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Monday, 26 May 2008
9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, The Regiment after the Battle of Hill 60
Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR

9th LHR, AIF

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment

The Regiment after the Battle of Hill 60


The following list is of all the men from the 9th LHR (Light Horse Regiment) who took part in the battle at Hill 60 from the afternoon of 27 August 1915 until the following morning. The 9th LHR was already under-strength and the men debilitated, but non the less, were thrown into the battle. The list is constructed from the service records from the men of the 9th LHR with the data specific to that date.

The information is sorted by fate. Each record identifies the soldier, then the squadron. If the person was taken on strength from reinforcements or another formation, this is described and the final squadron where the man was absorbed is then listed. The final information is the fate of the man. The breakdown of the numbers are:

326 men from the 9th Light Horse Regiment appear available for the assault. From this number:

Killed in Action = 36 men
Died of Wounds = 4 men
Wounded in Action = 49 men

Total Casualties = 89 men

At the same time or subsequently, some 29 men were evacuated to hospital with illness.

The balance available from the 9th Light Horse Regiment were 208 men, 38% of the regiment's nominal strength of 540 men. It explains why "C" Squadron, 11th Light Horse Regiment was absorbed as reinforcements, although renamed "D" Squadron and a company of British Infantry was also brought for extra strength.

Note: The rank of the soldier is that from the Embarkation Roll which on most occasions will equal the rank at the time of the action at Hill 60. Ranks of those who were KIA or DOW have their ranks upgraded to that held at the date of death.


Killed in Action

533 Private William George BALL, “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

224 Private Walter George BATES, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

374 Private Alexander Millar BUGBIRD, “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


603 Private Reuben CAIRNS, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

Officer Lieutenant Philip Ignatius CALLARY, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

364 Farrier Sergeant William CAMERON, “C” Squadron taken on strength with “C” Squadron Killed in Action 4 September 1915, 27 August 1915.

604 Private George Alton CANE, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron Died of Wounds, 27 August 1915.

591 Private Percival CAPERN, “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

111 Lance Corporal William Ross CAPPER, “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

893 Private Robert COVERDALE, 5th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

711 Private Walter Hiram CRAVEN, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


401 Private Walter DAWSON, “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

403 Private Thomas DICKINSON, “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

113 Private Arthur Denis DORIS, “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


750 Private John Matt FITCHER, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

254 Private William George Gladstone FITZGERALD, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


214 Sergeant John William GILL, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

69 Acting Sergeant Hugh Louden GOOCH, “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


135 Private Maxwell David HARRINGTON, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

551 Corporal Cyril HUMPHREYS, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


Captain Alfred John JAFFRAY, “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


756 Private John Scott KENT, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

719 Private William John KNIBBS, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


928 Private William Edward LEAR, 5th Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

897 Private Benjamin Cyril LEVIEN, 5th Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


723 Private Duncan MCDOUGALL, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

312 Private James Alexander MCGILLIVRAY, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

976 Private John Henry MEGAN, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Died of Wounds, 27 August 1915.

530 Private William George Delmar MOBBS, “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


559 Private Leonard Temper NAPPER, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


324 Private James Bryant PULLEINE, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


327 Private Leslie REGAN, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

Lieutenant Colonel Carew REYNELL, Headquarters Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

476 Private Harrie Cecil RICKARD, “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


198 Private Charles Ernest George SAMPSON, “A” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

339 Private Harold Edward SMITH, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

945 Lance Corporal Henry SPENCER, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron unknown Died of Wounds, 27 August 1915.

489 Private Laurans Charles SPINKS, “C” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


347 Driver Oliver Frank Leopold TAYLOR, “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


771 Private Fredrick Henry WEAVER, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.

568 Private Francis WILLOUGHBY, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “B” Squadron Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.


211 Private Andrew Powell YEATES, “B” Squadron Died of Wounds, 27 August 1915.


Wounded In Action

842 Private Edward Brompton ALLCHURCH, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron unknown Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

601 Private John Henry Egbert Rodden ANDERSON, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

220 Private Albert George ARTHUR, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


966 Private Hugh Hanley BALL, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

384 Private Edward BERRIMAN, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

843 Private Joseph BETRO, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

993 Private Edward Clarence BREWER, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

372 Private John Alexander BROWN, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


994 Private Arthur Searke CALLANDER, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

970 Private Sidney COLLINS, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

849 Private Peter CONNELL, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

244 Private Charles Tilney COTTON, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

394 Private Eric Osborne COULTHARD, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

399 Corporal William Henry CROCKFORD, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

896 Private Victor CULPH, 5th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


748 Private Charles DALEY, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

539 Private Frederick Donald DALLY, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

714 Private Frederick DAY, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

788 Private William Curtis DUNSTALL, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


408 Private Rupert EXON, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


641 Private George Reginald FOSTER, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

855 Private Charles FULLGRABE, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


998 Private Norman Hollins GAUNT, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

260 Corporal Francis Arnold GILLEN, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

790 Private Robert Frank GILLIES, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

263 Lance Corporal William Harry GREEN, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


265 Private John Henry HAHN, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

421 Private Horace Railton HAYWARD, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

633 Private Henry Colville HORNE, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

283 Private Charles Gilbert HOWELL, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

626 Private Lindo Herbert HUMPHREYS, “A” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


653 Private Albert Edward KINCAID, Headquarters Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


975 Private William John LYSAGHT, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


454 Private Alan Robert MACGREGOR, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

1009 Private Henry Thomas MACKERETH, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

4 Staff Sergeant Henry Victor MAYS, Headquarters Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

1007 Private Elias Joseph MCDONNELL, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

1008 Private John MCLEAN, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

153 Private Gilbert Charles MOUNSEY, “A” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


317 Private Edgar Davies OLDFIELD, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


905 Private William Stewart PARSONS, 5th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

325 Private Robert Edgar PURDIE, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


182 Private Percy Norman REHN, “A” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

729 Private Reginald Holman RICHARDS, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

481 Private Alfred George ROONEY, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


766 Private Maurice Theodore SHEEHAN, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

342 Private Allan STEPHENSON, “B” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


498 Private David Norman THOMPSON, “C” Squadron Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.

769 Private Arthur Hamilton TODD, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with Headquarters Wounded in Action, 27 August 1915.


Evacuated to hospital sick

705 Private Keith Clarence BENNETT, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

741 Private Harold Lewis BORCHERS, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with Machine Gun Section Evacuated to hospital sick.

681 Private Francis George BROWN, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


746 Private Oliver CHAPLIN, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

682 Private Thomas Joseph COLLINS, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


49 Driver Jack Roach FREAK, Machine Gun Section Evacuated to hospital sick.


18 Private Stanley Charles HENNIKER, Headquarters Evacuated to hospital sick.


1014 Private George Arthur JANEWAY, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Evacuated to hospital sick.

140 Private Albert Edward JONES, “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


863 Private Harold Vernon KELLY, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Evacuated to hospital sick.

431 Private George Charles KLINE, “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

433 Private Albert KNOWLER, “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


588 Acting Armourer Sergeant Percival Leslie LAMMEY, Headquarters Evacuated to hospital sick.


800 Private Guy MARION, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

1011 Private George Edwin MAYTUM, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown Evacuated to hospital sick.

685 Private William MCCLUSKY, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

642 Private James Henry MILLINGTON, “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


Officer Second Lieutenant Alexander Harold Horatio NELSON, “B” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


Officer Major Harry Meshach PARSONS, “B” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


688 Private Rupert Robert RIDGWELL, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

181 Private Kelvin ROACH, “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

478 Private James Owen ROBERTS, “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

629 Private Charles ROHRLACK, “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


Officer Captain William Henry SCOTT, “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

491 Private John Hearn SNOWBALL, “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

192 Private Charles George STAGG, “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.

190 Private William James STEVENS, “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


654 Private Laurie TAYLOR, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


210 Private Raymond Meredith WELFARE, “A” Squadron Evacuated to hospital sick.


On Nominal Roll

740 Private Charles AINSWORTH, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

370 Private William ALFRED, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

38 Corporal Clifford William Ernest ASHBURNER, Machine Gun Section taken on strength with Machine Gun Section On Nominal Roll.


Officer Captain Percival John BAILEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

375 Private Samuel John BAILIE, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

75 Corporal Arthur Stanley BARKER, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

376 Private Rupert Clarence BATEMAN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

102 Private Arthur Augustine BELL, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

228 Lance Corporal Edward Thomas BLAKE, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

86 Corporal George Baron BOCKELBERG, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

233 Private Aubrey Oswald BOWER, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

378 Private John BRENNAN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

776 Private Percy BROKENSHIRE, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

1028 Private Allan Reuben BROWN, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

381 Private John Kennard BROWN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

592 Private Charles John BRUCE, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

235 Sergeant William BURKINSHAW, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

784 Private James Andrew BURROUGH, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

66 Sergeant Guy Theodore BUTLER, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

831 Private Michael BYRNE, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


387 Private William CARMICHAEL, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

37 Private James CATTERALL, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

Officer Second Lieutenant John Courtenay CHANTER, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

239 Private Charles Coolgardie CHEWINGS, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

390 Private Leo CLARK, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

110 Private Hugh Angus COCHRANE, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

242 Private Arthur Thomas COLLER, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

391 Private Thomas COOPER, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

395 Driver George William Nelson COX, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

745 Private David Andrew CRIGHTON, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

891 Private George CROSS, 5th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

607 Private Maurice CROTTY, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

851 Private Leonard CROWHURST, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

397 Private George Frederick CRUDDAS, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

538 Private Norman Douglas CUNNINGHAM, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


1030 Private Joseph George Farrell DAKIN, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

2 Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Thomas Henry DARLEY, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

713 Private Cyril William DAVIES, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

116 Private George Henry DEER, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

786 Private Herman DOHNT, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

249 Private Leonard Seagram DRISCOLL, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

996 Private Paul Joseph DUIGAN, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


632 Private George Hall EGAN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

46 Driver John ELLIOTT, Machine Gun Section taken on strength with Machine Gun Section On Nominal Roll.

47 Private William Henry ETHERINGTON, Machine Gun Section taken on strength with Machine Gun Section On Nominal Roll.


123 Private Archibald Roy FERRIS, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

676 Private William FLANAGAN, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

6 Armourer Sergeant James FLEMING, 11th LHR taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

Officer Captain Harold Henry Bailly FOLLITT, 1st AGH taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

255 Private John Lester FOREMAN, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

608 Private Joseph Raymond FORRESTER, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

256 Private William FOX, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

259 Corporal David Thompson FREEBAIRN, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

147 Private Edward FROST, 11th LHR taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

410 Private Thomas FRY, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

11 Private Arthur Leslie FULWOOD, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.


125 Private Norman William GATES, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

414 Private Bernard Edward GIBNEY, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

261 Private Alan Clifford GILSON, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

524 Private Thomas Gardener GOODE, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

587 Private Keith GRANT, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

610 Private Ronald George GRANT, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

128 Lance Corporal Sydney GREENING, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

579 Private Alphonsus Michael George GWYNNE, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


264 Private Howard James HAHN, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

791 Private Edgarton Alfred HALLIDAY, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

268 Private Alfred Vernon HANCOCK, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

26 Private James Joseph HANCOCK, 11th LHR taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

21 Driver Reginald HANSEN, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

792 Private Arthur Edward HARDINGHAM, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

215 Sergeant Lancelot Morton Spiller HARGRAVE, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

471 Private Alfred HARLEY, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

271 Private Thomas William HARVEY, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

133 Private Allan Ralph HEDLEY, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

216 Sergeant Howard Hyla HENDERSON, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

423 Private Charles Spearman HEYWOOD, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

380 Private Sydney HILTON, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

1003 Private George HODGE, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

366 Corporal Leslie Robert HOGAN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

281 Private John HOLLAND, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

687 Private James Patrick HOLOPHY, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

778 Private Frank Lewis HOLTHOUSE, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

751 Private Charles Ernest HOUSTON, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

525 Private Lauriston HUGHES, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

861 Private Joseph Henry HUME, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

51 Private John Edward HUTCHINS, Machine Gun Section On Nominal Roll.

Officer Lieutenant Arthur Justin Sanford HUTCHINSON, Machine Gun Section On Nominal Roll.

754 Private Cyril Headle HUTCHISON, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

362 Sergeant Robert HUTTON, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


428 Private Richard Edward JAMES, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

981 Private Charles Henry JOHNSON, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

862 Private Stanley Richard JOHNSON, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

833 Private Ernest Edgar JONES, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

426 Private Frederick JORDAN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


290 Private Hugh Craine KELLY, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

793 Private Allen Cameron KEMP, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

1005 Private Edward Patrick KENNY, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

70 Sergeant Francis Joseph KILDEA, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

552 Private Albert Ernest KING, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

611 Private Vernon KIPPING, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

430 Private Herbert Gordon KLINE, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


553 Private Robert Kerr LAWRENCE, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

365 Sergeant Arthur Thomas LEADBEATER, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

554 Private Ernest Percy LEE, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

442 Private Thomas LEONARD, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

620 Private Frederic John LINACRE, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

434 Private William Alexander LOGAN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

798 Private John William LOWE, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

30 Private Henry LUXON, 11th LHR taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.


799 Private James MADIGAN, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

935 Private Clement Aloysius Joseph MAHONY, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

899 Corporal George Noble MANN, 5th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

739 Private William MARSTON, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

580 Private Haswell Charles MAXWELL, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

802 Private Frank MAYFIELD, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

803 Private John MCCUBBIN, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

158 Lance Corporal Arthur Elliot MCDONALD, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

310 Private John Malcolm MCDONALD, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

89 Lance Corporal Maxwell Barton Tweedie MCDOWALL, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

313 Private John Robert MCGILLIVRAY, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

154 Corporal Eric Gordon MCGLAUGHLIN, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

80 Corporal William MCNAMARA, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

805 Private Vincent Arthur MILES, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

558 Private William George MILLER, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

806 Private Henry Latham MITCHELL, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

605 Private Frederick Richard MORGAN, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

684 Private Arthur Oliver MORRELL, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

166 Private Walter Norman MORRISON, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

1012 Private Allen Lorimor MOUNSEY, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


1029 Private William NETTLETON, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

727 Private Harold Clive NEWMAN, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

461 Private John Hovenden NEWNHAM, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

462 Private Edward Pringle NEYLAND, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

596 AMC Corporal Hubert Hamilton NICKELS, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

90 Private Arthur Rastarick NIELD, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

460 Private Matthew NOONAN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

733 Private James NUGENT, 2nd Australian General Hospital taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


177 Private Henry PARTRIDGE, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

466 Private Harold PATERSON, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

759 Private George David PATTERSON, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

1017 Private Alexander Russell PAYNE, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

436 Second Lieutenant William Stanhope PENDER, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

32 Lance Corporal Royce Theodore PEPPERCORN, 11th LHR taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

467 Private Alexander PETERS, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

176 Signalling Corporal Edmund PHELAN, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

621 Private Alfred John PHILLIPS, Machine Gun Section On Nominal Roll.

Officer Lieutenant Wilfred Allan PHILLIS, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

465 Private William PIKER, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

472 Private Richard Rowett POND, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

760 Private William Allen PORTER, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

173 Private Charles Baxter POWELL, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

612 Private Robert Leslie PURVES, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


473 Private William Ernest QUIRK, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


326 Private Arthur Albert RANDALL, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

1031 Private Cyril Jennings Bristowe RANFORD, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

10 Private Reginald RANKINE, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

763 Private William Henry ROBERTS, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

607 Private Geoffrey Ochiltree ROBERTSON, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

474 Private Richard Calo ROSS, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

13 Private Robert ROSTRON, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

807 Private Frank Adam RUSSELL, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.


733 Private Stanley SAMPSON, 1st Reinforcements taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

764 Private Archibald SCOTT, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

1019 Private Douglas Bruce SEARLE, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

333 Private John Sylvester Anthony SHAW, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

493 Sergeant Oliver John SHAW, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

767 Private John Charles SINCLAIR, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

488 Private Ernest SINGLETON, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

369 Sergeant Francis William SLATTERY, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

336 Private Patrick SLATTERY, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

31 Private Harry SMITH, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

528 Private Paul Teesdale SMITH, “B” Squadron taken on strength with “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

613 Private Thomas SMITH, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

809 Private Walter SMITH, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with Machine Gun Section On Nominal Roll.

825 Private Charles SONSIE, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

487 Private Clifton James SPARGO, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

191 Private Rob Hussey STACY, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

341 Lance Corporal Henry Herbert STEPHEN, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

484 Private Ernest Leslie STONE, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

978 Private Albert Edward STRAKER, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


577 Driver Tasman Roy Glendower THOMAS, 1st Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

1021 Private Arthur THURLOW, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

351 Private Arthur TOBIN, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

200 Private Philip Anstruther TOD, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

495 Private Stephen John TOMKINS, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

497 Private Albert George TOMLINSON, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

614 Private William TREVORROW, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

768 Private Herbert TYLEY, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.


819 Private Gilbert Alexander VIDLER, 4th Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

353 Private Henry Valentine VILLIERS, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

1024 Private Frederick VOEGE, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


503 Private Basil Selwyn Whalley WAGG, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

649 Private Leonard Nelson WAINWRIGHT, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

205 Private William Henry WAIT, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

17 Private Reginald Alanby WAMSLEY, Headquarters On Nominal Roll.

814 Private William George WARNER, 2nd Reinforcements taken on strength with Squadron Unknown On Nominal Roll.

201 Private Nigel Fletcher WASTELL, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

648 Private Roy Albert WHEATON, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

679 Private James WILLETT, 3rd Reinforcements taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

202 Private Alexander Thomas WILLIAMS, “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

593 Private Conrad Egbert WILLIAMS, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

606 Private Barrwise Carr WILSON, 2nd Reinforcement taken on strength with “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

999 Private James Wilks WILSON, 6th Reinforcements taken on strength with “A” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

500 Private Gordon Alexander WISHART, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.


505 Corporal John Digby YEATMAN, “C” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.

359 Private Albert Roy YEO, “B” Squadron, On Nominal Roll.



Further Reading:

9th Light Horse Regiment, AIF

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920



Citation: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF, The Regiment after the Battle of Hill 60

Posted by Project Leader at 9:49 PM EADT
Updated: Monday, 26 July 2010 5:39 PM EADT
13th LHR, AIF, 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Rouget Account
Topic: AIF - Fr - 13 LHR

13th LHR, AIF

13th Australian Light Horse Regiment

Rouget Account


 Arthur James Rouget


Rouget Biography

Rouget was born in Wandin, Victoria in 1889. He enlisted at the Light Horse Base Depot in Victoria, 7 January 1915 and was absorbed into the 13th Light Horse Regiment B Squadron on 1 May 1915. He embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board Transport A34 Persic on 28 May 1915. On 4 September 1915, he departed from Alexandria, Egypt on HMT "Mogantic" for service at Gallipoli. He was evacuated from Gallipoli and from Mudros on HMT "Simla", 8 January 1916, and returned to Alexandria.  He went to France on 22 June 1916 where he served till the end of the war with the 1st Anzac Army Corps Light Horse Regiment. He returned to Australia after departing from Devonport, England, 19 April 1919 and arriving at Melbourne on 8 June 1919. He was discharged due to cessation of hostilities on 7 August 1919. He died on 4 July 1940.


Rouget's story with the 13th Light Horse Regiment

The numbers at the commencement of the entry indicates the page number in the notebook. In keeping faith with the original document, the transcription is as it is presented without any alteration regarding spelling or grammar.


Page 1.

13 LH Regt preparing to embark 28 May 1915

2 a.m. roll call

4 a.m. issue plumes

5.30 a.m. get out of bed

great commotion in camp till 8.30 saddle up 9 oclock we move off leading our horses as they are a bit fresh 1/4 mile from camp we mount a few get spills but no bones broken arriving at the Pier about noon put the horses on board and wait on the Pier to receive

Page 2.

the colours the latter presented by Gov Stanley We go aboard ourselves the people then allowed on Pier very soon we are away. From Port Melb to Port Suez on Persic we get a small pay going down the bay after that nothing much happening till we get in the Bight when she shipped a sea and breaking some of the horse boxes on top deck one man receiving a fractured leg, by this time plenty of seasickness on board  

Page 3.

but very soon getting alright we had a quiet time from then on till we got out in Mid ocean when a waver broke over the stern and breaking the horse boxes on that part, from then on we started to feel the heat and had to take to sleeping on deck, another inconvenience coming into the war climate the horses required exercising and in some cases had to be brought up out of the hot holds onto the top deck and the

Page 4.

horses on top go below we eventually arrived at Suez 28 June loosing on the voyage 1 man and 30 horses we were very glad to get off the boat and the horses were I am sure. Greatly impressed with the niggers they seem to be very lazy and have to be driven to work also being knocked about by the water police. We unshipped the horses and put them on the train for Abbassieh one horse pulling away and jumped into

Page 5.

The Sea but was caught by a Motor Boat and saved, we buy a lo9t of water melons from the natives and pelt the skins back at them. We arrive at our destination in the wee hours of the morning tired and hungry and out of sorts we stay at Abbasieh for a few days it is very hot for us and the horses which are out in the open after we had been here a few day we are given leave to Cairo it is a wonderful

Page 6.

Party we had no idea that there was a City like it in the world so dirty and a peculiar stench we also had a trip to the Pyramids and went and seen the tombs in the most of them and also seen the Sphinx we nearly all get tired of them and go into Cairo and have to toe the carpet next day for it but get let off. We shift to Oaisis camp after a few days which is much better as we

Page 7.

Stables for our horses and baths for ourselves a week after we get here the horses are able to be ridden and we do some mounted drill which is better than having to do it on foot we get up at 5 oclock have a cup of tea and drill till 9 oclock as it is too hot for either man or horses in the middle of the day, We have to take our turn guarding the Turkish prisoners at Mahdi it is a bit of a change for us but plenty of polishing to do we take them

Page 8.

Out to work in the mornings and evening and their work was extending their own prison one morning 9 men escorting over 1000 to their work without a cartridge in their rifle someone forgot to see that we were loaded before we started we soon got over that one man sneaking away at a time and loading so as not to let the Turks know that we had not loaded before we started we had about 10 days of this and then go back to our camp at Oaisis

Page 9.

We are told that we are going to Galipoli as infantry and exchange our equipment for web we dump all our saddles and leather equipment in a bag and put our name on it we eventually get our web equipment together and our packs filled with the things we think we will need most and are ready for the fray marching to Zietoun station to entrain for alexandria, getting aboard the Megantic we have a good trip across as we are


 Rouget Diary, Page 1


Page 10.

In cabins and have a dining room to have our meals in reaching Lemnos they issue us with fly veils amunition and iron rations and then transferred to a smaller boat the Prince Abyaos we give 3 cheers for Captain and crew of Megantic, in the afternoon we leave Lemnos for Anzac towards midnight we hear for the first time war and see the gun boats using the searchlights and shooting also, as we draw near the land we are put into lighters

Page 11.

And towed alongside the little bit of pier at 1 am we go up into Shrapnel Gully and camp till daylight next day we shift into Monash Gully and dig in, after resting a few days we go into Lone Pine trenches with 24th Battlin until the 11 Dec the Regt shifted to Thompson's Lookout trenches and stayed there till the evacuation helping to load the mines that were being put in that sector

Page 12.

We are marched down to the Pier this time to go off getting on a lighter again and towed out to a vessel the (Mars) an old Cruiser and taken to Lemnos island we stay there for a few weeks and spend our first Xmas from home getting our Xmas Billies and enjoying a good est we are not here long & when are once more put on board this time on the Simla

Page 13.

Back once more to Egypt disembarking after a short but not too pleasant journey at Alexandra and entraining for Tel el Khebir here we get reorganized as the Regt has come down from 500 strong to a little over 200 we also hand in our web equipment and get our own back and also our horses after being made up to full strength again with a new Colonel (our own going back home) we set out for Ferry Post

Page 14.

For the Suez Canal to patrol the desert very shortly after this it is decided to split the Regt up so as each Div could have some Mtd Troops our lot being sent to the 4th Div we joined them at Tel el Khebir and were sent out on the plantations guarding them in case some of the troops interfered  with the Natives we were on this job for a fortnight then taking over from the 1st Div at Serapeum on 1st of April 1916

Page 15.

Here we are given a little patroling to do as this is the place where the Turk tried to cross the Canal before, so we are patroling the desert with 9 LH and also the sweet water Canals to prevent the natives from bathing in it and also from using it to irrigate their land, We celebrate the anniversary of our leaving Australia here, 2 days after we put the horses on the train en route for sunny France

Page 16.

On the Kingston arriving at Marseilles in June 1916 we were given 2 days leave which gave us an opportunity of seeing a good deal of the City putting our horses on the train we start for the North at 1 oclock in the morning when day broke we were passing through the most picturesque country that  I have ever seen our train did not stop in many places but wherever it did we received a warm welcome in fact

Page 17.

Some of the girls exchanging kisses for badges I had all my badges when we arrived at our destination on the third morning we could see Eiffel Tower in the distance and from there on we were given tea by the Red Cross workers at every station we stopped at arriving at our destination in the following morning we were certainly glad to get out of the train after over 3 days trip but I am very glad that I never missed that

Page 18.

Train journey from marseilles to Baileul in the summer of 1916. From the station we walked to our camp about 4 mls  away as the horses could not be ridden so soon after the sea trip it was at this place that we first heard the guns on the Western Front we have an easy time at this place doing gas drill and grazing the horses in our spare time after about 3 weeks I took sick and was sent to Hospital and

Page 19.

10 days latter joined my unit at Contay on the Somme which in the meantime had been joined by the other two squadrons completing the Regt again with Col Williams in command in this place we are given a good deal of mounted drill also learning the horses to jump a part of us let this place and went to Albert on different jobs and stayed there till the Aus Troops were relieved by the Canadians then entraining

Page 20.

It a place called Bell-a-glen we go north once again to Abiele while here they decide that they will build stables for the horses for the winter with brick floors so a party of us were detailed to proceed to Ypres to pick out the good  bricks from among the ruins and load the waggons when they came up at night we used to do a bit of souvinir hunting in our spare time among the ruins it took us about

Page 21.

10 days before we had enough of bricks, when we had, we went back to our camp and got to work laying, there happened to be one tradesman among our lot so he was foreman we got on very well and it did not take us long to lay enough to accommodate 130 horses the funny part was we were just finished when we had to pack up and go down on the Somme again arriving at our destination after marching for 7 days.

Page 22.

A small party of us were sent straight out to be attached to the 4 Division to carry despatches to the various Bdges we were at this for 14 weeks not the best job in the world as the roads were very bad for the horses and we were very poorly fed 4 of us messing together and it was costing nearly 10/- a week for food that we could buy from canteens we were eventually relieved and given an easy job a long way

Page 23.

back from the line for a few weeks but we were soon back up again this time going to a place called Bayentin doing traffic duty we stayed at this place until they had an idea that the Germans were going to retreat we were all called in and stood by ready to move out very quick which eventually came in 17 Mar we got to the front line but it was too hot to send Mtd troops over so we retired

Page 24.

a mile and camped for the night sending a patrol over at 3 a.m.  they got through could only find a German here and there so they sent the rest of us then the way we covered the ground I thought we were going straight to Berlin but after we got out a bit we meet a M.G here and there so had to steady up so the officers said they were the only ones that did it was necessary

Page 25.

for some of the men to hold 56 horses and jerry very soon found out where we had them and came over attacking with G.G in aeroplane and one officer getting under a log and shouting out give it to him boys as some of the boys were shooting at him with rifles This was the first inkling that we got as regards the sort of officers we had over us the result was that the men would hardly take any notice

Page 26.

of them we were relieved by the 21st Battln just about sundown and went a little way back to where the wagons had come up to in the meantime with food for us and our poor horses who had not had a bite since daylight that morning and some of them had to do a lot of galloping especially those on patrol the cook made tea for us and I enjoyed it as I have never enjoyed as well before, we were

Page 27.

not left much to ourselves as we were turned out at 1 a.m. we were in the road of the Artillery firing so had to pack up and go further back getting nicely into bed in our new camp after putting down horse lines we were immediately turned out again as there was a patrol wanted and other duties as well another chap and myself being sent to the 6th Bdge to carry despatches for them to their Battlin a job that was more

Page 28.

interesting at some times that others we were kept firstly pretty busy we heard an awful explosion one night followed by a lot of bricks falling you would think that all the bricks that were ever made were all coming down at once of course we had to see what had happened and found that the Town Hall of Bapaume had been blown up with some of our own men in it the first mine of its kind to

Page 29.

explode on the Western Front my mate and I thought we were close enough as we were about 100 yds from it but were quite sure about it the next day when one went up 20 yds away and left our horses standing  just on the edge of the crater luckily for us most of the explosion went on the opposite side to us unlike the town hall this one only got 2 victims the other getting somewhere about 30 we were relieved a few

Page 30.

days after this and went back to our old camp for 10 days rest at the end of that time coming up again but we were of no use for patrols as by this time both sides were well dug in and strongly supported with Artillery we were not kept in the forward area long except a few staying to do a bit of despatch riding the rest of us going back to our old camp we stayed here a few weeks then shifting up north again and camping just out


 Rouget's Diary, Page 41


Page 31.

side of Harebroneh it was at this time that the Germans surprised everyone by shelling the latter town throwing the shell a little over 30 mls and putting his first in the town at 7 oclock in the evening of about the 15th Aug and we stayed in this until the first week in Sept then shifted to Ryvelt and from here detachments were sent out the various Divisions to be in readiness for the 20th of Sept the M.G's going into support on

Page 32.

air defenses the remainder were detailed as D.R's and a few small parties were to patrol fortunately the patrol that we were with never reached the front line as the officer got lost and it would have been too late for us to get over when he had found the way we returned to camp and were sent to carry despatches for the 2nd Div and remained at that till the infantry done the next stunt on Oct 4th as our horses

Page 33.

were getting poor with the extra work we were relieved and sent back to our Camp as it was now getting well on in the winter of 1917 we had to shift into stables at a place called Locre we were fairly comfortable here as there was a coal dump not far away and we used to buy potatoes from the farmers and cook them we also celebrated our 3rd Xmas away from home it was very good indeed and a credit to those who

Page 34.

bought the stuff and prepared the dinner we had a very good time indeed. We were not allowed to remain in this place very long, in the month of Jan we were sent to a Cavalry school on the Somme at a place 20 ml from Amiens called Longpre Les Corps Saints as we were the first Aus that were in this village we were treated very well. They told us that we were not trained enough

Page 35.

and had to be brought up to the same standards as the British soldiers were in the standing army both in the foot and mounted drill so we were given what they called intensive training personally I did not care too much about it after been at it for 3 yrs we were kept at the school for 4 weeks and then went back to our camp at Locre it was at this time that the Germans were expected to attack so it was our job to learn

Page 36.

every inch of the country in our sector so as to be able to fight a rearguard the enemy at this time doing a good deal of long shooting mainly on Bailuh the attack came eventually but on the Somme so we were rushed away down there to support the Battln if opportunity came, only a small party of one of the Squadrons getting a chance to do anything the remainder were riding over the country doing road reconnaissance

Page 37.

and learning the lay of the country as it was thought that the Germans would try to capture Amiens we also had the M Guns mounted every night as Fritz was pretty active with his planes, on the 8th Aug a lot of our men were sent to the Battln H.Q to carry despatches to the companys in the line the first time to my knowledge horses going into the front line while the infantry were attacking. On the 10 of Aug a party of us

Page 38.

were attached to the Gaison Force but they did not do a stunt, on the 18 of Aug a composite squadron done a charge the first on only time a bug bunch of our Regt went over fortunately the only opposition was field Artillery and they got off with few casualties from the 8 of Aug on till Oct 4th were given plenty to do as each Div required a certain number of mounted men and our Regt was the only one they could

Page 39.

get them from 1/2 a squadron of us were sent to the 5th Div when they were following the yanks in smashing the Hindenburg line the latter was not too good for a while as the Yanks went forward too quick and left a lot of Germans M Gunners behind who gave us a bit of trouble for the first day on one sector they could not advance at all so we were getting infalating fire from the Artillery for a few days After the

Page 40.

3rd day of it was not so bad for us except Fritz paid us a good deal of attention at night we were using his own tracer bullets on him so he used to get rid of his load and get back shortly after this we went back for a spell to Longpre les Ameins after resting about 4 weeks we received marching orders again by this time the line had

Page 41.

advanced a long way so far that we were riding for a few days before we could even hear the Guns, while riding along one morning cold and wet we were told by a Staff Officer that the Armistice had been signed.


So ends the story of Rouget's service. 



Hunter, DJ, My Corps Cavalry - A History of the 13th Australian Light Horse Regiment 1915-1918, Melbourne 1999.


Further Reading:

13th Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF

13th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920

Citation: 13th LHR, AIF,  13th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Rouget Account

Posted by Project Leader at 4:43 PM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 18 February 2010 9:01 PM EAST
9th LHR AIF War Diary, 26 May
Topic: AIF - 3B - 9 LHR

9th LHR, AIF

9th Light Horse Regiment

War Diary, 26 May

Pro Gloria et Honore - For Glory and Honour

Regimental March -  Marching Through Georgia



The following entries are extracted and transcribed from the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, the originals of which are held by the Australian War Memorial. There are 366 entries on this site. Each day has entries as they occurred from 1914 to 1919. In addition to the 9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary, when appropriate, entries from the 3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary and other regiments with the Brigade will also appear. Entries from the unit history, Darley, TH, With the Ninth Light Horse in the Great War, Adelaide, Hassell Press, 1924 will also appear from time to time. The aim is to give the broadest context to the story and allow the reader to follow the day to day activities of the regiment. If a relative happened to have served in the regiment during the Great War, then this provides a general framework in which the individual story may be told.


The Diary



Tuesday, May 26, 1914

See 4th Military District, South Australia for militia activities.



Wednesday, May 26, 1915

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Walkers Ridge
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary -
3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary - 6 men 8th Light Horse Regiment wounded in trenches Walker Hill.
HMS Majestic sunk Cape Helles by same submarine.

Carew Reynell Diary - No entry.



Friday, May 26, 1916
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Roadhead Serapeum
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Routine patrol work.
Training as usual.
Weather too hot for work during midday hours.



Saturday, May 26, 1917
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Tel el Marakeb
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - The General Officer in Command, Royston, Brigadier General JR, inspected the Regiment and expressed pleasure at the manner in which all the saddlery was cleaned.


Sunday, May 26, 1918
9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Auja Bridgehead defences
9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - Usual day and night patrols.
Nothing unusual occurred.



Monday, May 26, 1919

9th Light Horse Regiment Location - Tel el Kebir

9th Light Horse Regiment War Diary - 0700 Lawrence, Lieutenant H; and, 20 Other Ranks patrolled to Abu el Akdar and bivouacked for night in vicinity of Abu el Akdar.

Gibney, Lieutenant BE, proceeded to AIF Headquarters for pay duties.


Previous: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 25 May

Next: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 27 May



See: 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Contents
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy


Further Reading:

9th Light Horse Regiment AIF

Bert Schramm Diary

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 9th LHR AIF War Diary, 26 May

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 26 July 2010 10:06 AM EADT
Sunday, 25 May 2008
The Great War, Propaganda, Using Turkish Troops for Propaganda Purposes 2
Topic: GW - Propaganda

The Great War


Using Turkish Troops for Propaganda Purposes 2


 Propaganda leaflet dropped by air, late 1917.


To further illustrate the use of Turkish prisoners for British Propaganda purposes, here is another example.

The note basically says: Come on over fellows, I am having a great time being a POW.

This picture also demonstrates another issue. The lack of care in presentation of the subject. In this picture, the photographer made a classic error. I am not sure if it was intentional but it stands out like a wart and was sure to be picked up by the viewer.

Bear in mind that the written portion of this propaganda sheet was meant for a confined audience. The bulk of the readers were illiterate and thus the picture was the key source of the information. If the Allies got the picture wrong then the whole effect was destroyed.

This pic is taken in a wonderful bucolic setting to illustrate the luxurious life in an Egyptian POW camp. Flowing vines, comfort, clean clothes and a happy smile. These are all calculated to appeal to the heart strings of the average Mehmet who came from the peasantry. This was wealth beyond his personal belief and it was here for the taking and enjoyment, so long as he surrendered as a POW.

Now for the wart.


Enlargement of the first photograph.


Unfortunately standing close at hand was a British guard. Nothing like a dose of reality to spoil the image. This counters the previous message by saying - regardless of where you are in this camp, we will be watching you very carefully. For the poor Mehmet in the field, this was trading down from the Germans overlords to the British. Not much of a choice then.

There is little doubt that this sheet would have had any effect whatsoever except to raise the cynical smirk and then be used as toilet paper.



Further Reading:

The Great War, Propaganda

The Palestine Campaign

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1919


Citation: The Great War, Propaganda, Using Turkish Troops for Propaganda Purposes 2

Posted by Project Leader at 11:08 PM EADT
Updated: Monday, 26 July 2010 6:15 PM EADT
The Great War, Propaganda, Using Turkish Troops for Propaganda Purposes
Topic: GW - Propaganda

The Great War


Using Turkish Troops for Propaganda Purposes


 Propaganda leaflet dropped by air, late 1917.


There is no doubt that some of the more unseemly practices undertaken during the Great War led to the various conventions regarding the treatment of Prisoners of War, which we as a nation, adhere to through various treaties.

It is instructive to see the origins of these conventions.

One area of Allied propaganda was to exploit Turkish Prisoners of War for propaganda purposes. This was done ruthlessly by the Allied authorities.

After prisoners were captured, a select few would be given clean Egyptian Labour Corps uniforms complete with fez. Those who received the Turkish Gallipoli medal were still allowed to wear it on their uniform. These people were then given all the various paraphernalia attached to the good life as seen by the average Mehmet in the front line. Each person in the pic would "write" a note suggesting that thing were just dandy and their comrades should join them. The statement was then signed by the prisoner or if they were illiterate, a thumb print would be used.

After the photo shoot, thousands of the propaganda leaflets would be printed in their thousands on good quality highly bleached bonded paper of about 82gsm, a rarity in the war indicating to the Turks below that the Allies had money to burn. The air crews would then be assigned a trench sector and they would litter the area with paper. There was no quantitave study regarding the effectiveness of these exercises so no evidence exists as to the consequences of the constant barrage of this style of propaganda sapping morale or other reasons.

To illustrate the style of propaganda used, here is the first sample picture.

The comments signed by the men state the following:

We don't do anything but eat, drink and lie about, I am comfortable and in good health sir.
- Mehmed Haydar
We eat, drink, and lie about.
- Musa Ali
Not only am I comfortable, but they also look qfter me as my mother would.
- Abdurrahman Suleyman
I am in extraordinarily good health and comfortable, they look after me very well.
- Habib Receb
I eat, drink, and sit around sir.
- Mehmed Osman
My health is excellent and I not only am I comfortable, but we do not have any kind of difficulty whatsoever sir.
- Iskender Habib
I am quite comfortable, they look after me sir.
- Salih Mustafa


The things that jump out are:

1. There are seven men in this group photograph. You will notice that each person has written his own little piece and signed it.

2. For those struggling to see this, Ottoman Script is, like all Semitic Scripts, read from right to left. You will see a sentence, then a space and then some further words. These final words are in actuality the name of the POW. Those who were illiterate used a finger print to sign their name. Of course, next to their mark is their name.

3. On the left, you will see the man sitting down with Doumbek, a very common goblet like Turkish drum.

4. The next three fellows all are wearing what appears to be their Gallipoli medal indicating that they are seasoned veterans and definitely not cowards.

5. The fellow smoking the hookah pipe is illustrating that the life for the average Mehmet is far in excess of anything he could hope to endure in the army or even at their village. The use of the hookah is a symbol of wealth and leisure. The ordinary fellow in the field could only dream of sitting around smoking a hookah and shooting the breeze. And here, in a POW camp, everyone is able to smoke the hookah.

6. The fellow sitting to the extreme right is playing a Baglama Saz, again indicating wealth and leisure that is in the grasp of the average Mehmet who surrenders to the Allies. You will notice that the fellow is smoking a tailor made cigarette, another sign of affluence as most people who did smoke used rollies as tailor made ciggies were very pricey.

7. The fellows sitting around in their knitted singlets are indicating that everyone gets issued with underwear. But not only that, there are washing facilities to keep them clean and presentable.

All in all, these 7 men were recruited to assist in undermining their comrades morale to fight. We do not know the circumstances under which these pix and stories were made but I could bet that the good fortune displayed by all these people ended when the photo shoot ended.

It is activities such as this which tended to humiliate the men involved, not only for surrendering for whatever reason but to have their face and names dropped in the Turkish trenches, thereby putting their lives at great risk should they be recaptured by the Turks.

The role of humiliating and putting the life at risk was one of the key reasons why the conventions now prohibit the showing of POWs for triumphalist purposes. As bad as Saddam was, he had a point during the Iraq invasion when the faces of the mass of troops were shown surrendering. Very quickly the faces of the POWs were obscured by the press. It is the unbridled exploitation and humiliation of these prisoners that led to the conventions. Pictures like this were at the forefront in bringing these conventions to fruition.



Further Reading:

The Great War, Propaganda

The Palestine Campaign

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1919


Citation: Using Turkish Troops for Propaganda Purposes

Posted by Project Leader at 10:50 PM EADT
Updated: Monday, 26 July 2010 8:42 PM EADT

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