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Sunday, 1 February 2009
10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation: "C" Squadron
Topic: AIF - 3B - 10 LHR

10th LHR, AIF

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Embarkation: "C" Squadron.


Embarkation Information.

The 10th LHR "C" Squadron embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia on 17 February 1915. The ship was:


HMAT A52 Surada

 [See: His Majesty's Australian Transports [HMAT] Ships, A52.]


The men.

The following is a list in alphbetical order of the men who comprised the Headquarters Section of the 10th LHR and are recorded on the embarkation rolls as having embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia on 17 February 1915.

In listing the men, they are only identified by full name and AIF Regimental Service Number or as an officer as their rank status fluctuated often, even at embarkation, making it an impossible to give each man their correct rank on embarkation. Officers were not given a service number during the Great War. [See: The Australian Light Horse - Structure, Regimental Service Number.]


Harrison Claude Ainsworth, AIF Regimental Service Number: 360.

George Amphlett, AIF Regimental Service Number: 361.

Donald Andrews, AIF Regimental Service Number: 362.

Horace Victor Armstrong, AIF Regimental Service Number: 363.

David Attwood, AIF Regimental Service Number: 420.

Duncan Farquhar Grant Bain, AIF Regimental Service Number: 364.

John James Barnett, AIF Regimental Service Number: 366.

Clarence Albert Bathgate, AIF Regimental Service Number: 536.

Hubert Edgar Beard, AIF Regimental Service Number: 367.

James Robert Beatrup, AIF Regimental Service Number: 368.

Roy Bennett, AIF Regimental Service Number: 365.

Waller Henry Bennett, AIF Regimental Service Number: 369.

Richard Henry Bessen, AIF Regimental Service Number: 370.

Albert Edward Betty, AIF Regimental Service Number: 371.

William Blake, AIF Regimental Service Number: 372.

Gregory Hamilton Blaxland, AIF Regimental Service Number: 376.

Frederick William Blight, AIF Regimental Service Number: 373.

William Richard Brennan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 374.

Richard James Albert Bristow, AIF Regimental Service Number: 375.

Norman Charles Brown, AIF Regimental Service Number: 377.

Charles John Browning, AIF Regimental Service Number: 378.

Frederick John Bunce, AIF Regimental Service Number: 379.

Joseph Leonard Butler, AIF Regimental Service Number: 380.

Walter Ernest Cadd, AIF Regimental Service Number: 381.

Henry Christie, AIF Regimental Service Number: 383.

Alfred Bevan Cochrane, AIF Regimental Service Number: 389.

Leslie James Cole, AIF Regimental Service Number: 384.

Neil John Conway, AIF Regimental Service Number: 385.

Claude Francis Cooper, AIF Regimental Service Number: 388.

Arthur Joseph Dennis Cronin, AIF Regimental Service Number: 386.

Archibald Crowe, AIF Regimental Service Number: 387.

George Dalling, AIF Regimental Service Number: 390.

John Francis Xavier De bavay, AIF Regimental Service Number: 391.

James Dickerson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 392.

Eric Dilley, AIF Regimental Service Number: 393.

William Donovan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 395.

Denis Duval, AIF Regimental Service Number: 394.

Joseph Thomas Facey, AIF Regimental Service Number: 396.

Horace Stanley Ferguson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 397.

Lawrence Edgar Ferres, AIF Regimental Service Number: 398.

Wilfred Harold Ferrier, AIF Regimental Service Number: 517.

Alfred Wyndham Fields, AIF Regimental Service Number: 399.

David Hume Finlay, AIF Regimental Service Number: 400.

Thomas David Fitzpatrick, AIF Regimental Service Number: 401.

Elworthy Luke Flanagan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 402.

Richard Andrew Forbes, AIF Regimental Service Number: 403.

Henry Clinton Foss, AIF Regimental Service Number: 404.

James Malcolm Frost, AIF Regimental Service Number: 405.

Percy William Gibbs, AIF Regimental Service Number: 406.

Thomas Percy Ginn, AIF Regimental Service Number: 407.

Victor Leonard Godden, AIF Regimental Service Number: 408.

John Alexander Gollan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 409.

Lewis John Greay, AIF Regimental Service Number: 649.

Edward Cecil Green, AIF Regimental Service Number: 411.

Samuel Edward Byrne Grimwood, Officer.

Albert Henry Guppy, AIF Regimental Service Number: 412.

Spencer Gwynne, AIF Regimental Service Number: 413.

James Hall, AIF Regimental Service Number: 414.

Robert Hall, AIF Regimental Service Number: 415.

John Hallett, AIF Regimental Service Number: 416.

Herbert Bowen Hamlin, Officer.

Astley Bertram Cornilis Hammersley, AIF Regimental Service Number: 516.

John William Hanson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 417.

Robert Edward Harrison, AIF Regimental Service Number: 418.

Arthur Vincent Hatwell, AIF Regimental Service Number: 419.

Thomas Holt, AIF Regimental Service Number: 519.

Alfred Hull, AIF Regimental Service Number: 522.

Frederick Hungerford, AIF Regimental Service Number: 421.

John Robert Imms, AIF Regimental Service Number: 422.

Cecil Kenneth Jackson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 423.

David Alexander Jackson, Officer.

Samuel James, AIF Regimental Service Number: 426.

Charles Edward Jeffree, AIF Regimental Service Number: 424.

Henry Albert Johnson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 425.

Percy Francis Keenan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 427.

Joseph Kennedy, AIF Regimental Service Number: 658.

Michael Francis Kennedy, AIF Regimental Service Number: 428.

Henry Rodney Robert Kingdon, AIF Regimental Service Number: 429.

Thomas Victor Lakeland, AIF Regimental Service Number: 430.

William John Lee, AIF Regimental Service Number: 431.

Robert Leslie, AIF Regimental Service Number: 659.

Leslie Lindley, AIF Regimental Service Number: 432.

Sydney Claude Livesey, AIF Regimental Service Number: 433.

Frank Lockhart, AIF Regimental Service Number: 434.

Loftus Cyril Harry Lording, AIF Regimental Service Number: 435.

Edwin Alexander Love, AIF Regimental Service Number: 436.

Percy John Luckhurst, AIF Regimental Service Number: 437.

Charles Harold John Mann, AIF Regimental Service Number: 438.

James Isaac Mann, AIF Regimental Service Number: 439.

Lionel Christopher Markey, AIF Regimental Service Number: 440.

Thomas John Markey, AIF Regimental Service Number: 441.

Ernest Maslin, AIF Regimental Service Number: 442.

John Mathieson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 443.

William John Mccall, AIF Regimental Service Number: 453.

Edgar Thomas Mccleary, AIF Regimental Service Number: 449.

Alfred John Mcclusky, AIF Regimental Service Number: 450.

William John Mccoll, AIF Regimental Service Number: 453.

Donald Mclean, AIF Regimental Service Number: 535.

Samuel George Mcwhirter, AIF Regimental Service Number: 451.

Wilfred Charles Mellett, AIF Regimental Service Number: 515.

William Wickham Meredith, AIF Regimental Service Number: 444.

Herbert James Milligan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 452.

John Thomas Moore, AIF Regimental Service Number: 446.

Philip Lester Moran, AIF Regimental Service Number: 445.

Frederick Henry Mordecai, AIF Regimental Service Number: 447.

Henry Albert Morphett, AIF Regimental Service Number: 448.

John Johnston Nelson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 454.

Albert Ogden, AIF Regimental Service Number: 455.

Arthur Charles Niquet Olden, Officer.

Alfred John Olson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 456.

Llewellyn Owens, AIF Regimental Service Number: 457.

Leslie William Paisley, AIF Regimental Service Number: 458.

Ernest Pentzin, AIF Regimental Service Number: 459.

Charles Herbert Pfordten, AIF Regimental Service Number: 460.

James Arthur Phillp, AIF Regimental Service Number: 523.

Henry Webb Pope, AIF Regimental Service Number: 520.

Benjamin Edward Ralph, AIF Regimental Service Number: 462.

John Regan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 463.

George Jesse Reid, AIF Regimental Service Number: 464.

Harold John Victor Rice, AIF Regimental Service Number: 466.

Harry Oswald Ricketts, AIF Regimental Service Number: 467.

Edward Thaddeus Roberts, AIF Regimental Service Number: 468.

Hugh Lovett Robinson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 469.

Thomas Donald Ross, AIF Regimental Service Number: 471.

Andrew Percival Rowan, Officer.

Fredk Tinkler Rowlands, AIF Regimental Service Number: 472.

Edward Ryan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 470.

Edgar Saul, AIF Regimental Service Number: 485.

John Burns Scott, Officer.

Alfred Sheffield, AIF Regimental Service Number: 476.

Alfred Sheridan, AIF Regimental Service Number: 477.

Horace Richard Simmons, AIF Regimental Service Number: 478.

Clarence Melville Smith, AIF Regimental Service Number: 342.

Cyril Gordon Smith, AIF Regimental Service Number: 479.

Gordon Cyril Smith, AIF Regimental Service Number: 479.

David Spence, AIF Regimental Service Number: 474.

Robert Ernest Spencer, AIF Regimental Service Number: 480.

William Henry Swancott, AIF Regimental Service Number: 483.

Arthur Henry Sweetapple, AIF Regimental Service Number: 4.

William John Sykes, AIF Regimental Service Number: 484.

Rudolph Sydney Tailor, AIF Regimental Service Number: 486.

William Thomas Tait, AIF Regimental Service Number: 487.

Samuel Edward Tate, AIF Regimental Service Number: 488.

William Taylor, AIF Regimental Service Number: 489.

William Gill Thomas, AIF Regimental Service Number: 492.

Walter Smedley Thomson, AIF Regimental Service Number: 494.

Frank Stephenson Titchener, AIF Regimental Service Number: 495.

Charles Melville Townsend, AIF Regimental Service Number: 146.

Harold Stanley Veal, AIF Regimental Service Number: 498.

John Thomas Wales, AIF Regimental Service Number: 499.

Sydney Walter Wales, AIF Regimental Service Number: 500.

Walter Albert Walters, AIF Regimental Service Number: 502.

Henry Welshman, AIF Regimental Service Number: 349.

Walter Charles West, AIF Regimental Service Number: 504.

Ogril William James Whittaker, AIF Regimental Service Number: 668.

Arthur Allan Gordon Williams, AIF Regimental Service Number: 501.

Hubert Gladstone Williams, AIF Regimental Service Number: 506.

Charles Michael Wood, AIF Regimental Service Number: 669.

Earle Joseph Sinclair Wroth, AIF Regimental Service Number: 518.

The full Embarkation Roll for the 10th LHR Headquarters Section may by downloaded from the Australian War Memorial at the following address:

AWM8, 10/15/1 - 10 LHR [Light Horse Regiment] (February 1915)


Further Reading:

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, History 

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Contents 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Embarkation:  "C" Squadron

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 9:23 PM EADT
British Forces, EEF, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - DMC - British


British Forces

Roll of Honour

Poppies laid on the London Cenotaph


The following Roll of Honour, while incomplete, reflects the large number of casualties suffered by the British forces engaged with the Egyptian Expeditionary Forces during the Great War.


Roll of Honour


el Qatiya, Sinai, 23 April 1916, Roll of Honour 

The Battle of Rafa, Sinai, 9 January 1917, Roll of Honour

The Second Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 19 April 1917, Roll of Honour 

The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, Roll of Honour


Lest We Forget


Further Reading:
The British Army
British Forces, EEF, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920

Citation: British Forces, EEF, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2011 7:18 AM EAST
Suez Canal Attack, Egypt, 12/774 Private William David Kemp's Diary
Topic: BatzS - Suez 1915

Suez Canal Attack

Egypt, January 28 - February 3, 1915

 12/774 Private William David Kemp's Diary


The following is an extract from:

The diary entries regarding the action at the Suez from 12/774 Private William David Kemp, 16th Waikato, Auckland Infantry Battalion.

January 1915

Saturday 30th.

Had a fairly easy day and had a little drill, and then marched down to canal & had a swim. After dinner we had relay races & thirteen platoon top the score. While down there we saw some Australians & N.Z. troops sailing through the canal. Got back to camp had some tea, then went up town for some foodstuffs. Ismailia is a very pretty place situated in the midst of palms, and other trees. To see it from where we are one would think it was just a forest but and lovely drives to the lake on the Canal. Mic & Alex received note from Charley Neber passing through the canal. He threw it off the transport & one of the 3rd Coy boys which were on guard on the edge of the Canal swam out and got it & brought it back to camp & in the evening he came to our tent & gave it to Mic & Alex it was very curious getting them like that

Sunday 31st.

Had church parade in morning had dinner, and about two o clock orders came out that thirteen platoon to prepare for outpost & had to fall in as soon as possible. We marched out of camp about four miles, & relieved the Gurkas of their Post on the banks of the canal. They are very good trenches. The distance from our trenches to the other side of the Canal is 200 yds. Six of us maned the trenches that evening & I was one of them. Two of us went on at a time, for two hours on & four hours off during the night, no Turks came in sights. A party of Indian troops passed our front, on patrol and came back about four hours later.

February 1915

(Monday 1st.)

In the morning we were releived [sic] by a fresh party of our boys & we had a spell for the rest of the day. We took some rice out with us & boiled a dixy for breakfast & it was tip-top. Several ships passed through the Canal while on guard there. About four (PM) the sixteen Platoon came down to releive our platoon, so Tony & I went on to the ferry, about one mile away to get the transport to go back & get our blankets but he had to much of a load on, & had to leave them but just as our platoon was on leaving some camals [sic] came along, & they packed the blankets on two of them & brought into camp. Tony & I came on & got some tea boiled for the boys. I forgot to state that there was a very unfortunate accident on Monday morning. There are about a dozen (R) A.M.C. attached to their battery in case any of them are wounded, & two of these were sleeping in a trench which they had rigged up to put wounded in during the shrapnel firing, & was covered over with board & two feet of sand on top it collapsed & were buried alive. I went over to their camp to get some water, & they took me to see the poor fellow, & they were very much cut about. It was a great pity they should loose their lives in such a manner.

Tuesday 2nd.

Practised entraining in the morning, & light drill in afternoon. Heard firing over canal not far from us both rifle & big guns very warm, a little rain last night. Some of the Cant. Batt. Left hurriedly tonight in armoured train & all our leave stopped so we may see some fun very soon.

Wed 3rd.

Sargeant came round half past five in morning woke us up & said we had to be on fatigue at to six. We loaded kit bags carted them down to the depot. Seen 36 Turkish prisoners in the train on their way to Cairo. Met John on the platform. After tea seen some four hundred Turk prisoners some badly wounded, also a Spy & West Aferican.

1020 Turks captured. Trains stopped running, & boats stopped from going through the canal. Officer in charge of the Turks which was a German hoisted the white flag & when our officer went forward shot him dead then the Indians nearly wiped them out.

Thursday 4th.

Did a little drill in the morning. In camp in afternoon & went on fatigue from eight P.M. till ten carting bread & meat from station.

Friday 5th.

Had a lie in this morning. Orders have come round to prepear for a minutes notice & are all ready. Friday evening, Been in waiting all day got orders tonight to prepear for a early start in the morning, revellie at three a.m., and proceeding over the canal to attack the Turks.


Note: The diary entries have not been modified so as to give the full flavour of the language, spelling and grammar, hence the obvious errors. To correct them would be to dilute the authentic voice of the man telling the story.


Further Reading:

Suez Canal Attack, Egypt, Contents

Where Australians Fought, Sinai, 1916-1917

Light Horse Battles

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Suez Canal Attack, Egypt,  12/774 Private William David Kemp's Diary

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 27 April 2009 10:32 AM EADT
3rd Light Horse Brigade, AIF, Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - 3B - 3 LHB

3rd LHB

3rd Light Horse Brigade, AIF

Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the 3rd Light Horse Brigade, AIF, known to have given their lives during the Great War.


Roll of Honour 


8th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour

3rd Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance, Roll of Honour  

3rd Australian Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron, Roll of Honour  

3rd Light Horse Signal Troop, AIF, Roll of Honour


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

3rd Light Horse Brigade, AIF

3rd Light Horse Brigade, Roll of Honour 

The Battle of Rafa, Sinai, 9 January 1917

The Battle of Rafa, Sinai, 9 January 1917, Roll of Honour

The Palestine Campaign, 1917 - 1918

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 3rd Light Horse Brigade, AIF, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 February 2011 7:00 AM EAST
Bert Schramm's Diary, 1 February 1919
Topic: Diary - Schramm

Diaries of AIF Servicemen

Bert Schramm


During part of the course of his military service with the AIF, 2823 Private Herbert Leslie Schramm, a farmer from White's River, near Tumby Bay on the Eyre Peninsular, kept a diary of his life. Bert was not a man of letters so this diary was produced with great effort on his behalf. Bert made a promise to his sweetheart, Lucy Solley, that he would do so after he received the blank pocket notebook wherein these entries are found. As a Brigade Scout since September 1918, he took a lead part in the September 1918 breakout by the Allied forces in Palestine. Bert's diary entries are placed alongside those of the 9th Light Horse Regiment to which he belonged and to the 3rd Light Horse Brigade to which the 9th LHR was attached. On this basis we can follow Bert in the context of his formation.

 Bert Schramm's Diary, 1 February 1919


Bert Schramm's Handwritten Diary, 31 January - 4 February 1919

[Click on page for a larger print version.]


Bert Schramm

Saturday, February 1, 1919

Bert Schramm's Location - Tripoli, Lebanon.

Bert Schramm's Diary -  Weather very wet and cold and snow falling heavily in the hills. No news through.



9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Tripoli, Lebanon.

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Usual camp routine.



Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924.

No Entry

Previous: Bert Schramm's Diary, 31 January 1919

Next: Bert Schramm's Diary, 2 February 1919


Further Reading:

9th Light Horse Regiment AIF War Diary - Complete day by day list

Bert Schramm Diary

Bert Schramm Diary - Complete day by day list


Additional Reading:

Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924.


Citation: Bert Schramm's Diary, 1 February 1919

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 3 May 2009 10:14 PM EADT

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