOWS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Cyril MEAR, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Samuel George MEGAW, 48th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

John MELROSE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Howard Kingsley MENDOZA, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Charles Frederick MENZ, 50th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Evan Thomas MEREDITH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Robert Lionel MEREDITH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Henry Trischler MERTON, 11th Field Company Engineers, 9 June 1917.

Frederick METCALF, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Leslie John METCALF, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael John MIDOLO, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Andrew MILDREN, 10th Light Australian Trench Mortar Battery, 7 June 1917.

John Richard MILHAM, 21st Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander McDermid MILLAR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John William MILLAR, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Barry Ritchie MILLAR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward James MILLENS, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Ernest William MILLER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James Hartley Thomas MILLER, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John MILLGATE, 4th Division Light Trench Mortar Battery, 8 June 1917.

James MILLINGTON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Robert MILLINGTON, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Albert MILLS, 41st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Frederick Arthur MILLS, 41st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Mertoun Sydney MILLS, Z/3A Medium Trench Mortar Battery, 12 June 1917.

William Edgar MILLS, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Samuel Herbert Osborne MINERS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Henry MINES, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harold MITCHELL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Charles MITCHELL, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Wilfred Lawrence MOLLOY, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George William MONK, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George William MONTGOMERY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Henry MOODY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Daniel MOONEY, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Peter Thomas MOONEY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Alfred MOORE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Alfred Stephen MOORE, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Charles Joseph MOORE, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Clifford Arthur MOORE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Francis Robert MOORE, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Julius Victor MOORE, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Robert Henry MOORE, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William Ernest MOORE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Richard MOORE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Francis MORAN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Wilfred Sydney MOREY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Oliver MORGAN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Griffith James MORGAN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harry Charles MORGAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Llewellyn MORGAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Thomas MORGAN, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Robert Theodore MORRALL, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Clarence Barton Hindmarsh MORRIS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward William MORRIS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Walter John MORRIS, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James MORRISH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Alfred Frederick MORRISON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James Edward MORRISON, 50th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

William MOSS, 7th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 8 June 1917.

Leslie MOXEY, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur William MOY, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph Cecil MULHALL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Henry MULLEN, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Bernard MUNDY, 1st Pioneer Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Aubrey MUNGER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Daniel MUNRO, 39th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Joseph William MUNTZ, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Francis Leonard MURPHY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Frank MURPHY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman Albert MURPHY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Aloysius MURPHY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

David William MURRAY, 35th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Robert Andrew Malcolm MURRAY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William James MURRAY, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Martin MURTAGH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.


James Clarence NABI-BUX, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Stanley Ross NAGEL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James NASH, 22 Anzac Light Horse, 7 June 1917.

Raymond NASH, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Eric Cyril NATION, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Robert NAY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Victor Albert NEGUS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Henry Hilton NEIL, 35th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Charles Alexander NELSON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

William Archibald NEW, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George NEWBIGGING, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Harold Stanley NEWCOMBE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Reginald NEWITT, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Jack Carter NEWMAN, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Murdock NICHOLSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Malcolm Alexander NICHOLSON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harold NIELSON, 10th Field Company Engineers, 8 June 1917.

David NIGHTINGALE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Reginald Alfred NIGHTINGALE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Neil NILSSON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Samuel Fletcher NOBLE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Henry NOCK, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ulic Bourke NOLAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Patrick NOONAN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Beresford Grey NORMAN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Gilbert Albert Arthur NORRIS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.


Sidney Herbert OAKLEY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Basil George Henry O'BRIEN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael Patrick O'BRIEN, 48th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Orlando Thomas Lockyer O'BRIEN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Joseph O'BRIEN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur O'CONNOR, 11th Field Artillery Brigade, 9 June 1917.

George William O'CONNOR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Joseph O'CONNOR, 12th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 8 June 1917.

John O'DONOHUE, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Geoffrey Molyneux OGDEN, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Stanley James O'HARE, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Christian OLSEN, 4th Division Ammunition Column, 12 June 1917.

Henry Thomas O'NEILL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Carl ONIONS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Reuben Harold Abbot OSBORNE, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Wesley OSLAND, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John O'TOOLE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Edward Stephen OUTERBRIDGE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.


John Purker PAGAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Richard PAGE, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Daniel Wallace PALMER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Murdoch Morrison PARISH, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Henry Sidney PARK, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Downs PARK, 1 Australian Tunnelling Company, 13 June 1917.

Charles PARKER, 16th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Harry Kelvin PARKER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Paul PARKER, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Henry PARKINSON, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James Stephen PARRY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Leslie John PASCOE, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Stanley Richard PATERSON, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Robert John PATTERSON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Henry PAVER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David PEACOCK, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph PEACOCK, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Clyde Bowman PEARCE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William James PEARSON, 10th Company Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

Frank Ernest PEDDER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur George PEDERSEN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James PEEBLES, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Martin PENHALLURICK, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Ernest Roy Glanville PENLY, 13th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Edward John PENNELL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Robert Morforth PENROSE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick PEPPERNELL, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry John Vaughan PERCY-DOVE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Ernest Mendes PEREIRA, 48th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur George PERKINS, 50th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Robert Donaldson PERRAU, 35th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Thomas Kerr PERRO, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Egbert Somers PERRY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James Laurence PERRY, 8th Field Artillery Brigade, 9 June 1917.

Ernest Henry PETERS, 11th Machine Gun Company, 11 June 1917.

Norman John PETERSEN, 12th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

David James PETRIE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Gordon Victor Davidson PETSCHLER, 3rd Signal Company Engineers, 13 June 1917.

Joseph PEVERILL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Reginald Myles PHAYER, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percival Ernest Havinden PHEMISTER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis PHILIPSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Geoffrey George Temfle Ronald PHILLIPS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Mervyn Hugh PHILLIPS, 46th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Patrick Thomas PICKARD, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Louis PIDLER, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Thomas PIGG, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis John PIGGOTT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Robert PIRIE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Alfred PITHAM, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Walter Ernest PITT, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George PLAYER, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Edwin William Duncan PLUNKETT, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Oliver Stanley POLLARD, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Walter George POLLOCK, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Roy POLMEAR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William POMFRET, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Searle POPE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas PORTEOUS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Bertram Frederick POULTON, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Frederick POUND, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John William Henry POWELL, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur PRATT, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Albert PRICE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frank Clifford PRICE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Norman PRIESTLY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Robert PRINDIVILLE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Archibald Edgar PRINGLE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Luke PRINGLE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert Leslie PRIOR, 34th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas James PROCTER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

William Mason PROUDFOOT, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Glenroy PURSER, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.


George David QUAILEY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Clive William QUINN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Joseph QUINN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Michael James QUINN, 41st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Michael John QUINN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.


Archibald RADBURN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Claude Vivian RADFORD, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas RAINE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Albert RAISON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Ernest RAISON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur RALSTON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Jack Robinson RAMSAY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest RAMSEY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Oliver George RAND, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Harold RANDALL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Edward RANDELL, 13th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Paul RASMUSSEN, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Archibald Compton RAVEN, 3rd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Thomas George RAYMENT, 45th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Herbert Claude RAYNER, 4th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leonard Maurice READ, 16th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas READ, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

George Frederick Walter REDFERN, 50th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Benjamin REEVES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Andrew Lambert REID, 51st Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John Cecil Drury REID, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Samuel REID, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Walter Gourlie REID, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Lloyd REILLY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas REILLY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur William RENNIE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John William RENTOUL, 4th Field Ambulance Army Medical Corps, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Malcolm RETALLACK, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Herbert Walter John RHEAD, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Henry RICE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert James RICH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harold Edward RICHARDS, 9th Company Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

James Thomas RICHARDS, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Ormond Francis RICHARDSON, 2nd Division Ammunition Column, 12 June 1917.

Augustus RICKARD, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Stanley Ernest RICKSON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Noel Robert RIDGWAY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William John RIDLEY, 11th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 7 June 1917.

John Charles RIPPS, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Montague Alfred RITTMAN, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Albert ROACH, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John ROBB, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Edward William ROBERTS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James ROBERTS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Thomas Stanley ROBERTS, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert George ROBERTSON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Alexander ROBERTSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander ROBERTSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George ROBERTSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James ROBERTSON, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Samuel Taylor ROBERTSON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Francis ROBERTSON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Archibald ROBINSON, 11th Machine Gun Company, 11 June 1917.

Joseph ROBINSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cecil Fordyce ROBJOHNS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alexander RODGER, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Martin ROLLINS, 14th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Ernest Francis RONAN, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Frederick Arthur ROPER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred Henry ROSE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James Peter ROSE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander ROSS, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander ROSS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Calo ROSS, 10th Company Machine Gun Corps, 7 June 1917.

George Henry ROWBOTTOM, 41st Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George William ROWE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Walter John Thomas ROWE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Arthur Edwin RUMSEY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Archie RUNDLE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Samuel RUNDLE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander RUSSELL, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William Francis Cedric RUSSELL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry RYALL, 10th Field Ambulance Australian Army Medical Corps, 7 June 1917.

Charles Francis RYAN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Joseph RYAN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Joseph RYAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Patrick RYAN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Stephen RYAN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Walter Wentworth Stanley RYAN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William RYAN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

George Columbus RYNG, 10th Brigade Field Artillery, 8 June 1917.


Charles SACKS, 13th Field Company Australian Engineers, 8 June 1917.

Roy Edward Francis SADLER, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Felix Edmund John SAINSBURY, 51st Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Dudley Frederick SALMON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Harold George SALMON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Usko Leonard SALONEN, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James William SAMPSON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William SANDERS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Thomas SAYNER, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Michael Connor SCANLAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Patrick William SCANLAN, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas John SCHAEFER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick William SCHIMENTZ, 50th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Hendrik Yan SCHIPPER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Charles SCHMITZER, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Charles Douglas Livingstone SCOTT, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Herbert SCOTT, 13th Field Company Engineers, 12 June 1917.

George William SCOTT, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George William Mathams SCOTT, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Henry Thomas SCOTT, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph Leslie SCOTT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Harvey SCULL, 16th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Stanley Joseph SCULLEN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy Willfred SCUTT, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John William SEABROOK, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Henry SEARS, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alexander SEATON, 37th Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Robert SEE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John Robert SELBY, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 12 June 1917.

Ernest SELKIRK, 51st Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Ernest Richard SELLARS, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Robert Clive SELLARS, 36th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Richard Stanley SELWOOD, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Hubert George SELWYN-SMITH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harold Henry SERMON, 28th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas Frederick SEWELL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Francis Douglas SEYMOUR, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Richard SHACKLETON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry SHARE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Frank Horace Crow SHARMAN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Francis Protor SHARP, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Even SHARPE, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles SHARROCK, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Harry SHEARS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Ernest Lester SHEATHER, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William Richard SHEEHAN, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Clifton SHEPHARD, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Jack William SHERRAS, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Audley SHIELDS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur William SHIPTON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Charles William SHONE, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Kenneth SHRIMPTON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Arthur Jenkin SHUTE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy Henry SIEMAN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Edward John SILER, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Marshall Michael SIMMONS, 10th Field Company Australian Engineers, 7 June 1917.

Patrick SIMMONS, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Newton Gordon SIMONS, 3rd Division Signal Company, 10 June 1917.

Sarn SINGH, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Henry Clive SINNATT, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Frank SLADE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Headley Arthur SLATER, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Francis Charles Henry SLEE, 16th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Thomas Victor SMEATON, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Albert Edwin SMITH, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred Percival SMITH, 10th Light Australian Trench Mortar Battery, 7 June 1917.

Chaloner SMITH, 16th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Charles Hart SMITH, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Clarence John SMITH, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Francis Norman SMITH, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frank SMITH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frank Rupert SMITH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick Harold Charles SMITH, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George SMITH, 48th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Harold Gordon SMITH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harry Crombie Newton SMITH, 5th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Henry Knight SMITH, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James SMITH, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James Aloysius SMITH, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leslie James SMITH, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman William SMITH, 39th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Oliver Hambleton SMITH, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy Norman SMITH, 47th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Robert SMITH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Stanley SMITH, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Charles Gordon SMITHAM, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Henry Michael SMYTHE, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Leslie Hunter SNEDDON, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John James SOADY, 13th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Sidney SOLMAN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Louis SOLOMON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alexander George SPALL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy Charles SPALL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Henry SPARK, 4th Field Artillery Brigade, 11 June 1917.

Arthur Gladstone SPICER, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Rolfe SPINKS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Thomas Stanley SPROULE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Rogers SQUIRE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harry SQUIRES, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percy Augustus ST CLAIR, 9th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

John Edward Harold Norman ST CLAIRE, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Arnold Edward STACY, 11th Light Trench Mortar Battery, 10 June 1917.

Oscar James STAMM, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Wesley STAMP, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Matthew STAMPER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas STANLEY, 16th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Samuel Francis STAPLEFORD, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Manning STAPLES, 36th Australian Infantry, 8 June 1917.

William John STEAD, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick John Gilmore STENNER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alfred Lewis Groom STEVENSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Francis Walter STEVENSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Grainger STEVENSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Peter Edward STEVENSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles John STEWART, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

David Walter STEWART, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Roy Hamilton STEWART, 41st Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

William Magnus STEWART, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Bertie STIBBARD, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert STOREY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Thomson Fletcher STRANG, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred Cecil STREET, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Roy STREET, 39th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Frank Bignell STREETER, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas John STRINGER, 6th AFA Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 7 June 1917.

Frederick STUART, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Robert SULLIVAN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Jonas Leslie SULLIVAN, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert Chestnut SUMMERS, 50th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Herbert Henry SUMMNER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Charles SUMNER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert SURPLUS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard John SWAN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Nuel SWANN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Neil SWANSON, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James SYKES, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William SYMINGTON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.


Leslie Louis TAIT, 49th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

William Henry John TAMSETT, 9th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 7 June 1917.

George Henry TARLING, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Bernard TARR, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Aleck TATE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick Charles TAYLER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Francis George TAYLOR, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

George Thomas TAYLOR, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Lawrence Craike TAYLOR, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Ewart TAYLOR, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Sydney TAYLOR, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Douglas Hastings TEMBEY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Austin THICKETT, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert THOMAS, 13th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Arthur Edward THOMAS, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Simon Robin THOMAS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James Bruce THOMPSON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Lawrence THOMPSON, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leslie James THOMPSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William Henry THOMPSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Lyle Arthur Carl THORNETT, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Ernest Frederick TICKLE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

David James TIERNEY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Ernest Herbert TOMHOLT, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Douglas TOMLINSON, 48th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

John Leslie TOOTH, 13th Company Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

Thomas TORRENS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Walker TORTOISHELL, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Herbert Henry TOWLER, 12th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps, 8 June 1917.

James TOZER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Thomas TRAMBY, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert John TRELOAR, 38th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William TREW, 38th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Daniel Thomas TUDOR, 15th Infantry Battalion, 14 June 1917.

Frederick TURNER, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James TURNER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Wilfrid TURNER, 43rd Australian Infantry, 11 June 1917.

Leslie Alfred TURNER, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Percival Charles TURNER, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Percy Thomas TURNER, 48th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Reginald John TURNER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas TURNER, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 11 June 1917.

William James TWELFTREE, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman Currie TYRER, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.


William David VALE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Archibald John VANCE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Derwent Radcliffe VAUGHAN, 50th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Raymond Dawson VAUGHAN, 39th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Thomas VELTMAN, 51st Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Francis Watts VILES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Keith McLean VILES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Arthur James VINCENT, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.


Andrew John McArthur WADDELL, 9th Field Ambulance Australian Army Medical Corps, 7 June 1917.

James Stewart WADE, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Ernest WALES, 6th Field Artillery Brigade, 10 June 1917.

Albert Reginald WALKER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Frederick Bernard WALKER, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Victor Keith WALKER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cyril WALL, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John WALLACE, Australian Tunnelling Company, 7 June 1917.

Percy Ernest Alfred WALLINGTON, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leslie William WALLIS, 16th Infantry Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Joseph Frederick WALSH, 44th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Michael Joseph WALSH, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Philip Ambrose WALSH, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard Edward WALSH, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Thomas Bernard WALSH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Grenville WARD, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

James WARD, 39th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Sidney Calton WARD, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James Greig WARDEN, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Joseph WARDLE, 36th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Francis WARNER, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Leslie William Roy WARNER, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frederick Charles WARREN, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George Valentine WARRENER, 4th Field Ambulance Army Medical Corps, 8 June 1917.

Mark Elms WATERS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Albert Sydney WATSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Leonard WATSON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frank Charles WATSON, 50th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George Clifford WATSON, 8th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Thomas John WATSON, 3rd Division Signal Company, 10 June 1917.

Thomas Victor Garnet WATSON, 2nd Pioneer Battalion, 12 June 1917.

Edgar John WATTERS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John Horace WATTERS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Warren James WATTS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Francis William WAUGH, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James Edward WAUGH, 22 Anzac Light Horse, 7 June 1917.

Joseph Herbert WAUGH, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Thomas WAY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles WEALANDS, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

George Francis WEBB, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Harry WEBB, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Alfred WEBBER, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Julian Schaffer WEBER, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles WELDON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Alfred Charles WELSHMAN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Harry WENTWORTH, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph Henry WESSELL, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Wilmot Ernest WEST, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert Stanley WESTBROOK, 4th Pioneer Battalion, 13 June 1917.

Oswald David WESTRUP, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Cyril John George WHEATLEY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Eric Reuben WHEATON, 50th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

James Michael WHELAN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Charles Montague WHITE, 44th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Clarence Wilfred WHITE, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frederick George Woodbine WHITE, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

James Lonsdale WHITE, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Norman Nelson WHITE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Richard WHITE, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Francis Thomas WHITECROSS, 7th Brigade Australian Field Artillery, 7 June 1917.

William Picken WHITEHILL, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Russell Aubrey WHITEHURST, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frank WHITELAW, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph WHITESIDE, 38th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Thomas WHITFIELD, 34th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Oliver Richard WHITING, 36th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Arthur Sidney WHITLOCK, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

John WHITTAKER, 51st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

George WHYTE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Joseph Thomas WHYTE, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Walter Thomas WICKERS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Thomas Johnson WILCOX, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Charles Calliope WILEY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Edward Burnell WILKINS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Edward WILKINSON, 49th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leslie George WILKINSON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas Moses WILKINSON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Walter Henry WILKINSON, 34th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Lawrence Oby WILLANS, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Charles Campbell WILLIAMS, 46th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

David WILLIAMS, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Robert Saunders WILLIAMS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Roy Howard WILLIAMS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

William WILLIAMS, 34th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

William John WILLIAMS, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William John WILLIAMS, 35th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

George Nixon WILLIAMSON, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

Harold William WILLIAMSON, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, 110th Howitzer Battery, 14 June 1917.

John WILLIAMSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Hampton WILLIS, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William John WILLSHIRE, 11th Machine Gun Company, 13 June 1917.

Edwin Charles WILSON, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frank Owen Turner WILSON, 3rd Pioneer Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Frederick Henry WILSON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Henry Malcolm WILSON, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

James WILSON, 36th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Sidney WILSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Spers Bernard WILSON, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Thomas Oliver Percy WILSON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William WILSON, 35th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Walter Thursby WINTHROP, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cecil Sharp WISE, 9th Machine Gun Company, 10 June 1917.

Thomas Alfred Sydney WISE, 41st Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Clarence WISEMAN, 35th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Henry Llewellyn WITTE, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Reginald Arthur WOOD, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Frederick WOOD, 44th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Henry Simms WOODERSON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John WOODGATE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

Frederick Arthur WOODWARD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leonard William WOOLAN, 37th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Oliver James WOOLFORD, 10th Field Company Australian Engineers, 8 June 1917.

Sylvanus Kerns WOOTTON, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

John Robert WORGAN, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Robert Charles Clyde WORLAND, 35th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Charles Fredrick WORTHINGTON, 52nd Infantry Battalion, 8 June 1917.

George WOUDA, 38th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Cecil WRIGHT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

Ernest Franklin WRIGHT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 11 June 1917.

Frederick WRIGHT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 10 June 1917.

John WRIGHT, 36th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.

Victor Alexander WRIGHT, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leslie Horace WYATT, 40th Infantry Battalion, 9 June 1917.


John Andreas YANSEN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Leonard YATES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

Herbert YOUNG, 2nd Anzac Light Horse Regiment, 8 June 1917.

Robert Norman YOUNG, 33rd Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.

William Lancelot YOUNG, 45th Infantry Battalion, 7 June 1917.


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

The Battle of Messines, Belgium, 7 - 14 June 1917

The Battle of Messines, Belgium, 7 - 14 June 1917, Roll of Honour

Western Front Battles

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Messines, Belgium, 7 - 14 June 1917, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 9 June 2011 6:21 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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