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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Saturday, 28 March 2009
Rhenoster Kop, South Africa, November 29, 1900
Topic: BatzB - Rhenoster

Rhenoster Kop

South Africa, 29 November 1900


Rhenoster Kop, an action during the Second South African War, fought on 29 November 1900 about 32 kilometres east of Pretoria. A British column commanded by Major-General A. Paget, comprising two infantry battalions, nine guns and a mounted brigade which included Australian Bushmen (from Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria) and New Zealand Mounted Rifles, attacked a 1,200 - strong commando with two guns led by General Ben Viljoen which had been harassing the railway line to Delagoa Bay. Although numerically weaker, the Boer main body of 650 men occupied a strong defensive position atop a crescent-shaped line of kopjes (hills) covered with rocks and small bushes. The feature-known generally as Rhenoster Kop after the highest point on the south-western end-gave a commanding view of the northern approach over a wide open slope, while deep ravines on both flanks restricted the scope for attacks from these quarters.

Paget marched out at 4 a.m. to begin the action with a frontal infantry assault across hundreds of metres of' flat grassy ground against the Boers' left and centre. This movement was soon stalled by the enemy's fire. On the infantry's left, the Queenslanders and New Zealanders also went into action in a dismounted role-the latter reaching within 400 metres of Boer positions. At the far end of this flank were the Victorians and West Australians, who advanced on foot under the covering fire of a British field battery. This enabled them to secure a rocky ridge opposite the far right end of the enemy's line, but they were prevented from making further progress by deep ravines across their front; the bulk of the Bushmen were-like the rest of the British force engaged along a front of more than six kilometres-pinned down on the open veldt.

The stalemate which had been reached by 7.30 a.m. lasted for the next twelve hours, with the attacking troops forced to remain in their exposed positions under a glaring hot sun while suffering great thirst. At 7 p.m. part of the Boer force under Vecht-General C.H. Müller launched an unsuccessful hour-long counter-attack against the New Zealanders, whose gains were closest to the enemy. Thereafter the troops worked under the cover of darkness to begin digging trenches, aiming to make their positions more secure when the fight resumed next morning. This effort proved to be pointless, as when dawn arrived it was found that the Boers had abandoned the fight and safely withdrawn. In this action - the last pitched battle of its kind during the war - the Boers had suffered 31 casualties and a few men captured, compared to British losses totalling 85, (30 of whom were among the mounted troops).

Extracted from the book produced by Chris Coulthard-Clark, Where Australians Fought - The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1998, p. 88.


Additional References cited by Chris Coulthard-Clark:

L.S. Amery, (ed.) The Times History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902, Vol. 4 (1906), London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co.

History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902, Vol. 3 (1908), London. 

R.L. Wallace (1976) The Australians at the Boer War, Canberra: Australian War Memorial & Australian Government Publishing Service.


Further Reading:

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Rhenoster Kop, South Africa, November 29, 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 11:01 PM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 5 April 2009 11:48 AM EADT
Es Salt, Palestine, April 30 to May 3, 1918
Topic: BatzJ - Es Salt

Es Salt

Palestine, 30 April - 3 May 1918


Es Salt, an Arab village 23 kilometres west of Amman, Palestine, which became the scene for heavy fighting between British and Turkish forces on 30 April-3 May 1918. The village had been seized before by British troops, during the raid on Amman (q.v.) a month earlier, but possession had been relinquished following the failure of that operation. This second large-scale sortie was launched because the commander of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, General Sir Edmund Allenby, wished to use the plateau on which Es Salt stood as the launching point for a movement against the vital railway junction town of Deraa. Command of the operation was given to Lieut.-General Sir Harry Chauvel, who had available both the Australian Mounted Division Major-General Henry Hodgson) and Anzac Mounted Division (Major-General Edward Chaytor), along with the 60th (London) Division.

Using the British infantry to attack eastwards into the foothills of Tel Nimrin, above the bridgehead held around the Ghoraniye crossing on the Jordan, Chauvel sent two light horse brigades of Hodgson's division north up the east bank of the river to seize the crucial crossing at Jisr ed Damieh, nineteen kilometres north-west of Es Salt, and prevent the movement of Turkish reinforcements from Nablus. While the 4th Brigade remained to hold this position, the other (the 3rd) was ordered to turn its attention down the track from Damieh to Es Salt itself. Another of Hodgson's brigades following along behind, the British 5th Mounted, was to turn east at an earlier track - at Umm esh Shert and by this parallel route also make for Es Salt. With the town captured, the plan called for one of Hodgson's brigades and one of Chaytor's (the 2nd Light Horse, which had been sent around the southern flank) to advance down from Es Salt into the rear of the Turkish positions opposing the 60th Division.

Initially the operation went perfectly, and by the evening of 30 April Es Salt had been seized after a brilliant fight. Thereafter serious difficulties arose which brought the plan undone. The 4th Brigade, left to guard the Damieh crossing, came under heavy pressure from the Turks early on the morning of I May and was forced back-thereby allowing some of the enemy to advance towards Es Salt and into the rear of the light horsemen holding the town. Although the Australians were reinforced by some regiments of New Zealanders and British yeomanry, the defenders were forced to give still further ground, during which nine British guns were lost to the enemy. Although the threat to the left flank of the 60th Division's advance was thus checked, the infantry were themselves making little progress during repeated attacks against the Turkish defenders in the foothills, nor could the mounted brigades moving against the rear of the enemy positions make any headway.

With the tide of battle against him, Chauvel decided on 3 May to withdraw. Not only was the enemy being strongly reinforced, but co-operation promised by elements of the Arab army raised in rebellion against the Turks had failed to materialise. Again, the retreat was complicated by a mass of refugees which came away from Es Salt with the troops and caused congestion along the roads. The operation had cost Chauvel's mounted brigades 50 killed, 278 wounded and 37 men missing; the infantry had suffered another 1,116 casualties. Apart from more than 1,000 taken prisoner, the Turks were estimated to have lost over 1,500 in killed and wounded. Despite this balanced outcome, the sortie had clearly been a failure, although it did have a valuable outcome in encouraging the enemy to believe (wrongly) that Allenby's next stroke was also planned for this area.

Extracted from the book produced by Chris Coulthard-Clark, Where Australians Fought - The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1998, pp. 145-146.


Additional References cited by Chris Coulthard-Clark:

H.S. Gullett (1944) The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine, Sydney Angus & Robertson


Further Reading:

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Es Salt, Palestine, April 30 to May 3, 1918

Posted by Project Leader at 11:01 PM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 5 April 2009 12:14 PM EADT
The First Battle of Morlancourt, France, 28 - 30 March 1918, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzWF - Westn Front

The First Battle of Morlancourt

France, 28 - 30 March 1918


Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the AIF known to have given their lives during the First Battle of Morlancourt, France, 28 - 30 March 1918.


Roll of Honour


The First Battle of Morlancourt, France, 28 March 1918, Roll of Honour

The First Battle of Morlancourt, France, 29 March 1918, Roll of Honour

The First Battle of Morlancourt, France, 30 March 1918, Roll of Honour


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

The First Battle of Morlancourt, France, 28 - 30 March 1918, Contents

The First Battle of Morlancourt, France, 28 - 30 March 1918, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The First Battle of Morlancourt, France, 28 - 30 March 1918, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 28 March 2011 8:35 AM EADT
The First Battle of Dernancourt, France, 28 March 1918, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzWF - Westn Front

The First Battle of Dernancourt

France, 28 March 1918


Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the AIF known to have given their lives during the First Battle of Dernancourt, France, 28 March 1918.


Roll of Honour


Frederick James ALLEN, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 28 March 1918

Charles ANDERSON, 4th Machine Gun Company, 28 March 1918

Edward John ANDREWS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John Thomson ARNOT, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Norman Leo AVERY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Terence James BAKER, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Philip James BALL, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Alfred Anthony BARBER, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Henry William BAXTER, 19th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

William James BAXTER, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George BEATTIE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George Alfred BELDEN, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Morton Ernest BESWICK, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Arthur BONSER, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Leo Phillip BOROWSKI, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Lawrence Rheuben BOUTLE, 41st Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edwin Leslie BRIGGS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Richard Gaffney BROWN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Thomas Ernest BYERS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Walter Leslie CAMPBELL, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

William CAMPBELL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Norman Samuel CAREY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George Robert CARRUTHERS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Reginald Claude CATTON, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Charles William CHICK, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Bruce Graham CLARKE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Frederick CLEMENTS, 12th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

William Frank CLOAK, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edwin Daniel COLLINGS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Patrick Augustine CROWE, 14th Field Artillery Brigade, 28 March 1918


Francis John DAVIES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Ernest William DAVIS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Leslie Charles DENNIS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Wilfred John DIXON, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George Harold DORE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Ronald Owen DRANEY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Henry EAMES, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Eustace Erol EELES, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Thomas Hampton ELLIOT, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Frank Clifford ELLIS, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Phillip John ESMONDE, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Albert William EVANS, 19th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


David Victor FINIMORE, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Affleck Ferguson FLETCHER, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Frank Edward FLOYD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

James William FREW, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

William Edwin FULTON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

James Henry Benson FURR, 6th Field Company Engineers, 28 March 1918


Alexander Jack GALE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Athol GARNER, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Jack GARNOM, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Anthony GARRAHY, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Gregory James GIBSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Robert GILVEAR, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Frederick George GLASSENBURY, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Charles Montague GOLDSMITH, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Arthur James GRAHAM, 14th Field Ambulance, 28 March 1918

Joseph GRANGE, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

William Edward Kemp GRUBB, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Christopher GUDGEON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Cecil Lisle HALL, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

William HALL, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Walter Maxmillian HARRIS, 27th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John Henry HARRIS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John Henry HARRISON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Theophilus Trenvil HAYES, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John HENDERSON, 41st Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Sidney HENDRY, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George John HENRY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George Stanley HENRY, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Walter HIGGINS, 28th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Stafford HIGGINS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Walter Thomas HOWATSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edgar Ellis HUDSON, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Charles HULL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Richard HUME, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Thomas HUNTER, 42nd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Walter JENNER, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edmond Woodward JOHNSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Isaac Samuel James JONES, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John JONES, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Frank Sidney KEABLE, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 28 March 1918

Lionel Edwin KELLY, 16th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John KELLY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Mervyn William KELTY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Robert KIDDLE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Charles Edward KING, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Eric George KINGSTON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Thomas Michael KINNERK, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 28 March 1918

Percy Edward KIRBY, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Phillip John KIRKPATRICK, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Frederick William LANE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Samuel Robert LANG, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Walter LAURIE, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Eric Tilson LEADBETTER, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Walter George LEEDING, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John Allan LESEBERG, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Christopher LITTLE, 43rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John Alexander LITTLEWOOD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Hector Charles Warwick LONG, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Ronald David LONGMUIR, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

James Oliver LUGTON, 14th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Daniel LYNCH, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Richard MARTIN, 4th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Robert Ambrose MCCULLOUGH, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Angus Archibald MCDONALD, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

James MCNALLY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Hugh Lyell MILBOURNE, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Frederick Alfred MOORE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John Herbert MORLEY, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

James Walter MORRIS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Victor Lionel MURPHY, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Frederick Alexander NAYLOR, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Arthur NICHOLLS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

William NICOL, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Christian Valentine NOMMENSEN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Stanley Gordon O'BRIEN, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Robert John O'LEARY, 24th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

David William ORCHARD, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Edward James PARRISH, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Andrew Henderson PEEBLES, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Thomas Gould PENDLEBURY, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Patrick PETHERBRIDGE, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Valdemar Natanael PETTERSSON, 16th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Joseph John PHELAN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Arthur Raymond Benjamin PIERCE, 41st Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Philip John PINEL, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Frederick William PRATCHETT, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edward PRICE, 1 Division Australian Motor Transport Company, 28 March 1918

Arthur PRINCE, 48th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


David Henry QUINLAN, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Rubin Cameron RADFORD, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Harold Valentine RAYMOND, 12th Field Artillery Brigade, 28 March 1918

Thomas Francis REID, 35th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George Richard REYNOLDS, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George Frederick RICHARDS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edward Augustus ROBERTS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edward Winstanley ROBERTSON, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Ernest Victor ROBINS, 2nd Tunnelling Company, 28 March 1918

William RONALD, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George ROOKE, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

James Thomas ROUGHLEY, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Christopher James RYAN, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Colin Gordon SALMON, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Charles Edward SALMON, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edward SARGEANT, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Leonard SCRIBBINGS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Richard William SHEPHARD, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Harry Thomas SIMMONS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Leslie SIMS, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John SLOAN, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Percy SMITH, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Bert SMITH, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Richard SPEARING, 14th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Hugh Corneil SPEERING, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Norman Percy STEEL, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

David Robert STEPHEN, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edward William STEVENS, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Eric Thomas STEVENS, 4th Machine Gun Battalion, 28 March 1918

William Jefferson SUMMERFIELD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Tom TAPP, 49th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Joseph TAYLOR, 15th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Charles Gordon TAYLOR, 37th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Alexander TAYLOR, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Andrew Alexander TENNANT, 13th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

James Sutter TERRAS, 45th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Frederick George THOMAS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

William Herbert TILLEY, 23rd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Henry Claude TILYARD, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Stanley TUKE, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George Andrew TURNBULL, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Alfred Joseph VICKERS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


John WARFIELD, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Edward James WELLS, 44th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Sydney Ernest WEST, 46th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Roy WILSON, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Allan Alexander WINKS, 47th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Arthur WOODHEAD, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

Albert John WOOLCOCK, 2nd Tunnelling Company, 28 March 1918

Ernest Ralph WOOLNOUGH, 27th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

George Simon WRIGHT, 40th Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918

John WRIGHT, 41st Infantry Battalion, 28 March 1918


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

The First Battle of Dernancourt, France, 28 March 1918, Contents

The First Battle of Dernancourt, France, 28 March 1918, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The First Battle of Dernancourt, France, 28 March 1918, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 28 March 2011 7:46 AM EADT
Midshipman Cymberline Alonso Edric Huddart
Topic: BatzB - Graspan

The Battle of Graspan

Midshipman Cymberline Alonso Edric Huddart 


Midshipman Cymberline Alonso Edric Huddart

[From: Sydney Mail, 13 January 1900, p. 89.]


During the Battle of Graspan, the first Australian to fall in the Boer War was Midshipman Cymberline Alonso Edric Huddart.  

Born in 1881, the son of James Huddart, of Eastbourne. The family moved to Ballarat. From here in 1895, at the age of 14, Huddart entered service with the Royal Navy and entered the "Britannia". During training he was selected as one of the two Chief Captains of Cadets. Huddart did very well during his training and his seniority was such that on passing out in June 1897, he joined the "St. George” on the Cape Station as midshipman.

Huddart remained on the "St. George” until the return to Britain  at the conclusion of Admiral Rawson’s tour of the Cape. When in Britain, Huddart was transferred to the "Doris".

At the outbreak of the Boer War and the resulting siege at Kimberly, a naval brigade commanded by Captain Prothero was formed as part of the Kimberley Relief Force. Huddart was selected as Prothero's acting Aide de Camp. 

At Graspan, according to the despatch of  Lieutenant General Lord Methuen, 26 November 1899, Huddart is stated to have

"behaved magnificently and still advanced aftet he had been twice wounded, until he was finally struck down mortally wounded."

The wounds he received that day at Graspan, 25 November 1899 proved to be mortal and died the same night at the Enslin hospital. The following day, Huddart was buried close to the hospital.

The events and circumstances surrounding his death was of such interest that even Queen Victoria ordered a copy of Huddart's picture with details of his service and his last hours. At the end of the war, Huddart was one of six Boer War recipients of the Conspicuous Service Cross, receiving that award posthumously on 2 July 1901. 


Further Reading:

Graspan, South Africa, November 25, 1899

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Midshipman Cymberline Alonso Edric Huddart

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 6 April 2009 10:10 PM EADT

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